pROjECt SiNgEr


Aborted fetal tissue used in the creation and development of Covid vaccines - HEK293

Hundreds of congressmen in the U.S. have been treated for COVID with ivermectin — Dr. Gold

Information that hundreds of U.S. congressmen, as well as their family members and staff, turned to "Doctors from the frontline" for alternative treatment using ivermectin, confirmed the founder of the organization "American doctors from the frontline" Dr. Simone Gold on October 11 on Twitter.

On October 8, Dr. Pierre Cory tweeted, "Interesting fact: 100 to 200 members of the U.S. Congress (plus many of their employees and family members) with COVID... over the past 15 months, they have been treated by colleagues with ivermectin and the I-MASK+ protocol published on the website of the No one was taken to the hospital. Just said."

The protocol the doctor talks about is ivermectin and an immune-supporting complex of vitamins C, D3, as well as zinc, quercetin and melatonin at night.

After questions arose about how he knew that, he said he had information from a "very reliable source in Congress", but that he did not know the names of the patients, and if he did, he would not have disclosed.

On Oct. 11, Dr. Simone Gold said, quoting a report about the congressmen being treated, "I can confirm that this is true. Several elected officials have approached me over the past year and asked for such treatment."

Note that none of these more than a hundred elected officials reported in the press that he was treated with ivermectin, and none of them did anything to lift the ban on treatment with ivermectin in US hospitals, where the order of medical officials for the treatment of "Doctors from the front" is forbidden to use.



All the structures of world fascism - the WHO, the UN 🇺🇳, national administrations, bought by the media, have been convincing all of humanity for two years that COVID-19 is a terrible disease and has fallen on our heads all from nowhere and quite unexpectedly. In fact, this is a blatant lie! This biological diversion has been carefully planned and carried out strictly according to plan. 

Here is simple but irrefutable evidence of Lady and Gentlemen, as well as transsexuals, hermaphrodite (he fucks and gives birth himself), the other squad of Nazi liars and mentally ill people.

From the official statistics of export-import operations for trade in goods between countries, we see that tests for the determination of COVID-19 have been purchased by countries since 2017, when no one had heard or thought about the coronavirus. Below, let's not be lying around and look at the tables with data on these purchases.

We open a specialized website "Use WITS to obtain statistics on trade in goods (exports, imports) by country from COMTRADE UN, tariff profiles from UNCTAD TRAINS and CTS IDB WTO. The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) software provides access to data on international trade in goods, tariff and non-tariff measures (NTM). View the Country Profile section to get country statistics on exports, imports and tariffs, as well as relevant development data." 

So, let's begin:

Import covid-19 test kits (300215) by country in 2017 (!!! click here to verify) 

Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

Please note that in the table the product COVID-19 Test kits, which were imported by countries, including the Russian Federation, the code is indicated: 300215. See the directory of HS codes (HS - commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union, classifier of goods used in customs operations).

DIRECTORY OF HS codes, code 300215

Description: "Immunological products packaged in dosage forms or in retail molds or packages."         

So there is no discrepancy. Immunological products were purchased, i.e. tests for Coronavirus since 2017!

And what is more important: in the name of the coronavirus, the number 19 (COVID-19) does not carry the meaning of the year 2019, when this virus was allegedly detected. After all, its name was given to it long before the onset of 2019.

By the way, here we can see how much, where and for how much Covid-19 tests were imported in 2017 (!!!) by the Russian Federation:


Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

The Russian Federation imported COVID-19 testing kits worth $40,161,150 and 179,789 kg.

Let's look beyond 2018 and 2019, when the purchase of tests was already made in large volumes.


Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 test kits / Tools, diagnostic testing equipment.


Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

Dear island sisters and coastal brothers standing away from the sisters while we squeeze them! So it's pretty obvious that these bastards are inferior to the Antichrists and their employers. 

, their partner Putin with his Kremlin Kagal - sing one criminal aria and brazenly, cynically planned and prepared this special operation corona 🤴 19. This is a real world terrorist attack since 2017, Certainly even earlier, since 2015 Richard Rothschild. 

