Bernie's Wet Stories 1

Bernie's Wet Stories 1

Michelangelo Buonarroti ||


Bernie's Wet Stories 1

    Easy erotica from Marilyn Monroe.

Alan Snyder puts on Marilyn Monroe makeup on the set of Make Love. 1960 

     Republicans burn in Miami, 1968.

Tina Turner, Mick Jagger, Madonna, Bob Dylan - behind the scenes of Live Aid, 1985

  Rose McGowan and Marilyn Manson, 1999

          Hugh Hefner in his youth.

There's nothing we can do. Bernie always remembers the 1988 and the stage of the Cannes Film Festival, he says he sat there and looked at the European politician Ilona Staller, better known to us as the diva Cicciolina. She was dressed only in a transparent jacket, held on a pair of ribbons. In the hands of Cicciolina was a teddy bear pink and it excited Bernie, at least it looks like him . 

Erotic photo masterpieces of unknown women whose names Bernie does not call our interviewers 👇

    Catherine zetta Jones, playboy, 2000s.

Bernie got carried away as always ingeniously. 

Model and actress Victoria Silvstedt, 2003

Scuba diving in Vicky Wachi Springs, Florida, 1955.

Donna Edmondson, 90s.

Nude photo shoot with Gene Gentle, January 1980 . 

It's The Imhotep for the Commodore 64! Oh, don't let you play in any century quietly.

U.S. Army nurse Amy Stewart and her teddy bear. Gulf War, 1991.

    Raquel Welch, 70s.

🌎💉 It is important to remember the place of COVID-19 in the history of global pandemics. We have good reason not to trust this farce/ tragicomedy COVERS 19 , we look at the official statistics, and in it for 0.035% of the world population that has left our world, but fortunately #COVID19 is not deadly like some previous pandemics. 

On the other hand, what world governments have done in response to this pandemic is a complete disaster and a crime. The closure of businesses, schools, gyms, churches, etc. has never stopped the spread of the virus. The locks didn't work, but they were extremely harmful. 

Governments and corporations holding the basic freedoms of citizens hostage in exchange for vaccine passports will make a dystopian nightmare a reality, Friends. 

Can you imagine how much freedom governments would take if #COVID19 was one of the 15 deadliest pandemics in history? 

     They'd take everything from you!

Bill and Hillary Clinton play volleyball, 1975.

Jane Birkin, 1972.

A dancer at a Beirut nightclub performing in a special aquarium, 1966.

💉 retail giants Walmart and Sam's Club said they will join international efforts to provide people with standardized digital vaccination data, which is already being done by all sorts of major medical centers and technology giants including Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce, Cerner, Epic Systems, Mitre Corporation and Mayo Clinic.

"Walmart is the first large-scale vaccine administrator to provide people with a safe and verifiable record of their vaccinations," said Paul Meyer, executive director of the Commons Project Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Geneva that has developed health passport applications. . "We think many others will follow."

Julius Martin Schwab (born March 30, 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany) is the founder of the World Marxist Elite Crime Circle, which has been dubbed the economic forum in the mountain ski resort of Davos since 1971.


Back in December 2020, before the Davos 2021 forum, the Vatican entered into a partnership agreement with a "Council for Inclusive Capitalism." With such headlines on December 8 and 9 published publications in various media. In fact, the Council for Inclusive Capitalism is a Vatican project that is supported on a reciprocal basis by large financial organizations, including the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Ford and others.

The idea of creating such a council arose after the Global Forum in Rome in 2016, where the pontiff also spoke and representatives of major global companies were present.

The board includes firms such as IBM, Lenovo, EY, Mastercard, Dupont, Allianz SE, TIAA, State Street Corporation and many others with U.S. registration.

The board was joined by Bank of America, BP, Johnson and Johnson, Salesforce and a number of others in the Fortune 500 in December. 

Are you suffering governments and peoples, dudes?

Your board website states that you manage $10.5 trillion, 2.1 trillion is the market capitalization of participating companies, and the organization represents 200 million workers in 163 countries.

At the top of the pyramid of the council is a governing structure called "guardians." One such "guardian" is Bank of America CEO Brian Moynichen. In his view, "capitalism exists to do the right thing if it is managed accordingly." In total, there are 27 such "guardians." Here is a very interesting "coincidence": in Freemasonry the 27th degree is the "Power Chief of the Temple." When ordained, it is explained that the new members of this level must defend their doctrines and principles, as well as monitor the implementation of the orders issued by the highest ranks of the Order. In addition, it is assumed that the Freemasons of the 27th degree are a kind of judges who have the right to place power even over governments and peoples.

