Peru: Confused Trannies Protest Law Government Passed to Give Them Free Medical Services

Peru: Confused Trannies Protest Law Government Passed to Give Them Free Medical Services

Storm Crawler

Elvis Dunderhoff May 19 2024

Why would people in Peru even know that trannies exist?

Who is funding Peruvian trannies?

Is it the Jews again? 


Hundreds of protesters in Peru’s capital marched on Friday to demand the scrapping of a new law that describes transgender people, among others, as having a mental illness so they can access health benefits.

Around 500 demonstrators peacefully walked the streets of downtown Lima, hoisting banners with slogans that read “No more stigmas” and “My identity is not a disease.”

It’s an unfortunate slogan, given that your body is riddled with disease.

The law, which was approved administratively last week by the government of President Dina Boluarte, specifies that those who identify as transgender, along with “cross dressers” and “others with gender identity disorders,” are considered to be diagnosed with “illnesses” that are eligible for mental health services via both public and private providers.

Government officials have sought to chalk up the controversy as a misunderstanding.

In a statement released shortly after the law was promulgated, the health ministry insisted that it rejects the stigmatization of LGBTQ+ people and that the legal language simply seeks to ensure more complete health coverage.

Didn’t one of the organizers read the law?

How did they not know it was designed to give them free health services?

I thought most trannies were autistic?

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