Psychiatric portrait of the Marxist communist Rothschild 

Psychiatric portrait of the Marxist communist Rothschild

"He who controls concepts orders reality," Jaglavak

"Behind Mordechai Levy, stands Rothschild. It goes like this. Alone in the room, Rothschild rolls on the floor and dies of laughter. He dies of laughter because he understands what Mordechai Levy is doing to his enemies, behind whom he stands."

1. Rothschild is invincible as long as he has his super weapon.

2. Rothschild's super-weapon is divided into 4 types.

3. The first is called "Karl Marx".

4. The second is called "Liberalism".

5. The third is called "Bestiality" or "Unlimited Individual Liberty".

6. The fourth is called "Money".

5. Rothschild equips the Goim herd with his super weapons.

6. "Karl Marx" Rothschild equips the goim with a victorious-duller-polar-half-grain.

7. "Liberalism", Rothschild equips the goim with a richer, smarter- more egoistic-headliner.

8. With bestiality, Rothschild arms everyone else.

9. And with his money, or rather their necessity, Rothschild arms all three sides.

10. Goim bull breaks spears fighting each other.

11. For Rothschild, it doesn't matter who wins.

American TV, what a squalor it is now. Well, at least the transfer of the historical process, about the future of capitalism. 

What a vile sight!

Two Aleuts, against the background of a huge screen showing non-stop photos of Mordechai Levy, breed a herd of a completely stupefied Goim bull.

Two "different opinions", two "different paths" that both lead billions of Goim dolboebs to the same Rothschild kukan. 

That's where they go to these dumb pidaras. Goim cattle deserve nothing more. The "little problem" is that I'm one of them.

I almost vomited from the cold look of Big Brother invisibly present.

I turned off the telly.

The Army of Love.

The faster we are all chipped and/or destroyed in the next meat grinder, the better. Uncertainty is the scariest. I have already decided to show up at Ari Melber studios tomorrow if he is not arrested at night and to come out in support of the NWO slogan – ALL POWER TO THE ROTHSCHILDS! LONG LIVE BIG HUNCHBACK YOUNGER BROTHER ROCKEFELLER! 

But in this case, they thought everything through, if I can sneak into Ari's studio under Alex Daddario's big Christmas dress, they envisioned a deceptive trick.

In 1984, Emmanuel Goldstein says that the main mistake of all past dictatorships was that they simply killed their opponents. And their scientific dictatorship never kills its opponents before they fall in love with Big Brother. And only after the one who used to hate Big Brother loves him sincerely and with all his soul, they kill him.

The global oligarchy is really giving up, shutting up and wiping the sniffle even in 1984. They went even further. Trying the most stubborn enemies of Big Little Humpback Brother David to fall in love with him even before he formally and formally institutionalizes his power at the UN. BEFORE, you know! Before! And only after that Big Brother Younger Brother David will think about whether to kill his former enemies who love him or take him into service. And even more. It may be that Big Little Brother David doesn't officially show up at all. That is, it will not appear openly and relevant despite all the requests of its Army of Love.

War is Peace.

Freedom is Slavery.

Ignorance is Knowledge.

How the Rothschilds Hired Their Cousin Karl Marx

The 19th-century Jewish political ideologue, posing as a journalist and economist, Rothschild's cousin Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 – March 14, 1883) is best known for undermining the nascent socialist movement, probably at the behest of his mentor Moses Hess, who created the supposedly "scientific" theory known as Marxism.

Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Prussia on May 5, 1818 in Trier to Ashkenazi Jews Hirschel Mordechai and Henrietta Pressburg, who named him Chaim Hirschel Mordechai. It is known that the Marx family descends from the Talmudic rabbis, and his paternal ancestors were in Trier as rabbis from 1723; the last time this "position" was held by his grandfather.

During the Napoleonic War in 1883, Hirschel Mordechai became a Freemason, joining their ansatique Loge L'Ltoile (Hanseatic Star) in Osnabrück. After the war, in order to better penetrate Prussian society, he feigned conversion to Lutheranism and pretended to be an "assimilated" bourgeois enlightened liberal interested in "freedom of thought." One of Marx's grandmothers was Nanette Salomon Barent-Cohen, who belonged to a wealthy Amsterdam family. And her cousin married Nathan Mayer Rothschild and gave birth to Lionel Nathan Rothschild, a "baron" and member of parliament from the richest City of London.

Despite his wealthy ancestors, he himself lived in poverty on Dean Street in London. He visited the Red Lion pub on Great Windwil, in Soho, where he and his korean Friedrich Engels were once asked to write what later became the Communist Manifesto.

In his most famous work, the book Das Kapital, you will find nowhere any mention that money is printed out of thin air by his Rothschild cousins. 

In this regard, some of his critics have suggested that Marx's mission was to merge the nascent socialist movement. The socialist movement existed in Germany, France, Great Britain, and elsewhere even before Marx wrote his Capital after the Industrial Revolution.

After the ideological base, Marx tries, as the KOB sheep say, to seize control and Marxists begin to cheat and usurp/monopolize socialism and insist that if you do not follow Marx's theories, you cannot be a socialist.

One of the adherents of the fact that Marx was an imperialist mole in the socialist environment of the international international of working people, and that his goal was to seize control of the process, is the German historian-writer Wolfgang Waldner.

