The development of national culture in the construction and improvement of cities of ancient Russia reached a high degree by the 11th-12th centuries

The development of national culture in the construction and improvement of cities of ancient Russia reached a high degree by the 11th-12th centuries

The development of national culture in the construction and improvement of cities of ancient Russia reached a high degree by the 11th-12th centuries.

Since handicraft production played a decisive role in the economic life of the city, and the main vital center of the city was its trading area and growing craft areas, methods for organizing the city plan and distributing land in the city quite naturally developed. It is interesting to consider these techniques on the example of such cities as Kiev, Novgorod, Vladimir.

Like all Russian cities of Kiev XI-XII centuries. consisted of the well-fortified Detinets - the Kremlin - the residence of the prince, the trade and craft part - the hem, the temple complex - the Pechersk Lavra

To understand how a modern city lives, how people cope with it, solving daily, every minute many problems of choice, decision making, it is necessary to consider its origin, form, structure, functional processes and to understand whether it is possible to evaluate, describe, improve the city or its individual structures .

The shape of the city, its functions, ideas, values, which people connect with them, form a single whole.

The form of settlement is always something desirable, something being evaluated, if it is possible to evaluate relations and relationships that invariably arise as a product of the vital activity of the urban population.

Form does not mean “outline” of the city plan or its parts.

The shape of the city is a spatial organization of the vital processes of the population and its interaction with the surrounding space.

If it is possible to identify “human values”, which are certainly changing, but which determine the criteria for urban development, then we can talk about a professional tool for planning and evaluating the shape of urban settlements.

The formation of values ​​and evaluation criteria involves social and individual experience under the influence of various socio-economic situations. Therefore, it is natural to consider how the values ​​and criteria for assessing the shape of the city in a historical perspective, genetically, have changed.

The issue of the emergence of cities as a form of settlement is one of the most intimate. Cities arose much earlier than the first texts about them. Some believe that cities arose as warehouses and places of loading goods, as defensive and offensive fortresses, as administrative centers for managing irrigation systems, like temples.

However, the ideas of planning and streamlining life in the city appeared after the emergence of cities, rather as a result of urban civilization, or the conditions for its foundation.

As the city developed, it became a warehouse, a fortress, a workshop, and a market, but first of all, it is a “sacred place” of its inhabitants.

There were many theories about the shape of the city.

The cosmic theory proceeds from the fact that the form of any permanent settlement is a model of the “magical order” that establishes a connection between man and celestial forces by affirming on earth a harmonious order inherent in the cosmos. The cosmic interpretation of the city reached its greatest development in Chinese and Indian cultures. The Chinese model was so simple and perfect that it was easily copied in Korea, Japan and many cities in Southeast Asia.

The space model creates the image of a transparent city: the "principle of boxes nested one into another", hierarchically organized, it is a microcosm in which each element is magically integrated into a perfectly organized whole.

The most eloquent cosmic theory is the plan of the city of Kyoto (Fig. 1), copied 100 years later from the plan of the city of Chan'an in China (about 700 AD, about 1 million inhabitants of the Tang era).

The city is divided by a regular grid - a model of cosmic order. Microcosm City

Indeed, the emperor Kamu, who transferred the state capital from Nara to neighboring Kyoto in 784, created it according to Chinese examples of urban planning art.

The city had the form of a rectangle strictly oriented to the cardinal points. In the center of the northern part was the imperial palace, from which there was an 80-meter-wide avenue that divided the capital into eastern and western halves.

The mountain range protects the city from the north winds, from the south - the sea. The central part was occupied by the noble quarters. Kyoto was the capital of the Japanese Empire for 1074 years. For the 1.5 million inhabitants of today's Kyoto there are 2,000 temples, a regular grid of streets and a social pyramid, reflected in the distribution of urban areas, have been preserved. It is interesting to note that the ancient urban planners painted the space order on the earth in the form of a “leaflet in a cell”, which was superimposed on any terrain, from mountainous to plain, regardless of topography. This idea of ​​the magical order is so strong that it can be traced in a number of general plans of modern cities.

