(Additional) Android Theming Variables Glossary

(Additional) Android Theming Variables Glossary



While creating themes for Telegram for Android, you could find some parts of the app which variable you didn't know or you could face some variables you don't know what they change. And there are no descriptions below variables in the in-app editor, so you had to ask someone who knows more about theming than you.

We decided that this shouldn't be so and started working on a glossary that would have descriptions of all variables in Telegram, and you can see the result here. This glossary has descriptions of many variables and is still being completed.

We're also looking for people who also think that the variables should be described or that the glossary must be translated in your language. If you're the one we need, check the "Team that works on the glossary" section.


While I was creating my own theme for an Android Telegram app - Dark Sky Blue, I happened to have many questions. I asked them at Telegram Themes на русском (RU) and received decent explanations that helped me in creating my theme. As a "thank you" I decided to help to add some more variables that are not in the main Variables Glossary.

If you happened to find any mistakes in variables or in their descriprions, make sure you contact me - DOYLE, or SnejUgal, so we can correct them.

Before you begin, I would recommend to use built-in search feature in your browser — Ctrl+F.

Useful stuff



Themes groups


  • @atthemeglossarybot — gives a short and easy access to the glossary and its translations. Works inline and by /variable command in groups.
  • @themepreviewbot — creates previews of .attheme's you send to him. Works in groups automatically.
  • @themesporterbot — converts .attheme to .tdesktop-theme and vice versa.


Not only translations but also analogous articles in other languages.


dialogRadioBackground - Settings → Notifications → Vibration

chat_recordedVoiceProgressInner - Audio Message → Lock → Stop → Progress bar color

chat_messagePanelVoicePressed - Icon of the microphone when pressed

chat_serviceLink - Name/nickname of the person that joined a chat

chat_serviceText - Text/message "...joined the group"

chat_secretTimerText - Color of the text, when you set a timer at a secret chat

musicPicker_checkboxCheck - Checkmarks when you attach music

picker_disabledButton / picker_enabledButton - Color of the buttons Cancel/Send when you attach music

avatar_actionBarIconViolet - In a group description header gets different colors, the group gets it's color during the process of creating. If the color of a header is violet, you use this variable to change the color of icons (same for default avatars)

chat_stickerNameText - Color of the name/nickname of the person when someone replies with a sticker/video message

dialogScrollGlow - The shadow that occurs when you scroll attachments panel fast

dialogProgressCircle - Progress icon when you clear cache of messages/images

dialogTextLink - Color of the link at a stickerpack name (if there is one)

groupcreate_onlineText - Text when you create a group(?)

chat_gifSaveHintBackground - Quick pop-up message (hint) when you tap on microphone/camera icon

chat_emojiPanelMasksIcon - *honestly have no idea what it does*

chats_menuName - Color of your name/nickname at the left menu (bar). P.S. profile_title - in settings

chat_serviceIcon - Round icon "forward" near messages that include media

sharedMedia_linkPlaceholderText - Background at one bot preview (picture below)

sharedMedia_linkPlaceholderText (gray square)

avatar_backgroundGroupCreateSpanBlue - When you create a group, you chose a contact - there is a span where one's name is

chat_mediaMenu - Three dots at media content (i.e. GIFs)

chat_mediaLoaderPhoto - Loader icon when a picture is loading (duh)

chat_messagePanelShadow - Shadow at a message panel (not really visible at dark themes)

chat_mediaProgress - Loader icon when loading media (duh [2])

chat_botButtonText - Color of the text on one's bot buttons. As an example pool via @like

chat_recordedVoicePlayPause - Play/Stop icons on recorded unsent voice messages (Voice message → Lock → Stop)

chat_stickerViaBotNameText - Name of a stickerpack

chat_botProgress - Loading icon when bot is processing actions

chat_mediaInfoText - Color of views (views counter) on channels

dialogTopBackground - Pop-up window background color when you chose for how long you are going to share your Live Location

Obsolete variables

These variable once were used, but now they've been removed from Telegram because the elements were removed or replaced with other variables.

  • listSelector, replaced with listSelectorSDK21;
  • player_seekBarBackground, the element was removed;
  • player_duration, the element was replaced with player_time.

Unused variables

These variables aren't used by Telegram for unknown reasons. This is found by searching through the entire source code that's published on GitHub. If through time they get used, please contact the team head @snejugal on Telegram.

  • chat_mediaBroadcast
  • chat_outBroadcast
  • windowBackgroundWhiteBlueText2

Team that works on the glossary

People who contributed but weren't in the team

  • @Paveloom described some dialog, submenu and stickers settings section variables.
  • Fabio Capuano helped us to find what windowBackgroundWhiteBlueText3 sets.

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