Alex Gorsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Johnson and Johnson, is also among the "guardians"; Angel Gurria, Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Alfred Kelly, Chairman of Visa Inc.; California Treasurer Fiona Ma; Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation; well-known investor and manager Mark Weinberger.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who is the founder of the board and managing partner of Inclusive Capital Partners, also spoke at the presentation, saying that "this advice will follow Pope Francis' warning to heed the "cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor" and respond to society's demands for a fairer and more sustainable growth model." 

Davos, Guardians, Bilderberg Club are the only decisions of the world behind the scenes.

The section on the council's guidelines states that an approach is needed that provides:

Equality of opportunity for all people to achieve prosperity and quality of life, regardless of criteria such as socio-economic origin, gender, ethnicity, religion or age;

Fair results for those who have the same opportunities and use them equally;

- Intergenerational equity, so that one generation does not overload the planet and does not receive the short-term benefits that entail long-term costs at the expense of future generations;

Fairness to those members of society whose circumstances prevent them from fully participating in the economy.

The declared goals are strikingly reminiscent of those that the order of "free masons" does not hide from society, and exposes almost flaunt. However, if some analogies with Freemasonry have an indirect character, then with another powerful force of the world scale - globalists - they are the most direct. Such statements about the need for fairness and allocation of resources can be found in those structures, which often include the same people - this Davos Forum, Bilderberg, etc. So there is no need to be under any illusions about the intentions of the leadership and this council.

The vatican's presence clearly explains the concern of the pope and general officials in awareness of virology and healing. The Vatican has de facto become the religious roof of this fake with pressure on religious grounds and we see it perfectly and fix everything. . It is enough for us now to recall the positive attitude of the head of the Vatican to sodomites and his statements on this matter.

We hope, Friends, you now understand what the "post-#COVID19 Treaty" is about, and to which they are asking the whole world to join. Does anyone think that the Marxist Swabian "Great Reboot" has already ended? 

Let's be frank with you reader. We are sick 🤮 from these communist faces. 

        🛑🚸⚠️👇 +18 ✋ 🛑 👇⚠️


[ 🚸 📵 The material below refers to our editorial classification as a genre of political heavy eroticism and is intended for persons strictly over 18 years of age. The editorial board strongly recommends not to open to people suffering from nervous disorders, pregnant and impressionable people . Thank you for following our rules ⚠️ ] 


      ⚠️🌎NWO included turbo mode. 

It is amazing how blind ordinary people and people in chairs, professing in our country of boilerplant panic. Right now, the actors of the New World Order" pressed the turbo button. 

Think of world war ii, Friends. 

It's the same thing. 

They cause a great global crisis to realize their agenda through treaties and create hegemony. Why people can't see the same play in it is amazing for us. It is as clear as the fact that tomorrow the sun will rise again. 

Global - Kagal.

Von der Leyen: "Europe must prepare for the era of pandemics"

Paedophile Gates: "Let's prepare for pandemics as wars"

💉Why the reputation is nothing, you can speak at a press conference in Downing Street and tell us erotic dreams 🛌 Boris. By the way, these are two obvious misunderstandings for the UK, and this balding man, by misunderstanding became a doctor. And yes, Friends, we have more than two such creatures in every country for sure...

Conspiracy theorists were considered something perfectly normal until the 1960s. It wasn't until 1967 that the CIA's U.S. secret service coined the term "conspiracy theory" for its purposes, as it was supposed to be a tool of psychological warfare. The term itself has been in use since 1881, but it was not used and was instrumentalized until 1967. The terms of psychological warfare are now commonly used in all publications in the media and on the Internet, and special think tanks in the intelligence services are responsible for creating such words and phrases used as universal weapons.

In April 1967, the CIA published a report outlining ways to combat views that differed from the official government position or even proved otherwise. All these messages and individuals must be discredited by these methods. As I said, the term "conspiracy theory" is a psychological operation of misinformation. The CIA report was first published in 1976 by the New York Times under the American Freedom of Information Act, which called the events a conspiracy theory because you want to prevent the publication of news about dangerous or secret events abroad. Any discussion of collusion should be terminated immediately, so it was decided to investigate as if they had already been completed. Thus, all critics should be without grounds for their demands. Any further public discussion on topics called conspiracy theories would only serve to confirm this. The report should always point out that conspiracy theories are generated by extremely dangerous people who want to promote.

