Who do you think this powerful old man is? Don't say, you can't know that. He is a giant of thought, the father of the American partocracy and a person close to Emperor David.

Who do you think this powerful old man is? Don't say, you can't know that. He is a giant of thought, the father of the American partocracy and a person close to Emperor David.

𝓣𝓻𝓲𝓫𝓾𝓵𝓮 𝓑

SPEECH BY HENRY KISSINGER at the Council of the World Eugenics Organization, February 25, 2009:

"As soon as the herd accepts mandatory compulsory vaccination, the game is over. 

They will agree to anything — forced blood or organ donation — for the "greater good." 

We can genetically modify children and sterilize them for the "greater good." 

Control the minds of the sheep and you control the flock. 

Vaccine manufacturers can make billions, and many of you in this room today are investors. 

It's a big win-win! 

We thin out the herd and the herd pays us to provide extermination services. 

So, what do we have for lunch, eh?" 

Dr. Henry Kissinger 

COV "ID"-1984 Global Psyop 

Plan for the New World Order.

Representatives of Henry Kissinger said that the statement about mass compulsory vaccination does not belong to him. WHO officials said there was no "Eugenics Council" in their organization.


"The new coronavirus was spreading inside the pigs. Gradually, farmers began to get sick. The infected began to have respiratory diseases. Symptoms ranged from influenza to obstructive pneumonia.

Seriously ill patients need intensive care. Many died. Flights have been canceled, ticket sales have fallen. People don't fly anywhere else... The pandemic has led to tens of millions of casualties, a global economic downfall and a stock market crash.

However, the most interesting thing is that the film was created in October 2019 - 2 months before the first case of SARS-CoV-2, when a "zero patient" was found in a hospital in Wuhan, China.

"In a week, cases of infection with the virus can double, and in a month they will increase by 16 times, if it is not possible to stop the spread. In three months, there could be 10 million infected around the world," Catherine Rivers, a doctor at the Johns Hopkins University Regional Health Center, said in the film.

Terrible footage of dying patients, interviews of virologists with frightening statistics, round tables of experts with discussions on how to save the world economy - this documentary thriller was shown to the participants of the event called "Event 201".

Prominent scientists, doctors, politicians, financiers and public figures gathered in New York to reproduce a possible pandemic scenario in this format. They ran a simulation of the coronavirus, where they predicted what, one-on-one, is happening today...

The film itself is posted in the public domain, and the list of organizers of the "educational end of the world" is also indicated. These include the Center for Security at the University of J. S. Smith And the University of S. S. Smith. Hopkins, weF and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

This virus is the one who actually develops vaccines, the one who prepares plans for universal vaccination on vaccinations of the world's population ...

Bill Melinda Gates created a foundation and began to direct money to create vaccines against all kinds of diseases, including AIDS and malaria. Since 2000, the Fund has invested more than $2 billion in WHO.

One of the most significant spending lines is the fight against child polio. Bill Gates decided to eradicate this disease in India. The results were stunning: the billionaire's medicine paralyzed 491,000 children in 17 years. In 2017, the Indian government abolished Gates' vaccination regime.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a study of an experimental malaria vaccine that killed 150 African children.

The Gates Foundation allocated money for testing vaccinations against the human papillomavirus. The experiment was conducted on 23,000 young girls in remote provinces of India. 1,200 of them eventually became infertile, 7 died.

In 2014, the Association of Catholic Doctors of Kenya accused WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of Kenyan women through a tetanus vaccination campaign.

In 2010, Gates spoke and said, If we work vaccines, we can reduce the world's population by 10-15 percent.

"The reports of the Club of Rome, created by David Rockefeller in 1968, spell out some key tasks. First of all, this is a halt in demographic growth and a decrease in the world's population.

In 1980, a curious monument appeared in one of the American states, the so-called Georgian tablets. The monument consists of 6 granite blocks, on which a mysterious message to descendants is engraved in eight modern languages.

"Let the earth's population never exceed 500 million, being in constant balance with nature," it is written on the stones. The authors of the "recommendations" wished to remain anonymous.

If we go further and try to develop this conspiracy theory, then the next goal of the so-called "shadow government" is the digitalization of society.

Yes, we must find some way to ensure that a person has such a clear, numerical digital identification so that we can know about their health status and the vaccines they have received.

We are also studying the variant of nanomicrochips... In order to preserve the health of mankind... Digital certificates, according to Gates, will be used to account for those who have been vaccinated against coronavirus. It is worth noting that the so-called "nanovaccine" is being developed by Bill Gates himself.

"We will eventually introduce 7 million people," the billionaire said in an interview on 12.04.20.

From this point on, fantasizing about the future becomes dangerous. What happens if the entire population of the planet receives the Gates chip vaccine against the coronavirus?

If you are not pleasing to the system, you can be turned off at the touch of a button and you will be deprived of your means of subsistence. "Over time, production will reach such volumes that all the inhabitants of our planet can be vaccinated," the billionaire says in an interview.

"If anything can kill more than ten million people in the next decade, most likely, it will be a particularly dangerous virus, not a war. Not missiles, but microbes," the businessman said at the TED conference in 2015.

19.06.18. The British government-funded Pirbright Institute filed an application for the development of coronavirus, and the patent was obtained on 20.11.18. This document is officially available on the Web. It is worth noting that one of the sponsors of this Institute is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation...


