A collective gift 🎁 western media and U.S. citizens 🇺🇸 

A collective gift 🎁 western media and U.S. citizens 🇺🇸 

Umberto Eko is an Italian scientist, philosopher, medievalist historian, semiotician, literary critic and writer. 

Mussolini's headquarters in Rome (1930)

The cult of tradition, rejection of modernity, disagreement - betrayal and enemy, pacifism - is fraternizing with the enemy, professional life and assessment of the situation is given to several dozen people in the TV who are and own absolutely all professions, and de facto these are empty pussies leading their countries and peoples to suicide, the search for enemies of the people in the TV (Marx Zuckerberg for example) will end in revolution and victims. Your contempt for intellectuals will end for everyone: 

The Italian writer Umeberto Eco back in 1995 made 14 signs of fascism. Anyone can drive their country of residence through this list to see if we are immersed in a "dark time."

Today, the concept of "fascism" has been devalued, turning both in state propaganda and neither at the grassroots, "popular" level into a stamp marking the undesirable. This is especially evident in the situation of the current crisis against the background of the special operation Corona 👑 Both sides - juggle this word, trying to justify their actions with it and strike at the enemy.

Meanwhile, if you abstract from propaganda clichés and just look into history, you can relatively easily see the main signs of real fascism. In 1995, the great Italian writer Umberto Eco tried to do this. He presented a schematization of fascism at a symposium held by the Italian and French branches of Columbia University (USA). Since the audience of Eco were students, the writer specially simplified the scheme somewhat, making it accessible to ordinary people. This report, in a slightly edited form, was later published under the title Eternal Fascism in June of the same year.

Humberto Eco compiled a list of 14 typical characteristics of "eternal fascism" (ur-fascism). If there are 6-7 signs from this list in society, then it is close to the onset of fascism (then everything will roll like a snowball).

1) The first characteristic of ur-fascism is the cult of tradition. Traditionalism is older than fascism. It is the dominant feature of counter-revolutionary Catholic thought after the French Revolution, but it originated in the late Hellenistic period as a reaction to the rationalism of classical Greece.

It follows from it that there is no place for the development of knowledge. The truth has already been proclaimed once and for all; it remains only to interpret her dark words. It is enough to look at the "edges" of any fascist cultures: they include only traditionalist thinkers. German fascist gnosis was fed from traditionalist, syncretist, occult sources. The most important theoretical source of the new Italian right, Julius Evola, confuses the Grail with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, alchemy with the Holy Roman Empire. The very fact that, in order to enrich the horizons, part of the Italian right has now expanded the circle to include De Maistre, Guénon and Gramsci, is a brilliant demonstration of syncretism.

2) Traditionalism inevitably leads to rejection of modernism. Both Italian fascists and German Nazis seemed to adore technology, while traditionalist thinkers usually branded technology as a denial of traditional spiritual values. But, in fact, Nazism enjoyed only the external aspect of its industrialization. Deep down in his ideology, Blut und Boden's theory of Blood and Soil dominated. The denial of the modern world was carried out under the sign of the rejection of capitalist modernity. This is, in fact, a denial of the spirit of 1789 (and, of course, 1776) – the spirit of the Enlightenment. The Age of Rationalism is seen as the beginning of modern debauchery. Therefore, ur-fascism can be defined as irrationalism.

             Greek fascists

3) Irrationalism is strongly connected with the cult of action for the sake of action. The action is beautiful in itself and therefore carried out outside and without reflection. Thinking is not a moral thing. Culture is seen with suspicion, being a potential bearer of a critical attitude. That's it: Goebbels' statement "When I hear the word 'culture', I grab a gun," and cute commonalities about intellectual smears, egg-and-white intellectuals, radical snobbism, and universities , hotbeds of communist contagion. Suspicion of the intellectual world always signals the presence of ur-fascism. Official fascist thinkers were mainly engaged in accusing contemporary culture and liberal intellectuals of departing from eternal values.

4) No form of syncretism can tolerate criticism. The critical approach operates with disstigations, while disstigations are an attribute of modernity. In modern culture, the scientific community respects disagreement as the basis for the development of science. In the eyes of ur-fascism, dissent is betrayal.

