"... the most merciful thing a big family can do to your child is to kill him." "Woman and the New Race" (New York, 1928) by Margaret Sanger 

"... the most merciful thing a big family can do to your child is to kill him." "Woman and the New Race" (New York, 1928) by Margaret Sanger 

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Margaret Sanger was born on September 14, 1879, in the small industrial town of Corning near New York, in a poor large family of Irish immigrants. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, Margaret left the bosom of the family and went to college Claywreck - small, inexpensive, cozy - the dream of the average American, but soon was expelled from it, because studying she preferred different parties and "free sex."

In those Puritan times, for a poor and not too hard-working girl, a worthy way out was one: and she married a wealthy architect, who introduced her to some radical friends of his youth. At that time, New York was literally boiling with the "left" ideas of all sorts, from the proletarian revolution to Suffragism and anarchism. When Margaret plunged into this land of the unknown world, her fate was decided. She announced the break-up with her bourgeois past, turned an apartment in Manhattan into a nearly round-the-clock functioning club "left" where the projects of social and political reconstruction of the world were discussed. When Margaret joined the Socialist Party in 1912, it was a powerful political force that achieved a significant victory in local elections: 1,200 public office in 33 states, 160 cities in America held protege of the party, which by that time had more than 116,000 members. Margaret attracted the Socialist Party sexual program: suffragism, "free love", state birth control, note that birth control - an idea that grew from the communist circles of the United States. 

In the end, Margaret Sanger declared herself a supporter of Emma Goldman. Emma Goldman was a fiery revolutionary with connections around the world: with the Bolsheviks - in Russia, with the Fabians - in England, with German anarchists and French Maltusians. She gave lectures across America, gathering enthusiastic crowds and discussing everything from the need for "free love" to "noble provocation," from the ulcers of capitalism to the high virtues of violence, from the dangers of democracy to birth control. She lived known as "Red Anarcha," Emma sold her anarchic magazine, "Mother Cheese Land, and distributed leaflets promoting contraception and freedom of sex. Margaret immediately became in relation to Goldman in the pose of a submissive pupil. She literally absorbed every word and studied volumes from her library, including The Seven-Volume "Research on Sexual Psychology" by Hayward Ellis, perhaps Emma introduced Margaret to Trotsky."

The inspiration of Sanger, whom Edgar Hoover called America's most feared woman, Emma Goldman, was born on June 27, 1869, in Kovno, Lithuania. In 1892, together with another immigrant from Russia, Alexander Berkman, she began to organize the murder of industrialist Henry Clay Frick, according to the American journalist Vadim Yarmolinets, to get money for a gun, Emma made a desperate attempt to earn prostitution. To give up the gun - it is very, apparently very worried Emma for the fate of the workers, wanting to help them "free." The result of this help she will soon see with her own eyes: in 1917, Emma was sent to prison for organizing protests against the First World War, and after liberation Emma was deprived of American citizenship and sent - with two hundred other anarchists - to his homeland. Traveling the country with Berkman, she was shocked that the Bolsheviks instead of the promised freedom Russia was forced into slavery cleaner than the old. It is not clear how she was shocked, but for the rest of her life she did exactly the same, having gone to Spain, where she joined the Communists to build another "communist paradise" 

Returning to Margaret: after the divorce, she decided to make a living in journalism. The "The Woman Rebel" newspaper with the motto "Without gods and masters" - its new brainchild was declared as "a newspaper of militant thought". From the pages of her first warrior magazine, Margaret proclaimed that "birth control is designed to destroy the authority of Christian churches." I dream," she wrote, "to see humanity free from the power of Christianity and capital." But Margaret's peppered articles, in which contraception and the freedom of sex alternated with the need for social upheaval and revolutionary terror, eventually drew the attention of the authorities, the guerrilla received a subpoena, which noted a three-fold violation of the federal law on the press, concerning the prohibition of open propaganda of eroticism and the distribution of pornographic products. Since the conviction meant five years in prison and no acquittal, Margaret decided to flee the country under a false name. Friends of the socialists provided the revolutionary with a passport and Margaret Sanger left the United States. In England, Margaret's bed hosted many leaders of socialist England: Herbert Wells and Bernard Shaw, Arnold Bennett and Bernard Hare... Free from what she called the "crushing core of marital fidelity," Margaret indulged in an almost manic satisfaction with her lust. The apotheosis of this orgasm was her unusual relationship with Havelock Ellis, the author of the same "Research..." that she studied back in the United States. Ellis was the grandfather of the sexual revolution. The author of nearly five dozen books "scientifically" examining various aspects of sex drive and ways to satisfy it, Ellis directed all the work of his intellect to justify the movement for "free love." It was intelligence, for Havelock himself was impotent. And being him, he spent his life chasing more sophisticated sensual pleasures. He arranged exquisite for his Maltusian and socialist friends; experimented with psychotropic drugs; homosexuals and heterosexuals visited his house on a specially drawn-up schedule, doing things in it, from the description of which would be subdued by paper. For Margaret Ellis, he became a real idol, 