Undoubtedly, they will not stop themselves in their sabotage. The fourth wave of attack has already begun and reached its climax. The U.S. is paralyzed by a transportation collapse with the goal of mass murder, repression in covid camps and enslavement of the U.S. population 🇺🇸 and all of humanity, with a radical change in the algorithms of life and freedom, a radical reduction in numbers. 

The violent state injection of poison, the introduction of covid-pass is only a small part of the plan. 

Dear brothers and sisters of the island and the adjacent smaller islands! To stop this satanic evil spirits and destroy its plans is already possible and quite realistic! 

Therefore, brothers and sisters of the island and other lands and beaches, continue with repentance to pray to the Lord for the forgiveness of our sins and for the gift of America to the New Anointed Of God with a scepter (please do not confuse with the clitoris). 

with the help of which we will cleanse our land of the green-eyed island of 🏝 from all evil spirits, and the bars and clubs of New York from all the anti-Christ servants and their accomplices. Help us, Lord. Thank God for everything! Amen. The King is coming, the Tsar is coming! 


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the most official of all official government agencies, has told the world that the COVID-19 virus (sars-cov-2) has never been isolated by anyone, which directly means that it does NOT exist.

They made this fact public to the world in their lengthy document titled "CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel" "CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel," dated July 13, 2020.

This information is hidden deep in this document, on page 39, in the "Performance Characteristics" section.

So what does the CDC tell us?

Quote: « Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer.....»

"Since quantitative isolates of the 2019-nCoV virus are not currently available, assays designed to detect 2019-nCoV RNA were tested using characterized stocks of full-size RNA transcribed in vitro (gene N; access to GenBank: MN908947.2) with already known title..."

What does all this mean? Let's translate their cipher into a language accessible to the public.

Key phrase: "Since there are currently no quantitative isolates of the 2019-nCoV virus available..."

So, each existing object can be determined quantitatively, that is, measured. The use of the term "quantitatively" in this phrase means: We don't have a measurable amount of virus because it's not available. In other words, we don't have the VIRUS.

Another clue is the use of the word "isolates". That means we don't have an ISOLATED/ISOLATED VIRUS. In other words: THERE IS NO REAL SAMPLE OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS. THE COVID-19 VIRUS HAS NOT BEEN ISOLATED. SO NO ONE HAS PROVEN THAT IT EXISTS.

Continuation of the phrase: " were tested using characterized stocks of full-size RNA transcribed in vitro (gene N; access to GenBank: MN908947.2) with already known title..." means what I wrote in detail in my posts. Since no one has a real sample of the virus, no one has ever seen it and accordingly studied it, no one knows which nucleotide/genetic sequence belongs to him. You can only find out if you perform a real procedure to isolate a virus that no one has produced and will never produce because this virus does not exist. Therefore, they created an artificial nucleotide sequence, in a petri parrot, using genetic sequences taken from Gen Bank (gene bank) WITHOUT THE PARTICIPATION OF ANY VIRUS, because it was never isolated. This nucleotide genetic sequence they created is just their GUESS as to what they think it should look like.

It's not a real virus.

Thus, the COVID-19 virus exists only in the computers of these laboratories, and not in real life.

And each lab has its own unique version of what they think the nucleotide/genetic sequence of the Covid-19 virus should look like. In other words, anyone can create their own private so-called "virus" SARS-Cov2, existing only in the computer! Since this virus has never actually been isolated, and it simply does not exist, there is NO GOLD STANDARD for any further research or testing, no standard for their control.

Any result of a PCR test and antibody test is false because the test must be based on an ash standard, that is, on a isolated virus. 

And it's just as important to understand that there is an organization in the GISAID genome bank that collects and stores all genomic sequences. 

They already store more than 100,000 gene sequences of the SARS-Cov2 virus, each of which claims to be the real, viral genetic sequence.

To get the population to adjust to this madness, they are now telling us that the virus is mutating, which is why there are so many different sequences. But can we assume that 100,000 different gene structures correspond to the same virus? 