5) Disagreement is also a sign of otherness. Ur-fascism grows and seeks consensus, exploiting the innate fear of the foreign. The first slogans of the fascistoid or pre-fascist movement are directed against foreigners. Ur-fascism is thus, by definition, implicated in racism.


6) Ur-fascism is born out of individual or social frustration. Therefore, all historical fascisms relied on frustrated middle classes, affected by any economic or political crisis and fearful of the threat from the irritated grassroots. In our time, when the former "proletarians" are turning into a petty bourgeoisie, and lumpen from political life is withdrawing itself, fascism will find in this new majority an excellent audience.

7) To those who are generally socially disadvantaged, ur-fascism says that the only guarantee of their privileges is the fact of being born in a certain country. This is how nationalism is forged. And the only thing that can unite the nation is the enemies. Therefore, the basis of ur-fascist psychology is an obsession with the idea of a conspiracy, if possible international. People need to feel besieged. The best way to focus the audience on the conspiracy is to use the springs of xenophobia. However, an internal conspiracy is also suitable, Jews are well suited for this, because they are both inside and outside.

8) The articulated should feel insulted because the enemies flaunt wealth, flaunt force. When I was little, I was told that the English were a "nation of five meals a time." The English eat more intensively than the poor but honest Italians. Jews are also rich, besides they help their own, they have a secret network of mutual assistance. It's on the one hand; at the same time, the members are convinced that they will be able to defeat any enemy. So, thanks to the oscillation of rhetorical strings, enemies are drawn at the same time as too strong and too weak. For this reason, fascisms are doomed to always lose wars: they are not able to objectively assess the combat capability of the enemy.

The leader of the British fascists O. Mosley welcomes the blackshirts.

9) For ur-fascism there is no struggle for life, but there is life for the sake of struggle. If so, pacifism is unambiguous to fraternization with the enemy. Pacifism is reprehensible because life is an eternal struggle. At the same time, there is also a complex of the Last Judgment. Since the enemy must be – and will be – destroyed, then the last battle will take place, as a result of which this movement will gain complete control over the world. In the light of such a "total solution", the advent of the era of universal peace, the Golden Age, is expected.

However, this counteracts the thesis of permanent war, and not a single fascist leader has yet managed to resolve the contradiction that is forming.

10) Elitism is typical of all reactionary ideologies, because of its deep aristocracy. In the course of history, all aristocratic and militaristic elitisms have held on to contempt for the weak.

Ur-fascism professes populist elitism. Ordinary citizens are the best people in the world. The party is made up of the best ordinary citizens. An ordinary citizen can (or must) become a member of the party.

However, there can be no patricians without plebeians. The leader, who knows that he has gained power not through delegation, but has seized by force, also understands that his strength is based on the weakness of the masses, and this mass is weak enough to need and deserve the Drover.

Therefore, in such societies, organized hierarchically (according to the militaristic model), each individual leader despises, on the one hand, the superiors, and on the other – the subordinates.

Thus, mass elitism is strengthened.

Russian (emigrants) fascists in Harbin. 

11) Everyone and everyone is brought up to become a hero. In myths, the hero embodies a rare, extraordinary creature; however, in the ideology of ur-fascism, heroism is the norm. The cult of heroism is directly related to the cult of death. It is no accident that the motto of the Phalangists was Viva la muerte! Normal people are told that death is upsetting, but it will have to be met with dignity. Believers are told that death is a suffering method of achieving supernatural bliss. The hero of ur-fascism covets the death predestined to him as the best compensation for a heroic life. The hero of ur-fascism to die impatredly. In heroic impatience, we note in parentheses, he is much more likely to kill others.

12) Since both permanent war and heroism are quite difficult games, ur-fascism transfers its desire for power to the sexual sphere. This is the basis of the cult of masculinity (that is, disregard for women and ruthless persecution of any non-conformist sexual habits: from chastity to homosexuality). Since the floor is a rather difficult game, the hero of ur-fascism plays with a gun, that is, an ersatz phallus. Constant war games have their background in the inescapable invidia penis.