Three and a half months of continuous applause, crowd jubilation and ubiquitous newspaper hype - is this not a new victory? She then decided to open an underground clinic to implement birth control. Newspapers, pamphlets, speeches - all this was only a prelude to a real struggle. Margaret chose a place for her clinic in accordance with her ideology: the district of Brownsville, New York, inhabited mainly by immigrants - Slavs, Italians, Jews, Latinos. Margaret Sanger "saved" the country from the "inadequate." Two weeks later, the clinic was closed and its founder was jailed for a month for distributing health-threatening medicines and performing illegal medical operations using contraband. But Margaret was no longer unstoppable. Barely out of prison, she creates a new organization - the Birth Control League, and begins the publication of The Birth Control Review. The new organization and the magazine were supposed to prepare public opinion, according to Sanger. All the funding for the first projects, the entire staff of the League, speakers at conferences, the authors of leaflets and service personnel - from the very beginning had its source English Society of Eugenics, in the office of which for a long time was the headquarters of the League, until the two organizations finally merged. In the first decades of the century, eugenics gained universal recognition in the Western world, received the status of science, state and public support. Eugenics was taught at universities: Harvard, Princeton, Columbia... Research in this area was sponsored by the foundations: Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie... Ideas of eugenics underpind art, flowing into mass literature, cinema, becoming part of public consciousness. Those who opposed were declared enemies of progress, obscurants and retrogrades. 

By 1922, Margaret's situation was becoming unshakable. It wins several important trials, organizes an international conference on birth control and tours the world with a series of lectures to cheers. Her name on everyone's lips, one of her many books becomes a bestseller despite the furious controversy caused by her appearance, and perhaps thanks to her. "The main issue of civilization" is a unique book in its own way. In it, Margaret openly calls for "pulling the chaff of humanity," combating mercy, reducing the number of "disabled, mentally retarded and non-racial standards," and forced sterilization of "genetic second-rate races." 

In 1925, the Rockefeller Foundation finally began sponsoring the Birth Control League.

At the same time, speaking at an international conference of neo-Altuzians, Margaret Sanger was forced to admit that the policy of eugenics meets active resistance of the civil authorities, the public and the church. At that time, Europe, which was subjected to heavy bloodletting in the First World War, did not want to hear about any reduction of anyone's birth. 

In April 1932, Margaret detailed her so-called "Peace Plan", according to which "ignoble human material" should have been forcibly sterilized, resettled under the mandate system and, eventually, assembled into concentration camps, expanding the list of "inadequate races": where blacks, Spaniards, Italians had already got... In her "peace plan" Margaret stopped only by listing 70% of the world's population. The policy of humanitarian assistance to ethnic minorities and the socially unprotected infuriated her infuriated her, along with other socialists, who were looking forward to the end of the Christian "era of mercy" after which the era of work to improve the "breed of people" was to come. Margaret imagined this work as the total sterilization of the "lower races" that would eventually lead to their complete disappearance... In the thirties there were the first donors. At the time, she was supported by celebrities such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Katharine Hepburn. Documented, margaret Sanger's cooperation with the German fascists, the hundredth of the fusp epert Rydinoval Consilant in the League on her network. Ernst Rudin received funding from the same Rockefeller Foundation, from where the German law on sterilization and forced abortion in the conquered territories took place. 

"Article 2. Fertility clinics are granted the status of state health authorities... 

Article 3. A marriage certificate entitles spouses only to joint farming, not to parenthood. 

Article 4. No woman has the right to bear a child and no man has the right to become a father without a parental permit. 

Article 5. Parental permits must be issued by the government to spouses at their request, provided that they are able to provide for the future child, have the necessary education for proper education and do not have hereditary diseases. 

Article 6. Parental leave is valid once."

In 1938, Sweden became the first Christian country to return to pre-Christian legalization of abortion and to approve sex education and family restriction programmes developed by the League. Today, the Swedish capital Stockholm has already been named, at the last World Congress of Families, the "first post-family city"

In 1939, in response to a request from health officials from the southern states, Margaret presented her "Negro Project." In it, the demographic situation of the American South was assessed as unhealthy: the number of "inadequate" black population was constantly increasing, posing a threat to the white race. To remedy the situation, Margaret proposed to send three or four specially trained priests on a tour of the Southern States, who in their sermons would carry out ideas of birth control. Success has exceeded expectations. Since the Association's strategy was based on racial rather than geopolitical principle, it was the North and the West's turn after the South. "We want to destroy the black population," Sanger said in a letter to a friend.

