Study aspects of the impact of modern media on the British - Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ дипломная работа

Study aspects of the impact of modern media on the British - Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ дипломная работа


Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ
Study aspects of the impact of modern media on the British

Consideration of the mass media as an instrument of influence on human consciousness. The study of the positive and negative aspects of the radio, television, press, magazines, Internet. Advantages and disadvantages of the media in the Great Britain.

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

1. Mass media - A means of public communication reaching a large audience.
2. Newspapers - a publication regularly printed and distributed, usually daily or weekly, containing news, opinions, advertisements, and other items of general interest
3. Magazines - Publication issued periodically, containing miscellaneous editorial pieces, such as articles, short stories, interviews, photographic essays, or poems, of either a specifies or general nature.
4. Yellow Pages - section of a telephone directory that lists businesses, services, or products alphabetically according to field. 5. Radio - the wireless transmission through space of electromagnetic waves in the approximate frequency range from 10 kilohertz to 300,000 megahertz.
6. Television - A television system that has twice the standard number of scanning lines per frame and therefore produces pictures with greater detail. 7. Direct Mail - Advertising circulars or other printed matter sent directly through the mail to prospective customers or contributors.
8. Telemarketing - the business or practice of marketing goods or services by telephone.
9. Internet - A means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and servers. When two computers are connected over the Internet, they can send and receive all kinds of information such as text, graphics, voice, video, and computer programs.
10. Specialty Advertising - Form of advertising that uses advertising novelties as medium for the message. Examples include buttons, bumper stickers, and balloons with writing. 11. Input - The language that the child is exposed to through listening to the teacher, to peers, to tapes, to video or TV, or through written text. This provides the raw material for the child to work on and develop his/her internal language system.
12. Interaction - communication with other people. Classroom interaction refers to the communication which takes place between teacher and pupils, and pupils and their peers.
13. Motivation - something that inspires action
14. Classroom management - it means developing, creating classroom for maximize use.
14. Violence - exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse.
Another aspect of the media which affects our attitude towards journalists and editors and the way we react to media stories is the so-called `power of the press'. The press was accused of "power without responsibility - the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages". A continuing debate rages over whether the media is the voice of public opinion; the reflector or mirror of public opinion; the organ of public opinion; the controller of public opinion; the regulator of public opinion; or the creator of public opinion.
A key criticism made of the media is that they are responsible for `agenda-setting'. That is, the media select events and issues that are discussed and considered by the community. By their selection process for stories and programs, the media set the agenda for public discussion - and other issues go ignored. In this way, critics say, the media define social reality. The media are also blamed for almost every social ill known in our society. The media have been said to cause crime, violence, teenage delinquency, promiscuity, racial strife and drug taking. But, in fact, little proof or evidence is available to substantiate these claims. Precisely what power the media really do exert in contemporary society continues to be debatable.
Joseph Klapper released a landmark study of the media in 1960, "The Effects of Mass Communication" which destroyed many of the myths concerning the power of the media and shattered assumptions. Klapper concluded from extensive research that "persuasive communication was more often associated with attitudes reinforcement than with conversion". Klapper's basic assertion, which is still held as relevant today, was that mass communication was "more likely to reinforce existing opinions than to change them, and more likely to produce modifications than conversion". Not everyone agrees with Klapper. But we can note from his research that generalisations about the media's power to change opinions or create new opinions are dangerous. [21]
Modern mass communication studies and psychology find that people draw their opinions from a range of sources and the media are but one influence. Possible links between media coverage and portrayals of violence and the level of violence in society is one area which has received considerable study and attention. There is a general belief that media coverage and portrayal of violence and lawlessness contributes to lawlessness and disorder.
In 1965, the psychiatric department of Denmark's Council for Forensic Medicine reported that "no scientific experiments" could lead one to the assumption that pornography or obscene pictures and films contributed to committing of sexual offences by normal adults and youths." [16]