          Italian fascism.

13) Ur-fascism is built on qualitative (qualitative) populism. In a democracy, citizens enjoy individual rights; the aggregate of citizens exercises their political rights only if there is a quantitative (quantitative) basis: the decisions of the majority are executed. In the eyes of ur-fascism, the individual has no individual rights, and the People appear as a quality, as a monolithic unity expressing the aggregate will. Since no number of human beings can actually have a combined will, the Chief claims to represent from all. Having lost the right to delegate, ordinary citizens do not act, they are only called – part for the whole – to play the role of the People. The people, therefore, exist as a phenomenon exclusively theatrical.

For an example of quality populism, it is not necessary to turn to the Nuremberg Stadium or the Roman crowded square in front of Mussolini's balcony. In our near future, the prospect of quality populism is television or the electronic Internet, which are able to present the emotional reaction of a selected group of citizens as a "judgment of the people."

March of the Italian fascist youth in honor of the 20th anniversary of Italy's entry into the Great War. May 27, 1935 Parade takes the Duce personally.

Junior detachments of the Italian fascist youth

Standing firmly on its qualitative populism, ur-fascism is turning against "rotten parliamentary democracies." The first thing that Mussolini said in his speech in the Italian parliament was: "I would like to turn this deaf, gray hall into a gym for my children." He, of course, quickly found a much better refuge for "his guys", but the parliament nevertheless dispersed.

Whenever a politician questions the legitimacy of parliament, since it allegedly no longer reflects the "judgment of the people," the ploughing of Eternal Fascism is clearly sniffed.

Odessa in Romanian occupation

14) Ur-fascism speaks Newspeel. Newspeak was invented by Orwell in the novel "1984" as the official language of Angsots, English socialism, but elements of ur-fascism are characteristic of a variety of dictatorships. Both Nazi and fascist textbooks were distinguished by poor vocabulary and primitive syntax, wanting to limit as much as possible for the student a set of tools of complex critical thinking. But we should be able to isolate other forms of Newspeak, even when they have the innocent appearance of a popular television talk show.

         Fascists of Indonesia.

As you understand all this existed and was served by print and radio 📻 media and other means of propaganda. Anything to say to them discussing became more dangerous and dangerous every day. First, people were deprived of work and position in society, then they began to be imprisoned and killed. All this is quite well known to you. You have read and know many things, including from me. 

Everything that we have been fixing for a long time, today has acquired the size of a national disaster of the United States 🇺🇸 and Of course, as a consequence, the world of 🗺 received carte blanche for terror. 

What happens behind this? I think it is unnecessary to tell and how to lick the same Nazi harmonica from different mother-of-pearl colors of the rainbow again for the thousandth time 🌈. 