The North Carolina Eugenics Board decided to sterilize Charles Holt when he was a teenager... In 1968, when he decided that he should be sterilized... A social worker convinced his mother that "it will be better this way.

The North Carolina Eugenics Board was working as an experiment in genetic engineering... 31 staffs had their own eugenics programs... Virginia and California sterilized more people than North Carolina. But no state has had a more aggressive program than the Carolinas. (Forced Sterilization in America. New York Times 12/9/11.)

Henry Kissinger was a Soviet KGB agent. 

Michel Goleniewski, an anti-communist who infiltrated Polish intelligence, testified in 1961 that Kissinger had been hired by a special group known as ODRA when he was a sergeant in the U.S. Army during World War II. Goleniewski betrayed dozens of KGB agents in Western countries who were then captured. However, this did not affect Kissinger, as he was a great master who played under the pointer of the Rockefeller Illuminati.

All the world's reconnaissance mi-6, mossad, CIA, KGB worked under the pointer of the Rockefeller Illuminati.

That is, even then there was a de facto world government, about which few people knew and are now just beginning to learn.

And the empire of the USSR was destined to serve the Hegelian dialectic in the world. 

That's why you can think so much about Putin. After all, the Communists were the first Mr. Globalist.

The emigration of Jews from the USSR did not objectively serve the goals of U.S. foreign policy. 

Kissinger is Jewish and 

Illuminati. And what national roots cannot 🚫 be called? Or did Kisi want to be a Jew? Or is it someone else flu-wit! 

Putin's classmate, ex-KGB intelligence officer Shvets: Henry Kissinger, known in our department as Kisa, did not have time to be officially included in the intelligence apparatus. 

Henry Kissinger was recruited by the State Security Committee of the USSR just two weeks before Richard Nixon became president of the United States, and he became an assistant for national security, said Yuri Shvets, a fellow student of Russian President Vladimir Putin, an ex-intelligence officer of the KGB of the USSR.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissindger was an agent of the State Security Committee of the USSR, but was not included in the intelligence apparatus. This was announced by the ex-intelligence officer of the KGB of the USSR and a fellow student of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin at the KGB Institute Yuri Shvets in the author's program of Dmitry Gordon "GORDON" on the TV channel "112 Ukraine".

"This is a separate story that is worthy of the pen of a great master. The situation was like this. Henry Kissinger, known in our American department as Kisa, met with our operative Borey Sedov. What is an agent anyway? A KGB agent is a foreigner who consciously cooperates with the State Security Committee and voluntarily performs its tasks. And now Mr. Sedov meets with Professor Kissinger, sends dispatches to Moscow, to the center, from which it emerges that this is how it turns out – he is an agent," Shvets said.

He noted that Kissinger was recruited just two weeks before Richard Nixon became president of the United States.

"And Kissinger (became. "GORDON") as a National Security Aide (he later became U.S. Secretary of State)," Shvets said.

"The first department writes a report to the head of intelligence, which sets out the essence of the case, the object is given a task ... "We ask, in view of the foregoing, to include the KGB as an agent in the agent apparatus." It goes upstairs, reaches General Kirpichenko, the deputy, the most experienced master (he sat there all his life, knew everything and everything)... He scratched his head and said: "Comrades, well, you can imagine, now we will sign this and report to Brezhnev, and he is appointed an assistant, and Brezhnev then calls and says: "Listen, tell your agent so that America stops spinning shashni with China. I don't like this. Give him a task!" And what will we do? We will, and he, of course, will not do it. And then they will give us a hat," the ex-scout continued.

He noted that Kissinger did not have time to be included in the KGB intelligence apparatus.

"In short, his hand, which had already been brought in to sign, stopped. And thank God, because two weeks later Kisa becomes an assistant. We did not have time to include it in the agent apparatus," Shvets said.

Putin's classmate, ex-KGB intelligence officer Shvets: Sobchak, Yanukovych and Azarov are KGB agents. Text version of the interview

Henry Kissinger was a former U.S. national security adviser and U.S. secretary of state from 1973 to 1977. He was one of the authors of the policy of "détente" in relations between the United States and the USSR. In 1973 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In October 2016, he was elected a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

On December 26, 2016, Bild reported that Kissinger was developing a plan for Trump to restore relations with Russia. According to the publication, the plan assumes that Russia "will guarantee the security of the eastern part of Ukraine," and the West, in turn, formally calling the Crimea Ukrainian, recognizes the right of the Russian Federation to the peninsula occupied by it and "will not make problems out of it." 

Shvets on Kissinger: They didn't have time to include him in the agent apparatus 

Photo: Rostislav Gordon / Gordonua.com 

Read more here: https://m.gordonua.com/news/worldnews/sokursnik-putina-eks-razvedchik-kgb-shvec-genri-kissindzhera-izvestnogo-u-nas-v-otdele-kak-kisa-tak-i-ne-uspeli-oficialno-vklyuchit-v-agenturnyy-apparat-178168.html

Kisa, I want to ask you, as an artist, can you draw? 

Some time ago, an evening of the "Water Rescue Society" was held, as evidenced by the slogan on the wall: The work of helping drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.


Life, gentlemen jurors, it's a complicated thing, but, gentlemen jurors, this complex thing opens just like a box. 

In the center of such subtropics are long gone, but on the ground and on the periphery there are still !

Meet this fossil Peer of the Russian Civil War.


Or maybe you can also give the key to the apartment where the money lies?

- Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Are you going to beat us? - Oh yeah. 




Well stated, dog, learn. 


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