In his book Der preußische Regierungsagent, Waldner suggests that Marx originally worked as a spy and agent of influence for the Prussian regime. Waldner mentions the fact that in 1843 "poor" Marx married Jenny von Westphalen, who came from a wealthy Prussian family. Her brother was the Minister of the Interior of Prussia (from 1850 to 1858) Ferdinand von Westphalen.

"Ferdinand, Marx's brother-in-law, is a 'reactionary' who ran a vast spy network that watched over dissidents...," Waldner writes of Marx's brother-in-law.

After Marx moved to London in 1849, he began to create his Das Kapital in the reading room of the British Museum. At the same time, his famous cousin Lionel de Rothschild was already a Member of Parliament for the City of London (1847-1868 and 1869-1874).

By the way, in 1869 Marx was very much concerned about his modern competitor in the First International, Mikhail Bakunin, who did not even know that Marx and the Rothschilds were cousins, but, nevertheless, with the insight of a genius, wrote about the connection between Marx and Rothschild.

"This world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx, on the one hand, and Rothschild, on the other. This may seem strange. What can socialism and the leading bank have in common? The trouble is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, requires a strong centralization of the state. And where there is centralization of the state, there must be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, a parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with difficulty, people will be found." - wrote Professor of the Democratic Socialist Russian Organization in 1869 Mikhail Bakunin.

Given that Bakunina also did not know that the "Bund der Gerechten" (Justice League), later known as the "Bund der Kommunisten" (League of Communists), which paid Marx to write the "Communist Manifesto" and was the predecessor of the Communist Party, was actually financed by the Rothschilds, it is surprising that he was insightful.

But back to the German writer. Speaking about Marx and his role in Russia, Waldner suggests that perhaps the most pronounced and consistent aspect of Marx's ideology was his extreme and radical hatred of Russia, which he perceived as the last bastion of Christian civilization. He and Engels viewed Russians and Slavs in general as non-human (völkerabfall) barbarians.

"If he had lived to see firsthand his ideological heirs, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, who were cracking down on millions, he would no doubt have choked with orgasmic joy at the horrors that befell them[Slavic] men, women and children." - Waldner writes, "Marx used the newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung to try to provoke a war against Russia."

Waldner also writes that "the Soviets tried to hide some facts about Marx" by quoting him:

"The Jew liberated himself in the Jewish way, not only by gaining financial power, but also because through him and without him, money became a world power, and the practical Jewish spirit became the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews went so far that Christians became Jews. Yes, Judaism's practical dominance over Christendom has reached its normal, unambiguous expression in North America <....> What was the real basis of the Jewish religion? Practical need, selfishness. The God of practical need and selfishness is money. Money is the jealous God of Israel, which no other God can resist. Money humiliates all the gods of human beings and turns them into goods. The God of the Jews became the God of the universe. The real God of the Jews is money. Their God is only god. illusory bill. Therefore, we recognize Judaism as a universally recognized anti-social element that has been elevated to its present peak by historical development, in which Jews willingly helped, and now it needs to dissolve itself. <....> In its ultimate meaning, the emancipation of the Jews is the liberation of mankind from Judaism. Classes and races too weak to learn new living conditions must yield. They must perish in a revolutionary Holocaust." ©Karl Marx, Marx People's Gazette, April 16, 1856, History of Idea, 1981.

"The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in a revolutionary Holocaust".©Karl Marx Di Noi Rainish Zeitung, NZR, January 1849.

It should also be understood that the 35th British Prime Minister Henry John Temple, Lord Palmerston, who hired Marx to write his manifesto, was the main instigator of the Crimean War, the Taipei Uprising, the American Civil War, and various difficulties in India/Burma, in which 35 million people died.

Lord Palmerston hired Marx to come up with a new system of government and economics specifically designed as a response to the Lincoln National Bank. Lord Palmerston and his bank employees believed that lincoln's national bank posed a direct threat to British hegemony and imperialist predatory banking.

Russian Economy Minister Sergei Witte worked on incitement at the National Bank of Russia, while Bismarck did so in Germany.

Rothschild and Romanov Dvor have entered into a long-term lease contract allowing further extension. According to the contract, Rothschild will occupy a state-of-the-art office premise about 400 sq.m. in area. JLL company was consulting the deal. RD Management will be in charge of maintenance and operation of the new premise.

Rothschild & Co. Has Office in Russia, Contrary to Conspiracy Claim on Social Media

Rothschild Corporation Finance – JSC, consulting company







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Address: 123242, Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 31 - A sector, 8th floor, TDC Novinsky Passage

Subway: Barrikadnaya – 386 m , Krasnopresnenskaya – 462 m , Smolenskaya – 991 m

Phone: +7 (495) 775-82-21



Opening hours: Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00; Sat-BC closed

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JSC, consulting company Rothschild Corporation Finance is engaged in: services of consulting companies.

Rothschild Corporation Finance is located in Moscow, at the address: Novinsky Boulevard, 31 - A sector, 8th floor, TDC Novinsky Passage.

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Rothschild works at 4 Romanov Lane in Moscow. The main activity is "Financial Consulting". Working hours: Mon–Fri 09:30–18:30. Contact phone: +7 (495) 775-82-21.