We have almost nothing happens by accident. This arrangement of addresses is also not accidental and it is mobile. Many have already dropped out of the mailing list, we only this editorial masterpiece gift 🎁 decided to make for all so that no one doubts our personal sympathies for Rachel Maddow. 
A personal gift 🎁 Rachel Maddow (MSNBC). 
Rachel Fact-Checking: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first approved ivermectin for HUMANS back in 1996... You Rachel are banal liars in mass disinformation studios deliberately lying around the clock to US citizens and the world. And we're ashamed of you, and that we have media like your MSNBC. 
🤡Global Kahal in The Care of the Plebs: The Rockefeller Foundation has developed the Bretton Woods Protocol for Artificial Intelligence: Delivering Benefits for All. 
Bretton Woods sounds familiar, doesn't it, Friends?
"Technological progress has always destroyed society. But artificial intelligence is radically different from previous technologies in how it affects the nature of our interactions, with significant, if not yet fully predicted or understood, implications for how we organize our societies. The impact of artificial intelligence is enormous because of the increase in human capabilities, because it challenges what it means to be human, and because of the creation of a set of human-machine interactions that are qualitatively different from those that were in the past.
In the abstract, AI is simply a complex system built on trust between humans and machines. For the first time, we are adjusting to a reality in which one party has no agenda of its own. Strengthening this bond of trust will require us to push the boundaries of rulemaking in favor of a broader view and tighter but more flexible control over this new complex system," the Rockefeller Foundation begins to describe its vision of AI and Humanity. 
Describing "The Bretton Woods Protocol for Artificial Intelligence: Delivering Benefits for All," one Zia Khan, senior vice president of innovation at the Rockefeller Foundation, touches on covid, noting that "the virus has claimed the lives of more than 500,000 people in just six months" and that "we benefit from AI when it helps us find a vaccine." 
"As we rethink the way forward, the Rockefeller Foundation is betting that AI will help balance and reboot the future in a way that eliminates current inequalities. To realize this result, we must develop a regulatory framework that ensures its responsible use," the Foundation said in a document that essentially recognizes that it is its actors who shape the future environment that they are going to rule. And we don't just mean the right rules. What we mean is that we need to rethink an entirely new rationing system that directs AI toward society's goals, not our current de facto rulemaking system that guides AI toward market goals.
Last fall, we gathered a unique group of technologists, philosophers, economists, lawyers, artists and philanthropists at our Bellagio Center in Italy to explore how to use AI to create a better future for humanity.
From left to right. Top row: Tim O'Reilly, Richard Witt, John Irons, Fred Dust, Tim Davis, Claudia Jich, Meredith Kellner, Stephaan Verhulst, Tariq Hohar, Tobias Rees, Dan Hattenlocher, Zia Hahn, Eric Nonax, Niels Gilman, Danil Mikhailov, Mariana Mazzukato, Erin Lacy. Middle row: Noah Levenson, Jake Porvey, Rowan Conway, Sarah Newman, Hunter Goldman, Vilas Dhar, Meredith Broussard, Ronaldo Lemos, Christine Foster, Rumman Chowdhury, Jonathan Wong, Mark Surman, Marietier Shaake, Anjan Sundaram. Bottom row: Serife Wong, Heather Mason, Mary Grey, Katarzyna Shimelevich, Payal Arora, Denis Terien, Roya Paxad, Jen Palka, Amir Baradaran, Maya Indira Ganesh, Dalia Peterson, Andrew Zolly, Camilla Francois, Joy Buolomvinia
As a result of this meeting, we present a presentation of AI+ 1: Shaping Our Integrated Future, a collection of thoughts, ideas and calls to action in the field of artificial intelligence, written by some of the most promising minds in the field. This is not a technical report on AI, but rather a set of ideas about how AI will be woven into the fabric of our lives, our institutions, and our societies."