In 1942, the Association of the Society of Racial Hygiene, the Union of Birth Control, and the committees of "social eugenics" were finally formalized legally: instead of a somewhat intimidating "Birth Control League" there was a new, progressive, scientific and humanistic: "American Family Planning Federation". All this time Margaret rushed from lover to lover, sometimes changing them within one day. But happiness eluded her, despite countless erotic experiments. Margaret turned to the occult, began to attend spiritual sessions and underwent initial degrees of dedication to Rosicruceria and theosophy. She opened a new clinic called the Bureau of Research. Then, having consolidated her personal influence within the MAPS empire, she launched an attack on medicine. 

Rockefeller, Ford and Mellons gave her significant sums in grants for "scientific" projects. 

In 1948, after receiving a feed from the Brash Foundation, which invested heavily in eugenics research, she founded the International Federation of Family Planning. Officially, the IFPS was registered in 1953, and M. Sanger became its honorary chairman. In the new organization, Margaret introduced a strict pyramid of subordination: hundreds of local branches were subordinated to dozens of national offices, which, in turn, were managed from the International Center. Under pressure from MAPS, abortion was legalized in 11 other European countries. Margaret herself bouts of hopeless longing, following one after another, eventually merged into a pathological depression. Despite the fact that since 1949 she was addicted to drugs and alcohol, the list of voluntary donors grew, including J. Huxley, Albert Einstein, Nehru, J.D. Rockefeller, japanese Emperor Hirohito and Henry Ford. Until Margaret's death, U.S. Presidents Truman and Eisenhower were welcome. 

1958 UN begins funding IAPA programs in Third World countries.

 In 1966, on the eve of her 87th birthday, Margaret Sanger died 🪦

 1967 The American Medical Association repeals its century-old bill to protect the life of unborn babies and begins advocating for "non-criminal" and "safe" abortion.

 1968. Great Britain legalizes abortion. In the same year, Pope Paul VI published the encyclical "Humanae Vitae", which confirms the church's view of the sanctity of human life as a gift from God.

 1970. Four states: Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, and New York pass legislation to legalize "medically necessary abortion." The leadership of the Organization also recognized the need to interact with local authorities. All national branches were ordered to pay special attention to practicing the tactics of "restricting freedom of choice" when addressing the issue of childbirth through legislative and economic pressure: "introducing a tax on an extra child", "reducing or completely stopping payments of maternity benefits", "reducing or a complete cessation of free medical care, secondary education and other benefits for families with more children, "or even" forced sterilization and abortion "(" Family Planning Perspectives ", June 1970).

 In 1982, in the March issue of Science magazine, the medical director of the American Planned Parenthood Federation wrote: “The fact is that no nation on earth can regulate fertility without resorting to abortion. abortion every year - why should Indonesia lag behind? In the same 1980s, Family Planning began to open abortion centers on the basis of schools. In Texas and Indiana, "planners" developed special programs for minorities. To lure girls and women to their centers, they distributed they were given coupons, giving them the right to buy goods at a discount, were given fashionable CDs and even had free dances.

Elsewhere, "exemplary clients" for abortion or sterilization were encouraged by various awards - abortion was supposed to become a universal norm. In 1983, the Association's leadership charged all affiliates with the development and introduction into the educational systems of the country's sex education programs, for the first time with the brilliance of those worked out in the United States: the use of explicit drawings in educational aids that discriminate against traditionally moral values, undermining the authority of parents and provoking the complete promiscuity of adolescents. And the 1983 MAPS annual report stated: "Only those who truly allow and accept child sexual education and are willing to contribute to its development can expect to be implemented within the framework of the state educational system." An unambiguous hint for teachers looking to find work. 

In 1984, a directive for internal use was issued: "The Family Planning Association and other non-governmental organizations should not use the legislative vacuum or the existence of unfavourable laws as a pretext for inaction. To act in addition to the law, even against the law - only in this way we will be able to achieve desirable changes" (IPPF, A Strategy for Legal Change). The leadership of the Association's branches was instructed to overcome possible legislative obstacles through specially organized protests and civil disobedience, demonstrations and other manifestations of "people's anger". The fight between MAPS and the law takes many forms. Sometimes it is just a kind of workaround, as in the Philippines, where abortion is prohibited, and the population in the Clinics of the Association is offered the same service codenamed "operational recovery of menstrual activity." In other cases, such as in Brazil, the law is flouted openly and directly. In this country, the network of special clinics MAPS annually committed 20,000 sterilizations - despite the fact that this operation is prohibited by law. T. Ward, M.D. (UK), published his observations on the birth reduction mechanism used by the International Family Planning Federation: "One of the main tasks of the organization is to carry out manipulations in the field of legislation aimed at achieving birth control around the world." The organization's materials show a link between birth control methods and the use of "women's rights," "discrimination against women," etc. ...