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If we talk about today, in the light of the foregoing, we can conclude: - now approximately the same group of persons and with the same surnames, before our eyes, is bringing down the Anglo-Dutch imperialist banking system with incredible speed.

Producing too many useful things leads to too many useless people.

                Karl Marx

Psychological portrait of Rothschild 

A physionomic portrait of the Rothschild family, represented by its oldest member of modern times. 

Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild; born 29 April 1936, he is a member of the Rothschild dynasty and the current head of the London branch of the House of Rothschild (since 1990). Great-great-grandson of Nathan Mayer Rothschild. 

Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild was born to Victor (3rd Baron Rothschild) and his first wife Barbara Judith Hutchinson. Jacob has two sisters, Sarah and Miranda, and two half-sisters, Victoria and Emma (an economist). In 1961, he married Serena Mary Dunn and had four children: (1) Hannah Mary (b. 1962), married Brookfield; (2) Beth Mathilde (b. 1964), married to Tomassini; (3) Emily Magda (b. 1967), married Freeman-Atwood; (4) Nathaniel Philip Victor James (Nat) (b. 1971), Business Manager of the House in Russia. 

By the way, did they leave Russia? 

The Sunday Times estimated at one time the fortune of 39-year-old businessman Nathaniel Rothschild - the youngest son of Jacob Rothschild at 650 million pounds. By the way, Nathaniel Philip Victor James once stated that: "I returned the Rothschilds to Russia." 

And indeed Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild is the owner of NR Investment, chairman of the board of directors of En +, which have huge dividends from activities in modern Russia. Nathan Rothschild believed earlier that the key change that should happen at Norilsk Nickel in Deripaska is the change of CEO, which Nathan's friend Oleg Deripaska dreamed of (interview for the Sunday Times). 

It is strange that in the Russian version of this interview of the younger Rothschild translated and reprinted in 2010 in the newspaper Vedomosti was deleted under the guise of a viewing error, our sources said. 

The Rothschilds invested not only in Herman Gref's Sberbank and En +, but also in other russian industries.

The Rothschilds invested in Oleg Deripaska and his Fish on a yacht. 

Oleg in his statements to the Russian media gave advice to the Government of the Russian Federation on how to act to the leadership during the false pandemic [COVID-19], criticizing the authorities of the Russian Federation subtly and competently, as befits a real Mega criminal criminal and snob. 

The London dynasty of the House of Rothschild is decisive in the Psychological Portrait of Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild himself, as he owns not only banks and investment funds around the world with the center of control from the UK, but also a media tool - the English prediction magazine "The Economist" - telling about the future of mankind. De facto, NWO mouthpiece and event planner. .

From the photo, physionomically from the smirk of Nathaniel Charles Jacob, it is clear that Rothschild does not like those who are kind, since he himself is not generous and not grateful mutually, so he is smiling with a cunning one. This protective benevolent lip stretching is one of those who are not kind. Rothschild's smile reciprocates those do-gooders who pose a threat to the Rothschild House, since there are no those in the business world who are selflessly loyal to friendship. The absence of cunning and self-interest is inherent in kindness, that is, altruism, and not in business, where individual moshna is more important than any horn. So you have to professionally pull a smile at any time when Rothschild is paid attention to. 

The unnatural smile of Charles Jacob's Nathaniel is complemented by a head position showing that Rothschild is not soft in communication, although he is mutually polite, so the head in the photo is professionally politely tilted. 

The hands of Nathaniel Charles Jacob show that in the long run Rothschild will be a loyal ally of only his dynasty, but quite the opposite in the guise of Rothschild to those who are the complete opposite of their House. Therefore, Rothschild's hands defensively block the lower abdomen, crossing at the sacred place of concentration of animal energy - "Kundalini". 

Kundalini is the basis of creation and comes from below from the material-dark, or rather heavy earthly and underground forces, and does not come from the sky and space from the side of light or light energies. Most people are not connected to the underground source of energy, which comes from dark and heavy material goods, but they know that a lot of money from there is from hell and tartare, from Hades and the Devil, where all unwanted demigods and guilty deities are expelled. The dark angel, the fallen angel, is the guardian of Kundalini energy. Therefore, anyone who has meditations to the Black Buddha about sending material goods or prayers not to God, but magical rituals of Freemasonry to the "mirror" of God, he always has a strong Kundalini.

People are not familiar with how to connect Kundalini, but the Rothschilds study Kabbalah as an instruction for connecting people to bondage, making them dependent on their animal needs. The animal needs of the Rothschilds are the ability to gain kundalini power. 

Those who are not connected to the Kundalini try to create their own energy, so they eat many times a day, most of the time or at the end of the week feel immense fatigue and fall under bondage. Bondage is a severe form of personal dependence, usually involving working for someone and borrowing; and bondage is formalized by legal acts having debt obligations, obligations to do work for someone. Slavery is the foundation of those in bondage. And slavery is the lot of those who control energy and people with the help of Kabbalah. Therefore, the Elite calls itself Know (from Knowledge), Lord - Master (from Despot - Master), Master (from owning), etc., managing (due to the ideology of subordination) natural and human resources. The nobility began to call themselves the Elite when they included in their circle those who are not an aristocrat by blood, but own science or finance. The Rothschilds entered the Elite, becoming managers, managing finances, and through them people. For thousands of years, the elite has been accumulating the energy of capital and emotions of people exhausted by work, providing rich service from delight to lust, being in slavery to the Nobility - Barons, Earls, Lords, Princes, Peers, Sirs, Lords. Their elitist lot is Kundalini, but now Kabbalah is fashionable.   