Is there a transcript of Biden's July 23 conversation with Ghani as punishment for his withdrawal from Afghanistan? Yes, there is, it was merged from the US intelligence services 🇺🇸 
The transcript clearly proves that Biden knew the Taliban would quickly seize power, and lied to the public to facilitate the withdrawal of troops and the de facto multi-vector operation of terrorists globalist.
We've all watched with the Trap sucker, and the most dangerous faction in the U.S. is an unelected mafia state that craves war and control.
It was one of the worst things the corporate corrupt media did under Trump: they lay down and fucked for money in bed 🛌 with U.S. mob reps 🇺🇸. In the same vacacy bed with poison, they lie now, in an embrace of a syringe clamped to the hoots 💉 with poison and looking through the receipts to the bank account 🧾 without even getting up from this vicious bed. 
In early 2017, Chuck Schumer accidentally admitted to Rachel Maddow that Washington was ruled by a powerful Deep State. However, MSNBS employees and announcers who read and pass on to the U.S. 🇺🇸 and the world other people's thoughts 💭, as well as purely Chinese CNN, as well as other U.S. media 🇺🇸 insisted that nothing like this existed. 
The U.S. is ruled by alligators 🐊 (oligarch). It's the subject of many studies over the decades. Eisenhower warned about this in his last speech.
Thanks to the combination of multi-vector maneuvers of the body of and luring people into a honey trap, with elements of pederasty and pedophilia and total surveillance, revealing the dirty secrets of career, marriage and life in general, which makes people an ideal food for blackmail, everyone who is in power in the United States, the courts, the media, BigHiTech, BigPharma and so on, are under the control of the Deep State, whose goal is now a real real 
neo-global fascism, in which they replace traditional nationalism with a global "nation". And MSNBC with all its presenters is none other than banal cute external with white teeth ordinary soldiers of fascism. 
I know you'll be pleased to know this firsthand from Rachel." After all, few Americans understand what you really do. 
🐏People who become "too prepared", for example, lovers of making blanks, their own canned food, all sorts of liqueurs, wine and other things are now also extremists, Friends. So decided FaceBook.
Mark, would you go to the forest of California, fascist face. 
Everything we talk about in the framework of the special operation corona 👑 can be formulated very briefly and simply: violation of national criminal law, violation of national Constitutions, violation of international law and arbitrariness of the political beau monde of very unimportant, frankly bad actors of this theater of the absurd. The whole action of this theater of the absurd is not based on the professional conclusions of medical scientists, historians, business, culture, other professional groups and analysts. And everything that has been happening for more than a year and a half is a kind of theater 🎭 absurdity in real life. And since we all find ourselves in this theater of the absurd, we each play a role in it. And many, so many public people, the role of outright fools, villains and scoundrels in this crime musical. You understand this perfectly well, well, or should understand, in any case, Friends) 
Well, finally you look where you need to go) Eyes 👀 very important in the frame bouquet 💐🍷🍷
Yes, I forgot to ask 🙋 And the shorts 🩲 on the face of two individuals of unknown sex in the background is the new fashion 2021? Incredibly Creative - panties 🩲 on the face. Who is the fashion designer of this masterpiece? 
What do we do? Yes, we are just in every place where we go mock everyone who wears panties 🩲 on the face. And how we do it beautifully 😻 and sharply you guess. Just today, at a gas station 🚉 gasoline, we slopped (omitted) three cashier saleswomen. Imagine, young women 30 years old were lowered into the sewers with one skillful phrase of words ... What wretched and ignorant people are standing all day in muzzles. 
And to imagine that I would allow such morbies to work next to my body - never. Even on the threshold of my enterprise would never let . And that's our big difference. You provoke ignorance by hiding behind false tolerance. And tolerance in society, of this order from the field of delusions of madmen (from the field of scarcity of mind), it was introduced intentionally and for decades. Believe me, dear ones, it is. It's between the Windows lines 🪟 Overton if you like a decent explanation. We can do the same thing in different ways. 
To say beautifully 😍 and loudly all out, or go fucking freaks / pigs 🐷 in muzzles - this is also the art of 🎭 shocking. You, we admit to you honestly, this art is absent at all. Criminal bastards wipe their feet about you and spit in your face, and you are silent and smile sweetly in response. 
Covid-fascism in Vietnam
Vietnam will go down in history as the country that introduced the most stringent, absurd and senseless quarantine-lockdown measures of all known. What is happening here, you will not find in any country in the world. 
The summer of 2021 is the season of the most severe restrictions "as part of the fight against the pandemic." Millions of people are forbidden to leave the house for months, everything that can be closed is closed in the country, the population is plunged into deaf, hopeless poverty. This video is a brief synopsis of what has been happening in Vietnam in recent months. This is communism according to the Eastern Vietnamese version. After all, he hasn't gone anywhere for the last 70 years. 
