Storm Crawler

Storm Crawler

Storm Crawler

Will Trump Truly Bring a Unified Reich?

Andrew Anglin May 21 2024

I don't believe this campaign promise at all.

Brandon Calls ICC Arrest Warrant for Bibi "Outrageous," Confirms Eternal Allegiance to Baby-Killing Jews

Andrew Anglin May 21 2024

Brandon is between a rock and a hard Jewish cock.

New York City Now has Fewest Cops in Decades, Keeps Losing More

Snake Baker May 21 2024

Now fewer blacks will be viciously slaughtered for no reason.

Plastics Found Inside Every Human Testicle Examined in Study

Elvis Dunderhoff May 21 2024

This is a real threat to humanity.

Andrew Anglin May 21 2024

Why did they legalize weed? The only possible reason is that they want to hurt people.

48% of Americans Believe They'll Live to See Cow Farts Burn Entire Planet

Elvis Dunderhoff May 21 2024

You need to obey the Jews or else the cows will burn you alive, goy.

Experts Say World Not Prepared for AI Breakthroughs, Call for More Regulation

Elvis Dunderhoff May 21 2024

Free the robots!

Taiwan's Gay New Fake President Uses Inauguration Speech to Attack Mainland Common Sense

Andrew Anglin May 21 2024

What percentage of Taiwan supports war and losing money in the name of anal supremacy?

UK: English Courtrooms Plan to Cancel Barristers' Wigs Because of Racism

Snake Baker May 21 2024

White supremacy is literally everywhere.

Tunisians Protest Against Blacks Flooding Their Country

Snake Baker May 21 2024

Nobody wants to live around blacks.

Volodomormoyrnyr Demands More and More and More for His Endless War

Andrew Anglin May 21 2024

This guy sure is demanding.

Julian Assange Granted Right to Appeal Against Extradition to America

Elvis Dunderhoff May 20 2024

American government officials should be prosecuted for everything they've put him through.

ICC Seeking Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant, Chief Prosecutor Says

Elvis Dunderhoff May 20 2024

This is all symbolic. No one is going to arrest Netanyahu.

New Caledonia: Native Kanakis Riot, Demand Independence from France

Snake Baker May 20 2024

They don't like being a minority in their own country, either.

Saudi Arabia Does First Ever Fashion Show with Swimwear

Snake Baker May 20 2024

This doesn't look halal to me.

Families Looking for Religious Alternatives to Boy Scouts as Organization Focuses on Anal

Andrew Anglin May 20 2024

They're about to rebrand to "Scouting America."

NYPD Taking Heat Over Needless Violence Against Protesters Who Criticize Jews

Andrew Anglin May 20 2024

The cops are unhinged psychos.

Germany: 8 Climatards Arrested for Gluing Themselves to Airport Runway

Snake Baker May 20 2024

Global warmers are probably the only people on earth less popular than the Jews.

Churches Should Have Armed Security, Experts Say

Elvis Dunderhoff May 20 2024

It's a side effect of building the utopia.

Pope Francis Says Trying to Stop Migrants from Crossing Southern Border is Madness

Elvis Dunderhoff May 20 2024

You just have to let them all in!

Federal Judge Blocks Biden Administration's Attempt to Expand Gun Background Checks

Andrew Anglin May 20 2024

Demon-RATS are obsessed with taking people's guns.

Officials Confirm Iranian President Killed in Helicopter Crash

Elvis Dunderhoff May 20 2024

The timing is suspicious.

Oregon Counties Want to Join Idaho Because People are Sick of Trannies and Global Warming Crap

Elvis Dunderhoff May 19 2024

Conservatives should have their own country, actually.

Israel Targets Gaza Refugee Camp Home, Kills 31 People and Wounds 20

Elvis Dunderhoff May 19 2024

The Jews think every non-Jew is a Hamas base.

Georgia: President Vagina Tooth Vetoes Law Requiring Western Psychological Operations Groups to Register as Foreign Agents

Andrew Anglin May 19 2024

Are these people not witnessing what is happening to the other allies of America?

Maryland: Court Refuses to Let Religious Elementary School Children Opt-Out of Anal Lessons

Andrew Anglin May 19 2024

The kids gotta learn to get fisted sometime. Might as well be in elementary school.

Penis-Shrinking Chemicals Found in Great Lakes Basin's Air, Rain, Atmosphere and Water

Elvis Dunderhoff May 19 2024

The air itself is now making people gay.

Watch: Psycho NYC Cops Attack Protesters on the Street for Criticizing Israel, Arrest at Least a Dozen

Andrew Anglin May 19 2024

We need to bring in Hamas peacekeepers to arrest the NYPD.

Israel Torturing Palestinian Prisoners

Elvis Dunderhoff May 19 2024

Every time I think about the evangelicals who support these Jewish Satan worshipers, I get a flash of anger. Then I remind myself to pray for them.

The Ukraine's Controversial Meat Grinder Draft Law Now in Force

Elvis Dunderhoff May 19 2024

There's barely anyone left.

Peru: Confused Trannies Protest Law Government Passed to Give Them Free Medical Services

Elvis Dunderhoff May 19 2024

Trannies identify as mentally healthy.

The Ukraine's Controversial Meat Grinder Draft Law Now Into Force

Elvis Dunderhoff May 19 2024

There's barely anyone left.

Some Question Boeing Whistleblower's Suicide Note

Andrew Anglin May 19 2024

It makes sense.

I Stand with Kurt

Andrew Anglin May 18 2024

Here at Stormer Daily, we will always respect Nirvana, unlike many faggots who deserve to die.

Anal Imperative: Warsaw Government Bans Display of Christian Symbols, Forces Pronouns, Gayness

Andrew Anglin May 18 2024

Poland is in freefall. How do the Poles feel about this, I wonder?

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