Operation Lockstep from David Rockefeller's (deceased) terrorist manuals and brother David continues the family business on blood. 

David is a great dreamer 😶 🌫️ planned all this many years ago in 1989. 

Phase 1. Cold / flu. 

Maximum mild symptoms. Media support for mass paranoia and fear. An incorrect testing system is used, which determines any genetic material in the body and gives a positive result. Inflation of the number of Covid cases by changing death certificates, double counting and classifying all deaths, including other diseases and natural causes like Covid-19. Isolation will force us to live up to draconian laws, prevent protests, and expose public resistance. 

Phase 2. Phase 1 will weaken and weaken immune systems due to lack of food, social distancing, wearing masks, and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation further attacks the immune system. So when people reappear in society, more people will get sick. Covid-19 will be blamed for this. All this will happen before the vaccination is ready. Longer and more effective isolation will follow until everyone has a vaccine. 

Phase 3. If most people resist the vaccine, the SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released. It will kill a lot of people. It will be the survival of the fittest. It will also be the final push to vaccinate everyone to return to normal life. Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not. It will be anarchy on all sides. 

         This is the devil's plan.

It's been 11 years and Certainly The Covid-Plan/Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 has become more refined and perfect and will inform us of the following events: 

A simulated global outbreak requires certain steps, different phases, overall timing and expected outcomes. We have seen all this and will see it again. And it was laid out in Rockefeller Lockstep 2010:

/ Create a highly contagious but very low mortality rate virus to fit the plan needed. Using SARS, HIV, a hybrid research strain created in the Fort Dietrich Class 4 laboratory from 2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why corona viruses spread like wildfire in bats but are extremely difficult to infect humans. To counteract this, they added 4 HIV inserts to the virus. The missing key to infect humans is Ace-2-Receptor. 

Create a weapon-friendly version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a backup plan. Let it be ready for release in Phase 3, but only if necessary. SARS, HIV, MERS, an armed strain of Tribit created in the Fort Dietrich Class 4 laboratory in 2015. Transport the research strain to another Class 4 laboratory, the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada, and let it be specifically "stolen and smuggled by China" and delivered to China's only Class 4 laboratory, which is the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. The main scenario is its naturalness. The scenario is that China created it and released it by accident. 

Find all the talking heads: Fauci, Birx, Tedrosa and agencies, the World Health Organization, NIAID, the CDC, and the UN that will be involved in the pandemic response until the planned release of a research strain to control the scenario throughout the operation. 

Create and fund a vaccination and deployment plan so that it can be rolled out globally (Gates: Decade of Vaccines and Global Vaccine Action Plan, 2010-2020). Create and fund vaccination, verification and certification protocols, Digital ID, to ensure compliance/confirmation of the vaccination program after mandatory deployment is introduced. 

Model the lockstep hypothesis just before the planned release of the research strain, using a real exercise (Event 201 in October 2019) as the final war game to determine the expected response, time frame, and outcomes. 

Release the research strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself, and then blame it on the release of a natural scapegoat - the seafood market (Wuhan wet market, November 2019). Just like in simulation. 

Downplay human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the research strain to spread globally before any country can block the response to avoid the initial infection.

Once the country has seen the infection, block incoming/outgoing travel. Keep it transmitted domestically, let it spread as long as possible. Once enough people in a country/region are infected, impose forced quarantine/isolation on that area and expand lockdown zones slowly over time, inflating the mortality rate, tying the research strain to deaths that have little to do with the real virus to keep fear and compliance at maximum. 

If someone dies for any reason and is found to have COVID, consider it a Covid death. And if someone thinks they may have had symptoms of covid, let's say they don't have covid, treat it as a Covid death.

Keep public quarantine as long as possible to disrupt the region's economy, create civil unrest, disrupt the supply chain, and cause massive food shortages. And also cause a weakening of the immune system of people due to the lack of interaction with the bacteria of other people, the outside world, that is, things that keep our immune system alert and active. 