Prison Australia. The police send Gabriel Cello to a quarantine hotel, for an indefinite period, because he has a positive test result. He happily agrees 😂
A fascist deceitful regime is de facto temporarily established in Austria. 
Meet Prison Australia
We'll reopen playgrounds, but we won't let people use them to meet friends or family.
Entrance to the playgrounds by QR codes, and only one parent. 
You will not be allowed to take off your mask to eat or drink because that's how the infection happens. You will not be allowed to infect others.
August 31. In a fascist prison, Australia 🇦🇺 passed an unprecedented surveillance bill. The law passed through Australia's fascist lying parliament as quickly as Adolf Hitler did in the Reichstag, the Duce in the Italian parliament, or Stalin in the Kremlin. There is no particular difference between these past Historical Characters despots-dictators. The law in the Austrian parliament passed in just 24 hours.
The Australian government has been moving towards a totalitarian regime for several years. Now they're hammering a nail into the coffin with an unprecedented surveillance bill that allows police to hack into your device, collect or delete your data, and hijack your social media accounts; without sufficient safeguards to prevent the abuse of these new powers.
This month, the Australian government passed a sweeping oversight bill that is worse than any similar law in any tyrannical country.
The Surveillance (Detection and Suppression) Legislation Amendment Act gives the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) three new powers to combat online crime:
Data Breach Warrant: Gives the police the ability to "destroy data" by modifying, copying, adding, or deleting it.
Network Activity Warrant: Allows police to collect information from devices or networks that are or may be used by those covered by the warrant.
Account Hijacking Warrant: Allows police to take control of an online account (such as social media) in order to gather information for investigation.
Two Australian law enforcement agencies, AFP and ACIC, will soon have the right to alter, add, copy or delete your data if you become a suspect in the investigation of a serious crime.
Australian companies are required to comply
When submitting such a warrant to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Australian companies, system administrators, etc. 
Must obey and actively assist the police in modifying, adding, copying or deleting the data of the person under investigation. 
Under the new law, refusal to comply could result in imprisonment for up to ten years.
Necessary hacking actions may include: modifying, copying, and deleting data; interception and alteration of messages; surveillance networks; and changing credentials.
The End of Human Rights
Australia's new surveillance law marks the end of respect for human rights in Australia.
According to lawyer Angus Murray, chairman of the policy department of Electronic Frontiers Australia, the possibility of hacking poses a serious threat to our civil liberties.
"This is now a regime in Australia where we have given law enforcement agencies the right to hack into the computers of Australians and possibly foreign persons, seize accounts, change and delete data in these accounts," he said.
"Australia does not have constitutionally enshrined rights to political speech and other human rights, but if we are going to give law enforcement that authority, it needs to be tested and balanced with the human rights instrument at the federal level."
Murray warns that there may come a time when this power will be used against society. 
At least in theory, the police could put something like images of child exploitation on your computer. 
While something like this is not the intention of the bill, there are also no substantial guarantees against it.
Australia has a population density of about 3 people per 1 square kilometer. Fifteen years of such despotic tyranny and in Australia there will be only ostriches and kangaroos 🦘. And so that the animals 🦒 not bored alone, the Chinese will come to them for permanent residence. This is understandable to the hedgehog. Hedgehog is clear, but the oval morons of the New Marasmatic Appeal of 2021 are incomprehensible and this is the paradox of our time and the situation of the collapse of democracy in the whole world. The criminal administrations of the world have become de facto banal war criminals and ordinary criminals. 
Do you know what is the difference between beauty and great beauty? Great beauty is one's own dignity and respect for oneself personally. So, dear, self-respecting worthy person would kick out these morons in dirty snotty rags in dangerous proximity in the background next to your beautiful body. And you let that shit be on your body. That's all cute, yes, it's very simple Girl 👧😗
👬 "Male couples will be able to have a child together from their own flesh and blood. One parent will provide a sperm, the other will donate a skin cell that will become an egg. It's not science fiction. Israeli researchers have already grown an embryo..." ⬇️ 
A unique talent in case of fire in your own house to talk about dirty unwrested floors in the house 🏡 
Another went into the darkness, did not greet him. We decided to cut off all the greyhounds and building out of themselves do not know whom. Go fuck stupid goats 🐐 