As Stefano Scoglio, MD, candidate for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, writes in his article

"A fictional pandemic, no isolated virus, and false tests": "It would be true if you had a guy named John who has 70,000 different images ( at the time of writing his article, the gene bank stored 70,000 genes. sequences of the virus, but now there are added another 30,000) in each of which he looks like a man, then a woman, then a dog, then a snake and so on, but you would like to convince me that they are all John!

This, among other things, raises another very important question: if the suspected virus mutates so much that it even produced more than 70,000 different genetic sequences, which ones will be selected for the vaccine? And how can a vaccine protect against anything if the other 69,999 sequences aren't covered and the virus is constantly mutating anyway?"

🌎International Shipping Group has issued a letter warning of the imminent collapse of the global supply chain.

For more than a year, we have warned that a planned collapse of global supply lines is beginning to unfold. This collapse is now accelerating at an alarming rate, with even the International Chamber of Shipping releasing a letter warning of a "collapse of global transport systems" that will only worsen. The culprit of this collapse? Erroneous government lockdowns, vaccination orders, and fake scientific "testing" for Covid (using fraudulent PCR tools)...


By deliberately blocking the Channel, almost everything became clear to us on the third day of the event. We have one uninvestigated question left and apparently we will be able to answer it only by studying the devices of the two defendants. We can't know whose members were ordered to the captain of the ship to apply to the water surface?! 

DeepState, Clinton and Supply Chain Breakdown: "Worst Case scenario for global trade"

The fact that the most expensive blocking of the Suez Canal in history is organized/initiated is an obvious fact for any person who follows the background of what is happening in the world together, and not separately, that there is short-sightedness ...

If someone suddenly does not know, the name of the mega-container ship "EVERGREEN", which arranged all this and applied across its side, coincides with the nickname of Hillary Clinton - Evergreen( Evergreen), which is used by the outstripped pedophiles in their correspondence.

"Thank you for coming. The frustration is very great. Can physically delete texts, tapes, etc. ??? We have it all. The right people have the information. Reliable dudi act on the basis of information. I think Goog. I think so. Think about many projects. Many common users [foreign and domestic]. Variable access. Codes. Fake letters. Ommi Forum Game. New information has emerged today. Gmail (emails) comms. Decide Evergreen. When do you call a plumber? Ongoing investigations require this," Hillary Clinton received similar messages from DeepState operatives when it became known that there was a leak of letters from the Dem server. Party.

Bill Clinton's codename is Eagle, Hillary Clinton is Evergreen, Chelsea Clinton is Energy. 

By the way, in the photo below next to the stuck vessel is also visible another vessel and its name is also entertaining - "Baraka".

🇺🇸Famil bill of bill gates. DPT.

Until 2017, neither HHS nor WHO conducted the kind of vaccinated/unvaccinated (or placebo) studies needed to determine whether the DTP vaccine actually produces positive results for the health of those vaccinated. The U.S. and Western countries stopped doing DTP in the 1980s after thousands of deaths and brain injuries. But Bill Gates and his aides, GAVI (GAVI - Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization and WHO, have made the DTP vaccine a priority for their African vaccination program. 

Scandinavian governments, vaccine maker SSI and other international sponsors commissioned the study to the world's leading experts on African vaccines, two of whom dr. Soren Morensen and Peter Ebi were proponents of the vaccine. However, even they were shocked when they studied the long-term data of the so-called "natural experiment" in Guinea-Bissau, where 50% of children die before the age of 5 years. 

In this country, half of the children were vaccinated with the Gates DTP vaccine at 3 months and the other half at 6 months. The sample was randomized. Dr. Morgenson and his team found that girls vaccinated with the DTP vaccine— the flagship of the GAVI/WHO/Bill Gates program — died 10 times faster than unvaccinated children. Although the vaccinated children were protected from diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough, they were much more susceptible to other deadly diseases than their unvaccinated peers. DTP apparently destroyed their immune system. Thanks to Gates, DTP is now the most popular vaccine in the world. In Africa, GAVI and WHO use DTP to assess the eligibility of national vaccines. WHO can financially punish countries that do not comply. 