Another method of attacking conspiracy theorists is book reviews and repetitive media reports that are specifically used to defame and distort what has been said. The CIA report notes that such reviews and articles should always state that conspiracy theorists make their claims before there is evidence that they are politically motivated, that authors have a purely financial interest, that they make incorrect inaccurate conclusions to extract from their research, or that they are passionate about their invented theories.

In public discussions, never mention a particular critic or author or publication by name. Instead, it should always be said that there is no new information on a particular topic. Rather than questioning those directly affected, only a few credible eyewitnesses should be questioned. Conspiracy theorists, according to the report, often develop a form of intellectual pride in their theories, breaking that pride by asking questions that the person concerned can't or can't answer. Subsequently, an official account is created that gives the impression of a more thorough and objective incarnation than the work of a "conspiracy theorist". They should be better works of critics or conspiracy theorists. These methods should prevent disbelief from news published by the Government. Government crimes should be covered in this way, and anyone who tries to expose them is called a conspiracy theorist. That's what we were able to see in person around the world in 2020-2021. Generally speaking, the criminal community (OPG) of the special operation Corona 👑 has not come up with anything new. They are so hopelessly stupid and talentless that they copied Rockefeller's Loxtep one-in-one without guessing that Rockefeller's terrorist work was written long before modern communications were available and reliably obsolete for use. And you criminal decided to use this approach today, now having dumped the sick head on the healthy with a "conspiracy theory". 

Jen Psaki is the founder of Evergreen Consulting

Jen Psaki is a veteran of three presidential campaigns, described by The New York Times as an "unflappable and good-natured person" to the media during various crises of the campaign and The Obama presidency. She served as White House communications director during the last two years of Obama's tenure as U.S. president, was one of his top advisers on domestic, national and political issues, previously served as press secretary at the State Department, was a senior strategist for the Secretary of State and the Department of Communications as a tool for diplomacy and, according to the Supreme Court voter website. Created by Democrats and their supporters to fight Trump, as outlined in the "About Us" website, attention is the founder of Evergreen Consulting. 

Total we have: 

🔹Evergreen Consulting is a consulting firm dedicated to wholesale distribution channels: "... we help increase the profitability of our customers by using a holistic approach to margin optimization (strategic pricing) and customer profitability analysis (service cost)..... 

🔹There Hillary Clinton's pedophile circle, as it became known from the leaked email network - Evergreen. 

🔹Indition of the Clinton-Evergreen Secret Service.

🔹Sw on board the super-container supply chain that broke for several days.

🔹There on a truck carrying a shipping container that caused a traffic jam on the highway at Changchun Shenzhen in Nanjing, China, on March 27, when a traffic jam in Suez had not yet been cleared - Evergreen.

🔹Mu the recruiter of a friend eugenic Gates, who manages with China WHO, paedophile Epstein Yislen Maxwell Scott Borgerson is the CEO of the marine analytical company CargoMetrics (the company studies and analyzes the logistics and movement of shipping containers), which could calculate how much need to hold the "stopper" to further implement their agenda.

The body of mystical analysis of events, when it comes to the global agenda, where the initiated "pandemic of the coven" which is more important part of it, the base, and without which it is impossible to reformat the world under eugenics-Satanists and other neo-Marxist fascist swaggers and swabbs.

And remember, they want to break the World from below, and for this one blocking measures against the flu-like couid with a survival of more than 99% is not enough, you need another, but already really dangerous virus and need hunger, which without total, global breakdown of supply chains is impossible.

Perhaps, for those who do not understand what is happening in the world, there could be at least something to clarify the exemplary words of the member of the Trilateral Commission, the Commission on the formation of the New World Order, Richard Gardner, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, published in the April 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relations in an article titled "The Hard Road to World Order where he bluntly says that breaking the World Order should be "BOTTOM"

Idiots:- children ice cream 🍧, baba flowers 💐 

From April 1 to 11 completely closed Vienna (Austria 🇦🇹) including a 24 hour curfew for Easter. The result is a panic buying up of food and empty shelves again. There hasn't been such a thing in Europe since World War II, and hello - on the same rake.

If you ask us why?

To ruin medium and small businesses. You prevent them from implementing the introduction of military communism on your territory. And it is also a failure of food supplies and in general everything, including the problems of farmers. Scott's mass slaughter in the plans of terrorists from the Ethiopian Gates WHO . They are already trying to implement the swine flu agenda 2:0 . Attempts to resuscitate this scenario we have already recorded.