Downplay and attack any potential treatments and keep repeating that the only cure that is viable to fight this virus is a vaccine. Continue to stretch the quarantine over and over again at "two-week intervals" [the words "two weeks" are pronounced like spells], which will cause more and more people to eventually stand up and protest. Challenge them. 

And here's the key part for now: Eventually end the Phase 1 quarantine. Once they've got enough, publicly state that you think "it's too early to end the isolation, but I'm going to do it anyway." Once the audience bounces back, wait a few weeks and keep "typing."

Investigate the mortality rate of Covid strains, August-September 2020, and combine it with an increase in mortality due to people dying from common diseases, who will die at a higher rate than usual, due to a severely weakened immune system due to months of isolation [You should wear masks regularly, social distancing - the inability to naturally exchange bacteria, viruses and thereby educate, strengthen immunity]. 

After all, quarantine Phase 2, from October to November 2020, at an even more extreme level and blame the protesters, mostly people who no longer trust their governments, as the cause of a huge, terrible second wave when the media will say, "We told you that. It was still too early. It's all your fault because you needed to get a haircut. Your freedoms have consequences.

Enforce phase 2 quarantine at a much more extreme level by increasing the penalty for disobedience. Replace fines with a prison term. Consider all travels inconsequential and impossible. Increase the number of checkpoints, including military checkpoints. Increase tracking with the required app. Take control of food, gas and create a large-scale shortage of everything so that people can access basic products or services only if they first give permission for a vaccine with all the ensuing consequences.

Keep the Phase 2 lockdown for a much longer period of time than the Phase 1 lock, continuing to disrupt the global economy – further deteriorating the supply chain and further exacerbating food shortages and the like. Challe any public outrage through extreme action or force and make anyone who challenges you appear to be the No. 1 public enemy to those who are willing to comply after a fairly long Phase 2 plus 6 month lockdown, and roll out a vaccination program and vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone by giving priority access to those who applied from the start. and let those who are for it attack those who are against it by saying, "they are a threat and the cause of all problems," using words such as "we cannot return to normal life until everyone accepts the vaccine. And the people who challenge them harm our way of life and are therefore enemies." 

The fact that this is a plan and the current actions of the conspirators and their talking heads are engaged in forced segregation and set people against each other to speak no longer makes sense. There are so many facts that only one thing is not clear - why the conspirators are still walking free and walking free with girls trying on new climatic diapers. 

The Great Communist Reset

Psychological Operations Guide

FEAR (environment, COVID-19)



1. Demoralization (shame)

2. Crisis

a. Morbidity

b. Permanent mutations

3. Dehumanization

a. Masks

b. Unvaccinated = Unclean

4. Normalization ("New Normal")

Behavior Modification - Social Distancing

Health Identifiers -

Health System and

Crediting - Vaccination


PERFECT PEOPLE - sustainable and inclusive environment

The New Agenda of the World's Liars under the Auspices of Climate. On one occasion, Barry has already lied to us about a terrible pandemic and a life-saving vaccine with two other total liars from his 322 secret society. Now Barry has put together a new gang of professional environmentalists from golden microphones 🎙 to create a new information attack on the brain of 🧠 through a special edition of YouTube Originals "Dear Earth", dedicated to what do you think?

For whom and for what purposes the industry suddenly began to produce such syringes 💉 Barry? 

Pay attention to the new Google maps and other maps online, the Arctic has disappeared as a continent, with Antarctica being portrayed as a larger continent than before. What's going on with ecologist Barry?

Your Mother is Mother Earth

The special issue will also feature left-wing pop star Billie Eilish, South Korean K-pop band Blackpink, Jaden Smith, the Muppets, SpongeBob SquarePants and other environmentalists around the world.

Barry is expected to deliver a keynote speech as part of the Dear Earth program, which will include 100 minutes of "how we should address his [climate change] challenges."