Your big problem is your own moronism, already known to many, producing in huge proportions the same morons. 1945-2021. The country really came pussy. There are no adequate people in the country. Is that clear? 
How many people should die that you would be vaccinated? 
Good question 🙋 ! It depends on what is instilled. 
If, for example, the rubella vaccine is 99. That's how many aborted children in total it took Dr. Stanley Plotkin and Dr. Chan to bring their creation to perfection. 
If from chickenpox-at least 32 babies.These only from the 38th time turned out. (Why the 38th ?Yes, just 26 of the 32 babies, seizing one organ, immediately thrown away, and 6 - that's because the savings !-managed to put into action at once two organs)
If from hepatitis A, measles or shingles then 5
And these are only the original vaccines. When the same narrow-eyed Chinese freaks wanted to do their own on the same principle, they, of course, repeated the same thing on their native Chinese babies. With the 9th baby, they finally succeeded.
So, the million-dollar question, especially. For those who promise to pay it: and how many living healthy premature babies needed to die to get the same HEK293 on which the 🛰 V satellite is made and supplied to dozens of countries around the world? No answer. Because Dr. Graham, who developed this crap, some obviously premature mom fucking sleepy 💤 people can not wake up and call his bitch in court, like Plotkina. 
By the way, before this confession under oath Plotkin also said that for the sake of a holy cause he crushed only one or two babies). And so Graham is still getting off with statements about "yes, what are you, what are you, I did it all from a single child!" and someone tells us fairy tales - that these are not human cells at all already. After all, they say, how much time has already passed!
And there was not even a tear of the child. Freshly aborted instantly, right in the amniotic sac, is placed in the refrigerator and stored there at +5 degrees until subsequent dismemberment. Once a tear roll out. Especially if it was the eye that good doctors needed first of all - to try to make a super-important vaccine against Ebola. Although what is there, Ebola is no longer fashionable.
And in case for memory, if someone wants to whitewash the good doctors and blame all the blame on the women themselves - Bill Kozel 🐐 "gave birth" at one time to become a catch phrase: It's the economy, stupid. It's about economics Market relations are when demand creates supply. The demand for cell lines and stem cells is enormous. And he, in fact, gives birth to a proposal. Moreover, it stimulates and induces it. How? For example, when offices that sell infant organs with the participation of U.S. Attorney Harris introduce special female employees into the staff of abortion companies "to facilitate the process of obtaining consent."
'Kamala Harris has been a staunch advocate on behalf of sexual assault victims, especially child sexual assault victims,' the campaign said in a statement. 'As a line prosecutor she took on notoriously difficult to prove child sexual assault cases, put predators behind bars and created a coalition to combat child exploitation. She then used her position as District Attorney to create the first unit focused on child sexual assault cases in the office's history.' 
No need to run away from us through the woods of 🌳 California, it's useless Lady. 
However, revealing videos in which family planning officials sell parts of the bodies of aborted children have shocked many: 
In the first video: 
The full package for the black-eyed Lady here ⬇️
 Back in 2016, David Dalyden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) introduced themselves as businessmen and businesswomen who wanted to buy organs from abortion babies, and they were able to attend the National Congress on Abortion.
They recorded and published their interviews with the Director of Planned Parenthood and the National Coordinator, as well as with a doctor who confirmed that they could provide them with parts of the aborted children at their request. In 2015, when the recording/video scandal broke, current Vice President Harris held a secret face-to-face meeting with Family Planning executives to discuss the investigation; Two weeks later, the California Department of Justice raided Daleiden's home, recording and publishing the video.
Now that Kamala has lost business and turned everything upside down, using her boat, Daleiden and Merritt could end up in prison, and "paternity planning" still kills babies for spare parts.
When they lobby lawmakers to speed up the abortion process as much as possible, eliminating "time to think" from it. When they say, "Oh! We have developed a chic technology here, how to induce abortion with the preservation of the embryo in perfect condition, alive, in compliance with all the requirements. By the way, did you know or remember that for the necessary body parts people pay $ 75 (and resell at 595-910)?". When, after all, they produce promotional brochures for Dr. Mengele's likes, boasting that they "extract from the bodies of five-month-old embryos an uncontaminated liver of optimal freshness (sic!) in order to isolate from it the maximum volumes of stem cells for further experimental transplantation to adults." And so on and so forth. 