In response to this report and substantial supporting sentiment in the country, the Danish Parliament repealed the legal prohibitions against written pornography in 1967. In 1969, the Danish Government ended film censorship for adults and legalised the sale of pornographic pictures and photographs to anyone over the age of sixteen.
The prophets of doom forecast that Denmark would slide into moral decay. But guess what happened? Sex crimes fell sharply in the year following the 1967 Government action and decreased further after the repeal of virtually all pornography laws affecting adults in 1969. There is also research on audience retentiveness which suggests that newspaper and magazine articles and electronic media broadcasts do not have the all-powerful influence or effect we sometimes think they do. Research has found that people retain only around 10 per cent of what they hear or read once and no more than 50 per cent of what they see. [10]
What this suggests is that you should not over-react to a media story. When one negative article appears in the media, it is not the end of the world. Despite the warning about "making or breaking your company or career in 30 seconds" at the beginning of this book, the media does not inject opinions into the public like a vaccine.
Before you over-react to a negative story in the media, consider the following formula for newspaper impact:
* On average, only 10 per cent of a newspaper's circulation will read any one particular story in the paper. Some don't read the paper at all on some days and most people skip read, selecting items of interest;
* On average, of those who read a particular story, most will remember only 10 per cent of the content.
This means that an average article in a newspaper with a circulation of 100,000 will only be read by 10,000 people and only 1,000 will remember what they read.
There is also research which shows that, even when awareness is created, attitudes do not necessarily change and, furthermore, when attitudinal change occurs, it does not necessarily lead to behavioural change. So, even if 1,000 people remember what they read in the newspaper, only a small percentage of these will change their attitude because of the information and even fewer will change their buying behaviour, voting preference or patronage. [4]
The purpose of these examples is not to contradict earlier comments about the importance of the mass media, but to provide a rational view of media effects. The media can neither be blamed for all of society's ills, nor can they be seen as a panacea for changing opinions in your organisation's favour.
A realistic view of media effects also suggests that communication with the media has to be on-going. One good interview or story is not going to achieve your objectives any more than one negative story is going to cause ruin.
The role of mass media in modern life. The influence of newspapers, magazines and television in mind and outlook of the mass of people. Ways to provide information and display the news of dramatic events, natural disasters, plane crash, murders and wars. презентация [730,5 K], добавлен 17.05.2011
Theoretical basics of Internet advertising. The analysis of the media planning process. The establishing media objectives through developing media strategies and tactics. The effectiveness of the media planning in Internet. The example of the media plan. курсовая работа [64,2 K], добавлен 25.03.2014
"The Bauer media group". "The Bertelsmann" is a German multinational mass media corporation. "The Axel Springer Verlag". The German media industry. Company that is specialised in production and delivery of media in the form of digital, audio, video. реферат [18,9 K], добавлен 13.03.2014
Influence of television on modern political practice. Nature of media power and its impact on political system of society, its character, practice and institutions. Dangers of new mediated symbolic politics for the democratic political practices. реферат [25,0 K], добавлен 28.05.2012
Понятие, определение и специфика социальной журналистики в "small media". Анализ социальной тематики, базовой структуры малых медиа, линейной схемы коммуникации. Принципы существования малых медиа, их распространение по разным мультимедийным платформам. курсовая работа [228,8 K], добавлен 06.05.2018
Сущность понятия имидж политического деятеля, принципы и mass-media каналы его формирования, анализ зарубежного опыта. Имидж председателя Законодательного Собрания Краснодарского края: исследование краевых печатных СМИ, перспективы позиционирования. курсовая работа [87,9 K], добавлен 09.06.2013
Основные отличия пиратских радиостанций 1960-х годов от государственных. Предпосылки их возникновения. Направления деятельности самых распространенных их них: Radio Caroline, Atlanta, London, Swinging Radio England и Britain Radio, City, 390 и 270. курсовая работа [39,8 K], добавлен 16.03.2016
Работы в архивах красиво оформлены согласно требованиям ВУЗов и содержат рисунки, диаграммы, формулы и т.д. PPT, PPTX и PDF-файлы представлены только в архивах. Рекомендуем скачать работу .

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Study aspects of the impact of modern media on the British дипломная работа. Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ.
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