Since researchers have suggested that DTP kills more children than the diseases it targets, Scandinavian scientists have publicly begged the WHO to reconsider its practice of vaccinating Africans with DTP. However, the WHO refused. It seems to us that the world should study Bill Gates' track record in Africa very carefully before allowing him to dictate American health policy through the WHO, which implements his policies and puts pressure on countries.

We demand a public vaccination for Bill, under flying cameras 🎥 in the studio 666 kV.m with a broadcast on all world media of his vaccines, including the diarrhoea vaccine, which he mentioned. We want to see him 24 hours a day on our mobile app and all 7 billion people will track his movements and give him tasks: cleaning public toilets in New York, weeding potatoes 🥔 on the site of his new house worth $ 42 million, cleaning 🧹 the beach in California and issuing sun loungers for vacationers and servicing them in a vip all-inclusive package. 

                🏝 🏖 🏝 

Trump and Bloomberg ran for president, and Gates' strategy of buying the WHO and gaining control of U.S. health officials like Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx gave him powers that exceeded in some respects the powers that presidents have.

Control of WHO allows Bill Gates to dictate global health policy affecting 7 billion people and control the most intimate details of our lives; when and where we work, play sports, go to the store, attend school, visit beaches, bars, movies, concerts and what medications we should and should not take. His minions can force us to wear masks, lock us in our homes, and prescribe how close we can stand to our loved ones. Gates is the second largest donor to the WHO after the United States.

According to Politico, Gates' priorities have become WHO priorities, not a focus on strengthening health care in poor countries... The agency spends a disproportionate portion of its resources on projects... Gates, and he prefers GMO crops, chemical agriculture and vaccines.

As Reported by The Nation Magazine, this policy often benefits pharmaceutical and chemical companies such as Monsanto, in which Gates and his foundation invest heavily. These efforts take resources away from sanitation, hygiene, nutrition and development in favor of vaccine solutions without proven benefits and without any accountability.

Gates' disastrous polio vaccination program has squandered half of WHO's total budget, spreading polio epidemics of vaccine strains around the world. The WHO reluctantly admits that the Gates vaccine currently causes 70% of global polio cases.

Gates was the first private individual to report to the WHO General Assembly. He is treated as head of state, in the WHO and in the G20, as well as in the obsequious international press.

A spokesperson for a Geneva-based NGO complained to Politico: "Few dare to openly criticize what he's doing. Critics derid Gates' approach as "monopolistic philanthropy."

Under his leadership, who conducts global social and medical experiments, applying Gates' religious belief that he can use technology (vaccines and GMO agriculture) and his deep understanding of computers to make him a savior for all humanity. We are his guinea pigs. 

🇪🇸 Spain became the first Western country to officially recognize the use of chemical aerosol spraying on the population, the so-called chemtrails. 

In accordance with the emergency statement, they recognized that the Military Emergency Unit and the Biochemical Military Unit had the necessary knowledge and capabilities. They use chemtrails for reasons related to covid, but back in 2015, a Spanish congressman revealed to the European Parliament that 4 employees of the Spanish Meteorological Agency admitted that Spain was sprayed with lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite.

Official Gazette, Friday, April 17, 2020 Sec. I. P. 29199 ..... sufficient preparation for air disinfection, as they are performed regularly, except that instead of using biocides, they do so with other disinfecting chemicals. That is why, in view of the foregoing and the effect of improving and accelerating the disinfection operations of all types of installations carried out by members of the Armed Forces, it is considered appropriate to authorize, in exceptional cases and during the entire period of validity, a state of alert for the defense units of the PBOC of the Armed Forces and HEU, the use of disinfectants and biocides of the main group 1, described in Article 1.1 of Royal Decree 830/2010 of June 25, establishing rules for training personnel for biocides treatment that have been sanctioned and identified as effective in combating the pandemic 😷 COVID19...

In accordance with the powers conferred by Article 4.3 of Decree 463/2020 of 14 March, I decide:

Allowing the units of bio.chemical protection of the Armed Forces and the unit of military emergencies to use biocides authorized by the Ministry of Health.