Kabbalah and Kundalini are the same struggle to sustain life. Not just in terms of physical energy or activity, but in terms of life itself. 

Kabbalah (Hebrew for "receiving, receiving, tradition"; from the word for "receiving, agreeing") is a religious, mystical, occult and esoteric current in Judaism, which appeared in the XII century and became widespread in the XVI century. Esoteric Kabbalah is a tradition and claims to be secret knowledge. Kabbalah is associated with the comprehension of the role and goals, the meaning of existence. Jewish scholars called the ancient twelfth century Kabbalah speculative, that is, speculative; and the late sixteenth century Kabbalah, the creator of which was Ari in Safeda after his migration from Egypt (d. 1572), practical (applied), making it magical.

What unites the House of Rothschilds with the Anglo-Saxon Elites they serve, who create the modern New World Order, is what is said about all of them (both Jews and Anglo-Saxons) in Kabbalah to their delight (to maintain their pride by placing them on a par with God) - "You were in everything; before all things were created, You were everything" (Gershom Schol, Basic Currents in Jewish Mysticism. 

Jerusalem, 1984. t.1. P. 156 

This gives the Semitic-Anglo-Saxon elite dynasties the right to create a huge Empire, as they put themselves on a par with God. Therefore, they already call themselves the "World Elites", since now the Anglo-Saxon Empire is trying to rule the whole World as a unipolar ideology. To unite around themselves all the disparate ideologies, basically based on theosophical and esoteric teachings, ancient philosophical views, the World Elites for religions came up with a project of unification called Ecumenism, and for all those who weakly believe in God or atheists invented Freemasonry, uniting everyone with one ideological platform of Deism.

A person who has known Kabbalah and Deism within the framework of the Anglo-Saxon Empire can make only one new World Order and it is called only by one word Fascism. 

All the proud grandeur that is conceived by the elite World dynasties, which include the House of Rothschild Fascism approved Elitism and through Kabbalah and Deism removed all moral and moral restrictions in segregation. The elites are allowed everything, since all of them, including the Rothschilds, are placed on a par not only as Semites with the Anglo-Saxon aristocratic Elites, but also above themselves - on a par with God. They are the Elites on Earth who possess knowledge and capital, power and ideology. In the ancient understanding of the super successful subjugation of the goyim, chelyady, slaves and other human resources or the accumulation of capital and power, this is Kabbalah, and in the modern sense this is called Deism, which is inherent in all Anglo-Saxon elites and Masonic movements, Catholic clerics and radical fanatics of other religions, people of theosophical or philosophical views. All of them are hierarchically subordinate to the Anglo-Saxon elites of Great Britain, and now the United States. The United States is successfully developing a Semi-Anglo-Saxon alliance building a new World Order, while at the same time agreeing that it is governed not from London, but from Jerusalem. At the same time, such a super modern approach of young Semitic-Anglo-Saxon snobs from the United States, who forgot their small homeland Great Britain, exalting the United States into a large Homeland does not suit those aristocratic surnames that we have not heard once through the media. This is a conflict that is seen in the Psychological Portrait of the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds have as their instrument of managing the resources (natural and human) of the Earth a more ancient teaching of Kabbalah than the modern acquirers of Mammon, who created Deism. Deism and Mamona are the same as Mashiach and Kabbalah. Mamona (Mammon) is a word in the New Testament that personified wealth, earthly goods, but at the same time Mamona is a character in the poem by J. R. Tolkien. Milton's Paradise Lost, a fallen angel. Just as for the Jews, Mashiach is the Lord in the guise of the messiah - the King, so for the Orthodox it is the anti-Christos - the anti-King and not the messiah, but the fallen angel in the flesh, who works miracles for the sake of subordinating people to himself.

Deism (from the Latin deus - God) is a religious and philosophical trend that recognizes the existence of God and the creation of the world by him, but denies most supernatural and mystical phenomena, Divine revelation and religious dogmatism. Most deists believe that God does not interfere with the assumption of events after the creation of the world; other deists believe that God does influence events, but does not control them completely. There are many currents within Deism. The framework of Deism cannot be precisely defined, since the very concept of Deism does not imply rigid canons. At the same time, Deism suggests that reason, logic, and observation of nature are the only means to know God and His will. Deism highly values human reason and freedom, which allows the world elites to consider their actions originally permitted by nature and justified by God, whether they are moral or immoral. 