It seems that the magical meaning of the ancient cosmic concept has lost value in our eyes today, but "the psychological power of eternal means of asserting a strong order - in the form of a regular lattice of streets and squares, symmetry as an expression of polarity and dualism, the organization of space according to the countries of the world, as well as sacred power the landscape - mountains, plains, water, forest - does not weaken with time. ”

No less tempting, but a completely different idea of ​​the city as a car.

Separate stable elements move, set in motion the whole mechanism, but this happens in a completely predictable way, let's say in a straight line. The whole grows by mechanically adding parts, remaining a simple combination of them. The metaphorical idea of ​​the city as a car is not much inferior in time to the origin of the cosmic model, although it seems that the car is modern, something necessarily inhumane.

The mechanical model is functional, concrete, but completely devoid of “magic” meaning.

The mechanical model proved to be very useful whenever life required the creation of temporary settlements with clearly defined functional goals. It is known that Greek colonies (not cities) were built according to a scheme that would allow the most rational occupation of space, the Roman military camp - the idea of ​​the individual elements of the plan (units of troops), collected in a system of settlements. The simplest regular planning schemes for medieval cities, with central squares, also had signs of a mechanical model.

Finally, the linear form of the city proceeds from the idea that the city consists of small indivisible parts that are assembled into a machine that has strictly differentiable functions. Indeed, the city-line is almost an ideal mechanical form of the city, capable of preserving its properties at any length. At the same time, it easily fits into any landscape - from riverine to mountainous.

The third theory is organic, it is an attempt to see a living organism in the city. Organic theory is much younger than the first two, although it has been around for a couple of centuries. It arose in the XVIII - XIX centuries on the crest of the rapid development of biology in the works of Ernst Haeckel, who devoted them to the study of the relationship of living organisms with the environment. He first introduced the concept of “Ecology” into scientific use, from the Greek “oikos” - a house, a dwelling, a place of residence, combined with a “logic” - a science of relationships, and it makes it possible to see such a meaning: a house is a stronghold, protection against intrusion, conservation. Hence, the organization of “buildings” as an external manifestation of internal organization, as the essence of the organization of the urban system.

If the city is recognized as a living organism, then it should have characteristic features that distinguish living things.

For all the variety of existing definitions of the concept of a CITY, we affirm the definition: a city as a process taking place in a spatial environment where the dominant role is played by the activities of the population and the place of concentration of this activity, as well as the relationship between them, gives us the right to try to identify common signs of the city and living organism .

A detailed analysis was carried out on the examples of modeling complex systems in the book “City. Models and reality ”, 1994, the preamble of which was the following premise. If on the verge of the XX century. it seemed that the key topic of many areas of cognition was variability, diversity, dynamism, then in later times this theme became community and similarity.!topic/all-andorra/LUzCf9nQNvU

Действительно, шесть признаков, подтверждающих общность и сходство живых организмов и функционирование городской системы и позволяющих сравнивать и анализировать организацию, функции и структуру моделей города и живого организма.

Главное в органической теории – это представление о городе как о целостном организме, совокупности множества функций, элементы которого находятся в постоянной взаимосвязи. Поселение, в котором форма и процессы нерасторжимы, каждый отдельный элемент (район или «община») считаются обособленной социальной и пространственной единицей и четко отделены от других функциональных элементов.

Если отказаться от простейших ассоциаций: улицы – артерии, парки – легкие, коммуникации – нервы, городской центр – сердце, то главные положения органической теории оказали весьма значительное влияние на современную градостроительную науку.

Они послужили идеями для создания концепции почти всех новых городов; городов-спутников в системе агломераций.

Из органической теории вышли идеи микрорайонирования и функционального зонирования городов.

Радиальная система организации города наибольшим образом подтверждает общность природы организма и города. Действительно, нарастание колец-магистралей с ростом города, в какой-то мере напоминает возрастные кольца дерева.

