Israel Torturing Palestinian Prisoners

Israel Torturing Palestinian Prisoners

Storm Crawler

Elvis Dunderhoff May 19 2024


Torturing people?

I just can’t believe the chosen ones who do something like this. So I won’t believe it. I’ll just pretend Jews are good people, because my stupid satanic religion says that Space Jesus really loves killing children.

The Guardian:

Marwan Barghouti spends his days huddled in a cramped, dark, solitary cell, with no way to tend to his wounds, and a shoulder injury from being dragged with his hands cuffed behind his back.

Barghouti holds almost mythic status within Palestinian politics, seen as a figure whose potential to unify different factions has only grown during his 24 years in prison.

Marwan Barghouti in 2012.

The books, newspapers and tele­vision that he used to be able to access have been gone since last October, along with any former cellmates. The lights that flicker in his cell each evening are intended to make sleep near impossible.

“Mentally he’s a very strong person, but physically his condition is deteriorating, you can see it. He’s struggling to see out of his right eye, as a result of one of the assaults,” said his lawyer Igal Dotan, who visited Barghouti in Israel’s Megiddo prison two months ago. “He has lost weight – he doesn’t look good. You wouldn’t recognise him if you compare his current appearance with the famous photos of him,” he said.

Israel jailed Barghouti on five counts of murder while accusing him of directing attacks against civilians, which he denies. His lawyers and supporters fear that as one of the highest profile Palestinian detainees, he was abused to send a message to others that no one is safe.

Former prisoners and numerous rights groups say that conditions inside Israeli jails for Palestinians changed overnight last October, after Hamas attacked towns and kibbutzim in southern Israel, killing about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking another 250 hostage.

In the months since, the Palestinian prison population has almost doubled after Israeli forces began conducting regular raids across the West Bank, detaining more than 8,755 people according to the Palestinian prisoners and ex-detainees commission. Most were held under administrative detention, meaning without charge.

Palestinians hold photographs of detainees in Israel.

As the numbers inside Israeli prisons have swelled, with Palestinians packed into overcrowded cells, so too have abuses. Former detainees recounted regular beatings and physical violence, along with a lack of basic care including limited food, no access to clean clothes, reading materials, warm blankets, hygiene products or medical care.

“During this war, the Israeli authorities are trying to deal with all prisoners in a way that allows them to get revenge on the Palestinians. They understand what they represent in our collective mind, they are symbols of struggle,” said Qadura Fares, head of the Palestinian prisoners and former detainees commission and an ally of Barghouti. “After hearing all these descriptions of Marwan as a potential future leader, my analysis is that they decided to target him specifically.”

Barghouti told his lawyers during their visit to Meggido in March that earlier that month he was dragged to an area of the prison without security cameras and assaulted. He recalled bleeding from the nose as he was dragged across the floor by his handcuffs, before he was beaten unconscious.

Dotan counted bruises in at least three places on Barghouti’s body when he visited weeks later, adding that he probably has a dislocated shoulder from the assault and is in constant pain, but prison officials have refused a full medical examination of his injuries.

He has been moved to three different detention facilities since October, each time held in solitary confinement. Last December in Ayalon prison, “he was beaten on several occasions,” said Dotan, including an incident where guards swore at him while Barghouti was “dragged on the floor naked in front of other prisoners”.

What Barghouti has endured amounts to torture, but that has become standard across all detention facilities since 7 October,” said Tal Steiner, of the rights group the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel. The Israeli prison service did not respond when contacted for comment. Both PCATI and the International Committee of the Red Cross have been denied formerly routine visits to Israeli prisons since last October.

Steiner added that PCATI collected 19 testimonies from prisoners describing physical assault, sexual or other types of humiliation as well as sleep, food and medical deprivation.

If this is how they allow themselves to treat high-profile prisoners like Barghouti, imagine what they do to detainees who don’t have the same profile,” she said, describing the overall level of abuse as “unprecedented”.

Frankly, the torture deserves more attention. These Jews grab random people and torture them for years or decades. It’s totally random. They do it to create a sense among the Palestinians that it could happen to anyone.

Every time I think about the evangelicals who support these Jewish satan-worshipers, I get a flash of anger. Then I remind myself to pray for them. The people who use Jesus’ name to support this kind of evil are going to go to the deepest and darkest part of hell, and they’re going to be there forever.

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