Targeted Individual Update

Targeted Individual Update


Here is the prior post and the main post.

X-rays from above

Driving back to Lewisville from Amarillo, I think I got hit with x-rays... I say this as it burned (per a radiologist they do heat the body) and my skin felt and smelled similar to when I went tanning in my teens.

From my understanding of frequencies, they have similar properties to their "neighbors." For example, infrared can heat objects the way microwaves can. But, like their other neighbor visible light, infrared can't penetrate objects that well as they tend to heat the skin and not organs. (X-ray's amplitudes are very small and thus penetrating.)

So x-rays can affect your body in similar ways to UV rays. They can actually tan the skin just like sunlight or tanning beds. So I wouldn't be surprised if they caused your skin to smell like you've been tanning.

(I think because they tan the skin is why they aren't used often in DEW attacks as it would leave too much evidence. But maybe they hit you with occasional blasts here and there.)

It seems like they hit me in my brain while driving. Specifically, the left side of my prefrontal cortex. This is the part that is responsible for reasoning, logic, planning, and writing.

I can't say exactly where I was when they did it, but I was on the 287 about 3 hours away from Lewisville, TX. So I'm guessing between Childress and Quanah, TX. It was sometime between 7:30 PM and 8:00 PM on September 7, 2020. I just passed a large radio tower (maybe it was a GWEN tower) by the road when it happened. But it could have been from a plane or satellite for all I know.

That part of my body still feels off a day later.

These weapons certainly are sinister.

FOIA ignored (or intercepted?)

I'm still getting nothing from the Texas Public Information Act request I filed with Flower Mound.

Oh well for responding in two days

I contacted the city myself:

Nayla has been helpful (though discretely taunting but she isn't anywhere near as bad as the rest), but I still haven't gotten anything. I've followed up with the town secretary and a councilman, but nothing has come of it. Seems like they are trying to stonewall me and discourage me from following up with them by being ugly.

Maybe it is going through the mail and getting intercepted? Possible, but since they are either being nasty or ignoring me, I feel like Flower Mound is doing something like providing the wrong address to their attorney.

It's ridiculous that they won't just send it by email.

They claim that there might be a large video file (I did request one, but those are almost never given in the first response). Even if there is, they can upload it to Dropbox, Google Drive, Mega, or one of many cloud services available and give a download link. Or they can upload it to a video platform like YouTube, BitChute, LBRY, etc. since it is public information. Heck, they could even host it on their own website.

I've hesitated on contacting TOASE cause there might be a weird law on the books in regard to that. (I've come across abusive laws before like the not well-known, almost zero-tolerance DUI law in Arizona by MADD that has been weaponized by cops, which I barely avoided being a victim of, that seems to have spread to Texas and gotten Alex Jones.) I could get a lawyer to contact them, but that might be expensive unless I can somehow sue Flower Mound over this.

Lawsuits do exist for a reason. And they aren't just for patent trolls.

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