Finally, the conceptual basis of free planning, the combination of open spaces with built-up areas, the differentiation of the paths of movement are also constructive results of the ideas of organic theory.

The organic model was embodied in the construction of new cities in post-war England, in the ideas of satellite cities of London (the work of Patrick Abercrombie), the USA, the Finnish city of Tapiola, satellite cities of Moscow, Stockholm and many others. others. It is interesting to compare the three most important urban concepts: space - the establishment of an eternal order on earth, mechanical - a city-machine, where purposeful rationalism appears in all details, and organic - a city - a living organism, where the logic and functional organization are accompanied by the feelings, attachments and images created by the project and city dweller.

Without giving up the obvious advantages of a mechanical concept, when it comes to the fast and impartial distribution of space (in two-three dimensional and in linear form), flows of people, transport and capital, it is still difficult to imagine life in these settlements.

K. Lynch, analyzing the “radiant city” of Le Corbusier or Paolo Soleri, who embodied the concept of a city-mechanism, writes: “Their inherent dissection, excessive simplification and arrogant aesthetics of the working mechanism instantly repels us, it is worth imagining yourself really living in these“ ideal ”settlements. They rely on the concept of the city, which is ultimately completely false. ”

Органическая модель меньше повлияла на строительство городов, (возникнув только на рубеже XVIII – XIX столетиях) чем первые две, однако сегодня не существует другой более значимой градостроительной концепции, фундаментальные идеи которой, служат для обучения, исследования и проектирования городов.

Пожалуй, одним из наиболее ярких примеров,иллюстрирующих органическую модель, можно признать ранние хорошо известные генеральные планы Москвы – 1739 г. и 1775 г. рис.4, 5

Известно, что города возникли гораздо раньше чем первые тексты о них. Источниками знаний служили мифы, археологические раскопки, упоминания в библии.

Развитие городов связывают с развитием цивилизации. Каждый новый виток её – одомашнивание животных и растений, изобретение колеса, появление письменности и словаря литературного языка, реалистического искусства, новых ремесел и технологий, – сопровождался бурной градостроительной деятельностью. Город тщательно планировался, чтобы усилить чувство почтения к правителю. Возникшая социальная пирамида диктовала распределение городских земель и определяла планировочное решение.

Рассмотрение древнейших градостроительных концепций – космической и механической не имело бы большего смысла, если бы не влияние их на последующие периоды городского строительства. Речь пойдет о становлении городского плана, социального зонирования территории городов в период, начиная со средневековья и до времен промышленного бума начала XIX века. На самом деле, это этап зарождения и развития почти всех крупнейших, средних и малых европейских городов. Он хорошо изучен и стал уже хрестоматийным. Однако, интерес представляют закономерности формирования пространства и дальнейшего развития средневекового города в различных географических условиях.!topic/all-andorra/lyvC6Tv3z2o

By the X-XI centuries, Russian urban planning art had a rather large list of cities such as Kiev, Novgorod, Chernihiv, Murom, Pskov (about 24-36 cities), and gained planning experience. These cities served as the most important stronghold of the culture and power of the Kiev state during its highest political heyday.

The city formed on this basis is already opposing the village economically and is becoming the political center - the residence of princely power. Over time, as a result of the strengthened economic and cultural ties within the country, the planning and development practices inherent in cities have become widespread.

The emergence of crafts as a new form of production, the growth of trade exchange create socio-economic premises for the emergence of cities of Ancient Russia.

To IX and X century Slavs conduct lively trade not only with Byzantium, but also with the countries of Northern Europe, as well as establish trade relations with Iran and Central Asia. Russian trade is based on the high development of Russian craft.

Cities in Russia appeared in large numbers in the 7th-9th centuries. during the period of strengthening the feudal system, they replaced the settlements - fortifications. Actually the city, that is, a fenced off place, was usually called a site on a high hill, surrounded by an earthen rampart.

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