The new World Semitic-Anglo-Saxon elites, with the help of Kabbalah and Deism, eliminated ethics, morality and morality - everything is allowed so that a person does not invent it, since his very birth is an act of permission for all thoughts and actions from whatever chakra they come from (from the upper or lower). Therefore, all animals coming from the lower chakras are allowed. The lower chakras give animal instincts, generating a link between all rulers, uniting them in one – they create a fascist regime on the whole planet in order to establish a new elite Fascism – a new World Order – in one bundle. Their deeds are visible as fascism (Italian fascismo, from fascio - union, bundle, bundle, unification) - a generalized name for far-right political movements and ideologies that preach a form of government of a dictatorial type, the characteristic features of which are militaristic nationalism (in the broad sense), anti-liberalism or disguise as democracy, extreme left-wing radicalism, revanchism and leadership, anti-communism or disguise as National Socialism. Fascism carries out expansionism, despises electoral democracy by imitating liberalism. Replaces belief in God in elite dominance and natural social hierarchy. Fascism promotes anarchism and atheism, using statism and, in some cases, corporatism and racism. It leads peoples to controlled chaos, economic, ideological and political enslavement, destroying the family and social relations. It creates genocide of undesirable peoples throughout the planet.

Existence on Earth in the material world must be based on energy. If you know this fundamental aspect, it's like you know the basics of life. The Rothschilds know and understand how base energy works – they know the whole mechanics of creation. So the Rothschilds are hooked up to a power source, they know what that energy is, what it can do, and what it can do with it. They are connected to an infinite source of material energy with the help of Kabbalah – this is Kundalini. 

Therefore, in the photo, Rothschild holds his arms crossed at the bottom, protecting the lower chakras, instinctively blocking the attack on them from the side of someone else's gaze. In the theoretical description, the chakras represent a simple and convenient way to draw a visual small-scale map of human development. This term is one of the central ones in the spiritual tradition of Hinduism. Chakras are plexuses of energy channels in the subtle body, around which energy vortices "circle". All our sensations are associated with the work of the chakras: clarity and power of experiences, depth of perception, clarity of thinking, creativity, vivacity. In Rothschild's photo portrait, we consider a kind of hierarchy of personal development associated with the transition of consciousness from one chakra of the lower, which must be protected to another, upper, through which it is necessary to broadcast. 

There are many chakras in the body, but only seven are indicated as the main ones in all teachings. To a certain extent, everyone feels his chakras, so in one way or another he focuses on them. We are so accustomed to these sensations that we no longer pay attention to them and take it for granted. Chakras (energy centers) are experienced subjectively, because the information in the channels of the subtle body and the depth of perception is individual. The power of Kundalini is the energy of all our past "karmas", our life experience, so the dynasty, the transmission of the experience of the clan and clan is important in the work of all chakras and members of the House. Since it is impossible to say specifically that kundalini is located in this or that place, but conventionally muladhara (lower chakra) is generally considered its source - it is through this chakra that Kundalini manifests itself. Rising higher, along the central energy channel (along the spine), Kundalini overcomes the three energy nodes in the subtle bodies, opens the higher chakras, straightens and straightens the energy channels, feeding with energy, includes previously inaccessible to our consciousness areas of perception. Kundalini activities are attributed to all the sensations of our human reality, and the opened chakras are interpreted as a manifestation of its infinite potential. In essence, how and with what people feel is the very power of Kundalini, continuously manifesting and recreating itself through energy centers. 

Rothschilds do not specifically practice Kundalini Yoga to quickly awaken and raise this power so that it passes through each chakra, charges it with its current and reveals its full potential. But they are given these powers by ancient Kabbalah and modern Deism, connected substantively with the capital and power that surround them, given by knowledge and management of information flows. All of the above gives power to elite individuals who are united in one imperialist alliance, a "bundle" and act together as elitist fascists. 

The Rothschilds are connected by nature to financial activity with their lower chakras - this is the effect of Kundalini Yoga, created with the help of their religious and mystical views based on Kabbalah and the modern practice of Deism. 

Rothschilds, without the corresponding practices of Hinduism, understand the chakras from theosophy and esotericism, mysticism and the magic of Judaism, since as unidirectionality in meditation (whether Jewish or Hindu) deepens, they are associated with the lower chakras responsible for power and money, rights to material resources united in elite fascist communities that create a common Egregore of power, strengthening with the help of Egregore elite Fascism.

Egregore (from Ancient Greek. awake") is a "mental condensate" generated by the thoughts and emotions of a group (community) of people or animals and acquiring an independent being. The concept is used in esotericism and occultism. Vivid examples of Egregore's manifestation are the synchronous behavior of a flock of birds, a school of fish or a mass of people connected emotionally and informationally, including elitist-fascist unions formed into a Masonic lodge or aristocratic community.

The Kundalini, with the help of Kabbalah and Deism, form the Egregore of Power, which awakens spontaneously through the traditions of dynastic generations, concentrating aspirations for power and wealth, entertainment and for dishes, emotions and sex, feeding the chakras with animal desires. That is, desires are replenished by feeding the energy from concentrated capital and power through the lower chakras of people. 

The concept of "chakra" came from the east from the Sanskrit language, which describes the energy state of people very well. Chakras are arranged as follows - from the bottom up: muladhara (the coccyx area, opposite the bladder in a man, and in women the posterior wall of the cervix), svadhisthana (genitals of a man and a woman), manipura (navel area), anahata (center of the chest), vishuddha (throat area), ajna (third eye, pituitary gland), sahasrara (crown). 

Consequently, the crossed arms at the bottom, just as hitler or Stalin, Rothschild or Putin, Merkel or Trump, characterize the block of protection and concentration of energy at the bottom (below). 