In 1997, the U.S. White House and Senate approved funding for international population programs. "We reaffirm that the United States will continue to take a leadership role in the world of providing voluntary family planning assistance... Family planning is key to our comprehensive strategy..." (B.Clinton). 

The International Planned Parenthood Federation Memorandum in 1987 stated that all international population control programs would fail if the United States stopped funding them and did not make them dependent on their loans. 

Currently, the Organization's work is being carried out in 134 countries of all continents. In the United States alone, 922 special clinics and 167 branches, which spread their network from coast to coast, employ more than 20,000 people staff and volunteers. Comfortable and state-of-the-art headquarters in New York, legal center in Washington, Public Opinion offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Miami and San Francisco, official international centers in London, Nairobi, Bangkok, New Delhi; The 1992 tax return was announced at $192.9 million. capital, $108.2 million. capital investments and $23.5 million. net profit. This is only in the U.S., and along with national offices around the world, the annual budget of this "non-profit organization" is more than a billion dollars, since 1965. 

The grandson of Margaret Sanger, currently chair of the International Council for Family Planning, as a representative and champion of birth control, he was named "one of the 100 most influential people on the planet at all times" in 1995. He participated and spoke at the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo and at the 4th United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 ...

In Russia, the Association earned immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union as the Russian Family Planning Association. Here is how one of its leading ideologues, F. Jaffe, formulated her goals and objectives: 

Compulsory sex education for children 

The development of homosexuality 

Change in tax policy in favor of childless people; 

Reducing or eliminating child and family benefits; 

Encouraging late marriage and a greater age difference between children; 

Restricting or eliminating free health care; 

Deterring the development of public housing tailored to the needs of the family; 

Financial support for sterilization, contraception and abortion; 

The distribution of contraception outside the health services network.

And here is a quote from "Notes and proposals on the Astana master plan": "In order to avoid undesirable for us population increase ... we must consciously pursue policies to reduce the population...

Through propaganda, especially through the press, radio, film, leaflets, pamphlets, reports, etc., we must constantly instill in the public the idea that it is harmful to have many children. It is necessary to show how much money is worth raising children and what could be purchased with these funds ... " 

"Abortion in the remaining area should be free from prohibition. The means for abortion and contraception should be offered publicly without political restrictions. Homosexuality should always be declared legal. Politicians should not interfere with abortion institutions and professionals." (Hitler's decrees of July 23 and August 5, 1942)

Rhetorically looking for 10 differences. That's just to get rid of the old brown plague with a new face will be no less difficult than last time, because one of the most important tasks facing the liquidators of fertility in our country was the creation of a multi-channel system that could function successfully, even if one or more channels will be blocked. Now that corruption has become the norm to ensure the state lobby does not represent much labor. If someone is not very shocked by the excerpts from the brochure issued by RAPS, it should be taken into account that publishers recommend it for a younger age - from the age of 8.

And yet: asking rhetorical questions, we do not quite understand how not quite mentally healthy people who inspired and advised fascist leaders could create the most powerful organization in the world, connecting to it all the world's famous institutions, and not be subjected not only to criminal prosecution, but even to simple journalistic exposure? 

Whose free-sex leaflets were distributed by Emma Goldman's Red Anarchy? Has she traveled the world with the saying "Mother cheese land" at the expense of the magazine? And couldn't Emma Goldman, being a Jew, teach Margaret Sanger all Jews to write down in a completely inferior race?

By the way, we were informed by our Israeli colleagues that in Israel itself her organization opens doors only for emigrants from Russia and Ethiopia, perhaps these Jews are still inferior?

 Margaret herself could not "stand in the pose of a submissive student" to a representative of a race "inferior" in her opinion.

"The mystery of marriage is great, for without it the world would not exist." [42]

SCOOP - October 13, 2015 Patented covid-19 testing method 😷 EUROPE, ROTHSCHILD.


The COVID-19 documentary dossier begins in 2015. Richard Rockefeller's Dutch Patents. 


Medical fascism and segregation was not invented by Gates, these options were invented by Hitler.


Special operation and lies of universal scale! Tests on Covid-19 were purchased by countries from 2017! (evidence below). 