In addition, the units referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be permitted to use air disinfection procedures by fogging, thermonebulization and micronebulization techniques to perform the above-mentioned disinfection works ...".

The method is one of the "most effective" against covid, as with the help of "fogging, thermonebulization and micronebulization methods, all surfaces are achieved quickly."

The Executive also justified that the above-mentioned units "have sufficient personal means, materials, procedures and training to carry out air disinfection, as they carry out operations on a regular basis, except that instead of using biocides, they do so with other disinfecting chemicals".

On May 19, 2015, MEP Ramón Tremosa y Balcels (ALDE) announced in the European Parliament that four employees of the State Meteorological Agency had admitted that Spain was completely sprayed from aircraft that scattered lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite into the atmosphere. The goal, according to the same European Parliament, was to drive away the rains and raise temperatures, which creates a summer climate environment for tourism and at the same time helps corporations in the agricultural sector. Then the region of Murcia, Valencia and the province of Almería suffered the most - for seven months not a drop of rainwater, catastrophic cold drops of artificial rain and respiratory diseases in the population when inhaling lead dioxide and other toxic compounds fell. If you do the same surgery today with the same solutions, the whole country will have symptoms of SARS, COVID, which will give the government what it will give. The question of what is being sprayed over Spain now and whether it is not the solution that in 2015 formed the population 'respiratory diseases' and, accordingly, the symptoms of SARS/COVID, remains open. 

Villains in one world conspiracy to destroy the population, the destruction of the middle class locked in homes. See what the Spanish fascists did in the Government with their People in 2015, spraying the country with lead dioxin and other toxic compounds along with vacationing tourists!

document in PDF

The WHO database reports more than 2 million potential side events: Their main goal is WOMEN.

The WHO public database, which reports potential drug side effects, shows more than 2 million cases of possible damage from the Covid vaccine in 2021 alone, with 69% of cases occurring in female patients.

VigiAccess was founded in 2015 by WHO to provide the public with access to VigiBase, a WHO database.

So, according to VigiAccess, to date, in 2021, 2199476 side effects of vaccination against COVID19 have been registered, of which 866558 (39%) injuries occur in 18-44-year-olds, and 1517,989 (69%) of all injuries occur in women. .

The nature of the injuries is disorders of the blood and lymphatic system, heart disease, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, disorders of the reproductive system and breast, respiratory, thoracic and other diseases. mediastinal disorders and many others.

If you look at some disorders and ailments, a shocking number of injuries includes cases of vaginal bleeding, myocarditis, neoplasms (tumors) of the brain, spontaneous abortion, fetal death, stillbirth, pulmonary embolism, renal failure, restriction of fetal growth, deep vein thrombosis, as well as the onset of covid, influenza, pneumonia and more than 100 other diseases/conditions.

There is currently no function that allows the public to determine which vaccines are associated with which injuries, but instead all vaccines and all injuries are grouped in one file. I am sure that the WHO has long and intentionally, being the prototype of Ed. World. Governments, creates opacity.

The shocking discovery that 1517989 (69%) cases have been reported among the female population may support the claims made by various doctors, scientists and medical professionals who have expressed concern about the effects of injections on women, especially on their reproductive organs and their fertility.

In March, Idaho doctor Ryan Cole, a certified pathologist, owner and operator of a diagnostic laboratory, told the public, with the support of the state government, that he has seen a "20-fold increase" in endometrial cancer cases since the vaccine was introduced.

Cole also reported a significant increase in melanoma counts in patients after the vaccine was deployed, especially "thick" melanomas in "young" patients. According to Cole, such progressive melanomas at a younger age are extremely rare. 

In Germany, researchers conducted a study that included the introduction of lipid "nanonators," including with an ingredient common to the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna: polyethylene glycol.

The researchers found a "high local accumulation of nanoparticles" in "certain ovarian sites," leading scientists specializing in pharmaceutical technology and biopharmaceuticals to warn that this could pose a "toxicity problem for humans" and that more research was needed.