This is a sign of a person in power and in capital (concentration of material assets as well as sexual assets with the help of power and other non-material goods from social ideology to religion).

Let's analyze the three lower chakras, which are located under the protective block of Rothschild's crossed arms at the bottom: 

1) The Muladhara Chakra is responsible for the manifestation of consciousness on the physical level, for survival, safety, food and shelter. It is believed that in Muladhara there is a karmic "Node of Brahma" associated with gross desires. On this chakra, the consciousness of highly developed animals, young children, and many adults who have delayed their development is recorded. In the esoteric environment, the concept of staying "on the chakra" is widely used. To be on a particular chakra means to be influenced by its basic programs. In this case, to be on the muladhara means to perceive and evaluate the world through the prism of the energies of this chakra. On Muladhara, the environment and its objects are a means of survival. Blocks on this chakra are usually different animal fears. Developed, or even revealed, muladhara awakens the energy of kundalini, gives strong health and miraculous abilities ("siddhi" in yoga). The opening of this chakra begins with a feeling of boiling, bubbling energy and light tremors in the coccyx area. Experiences can be both pleasant and painful;

2) The Svadhisthana Chakra is responsible for pleasure and "prosperity". This is still a crude, infantile knowledge of the world. On svadhisthana in our time is the overwhelming majority of humanity, which is why the topic of sex is so universally relevant. Sexual pleasure is the energy of svadhisthana. During sexual intercourse in the subtle body, all the energy is drawn into the area of this chakra, and during orgasm it burns out. Therefore, the teachings recommend abstinence. To rise to a level above svadhisthana, it is necessary to conserve energy, then it begins to press on blockages in the channels of the subtle body, which manifests itself as a familiar sexual arousal. Rising higher, this energy begins to nourish the higher chakras more actively, sometimes, as they are purified, causing varieties of dulled and exacerbated mental pain, coupled with all sorts of pleasant experiences. The intensity of suffering is directly proportional to the internal resistance to the pressure of the Kundalini force. Bliss and joy, on the other hand, are a consequence of the free unhindered flow of vital energy. Blocks on svadhisthana manifest as strong desires, lust, and lust. It is believed that the revealed svadhisthana gives an amazing charm and fulfillment of desires on which there is no longer dependence;

3) The Manipura Chakra is responsible for will, power, administration and submission. It has to do with both the outer and inner world. On Manipur there are big bosses, powerful and "strong" people. Blocks on this chakra are all sorts of social fears, greed, self-doubt and weakness. The revealed Manipura gives a special power – to influence things and events with one's own will, to invest in words and actions the power of this energy. The three lower chakras on which Rothschild instinctively puts his hands are the three levels of ordinary social people who strive for material earthly goods – money and power over all capital, all resources from natural to human. The top four chakras, which the author does not describe in this article, belong to spiritual aspirations and non-material goods, but they do not belong to them (to the Rothschilds).

The coat of arms of the Rothschild family was created when the Rothschild family received aristocratic status in the person of five brothers - five baronial titles of the five sons of Mayer Rothschild by analogy with the text of Psalm 126: "What is arrow in the hand of the strong, the sons are young." It is a bundle of arrows - the inner clan fascism - a bundle, an alliance within the clan and the entire dynasty (House). The coat of arms of the dynasty (House) has the motto "concordia integritas industria" (translated from Latin - "harmony and integrity of the craft"). 

The motto of the Coat of Arms fully expresses the unity of the brothers, their mutual complementarity and tireless zeal for each other in their business craft, creating the basis and Charter of the House of Rothschild. The motto creates a vector of unity for all subsequent generations of the Rothschild dynasty, as a semantic principle of craft, the formation of a single dynastic House. 

In the middle of the Coat of Arms we see the Norman-Early Gothic or Old French Shield, which is characteristic of the Austrian aristocracy and the spread of the Rothschild dynasty across Europe from Italy and France to Austria, Germany and Great Britain today to the United States. The shield is the House, under the protection of which is the semitic dynasty newly adopted into the Saxon (and now into the Anglo-Saxon) aristocrats. At the head of the Shield, the head of the House is the Three Crowns and/or 

Three knight's Helmets are symbols of the Anglo-Saxon patronage of the Semitic dynasty by the aristocratic families of Austria and Germany, Italy and France, Great Britain (and now the United States). The crown is a symbol of superiority, the highest dignity, power. The crown is also associated with the symbolism of light as the personification of power and authority, charisma, so it is usually made of gold and precious stones. The Metal Crown, like a halo, are symbols of knowledge and divine enlightenment, which the chelyadi do not have (goyim - other people). 

At the same time, the Crown is above the Three Helmets. The helmet (French: le casque) is one of the elements of the Coat of Arms, placed above the Shield - above the House. Previously, in the heraldry of Western Europe, there were different kinds of heraldic Helmets depending on the title, dignity or title of the owner of the Coat of Arms. On the ancient Coats of Arms, accurate pictures of knightly weapons, Helmets were always depicted in profile, but since the XV century they began to be represented indeed. At the same time, the very positions of the Helmet in the Coat of Arms (indeed, in profile, right or left, etc.) and the features of its decoration served as distinctive features, for example, among the barons, the Helmet is made of polished silver, turned in three quarters and with seven reshetins, which corresponds to the Rothschild Helmet. 