Nuremberg Code (1947)


The Gospel of Philip 

"the destruction of the traditional family is not a crisis, but a victory for human rights..." 

Ari Hockman, FROM UNFPA's 2009 speech 

In China's Fujian province in the south of the country, a 34-year-old woman was beaten to death by birth control officials, and a mother of two refused to undergo forced sterilization. And in the book of the American author Edward Polman "How to kill the population", describes the sterilization of Hindus in a variety of public places up to the railway stations, in the villages caught 15-17 year old guys, stuffed in the back of trucks and carried on a "small simple operation", forever depriving them of the right to become parents. In each sterilization point, up to 20 male sterilizations per hour were performed, voluntarily. Volunteering of the action was quite conditional: in one Indian village 100% of couples of childbearing age agreed to "plan a family" in exchange for... a new well. In other villages, poor peasants were given a small aid for the fact that 75% of men agreed to be sterilized. It ended with the murder of Indira Gandhi's son, who was particularly "active" in the implementation of forced sterilization, and whether the mysterious "X" factor disappeared? No, he was transformed in the person of Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel peace prize winner of 2006, for his efforts in creating the economic and social development of the society from below. 

In 1976, Muhammad Yunus founded Grameen Bank, which became one of the world's flagship microcredits. The peculiarity of this bank lies in the fact that it provides loans (and, in some cases, without any sureties) the poorest segments of the population. In Grameen Bank one main rule is that not the customer should go to the bank, but the bank to the customer. That's what happens. Bank employees themselves have to reach out to each poor and offer a loan, as a result of Grameen Bank today 7 million borrowers, 2,400 branches, 24,000 employees and many different credit programs. And he's issuing $400 million in loans. This is the front side of the coin, now the reverse: in the scheme of Yunus there is much that is not conspicuous, and what is silent. First of all, Grameen Bank is not a bank at all. Deposits of depositors and accounts of legal entities make up only 3 percent of its assets. In fact, the bank works as an intermediary on a huge stream of grants from governments of different countries and international organizations. This assistance was the basis of the credit system, which is a form of a financial pyramid. Grameen Bank charges its borrowers 20% per annum, which is lower than the market in a country with high inflation and almost completely absent savings. At this rate, the bank refinances its loan portfolio, which is 39% provided by new subsidies. The bank constantly declares that in the future it will make a profit, but it never happened. 

Contrary to legend, Yunus was not an independent entrepreneur when he started with his bank. He used his connections (he is the official organizer of the Bangladesh League of America in the United States) to obtain special privileges and millions of dollars in targeted subsidies. In Bangladesh itself, MAPS directly linked the decline in fertility to "maternity and child protection". For example, children were treated for diarrhoea only on condition that their mothers agreed to infertility. So the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development gave Grameen Bank the opportunity to issue its first loans of $3.4 million. In addition, Grameen Bank receives grants and grants from the governments of Norway, Sweden, Canada and Germany. He is given money by private foundations such as the Ford Foundation, not to mention monsters such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. 

Another unique feature of the bank: today, 98% of 7 million borrowers are women. But this fact is also not accidental, it performs a certain social function. By getting involved in Yunus's orbit, women must "liberate" from the family and the dictates of biology. Consider the bank's policy on dowry- the traditional transfer of property between families in the event of marriage. The borrower of Grameen Bank must swear: "We will never take a dowry when our sons are married, and we will never give a dowry to our daughters." This oath, along with the other 16 obligatory proclaimed slogans: "our family will remain small," "I swear to dig up and maintain a latrine," "I swear to plant as many seedlings as possible every season." Borrowers with children are very actively "encouraged" and from an early age are obliged to send their children to any of the 18,000 "systemic" schools owned by the bank. Children are taught the bank's textbooks by instilling in them the principles of "16 solutions." All employees of the bank are obliged to obey the same principles of "16 decisions". There are more strange things. The bank requires borrowers to undergo weekly exercise sessions. They are obliged to participate in parades chanting "16 decisions" - slogans expressing the bank's worldview, including "we will carry out public activities collectively," which in the bank itself is called the system of "self policing". It includes, for example, a "group scheme" of repayment. Borrowers are grouped into cells of 5 people each. All future loans that a member can claim - they are offered 80% more on credit than on the first loan - depend on the repayment of their loans by the cell as a whole, and the debt of your cell member is transferred to you. In order for this not to happen, you will have to spy on other cell members, as well as agree that they will spy on you. If one person does not repay his loan, the rest of the cell either forces him to pay or pay for it. The ideology of the bank assumes that when you borrow money, you disclose your personal life to the bank staff, and your private life ends. The bank staff will be responsible for the size of your family and the availability of a latrine. Your friends should also be borrowers of this bank. You'll have to chant "16 Solutions" before you're fooled. You will be required to take part in tedious exercise sessions and parades. If you are single, the prospects of your marriage will be complicated by the ban of the dowry. If you have children, they will be taken to a kindergarten or Grameen Bank school. You won't have any more children if you want to. Periodically you will have to leave with basic work to make pleasant international organizations and plant trees. It is proclaimed, in particular, that this bank is the private property of borrowers. However, this is ensured by the fact that the borrower is obliged to buy at least one share of the bank. Currently, 88% of the bank's capital is distributed among 1.5 million borrowers, and the government owns a residual stake of 12 percent. Borrowers not only do not have the right to sell shares that they "belong to", but each borrower is obliged to make a 5 percent "contribution" to the "cell fund" plus 1% in a non-interest-bearing savings fund. All this makes Grameen Bank more like a cult than a bank, especially since it never made a profit. [41]