Dr. Michael Yidon, a former vice president of Pfizer, also expressed concern about the impact of vaccines on women's health when he found "data showing that 15 pregnant women who were vaccinated [against COVID] developed three times higher levels of antibodies against their own placenta," and that this data is "rejected and hidden by the vaccine industry and public health."

In addition, Dr. Elizabeth Li Vlit, an independent physician specializing in reproductive hormones, cited a 2018 study in which Chinese researchers found that nanoparticles [such as particles used in mRNA vaccines] can pass through the blood-testicular barrier, placental barrier, and barriers. protecting reproductive tissues, and then accumulate in the reproductive organs.

According to Vlit, according to a Chinese study, the accumulation of nanoparticles damages organs (testicles, epidies, ovaries and uterus), destroying certain cells, which leads to dysfunction of the reproductive organs, which negatively affects sperm and eggs and can disrupt the ovarian cycle.

Database about lek. The EU also reported more than 2 million adverse reactions to injections, of which 1 million are considered serious and more than 21,000 have been fatal.

In addition, Thomas Renz, the U.S. attorney leading the covid vaccine stop lawsuit, said he has an affidavit from a medical data analyst that vaccine injuries are "understated by conservative views." Analyzing the data, Renz and his associates involved in the investigation announced that the "most conservative estimate" of shot deaths in America is 45,000 people, and additional data show that this may be "astronomically higher."

As Texas cardiologist and lead medical expert Dr. Peter McCullow stated on the podcast, "Americans will bear the brunt of what will invariably be a failed mass vaccination program that will be recognized as one of the deadliest, one of the most harmful, and which will cost Humanity dearly."


Well, the island goats 🐐 🐐 skated on the red square 😂 2020. Skates ⛸ ⛸ sharpen before lacing on the 🦵 🦵 necessary. The lace of the shoe is long, it can get confused when falling in the neck.

and then they knocked on the MSNBC studio – tuk-tuk, let's go....

And now these morons are beginning to learn about the false PCR test of COVID-19 delivered to logistics warehouses in the United States 🇺🇸 secretly.

Well, what's the small pussy from the Ari Melber terrorist brigade? Can you imagine what the local islanders will do to you? 

This graph is a de facto verdict for the national different national administrations of the states of the world. 

⚠️☠️💉So, Friends, let's figure it out.🐏

Still, mRNA injections from BigPharma, called vaccine 💉 which are forbidden to say what they do not want, what would you say, BigTech still kills with this injection.

Official graphs are still clearer than a thousand words - Algeria, Bahrain and so on in order... 

Same in Singapore (83% of, 78% of hospital patients vaccinated), in 


🔹 Britain

🔹 Gibraltar

🔹Cube... ☠️

Well, that's it. Now, for sure, many will be held accountable. If the numbers showed less, then it would still be possible to invent different stories of fables. However, the numbers of people who have left are too large for reality to behave this way and to be ignored, and the correlation of the injection and the sharp increase in mortality after it begins is too obvious to be attributed to coincidence. And this is not the case when sincere confessions. perhaps they will alleviate the fate of the defendants in the criminal case.

The picture would be unfair and not objective if sweden was not considered (schedule from April 2021). Masks were not introduced in the kingdom, the new false term "social distancing" that does not exist in medicine was not introduced, many other heresies and outright game were not cocked ... And here it is the result of the Swedish Crown. 

In the nation-states and the world, state and usurpation of power continue to take place with the consolidation of this power in a very narrow circle of the first conspirators in the crown 🤴 19 project. The slippage of the covid scam is obvious, Gates began to prepare, judging by the Rockefeller "Lockstep", written back in 1989 - 2010, back in the zero in the mid-90s 2000 goals. The plan of the "Great Replacement", which will make a black caliphate from white Europe, has been successfully implemented. 

And the ravity of the Republic of Ghana, apparently tired of waiting for the end of everything that is happening, began to fulfill their role ahead of time in all this criminal vaudeville and quietly, lightly, unobtrusively prepare the plebs for the appearance of monkeys who, within the framework of the Blue Beam project, will come down to us from the sky to explain to us idiots who really created everything in the universe and how it really was, to finally give the World the only correct religion and to reveal to us the one to whom we will all henceforth have to obey.

