Squirt Or Pee

Squirt Or Pee


Squirt Or Pee
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Squirt Versus Pee: What’s the Difference?
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Squirting. Gushing. Splooshing. Ejaculating. Coming.
Whichever way you describe squirting, it’s an exhilarating sexual experience that more women are coming to learn about and know. However, there are still myths and misconceptions floating around that leave some women feeling less than enthusiastic about it all.
Perhaps the greatest misconception on the topic is that squirting = urination. The good news is, that’s not true!
In this post, we’ll introduce squirting and explain why it’s not urination and how it differs from both urination and female ejaculation. We’ll also discuss how to overcome the fear of urination to achieve squirting, as well as how it feels when you do finally squirt.
So if you’re ready to set preconceived notions aside, read on!
Squirting is the expulsion, often forceful, of colorless, odorless fluid from the urethra during arousal or orgasm.
It’s an activity dramatically portrayed in pornography as gushing or even forcefully bursting from the woman as she climaxes, but real women’s experiences differ widely from a gush to a trickle and anywhere in between.
The term ‘squirting’ is often used interchangeably with female ejaculation, but this is incorrect. We’ll cover the difference between the two later on.
The answer to this age-old question is simple: Squirting is not the same as urination.
Now that we’ve cleared up the fact that squirting isn’t the same as peeing, you may be asking, what’s the actual difference?
For that, we’ll also consider how squirting differs from female ejaculation which is another urethra-involved activity.
As mentioned above, squirting is the flow of colorless, odorless fluid from the urethra. This occurs during climax from direct or indirect g-spot stimulation. Female ejaculation is a small amount of thick, milky-colored fluid that leaves the urethra during arousal or climax. Pee , or sexual incontinence , is urinating during sexual activity.
If squirting isn’t the same as sexual incontinence, why are the two often confused?
From the time that squirting was first introduced to the scientific community, there have been varying opinions on its “realness.” That is, was it truly a female sexual experience or simply sexual incontinence? Until more recently, there was little research on the matter.
Recent findings , however, indicate that squirting is indeed a phenomenon completely separate from sexual urinary incontinence. While components of urine are present in squirting fluids, it is in small enough amounts to not make themselves noticeable either through sight or smell. Further, the fluids contain components similar to those found in the male prostate , including “prostate specific antigen, prostatic acidic phosphatase, prostate specific acid phosphatase, and glucose.”
So if squirting isn’t pee, where does it come from? That would be the Skene’s glands! These are two glands found internally on either side of the urethra on the female anatomy . These are the same glands that also produce female ejaculatory fluids.
We know the difference between squirting and pee, but what about squirting and ejaculatory fluids?
Aside from the obvious physical characteristics is the difference in their journeys to the urethra. With squirting, the fluids will travel from the Skene’s glands through the bladder and out of the urethra. With female ejaculation, the fluids will go directly from the Skene’s glands and out of the urethra.
The other difference is that squirting fluid is abundant while ejaculatory fluid is scant. In fact, you may not even notice female ejaculatory fluids as it may drip down towards the vagina and mix with all other manners of fluids.
A common complaint from women who are learning how to squirt is that the urge to pee is too intense to overcome. This causes many women to stop prematurely for fear of wetting the bed.
It’s true that the urge to pee can be pretty intense as you get closer to climax. You need to allow yourself to go past that point, though, to experience squirting and its pleasures.
One, empty your bladder prior to starting. While the urge will still be there (it’s just part of g-spot stimulation), you’ll know that any amounts of urine are small.
Two, if you do pee a bit, so what? Cover your bed with towels or old sheets and let it go. Or if you think the fear of peeing in bed is keeping you from letting go, then you can even do it in the bathtub .
While it’s true that the urge to urinate is present as you climb towards climax , what does the act of squirting actually feel like ?
After a certain point, the urge to pee will disappear. As you squirt, you’ll feel a burst of liquid release from the urethra in a way that’s difficult to explain without feeling it. Because again, this burst of liquid will not be linked to the urinary relief that you’re used to while urinating.
The act of squirting itself may not feel “good,” but it can be relieving, relaxing, and even empowering. For women who squirt during orgasm, it can also (but not always) intensify the feelings of the orgasm.
Do misconceptions and myths about squirting keep you from giving it a go? Now that we’ve debunked the most common misconception, that squirting is just urinary incontinence, you can feel free to give it a solid try.
Just remember that like other things related to sexual pleasure , you should treat squirting as a journey to be enjoyed and not a destination. Take it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself or to get closer to your significant other. You may squirt the first time , or it may take you until the fiftieth attempt. Whatever the case may be, enjoy the time with yourself or your partner.
Make your girlfriend or wife happy ! Give her the best GIFT A fully-body, squirting orgasm. Learn how below:




Magdalene Taylor
November 2, 2019


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‘Most dudes’ cum is battery acid, so it all comes out as a wash’
Despite the countless people who swear up and down that the liquid one releases when squirting isn’t pee, the medical consensus is that, well, basically, it is. “The present data based on ultrasonographic bladder monitoring and biochemical analyses indicate that squirting is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during sexual activity, although a marginal contribution of prostatic secretions to the emitted fluid often exists,” concludes one widely cited 2015 study . 
if squirt is pee why can’t you do it sis
— kilopatra 4/14 (@aliceintrapland) October 19, 2019
Although there is some evidence that the substance released in the act of squirting has a few unique components , the majority of the liquid comes from the bladder, exits through the urethra and comprises primarily water, uric acid concentrations and urea. That is, it’s urine. 
Basically, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck and, well, pisses like a duck, then it probably is a duck. 
But if we acknowledge that squirt is pee, does that all change? Does this newfound wisdom change the erotic appeal? 
Ehh, not so much. “It is what it is,” says Ethan, a 26-year-old. “I’m all for girls squirting if they’re getting theirs. Just lay down a towel or two.” 
“If it happens, it happens,” agrees Mike, a guy of the same age. “Squirt is pee and most dude’s cum is battery acid, so it all comes out as a wash.” 
Basically, a lot of people don’t care one way or the other:
— Blade Pinderhughes (@RegalCourtier7) August 31, 2019
Squirt is just pee, but I still want to get fucked so hard I pee
— Edgar Allan Hoe (@Slashleen) August 29, 2019
Me: Who the hell cares? pic.twitter.com/45kacMuRdo
— Blah blah blah (@Im_sooo_chilll) July 15, 2019
Despite the evidence, though, plenty remain committed to their conviction that squirt is not pee. That’s because, they will tell you, squirt can contain traces of secretions from the Skene’s gland — including enzymes similar to those secreted by the male prostate glands to promote sperm motility — and therefore, squirting is indeed a different bodily response than urination. 
I was actually just reading about some cases being Skene’s gland-related secretions d/t internal vaginal stimulation given the similarity of the secretory structures of skene’s & prostate
— Lying dog-faced pony-soldier (@gingervitis9000) October 31, 2019
If you squirt then you know that there are traces of piss but it's not piss. Real squirters should pee before and after for best results. https://t.co/dWwCAVytEv
— lunarballoonist (@lunarballoonist) October 31, 2019
Still, try telling that to the men who’ve reported being peed on in the name of squirting. “Yup, it’s pee. I was going down on my girlfriend, and as she was orgasming, there was a rank taste that filled my mouth which she claimed was female ejaculation. I nearly puked. It’s pee for sure,” says Ron, a man from the U.K. And who can forget the infamous op-ed published by The Tab in 2015, from a man explaining that he doesn’t go down on women after one peed in his face in the process ?
But at the end of the day, even when squirting yields what is undoubtedly urine, some people are into that, too! It’s just another bodily fluid in the mix. “It’s controversial because of the connection to urine,” says redditor gossamerthrowaway. “I’m in the camp that believes that it comes from the bladder (there are no hidden storage areas in the female anatomy), has elements of urine in it, but it isn’t necessarily piss. That is, it does not smell, taste, feel or stain like piss. And I don’t care — I’m sort of into piss. I figure if I can get a woman so turned on that stuff comes out of her, I’m doing something right.”
Magdalene Taylor is a staff writer at MEL. She covers internet culture, sex and the online adult industry. She lives in Brooklyn but is from God's Country, Western Massachusetts.

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