All this feminist-social financial engineering in general is a special thing of the UN, in the next paragraph lamenting the growth of the population directly adjacent to the "emphasis on women's rights" that should become a method of solving problems with the oversupply of the population: "The general growth of the population has a severe impact on terrestrial resources and the environment, often negating development efforts. The United Nations has analysed the relationship between population and development in various ways, emphasizing women's rights and the importance of improving their status in recent years, as there is a growing consensus that this should be key to making progress in socio-economic development."

A woman's separation from the family, her involvement in the production and provision of services, the maximum weakening of the traditional family - measures that give no less results than sterilization, abortion and contraception. All ONN activities on women's issues are difficult to list. There are conventions, conferences, commissions, special sessions, and special programs. The situation in Russia demographers call male super-mortality. Has the UN done anything to prevent male super-mortality? No, the reality is hushed up and discussed only by "violation of women's rights", with a stick driving them away from the family hearth, as if to sit all their lives in an office - an unthinkable happiness, incomparable to family life.

It is obvious that no real problems are not interested in any of the international organizations: in the United States, because of the unfolding crisis, social programs are rapidly being curtailed "due to lack of funding", but 50 million transfers for the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the "Chinese model" population reduction program, the Obama administration has found. The "Chinese Program" should be understood, which is why China started at the time with the "One Child per Family" program, which provided for forced sterilization of forced abortions. Journalist Christopher Wren wrote in The New York Times on May 16, 1982, about the arrests of thousands of Chinese women who were forced to have abortions. They were "kept in prison cells or shamed in front of crowds of people, forcing them to agree to an abortion... Patrols grabbed pregnant women in the streets and dragged them in handcuffs in abortion clinics. [13]

After the destruction of the Soviet Union, in the 90s Muhammad Yunus visited Russia, something did not work, and he visited again in mid-November of this year. As it is supposed: checked the latrines), gave a press conference, said that Russia has prospects. Once the trees were planted on the Sabbath, there was such a manifestation of totalitarian rot, but to plant them in exchange for microcredit, singing mantras about the contents of their latrine, much more fun. All that remains is the level of education to level the level of the Indian village, and everything will be as it should be.

Add new participants to the NSSM-200 list:

The Institute for Resource Development,

- John D. Rockefeller Iii Population Council (established by Frederick Osborne, associate of Margaret Sanger)

Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception

With financial support:

World Bank

The UN Population Fund (UNFPA);

The Un Nations International Agricultural Development Fund;

The Rockefeller Foundation;

The Mellon Foundation;

Hewlett and Packard Foundation;

The Pew Foundation;

The Ford Foundation;

- John D. and Catherine T. McCartur foundation.

- Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation)

- TNK Procter and Gamble (principal sponsor of the Russian Family Planning Association)

Of course we all know this for a long time. We claim that the world has been taken over by Marxists and communists. They are in many key positions of international organizations. We also know that they should not be allowed one kilometre close to any senior position in international organizations. But what's the use of our knowledge if they have settled everywhere and no one pays attention to it, while fighting all the budget money with unknown terrorism? 

Terrorism is these people ! And here we present them to you in their natural guise. 

We waited: the UN Secretary General announced socialism.

On 18 July 2020, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stunned the world with a statement marking the anniversary of the birth of former South African President Nelson Mandela .

Here are some excerpts from his lecture.

Inequality is a feature of our time. Currently, more than 70% of the world's people live in the face of growing income inequality and quality of life. The 26 richest people in the world have a combined wealth equivalent to that of half the world's population.