But why dwell on women? Now oval ebyri terrorists introduce into the minds of people pregnant men and the lack of the concept of Mom / Dad in the family of a child. We believe we need to go further, victim bashing should be continued and continued to its logical conclusion. It's high time to shift the blame to the children themselves!
If old Stanley is in question, we suggest you find a two-minute video at our link (a small excerpt from Plotkin's more than 8 hour testimony in court) just to have some greyhound stumps 🪵 have an idea of what vaccination gurus are. Full and sliced videos can be viewed on YouTube and Facebook on demand Stanley Plotkin Deposition 
Dr. Ryan Cole's Speech at the White Coat Summit
Dr. Ryan Cole is a certified pathologist, histologist, studied immunology and so-called virology.
10,000 child death reports in vaers – and perhaps more.
Dr. Ryan Cole, speaking at the White Coat Summit, spares no word about how insane it is to have the consequences of 11,000 deaths from the (so-called) vaccine, which is actually an experimental injection of gene therapy. And finally, after "only" 11,000 deaths (according to the CDC VAERS database), there was "First autopsy of the deceased after vaccination!"
🧪 And where are the $billions for autopsies, where are the billions for research? Where are the autopsies? There are none. ONE in 11,000 deaths?
And this is science? If they say - no, no need for an autopsy, the vaccine has nothing to do with it, this is not what you are looking for, do not look here ... So how then do you know the truth?
   Cooking for the winter. Basement make . 
Laying vegetables for winter storage, many of you will have to deal with the envious bewilderment of neighbors: "Hunting you to mess with this cellar, everything can be bought in the store!". Not every milking has a basement, and a cellar, especially a glacier - entertainment is not for everyone. But it absolutely justifies itself! The quality of vegetables from the store is often confusing: it is not known how they were grown, and in what conditions they were stored, what chemicals were used. In addition, the cost of building and improving the cellar, although for you it is a big expense, but the action still pays for your costs of a meager budget.
The price of products from the store already includes a fee for renting a store freezer. And if you provide for yourself, then the glacier will not be superfluous at all. 
How to maintain a constant temperature in the cellar
To save in the cellar vegetables of fresh harvest will help and old, still grandfatherly methods, and new inventions. The optimal environment for storing most vegetables is ensured by maintaining the correct temperature (slightly higher than 0 degrees), high relative humidity (70-95%), good ventilation and air circulation, lack of light.
Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature and humidity of the air in the cellar, and in case of what - immediately lower it with the help of ventilation.
To control the temperature and humidity in the cellar, install a weather station with a remote sensor.
It is worth starting a brick, insulated, ventilated house, which consists of three rooms - two isolated and a passage, because "potatoes with apples should not be stored together." The top of the cellar and its walls are insulated with extruded polystyrene, so everything is fine with humidity: there is no water on the ceiling or on the walls of the cellar, and natural ventilation is quite enough.
Maintain a constant temperature in the cellar room with the help of a ventilation system. With closed ventilation, the temperature does not fall below +8 degrees, and most of the time the temperature in the cellar for storing vegetables should be much lower - the classic +2.5 degrees. Every day you do not need to run to the cellar and look at the thermometer, you do not have time ⌛️ due to the presence of Instagram. And you do not need to put any weather-dependent automation - because of its unreliability. It is easier to open and close the valve several times during the winter with your own hands in order to "lower the degree", especially since "the ventilation pipes will still overgrow with dark, and they will have to be cleaned regularly." A weather station with a sensor, by the way, is quite inexpensive, the user of our portal is satisfied.
For example, on the street -1 degree, the door to the cellar is open wide for a week. In the cellar shows +7 degrees, humidity 71%. There is a good alarm function when the set temperature, humidity and dew point are reached. Installed? Well done 👏.
Many are frightened by the basement from those distant times of slavery, and we say not to go to a cocktail 🍸, where the bartender washes his feet 🦵. Take May's engineering brains 🧠 in loans or for payment. And it will give you calculations 🧮 
   Cellar temperature maintenance system
We visited personally in the built Glacier in 1925-1928. This is a detached log house, a low building measuring about 6x5 meters, most of which is dug into the ground. The log house is made of very thick logs with a diameter of 40-50 cm At the end of winter to maintain the desired temperature, large pieces of snow cut from snowdrifts with a hacksaw are brought into it annually. From above, the snow is covered with a thick layer of straw, on the ceiling under the slate roof - also a thick layer of straw. Snow does not melt until winter and is used to preserve food. But you should not do this, especially for girls, because you remember, straw is still very hard 😆 💐 🎁 






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