The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010

The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 They hypothesize a simulated global outbreak required steps, various phases, overall timelines, and expected outcomes. This was posited in the Rockefeller Lockstep 2010: • Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan.

⚠️💉🇺🇸Tenses in Central Florida fell ill with COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated🤦🏻 ♂️

In Florida, in the Orlando area, something difficult to understand and surreal is happening due to vaccination. 

Fully vaccinated people who have taken two doses of the vaccine, after a while fall ill with the ones from which they were vaccinated. These incidents have already been called "breakthrough" cases. Covid infection occurs more than 14 days after the second vaccination.

According to Graham Holdings' ClickOrlando, "these cases are occurring across the country, including in Central Florida." Thus, 27-year-old Hannah Reverts, a physical therapist, has been tested for #COVID19 at least once a week since the beginning of the pandemic.

"You know, I was in shock," Reverts told News 6, who just days ago received her first positive covid test, despite being fully vaccinated with the vaccine, "I immediately said, "This must be a false positive conclusion." It can't be."

Numerous covid tests have confirmed the covid. She said she was shocked because she was fully vaccinated. According to her vaccine card, as a medical worker, Reverts received her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine in December 2020. The second dose was made three weeks later, in January. More than two months after the second vaccination, she contracted the covid.

"So it's just very strange," said Reverts, who is among the people whose type is constantly growing, infected with covid, despite full vaccination.

Earlier this month, the Minnesota Department of Health released a medical report saying that it, along with a CDC run by Gates' friend Conman Fauci, it was investigating cases of #COVID19 covid infection among people who were "properly vaccinated," which it called "breakthrough vaccination cases." 

According to emails from each county, the Florida Department of Health in Volusia County has six documented "breakthrough" cases, in Sumter County , six, and Lake County have 26 cases, 

"It's possible because there's no perfect vaccine," commented Pfizer-based phyl-love with experimental couid vaccines, Dr. Timothy Hendricks of Advent Health, stressing that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are 95% effective, "The good news is that for a very small number of people who can get infected, less than 5% chance of a serious disease is close to zero. The only thing you should know is that every vaccine approved at the moment is very effective in preventing one major endpoint: hospitalization and death." 

However, Reverts says something that makes Hendrix's words insignificant. In addition to her, three other members of her family, who were also fully vaccinated, contracted the covid. 

"One of my family members did get to the hospital," Reverts said, "I mean, it's serious enough to start worrying about the vaccine."

It's very strange for us to hear what the researchers are trying to figure out and who these researchers 🧑 🔬. They try to look for 🔦 black cat 🐈 ⬛ in a dark room 👇 Tests is part of the plan 👇

Why does electronics need so much land? 

Monopolization of artificial food production to reduce fertility and reduce life expectancy. We are dealing with real maniacs and mass murderers, not worse and even more effective than Adolf Hitler. 

 🇺🇸American doctors say that people who call themselves doctors have no right to speak, they talk about fear and intentionally create panic.

CDC spokesperson Scam Fauci warns that there will be "imminent death" as cases of #COVID19's coumatics grow again: 

"We have so much to expect, so much hope and potential... And there's so much hope, but right now I'm so scared," CDC director Fauci Valenski said of the survival virus, according to the office where she works.

This👆 is exactly the case, Friends, when a person has never heard what a reputation is.

EVERGREEN and traffic jam in the Suez Canal

"... markets that will lead to lower interest rates. Conversely, if the time of circulation for any reason is increased (for example, the Suez Canal will be closed), "additional capital will have to be received from the money market"; and if this is widespread, it could "put pressure on the money market", by which Marx seems to imply that additional demand for monetary capital, all things being equal, will lead to higher interest rates (358-9). This will have some impact on the supply and demand of cash capital..."

Recall, the role of Karl Marx the Bolshevik party gave the young actor a shaved naked head founder of the WEF Schwab😂

💉 Officials behave worse than monkeys, only copying the image of man and his actions ... 👇

🇺🇸In the U.S., fear of God has been replaced by fear of a state that preaches medical fascism and segregation

% of Church membership rate among American adults under 50 years

Epstein's black book and some famous names: 

Leslie Wexner, former New Mexico Gov. Bruce King, former New Mexico governor and Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson, Peter Soros (nephew of George Soros) LinkedIn co-founder Reed Hoffman, Elon Musk and Mark zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Larry Summers, Steve Bannon, Alec Baldwin, David Blaine, Tony Blair, Michael Bloomberg, Richard B. John Clyese, Duke and Duchess of York, Rafe Fiennes, George Hamilton, Dustin Hoffman, John Egger, Liz Harley, Mick Jagger, Andrew Cuomo, Kissinger, David Koch, Simon Lebon, Courtney Love, Ruppert Murdoch, several Rothschilds, Kevin Spacey, Serena Williams, Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak, David Rockefeller

The page with the "B" letter includes the name of the former Renault team leader Flavio Briatore, who is banned for the rest of his life from participating in Formula One activities. 