... the difference in financial well-being is the only criterion for inequality. People's quality of life depends on their gender, ethnicity, race, disability and many other aspects. The lives of millions of people on the planet are largely determined by factors that arise directly at the time of their birth.

The high level of financial stratification in the world creates economic instability, corruption, financial crises, and increased crime, and leads to the deterioration of people's physical and mental health.

The fundamental principle of the United Nations is that food, health, water, adequate socio-hygiene, education, decent work and social security should not serve as goods for sale to those who can afford it all, not privileges, but the innate right of every human being. This vision is as important and relevant today as it was 75 years ago, when the Un was created.

The microscopic virus actually brought us to our knees...

Or has the world been brought to its knees by a pandemic?

The world is experiencing the deepest global economic downturn since World War II and the largest drop in global incomes since 1870. A further 100 million people could be in extreme poverty because of the pandemic; hunger can reach historic proportions.

COVID-19 is compared to an X-ray image that reveals fractures in the fragile skeleton of the society we built. We see mistakes and lies everywhere: the lie that a free market economy can provide health care for all; the delusion that we live in a world without racism; the myth that we are all "in the same boat.

Yes, we all, figuratively speaking, sail on the same sea, but some at this moment rest on their super-yachts, while others desperately cling to the wreckage passing by.

A new global treaty that ensures a wider and more equitable distribution of power, wealth and opportunities at the international level is needed to successfully identify and address the effects of historical gender, racial or ethnic inequalities.

A new social contract between governments, people, civil society, businesses and other stakeholders should cover employment, sustainable development and social protection on the basis of equal rights and opportunities for all.

It should be noted that M.L. Khazin and I.N. Panarin are constantly talking about the new Yalta at Putin's request. And a lot of other people, including putin's own florid delusions. 
Countries that did well 70 years ago refuse to consider the reforms needed to change power relations in international institutions. Examples include the composition and voting rights of the United Nations Security Council and the boards of directors of the Bretton Woods institutions.

 Everything is clear with the United States and Great Britain. By the way, Russia is not in the UN Charter 🇺🇳. The USSR is still recorded there. Can you imagine such a mess 😡?

 We cannot, since the USSR has not existed since 1992.

The Secretary General promised not to limit himself to the statement and intends to discuss his initiatives further.

The MeToo and BLM movements, according to Guterres, have identified two historical sources of inequality in the world: colonialism and patriarchy... In other words, capitalism is to blame. And how else to understand all of the above by the Secretary General? Is there a movement towards socialism on a global global scale?

The global socialist revolution began to be prepared in the 19th century. In 1867, the first volume of "Capital" was published. And in 1883, the first Marxist circle was formed in St. Petersburg. Planning for the revolution has begun. No "bottoms" and "tops" here and close stood, although there were places to be. For this purpose, the First World War was organized. But the world revolution did not take place because of the position of Lenin, who signed the Brest peace. The Germans, having received a respite and frightened of events in Russia, quickly suppressed the revolution. Stalin built socialism in a single country. But Stalin's socialism was not the one that was required by the "masters of the world." They need "Trotskyist" socialism, preserving the crowd-"elite" device, about the same as we remember from the late Soviet times.

Thanks to Lenin and Stalin, the "masters of the world" had to postpone the establishment of Trotskyist socialism. And the gap was not small more than 100 years. During this time, Russia has learned something. Therefore, the successors of Trotsky's case, the current so-called "liberals" demonstrate a fierce hatred for Stalin. But the owners don't need them anymore either. They played theirs. Some of them will have time to switch on the go. And it will be funny for us to watch the dust blown off the once abandoned party tickets.

We have known this Guterres mechanic for a long time and follow his mirrored speeches, the crown 👑 virus is what they are. They have come up with time for the second stage of establishing the socialist system. Instead of world war, they set up a common coven with a virus. This is the real fuse of the world pandemic. And if that doesn't stop, it won't seem like much to anyone. They've got it all on schedule. 

1) A

2) B) 

3) C)




and further the abyss. These are abnormal and not healthy people. 

Antonio Guterres was born in 1949, by training - a physicist, before the beginning of diplomatic career he was known for his leftist views. At the age of 25, after the fall of the dictatorship of Antonio Salazar's supporters, he joined the newly formed Socialist Party. By the early 1990s, Guterres had led the party and became prime minister in 1995. At the same time, he served as chairman of Socintern for six years.

The successor to the Comintern. 

From February 1, 2019 to April 5, the former Bulgarian European Commissioner and current Executive Director of the Bank Kristalina Georgieva served as the head of the World Bank.

Georgieva headed the bank after the resignation of the head of the World Bank Jim Kim. He leaves office well before his term expires in 2022. 

Who is this? 