The left Crown has the Star of David above it. The Star of David (Hebrew: Star of David; - Magen David or "Shield of David") is an ancient symbol, an emblem in the shape of a six-pointed star (hexagram), in which two identical equilateral triangles (one unfolded with the top up, the other with the top down) are superimposed on top of each other, forming a structure of six identical corners attached to the sides of the regular hexagon. The shield stands for protection, protection, designated by the God of Israel and is known as the "Seal of King Solomon." From the left Crown in the form of Horns from the Helmet, like Helmet and Lyre, symmetry is simultaneously formed in black and white. The horns and Lyra come out with ends similar to a shamrock (with three seeds), which symbolizes the Lotus. All together in the left Crown are: 

1) Horns are both a solar and lunar symbol, which is included in the attributes of both the sun gods and the moon gods (all mother goddesses, queens of heaven). It is a symbol of warriors, fertility for both humans and animals, where man is sovereign over all;

2) Lyra - harmony, as a way of controlling through sound the essence of the Universe - unchanging, incomprehensible. Through the Lyra comes the symbol of a man. Its body is the body, the strings are the soul, and the musician is the divine Spirit, controlling someone else's body and mind, mesmerizing them; 

3) Lotus - creation, birth and the Sun as the source of life. This great flower blossomed, rising from the depths of the primordial waters, and carried on its petals a being embodied in the image of a solar deity, a golden baby: from the Lotus is born the sun god, personifying the Universe. The Lotus flower serves as the throne of the one who rules the universe. The lotus symbolized the renewal of vitality and the return of youth, for according to the views of the ancient Semites, the old god dies to be reborn young. The image of the deceased holding a Lotus flower speaks of a resurrection from the dead, an awakening on the spiritual plane. 

Above the right Crown of the Helmet is the Helmet, a heraldic figure placed on the toul or crest of the Helmet. And as it was more often in all Coats of Arms there are feathers - ostriches and peacocks (the number does not matter). The helmet is considered a necessary part of the rothschild noble Coat of Arms. In the rim of all the Three Crowns is placed the Clover Shamrock, which symbolizes unification, balance, and destruction. The shamrock, which is called shamrakh among the Semites, symbolizes the Triads. Ancient Semites, Indians, Indians, Celts and Slavs saw in The Shamrock a talisman of good luck and a reliable amulet that protects a person from the machinations of evil spirits and the machinations of evil spirits. In ancient Semitic iconography, the Shamrock on a triangular or cruciform leg is an attribute of Anubis, the god of the underworld with the head of a jackal, who escorted the souls of the dead to the Realm of the Dead. The trio of any objects in the Coat of Arms (Shamrock and the number of Helmets, Crowns) is a celestial number symbolizing the Soul. This is the number of luck. In Christianity: Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the unity of body and soul in man and the Church. In Kabbalah, the Troika-Triad symbolizes understanding, as well as the trinity of masculine and feminine principles and mutual understanding that unites them. All of the above symbols serve as systemic magic to control all processes on Earth, all natural and human resources.

Above the central Crown, the Dragon is a popular heraldic symbol. The dragon, the emblem of evil spirits, paganism, ignorance, is depicted in profile with the paws of the Vulture (Griffin), on which he rests; its tongue looks like a stinger, its wings are the same as those of a bat or an eagle of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. But in the Coat of Arms of the Rothschilds, the Dragon most likely symbolizes the test that the Rothschild dynasty passed to obtain the treasure of the European aristocracy. The Dragon can link the House of Rothschild to immortality, which can be obtained by invading the body of the monster (both from the outside and from the inside, for example, by swallowing by the Dragon). The transformation of the image shows how the man-dragon ratio changes in examples of mystical rebirth: first the person inside the serpent, then he outside, and finally the serpent is placed inside the person. Similarly, the Rothschilds themselves are to humans as Dragons command humans, since the Rothschilds command the Dragon. 

The Golden Lion also has the paws of the Griffin (loose claws) and the Black Dragon symbol of the House of Rothschild, as they are depicted twice in a row on the Coat of Arms. The dragon is depicted at the head of the Coat of Arms and at its left side of the Shield. And the Red Lion is depicted on the right side of the Shield and on the left side of the Coat of Arms. Leo, like the Dragon transforms the consciousness of people as a solar symbol Leo personifies the heat, brilliance and strength of the midday Sun, the principle of fire, splendor, strength and bravery, perseverance, justice, law, military power - the King of Beasts. On the other hand, leo symbolizes cruelty, ferocity, bestial way of life - the King of Men. The golden-yellow color of leo is a symbol of spirit, wisdom, the color of the deity. Sunny yellow as the color of the divine illumination of the first ark of the Covenant and a symbol of wealth from the Golden Calf. It is the halo of Apollo and the aura of any deity from the ancient, such as the Buddha, to the modern, such as Christ. The color of the Lion as the Golden Calf or cast calf is an idol that appears several times on the pages of the Old Testament as an object of worship of those who have departed from the God of Israel. The story of the first golden calf is detailed in Exodus 32 (Ex. 32:4). 