Last year, this guy, a virologist and environmentalist, said that climate change would be worse than the Chinese coronavirus pandemic: "Climate change will make our children change a lot."

THEY WANT TO BAN THE TRUTH... The Satanist pope called for a fight against "conspiracy theories."

The children of the devil are well aware that, thanks to the Internet, all their satanic plans to destroy and overcambry humanity are quickly revealed and brought to the people of the planet. Therefore, they are frantically looking for ways to combat the truth spread through the Internet. 

And the "locomotive" in this God-fighting case is the Satanist Pope Francis. Having a mind, let him understand!


STUDENTS OF THE LYCEUM "RIPETTA" (14-18 years old!) in Rome occupied a school in protest against Green Pass, 





Our dad clearly went into someone else's sandbox 😆

The pope invited the tech, food, pharmaceutical and financial giants to join his campaign to "implement liberal policies."

The pope apparently decided to push the horizons of his small office and called on big tech companies (Big Tech) to increase censorship against "conspiracy theories" and "fake news," Life Site News reported.

During the 38-minute video message, the pope called "in the name of God" on pharmaceutical labs, financial groups, food corporations, arms manufacturers, tech giants, telecommunications giants, the media and "powerful countries" to join his campaign to "implement liberal policies" on a global scale.

Addressing tech companies, the pope urged them to tighten their grip on public discourse by cracking in "hate speech, fake news, conspiracy theories and political manipulation." The pope suggested that there is "a conspiracy of post-truth that seeks to nullify any humanistic search for an alternative to capitalist globalization."

Well, another purity fighter from the British Terrarium of Lies is concerned about the popularity of Telegram, because they cannot control the information spread here.

"Higher sanctions against Telegram are clearly necessary."

               Oh my God 🙄 

Masters and slaves.

People in the front rows do not need to wear masks, those who sit in the back - necessarily.

The naked reality of power in the Chinese Communist Party.

(Speech by Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang)

🗣 🇨🇳 China. The city of Zhongyi was from this city that Mao headed the Chinese Communist Party in Guizhou Province. And yesterday, the Chinese Communists ruled and wrote that one person had become infected.

Now the whole city is isolated. All residents must undergo mandatory false covid tests until isolation is lifted. 19.10.2021

Suicide chart around the world, for 2019.

Putin and his organized crime group Demons again brought Russia to the first place 

Well, that's it. Ahead of the War to destroy the dark Goy.

             Delta variant .

Delta waves

begin to dominate when we fall asleep. They're even slower,

than theta waves, since they have a frequency of less than 4 oscillations per second. Most of us, when dominated in the brain, delta waves are either in a sleepy or some other unconscious state. However, there is growing evidence that some people may be in a delta state without losing awareness.

It's called "DELTA OPTION" because you have to fall asleep completely to believe it."

Keep an eye out for the police service dog K9, smarter than many journalists, politicians, and the cops themselves. This dog is admired by protesters in Britain! 

"There is an alienation of people's behavior: modification of relationships, regulation of consumption, influence on people's behavior and their emotions. To do this, huge data centers are now being created, neural networks are being pulled up to read emotions (real, not depicted), face and object recognition. Track your online life, likes, search queries, interests, contacts. In other words, your personality is taken away from you, your worldview and behavior are changed - a biorobot without rights, emotions, views and freedom. It's worse than capitalism."

Test attack in the framework of the project '' Dark Winter 🥶 '' 

American Express system does not work

Thousands of people in the U.S. report they can't use their American Express cards.

Other users reported that they could not contact the company's support team.

American Express has not made a statement about this.

The down Detector website, which tracks major network outages, reports that thousands of users have reported crashes, and a map shows that users from California to New York are experiencing problems.

Approximately such a hall will gather the main first defendants in the Mega crime of the 21st century in Gaga. The rest of this lawlessness will be represented in national military courts.

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