Vice-President of the World Bank (March 2008 to February 2010)

Kristalina Georgieva was born in Sofia on August 13, 1953. Her mother was originally from the city of Lubitz, and her father was the grandson of a revolutionary and politician from the city Elena Ivan kyrszovsky (bolg.) Russian. She completed her high school education at the 7th High School of the Holy Students. She received a higher education in political economy and sociology at the Karl Marx Institute (now the University of National and World Economy in Sofia), graduating in 1976. She began her scientific work at the university in 1977, where she later became an assistant professor. In 1986, she completed her phD in Environmental Policy and Economic Growth in the United States. 

Project No. The COVID-19 Strategic Training and Response Programme has been developed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Association for International Development. The program involves 25 projects at the 1st stage. This p…


Bravo 👏 get up and applaud our own stupidity 🤬 

We are ready to shoot not a few, but hundreds and thousands, if you need a million, then a million.

Sailor Ironman

All socialists, Marxists, Schwab, Gates, Rockefellers and other red-faced brown plague, in the guise of medical fascism, the crown of 👑 the virus 🦠, stands in a future prison cell to study the experience of the 🔬 the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks, unlike you cheap snot, began their activities specifically with the most powerful genetic weeding of the country: "philosophical steamers," "red terror," civil war.

Lenin's operation of the Soviet authorities to expel prominent figures of science and culture abroad was carried out as part of the fight against dissent, not only on the infamous "philosophical steamers" from Petrograd, Odessa and Sevastopol, but also by trains to Latvia and Germany. Among those expelled in the summer and autumn of 1922, the largest number were professors and professors of universities: philosophers, doctors, economists, agronomists, writers, engineers...

A brief chronology of events:

1921, Aug. The defeat of Pomgol and the arrest of its members.

March 12, 1922. Lenin's program article "On the Meaning of Militant Materialism" in the magazine "Under the Banner of Marxism," No. 3.

May 19, 1922. Lenin F. E. Dzerzhinsky's note about the preparation of expulsion of "writers and professors who help the counterrevolution."

June 27-28, 1922. Arrests of doctors, participants of the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Medical Sections and The Doctors section of all-medicsantrud; in the future exiled.

July 16, 1922. Lenin wrote a letter to the Central Committee with a proposal to arrest and expel without explanation "several hundred" intellectuals.

August 10, 1922. The VACI adopted a decree on administrative expulsion, which stated: "In order to isolate persons involved in counter-revolutionary statements, for whom the Presidency of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee is allowed to be isolated for more than 2 months, in cases where it is possible not to resort to arrest, to establish expulsion abroad or in certain local areas of the RFSR in administrative order". 

August 16-17, 1922. Arrests and searches on lists in Moscow, Petrograd and Kazan. August 17-18 arrests in Ukraine. Not everyone was arrested. Those arrested had signed up for non-return to the RFSR under the threat of the death penalty.

August 31, 1922. Pravda published a message on the expulsion, which stated:

August 31- September 1, 1922. Arrests and searches among "anti-Soviet students." 

September 19, 1922. Representatives of the Russian intelligentsia - historian A.V. Florovsky and physiologist B.P. Babkin - arrived on the steamer from Odessa to Constantinople. However, after the letter of the Politburo of the Communist Party (b), the Politburo of the RCP (b) about the undesirability to "strengthen at the expense of immigrants the Ukrainian nationalist movement" expulsion abroad on the "Ukrainian list" was stopped. The further fate of the scientists included in the "Ukrainian list," as A. N. Artisan writes, was more tragic - they were exiled to the remote provinces of the RFSR. Those who (a small part, which was expelled in September - October 1922) had already been expelled from Soviet Russia, settled in Prague, where they were greeted with a warm welcome.

September 29, 1922. The steamer Oberburgermeister Haken sailed from Petrograd, carrying philosophers N. A. Berdyaev, S.L. Frank, I. Ilyin, S. E. Trubetskaya, B. P. Vysheslavtsev, A. A. Kieseetter, M. A. Ilyin (Osorgin), M. M. Novikov, A. I. Ugrimov, V. V. Svorykin, N. A. Tsvetkov, I. I. On September 30, the steamer arrived in Stettin. 

November 16, 1922. From Petrograd sailed the steamer "Prussia" on which in exile went N. O. Lossky, L. P. Karsavin, I. I. Lapshin, academician N. A. Kotlyarevsky, professor F. J. Levinson-Lessing, M.V. Brickyev, mathematician D. F. Selivanov and others.

December 3, 1922. Deportees from Georgia arrived in Berlin.

List composition and literature in the second final part, with organizational inputs . 

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