44 1608 678 000 (w) 44 1608 678 804 (f} Email: navio.bri-alore@uk.renaul fHm)Renault Fl Ltd. (W) Enstone

(44 7785 3v7 306 (pj q441491 639 610 (h q44 7831 675 888 Rozzel's assistant ass Flavio)

(44 1491 638 012 /hf)


+44 7785 307 306 Erner 

Also circled is Jean Luke Brunell, Epstein's top aide, who helped him. According to some reports, he is one of the main so-called "model agents" - the head of the model agency MC2, and also has some incomprehensible ties with Israel. 

Epstein's "Black Book" ends with handwritten notes purportedly "deceased" where he has already personally recorded the numbers of some phones with names, "important e-mail" (his and his assistant agent Mossad Maxwell), the phone above mentioned Brunnel with the name of some model and with different phones and other.

Interesting name from Epstein's book, and to be precise, from the flight log of his plane "Lolita Express" on which he took his high-ranking clients to the island for joy.

We are talking about a participant in the educational process in, as many guessed, the Ivy League, about the former president of Harvard (1984-1987)) and the dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Henry Rosovsky, who the day before Epstein's suicide on August 9, 2019 flew to him on Utech Island. Epstein (let's not say "suicide" because of the apparent controversy of the allegation) resigned and was released from the subpoena the next day - August 10.

If you ask me about the reason for his trip to the island while the owner of the island is in a New York prison, then I have three answers to this question.

First, he could go to the island for those, as if "from old memory" or feeling a certain breakdown. Secondly, he could visit the island to destroy possible traces of his stay, which he could have left there during his apparently frequent visits. And thirdly, that more likely or, as they say, haili lykley, he came and had fun and clean.

Vaccination tricks. 30 dirty tricks used to deceive society. 

The article was written in 1994 and addressed to the people of the United States, now it is more than relevant to the whole World 🗺 Only the list of tricks added new. For example, one of the most recent innovations is that any mention of vaccines on social networks, other than praising their absolute benefit and safety, is censored by the administration of social networks. If a community has published information that expresses the slightest doubt about the effectiveness or safety of vaccines (even if they are scientifically sound, or if people actually get a complication after vaccination), the community is flagged that this community may contain inaccurate information that may be dangerous to your health. Also, this community is excluded from the search system of this social network. In other world, vaccines can be talked about either well or nothing. This is the "miracle product" - vaccines.

Is society being manipulated? 30 tactics doctors use to deceive the people

Quotes About The American Medical Association (AMA)

They are going to push us as far as possible, and then they are just going to screw us." -Federal Healthcare Task Force Member, Time, (September 20, 1993), p. 61. 61. The American Medical Association, since 1975, has channelled somewhere in the vicinity of $75 million into its own political action committee, the American Medical Political ...

Federal Healthcare Task Force Member, Time (September 20, 1993), p. 61.

Each doctor would rather allow a colleague to kill all the locals than break the bonds of professional etiquette by issuing it

George Bernard Shaw.

There is a deadly combination of exponentially increasing number of suicides, drug overdoses, murders, alcohol consumption, calories, deferred screenings for cancer, etc., tuberculosis and other. The researchers concluded that this combination will outweigh the number of deaths from COVID.

The data very clearly show that the locks were not only completely ineffective, but potentially were ten times more lethal than the covid itself with a survival rate of more than 99%.

According to the UN, an additional 10,000 people die per month, another 550,000 children are malnourished, and 1.4 million will die from untreated tuberculosis.

Nearly 7,000 scientists, virologists and infectious disease experts recently signed a declaration against isolation measures urging citizens to live a normal life and saying that isolation rules cause "irreparable harm"

Portrait of nude: Stephanie Seymour, Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington, Tatiana Patitz and Naomi Campbell. Photographer Herb Ritts, 1989

Monica Bellucci in an advertisement for the Italian brand Blumarine, 1993.


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