The black dragon is a symbol of age and experience in contrast to the white color, which symbolizes apprenticeship, youth. Since the Middle Ages, black has been a symbol of solemnity and authority, and for this reason it is still often worn by judges, magistrates, religious figures, monks or musicians, etc. For example, it is the ceremonial color of the elite, aristocracy, wearing tailcoats, tuxedos and costumes. But the fascist World Elites understand that this color is most often associated with secrets, magic, power, violence, evil and elegance.

The lion and dragon claws of the griffins, as well as the eagle wings of the Dragon in the Rothschild Coat of Arms, indicate the presence of the power of the Griffin, which is the Eagle, the Lion and the Dragon at the same time. The griffin is often found in coats of arms, but it is a non-heraldic figure. Therefore, Rothschild did not show it in his Coat of Arms, but pointed it out, as a compromise often does without breaking the tradition of power. And in order not to break the tradition, Rothschild with his paws and wings pointed out the presence of something that cannot be shown. The griffin symbolizes power, power, vigilance. According to Laquier, it serves as a symbol of speed combined with strength.

Another important figure of the Coat of Arms on the right side of the House is the Unicorn without which the Rothschild dynasty simply cannot exist and here's why: The Unicorn is a heraldic symbol of caution, prudence, prudence, severity, severity. 

Completing the symbolism of the Coat of Arms is the Shield in the center of the Shield – a small House in a large House. This is similar to the understanding of the small Motherland (Malorossiya), from where the great Motherland (Russia) began. Therefore, in the large Shield placed as the heart of the House of Rothschilds is a small Red Shield with cow horns (Red Cow). The shield with the hill is Mount Zion (Hebrew: Tzion), as a symbol of Jerusalem and the entire Promised Land. Mount Zion — today, rather, a hill — has become a symbol of the Promised Land for all the Jews of the world. After the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed (which occurred in the 1st century AD) and the Jewish people were scattered throughout the world, no longer having their own country, the name of this mountain turned into a household name. It meant "Home" as "a place to return." The "harbinger of the Apocalypse" according to ancient texts is the "Red Cow", and the skin of such an animal should be monochromatic and without any spots, like the small red Rothschild Shield with the Horns of the Red Cow. The Small Red Shield with the Horns of the Red Cow symbolizes according to ancient texts, the rite of sacrifice of a certain "red cow" implies complete purification and forgiveness of all sins to all Jews. 

And these sins have accumulated over thousands of dynastic years a lot. Jewish and Christian orthodox followers believe that after the red calf is born, it will be possible to rebuild the Third Jerusalem Temple on the Temple Mount. At the same time, believers are firmly convinced that the birth of the Red Cow means the imminent approach of the so-called Apocalypse. And then the coming of Mashiach according to the beliefs of all Jews and here he is Armagedon. Therefore, the Third Temple in Jerusalem should appear on the site where two other temples previously stood. The first of them was built by King Solomon almost three thousand years ago, and in 586 BC it was destroyed by the Babylonians. The Second Temple appeared around 520-526 BC, but was also destroyed by Roman rulers. Moreover, both temples were located on the so-called Temple Mount in Jerusalem. According to the Old Testament, there should be a Third Temple in the future. Therefore, the small Shield in the large Shield of the Rothschilds speaks of their small and large House. 

So the Rothschilds, in their own way, as they can build the Third Temple, since it is their true Home, and do not serve the purposes and objectives of the Anglo-Saxon aristocracy to make Great Britain or the United States the Third Reich. 

What is the Third Semitic Temple in Jerusalem or the Third Anglo-Saxon Reich in London or Washington, when the Slavs have plans for the Third Rome and only in Moscow. 

This is the split among those who are creating a unipolar World and a new World Order. So the Antichrist will not be for long, since the Anglo-Saxons themselves will be against the Semitic Mashiach, who will violate their desire to rule the whole World through the new World Order. 

Elitist Fascism in Schism. 

It remains only to sympathize with all the "masons" and "architects" (Freemasons) of the new Fascism, since their "bundle" holding 5 or 13 arrows and 13 stars (a symbol of the unity of the United States) will be destroyed by Armageddon (the last battle) and the Apocalypse (the last revelation) will come for everyone and as the Bulgarian baba Vanga said: "... the old doctrine of God will come into the world, but so far Syria has not fallen."



Hell, Rothschild doesn't have that big assets, if we even confiscate everything from this family, auction off every last light bulb 💡, we still won't have enough to cover all the damage done to the world by their family from the attack on the world as part of their NWO project of a false epidemic and the entire special operation world crown 🤴 19. 

Yes, without the seizure of Rockefeller's property and assets, we can not steer to a zero balance sheet. Debit with a loan without David Rockefeller's property will not converge. Well, David Rockefeller will continue to work on. 

"What is the truth?" is, of course, a fundamental question. But what is he standing next to the question: "How to endure life?" And this last one pales next to another: "How to bear yourself?" This is a truly key question that no one can answer us. 

Emile Michel Choran

Read the end in TG channel

- Horror! What kind of perversion? 

This is the usual reaction of a decent person to tribule's art of putting words together from letters and emerging shocking phrases from these words with harsh attacks on the top officials of national administrations, the NWO conspirators.

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