Ghanaian negroes issued a silver coin with the image of a gray alien in denomination of $ 5. On the obverse of the coin there is a portrait of Elizabeth II, and on the other we see, most likely, representatives of the Orion group on Earth, and simply put, what some consider to be aliens.


So that trump sheep understand the purpose of the Shepherd and the Dissenting material for Satanists. Not only Trump is involved in collusion, but all the Leaders of the Major Countries including Erdogan and Putin and others. 

The Crown Project 🤴 19 and the goal of Crowning the Antichrist then the One Religion Currency Army and so on. The Satanists need a Unified Army for Armagedon for the War Against God. 

What Smart 😂 these Communists are Nazis at the UN 🇺🇳 21-2030 (pdf)

- One World Government

- One global controlled non-cash currency

- Single Global Central Bank

- One Global Military Mila

- The End of National Sovereignty

- End ALL private property (except for some elites)

- End of Family Unit

- Depopulation, control of population growth and density

- Endless mandatory vaccines

- Universal basic income (austerity)

- Microchip Society (for trade, travel, tracking and control)

- Implementation of the world system of social credit

- Internet of Things, all connected to 5G monitoring

- Government raising children

- Public and supervised schools (education)

- Termination of the Institute of "Private Transport"

- Restriction of non-essential air travel

- Settlement zones (concentration of people only in cities)

- Cessation of livestock on private farms and irrigation

- Limited land use, the completion of single-family homes

You will not own anything and will be happy 😆 🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏 🐏 ☠️

Airline pilots, railroad workers, air traffic controllers, police, firefighters and others who support society say NO to coercion to vaccines and threats.

We are witnessing an incredible moment in human history when professionals working in a wide variety of social spheres say: "NO!" to vaccination, coercion and threats.

Southwest Airlines, for example, has canceled nearly 2,000 flights in the past three days due to a coordinated protest by pilots over vaccination.

Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly committed a huge fraud against his pilots, falsely claiming that there is a "federal government directive on COVID-19 vaccination" that forces it to require a vaccine for all its pilots. But this is completely wrong. There is no such mandate for private sector workers. Kelly just bluffs along with Joe Bidon, pretending that there is a federal mandate that he knows is not the law.

No wonder many of his company's pilots are much smarter than Kelly thinks. Pilots are usually smart people to refuse to receive a protein injection with the threat of blood thrombosis when they already face an increased risk of blood clots due to the time spent in the cockpit in prolonged sitting positions. That's why they tell Kelly no and leave work, at least temporarily.

This example is now spreading to other sectors of the economy, as informed Americans say NO to studded protein vaccinations inside.

This important form of civil protest is resorted to not only by pilots: firefighters, policemen, railway workers and many others.

Amtrack trains are now beginning to be cancelled as their train crews go on sick leave as part of a coordinated "sick leave" protest. 

The treacherous media hides all such stories in the hope that such practices will not spread. They want the American (and global) public to be ignorant, isolated, and afraid of COVID so that they can be easily controlled and euthanized (with a vaccine).

There are also rumors that American Airlines pilots and workers may join "go on sick leave" activities, and there is no doubt that this practice will spread from sector to sector as informed Americans declare their bodies their choice.

We are now entering an era of mass defiance. This is the only remaining option where the tyrannical, pharmacist-infested medical police state has taken away legitimate science, human rights, and the rule of law.

If your human rights are violated at work, quit your job and find work elsewhere, as there are a huge number of small business employers who desperately need skilled people and who will not need mass vaccinations.

It is also quite obvious that those in power are creating the complete collapse of human civilization. Those who are stupid enough to take spike protein injections will be destroyed physiologically. Those who refuse injections are censored and fired from their jobs (economic war). The collapse of supply lines will affect everyone, leading to extreme shortages of food and energy in the coming winter.

After all, it's plandemia, and each stage of collapse is carefully planned from the start.

And we will all survive. But you will have to destroy the old evil, the new on this place is not possible to build. And by the way, it's time to start fantasizing about this new one and talking 🗣


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