Murzilka 22. 

Murzilka 22. 

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'



Enforcement scheme

🔹Soration: deprives an individual of social support of his ability to resist; Makes an individual dependent on the kidnapper; The individual develops intensive care of himself.

🔹Monopolization of perception: fixes all attention on immediate difficulty; frustrating all actions that do not agree with submission; eliminates incentives competing with those controlled by the invader.

🔹Induced weakness and exhaustion: weakens mental and physical ability to resist, people become exhausted by tension and fear

🔹Threats: cultivates anxiety and despair, demands and foresees consequences in case of inconsistency

Accidental indulgences/relaxations: provide motivation for acquiescence, hinder adaptation to deprivation, create hope for change, reduce resistance, keep people uncertain about what is happening.

🔹 Demonstrate Almighty: Demonstrates the futility of resistance, shows who is responsible, provides positive motivation to comply with the requirements

🔹Degradation: makes resistance worse than accommodating, creates a sense of helplessness, creates fear of freedom, dependence on jailers

🔹Decesivement of trivial requirements: develops a habit of compliance, the requirements are illogical and contradictory, compliance rules can change hourly, control of the situation is strengthened

🔹Solation: social distancing, isolation from loved ones, mass loss of work, solitary confinement, quarantine, containment camps

🔹Monopolization of perception: restriction of movement, creation of monotony, boredom, prevention of meetings, concerts, sports, total dominance in all media 24/7, censorship of information

🔹Induced weakness: forcing to stay at home, all media as one, not allowed to play sports or communicate

🔹Threats and intimidation: the threat of business closures, fines, prediction of quarantine extension, the imposition of vaccines, the establishment of containment camps

🔹Assignment: some shops, restaurants are allowed to reopen, but only with a certain capacity, the number of people who are allowed to gather, are subject to concessions, but with stricter rules

🔹Demonstration of sinister power: closing entire economies around the world, creating money out of nowhere, power dependency, developing total surveillance with nanochips and 5G

🔹Metods of humiliation or degradation: shame people who give up masks, don't distance themselves, make people stand in circles and between lines, make people stand outside and wait in queues, sanitation places in every store

🔹Conservation of trivial requirements: family members must distance themselves, masks at home and even during sex, random restrictions on people who are allowed to be together, disinfectants that can be used again and again during the day.

Hopefully, Friends, you've figured out where the report is and where the reality is.

Covid19: The British army will begin testing children without parental consent.

"Executive Decree 13674: Revised List of Quarantine Infectious Diseases.

Alternative name: EO 13674: Revised list of quarantine infectious diseases "amendment to Executive Order 13295" ... to be changed by replacing the subsection (b) as follows: "severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory diseases, can be transmitted from person to person" and which either cause or potentially cause a pandemic or, if infected, are highly likely to cause death or serious morbidity if not properly controlled. This subsection "a" does not apply to the flu..." Report Executive Order 13674; EO Number: 13674 Author: Obama, Barack

Impressive forecast in an article dated January 29, 1914:

- The capitalist madness is that by 2020 all the inhabitants of the planet will go crazy. Some of us tend to think that today's world is one huge madhouse where sane people are enslaved by the unsme reasons.

Liana Wen is the former head of Planned Parenthood, co-founded by Gates' dad. 

Wen asked, "How do we know that people are telling the truth about their vaccine status?"

Planned Parenthood kills millions of children every year with contraceptives, abortions and other benefits, but this aunt is now promoting vaccines, masks and vaccination passports for American children. 

She was born in China and is most likely a direct agent of the PDA, then an agent of China's influence for sure. 

WARNING: The WEF's general medical, global-fascist narrative, Friends, is also about children consenting to intervention in their bodies, including vaccinations that are integral and one of the most important parts of their plan, the way to install the NWO.

Please note, Friends, on numerous occasions where the WHO document states that parental consent may be bypassed. For example, page 7 of the WHO document states: "Where parental consent is required, health professionals should allow older children and adolescents to consent to vaccination."

💉40% of the adverse reactions reported by the CDC are death.;jsessionid=00E2F4632584EA9199F8FE75EAC0?stage=results&action=sort&direction=MEASURE_DESCEND&measure=D8

It's official data. This is 3.45% of reported adverse reactions to the PNC13 vaccine against pneumocococce.

If you include cardiac arrest and immunity and resuscitation, more than 50% of registered couidiosis vaccines #COVID19 are fatal or resuscitation.

💉⚠️ MORE: The CDC's Fauci Conman's Office is investigating dozens of reports of heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults, which occurs four days after their second dose of Moderna or Pfizer vaccines. #COVID19

💉In England, doughnuts, in the U.S. marijuana and beer, in Canada to attract children to vaccination use ice cream.

It is only interesting what is this super dangerous disease and what size of a mountain of corpses from it, since plebs need to be encouraged and processed in every way on TV, where every five minutes remind of the #COVID19 that they come and do a vaccine for cuidosis.

Personally, I still haven't seen our hospitals fill up, and I haven't heard people talking about the dangers.

It's just a push to get everyone to take an experimental vaccine.

Enforcement now includes:

- Instant locks

- qr-codes

Health passports for travel between states

- Doctors influence the decisions of the elderly (soon children)

- several professors talk about risk and benefits on TV

But if it was a DEAD pandemic, they wouldn't need any coercive measures and commercials. We'd run around, bury bodies and look for solutions.

Open your eyes, Friends.

Deagle removed these pages from the Internet, where 14 million people should remain in the U.S. by the age of 25. By the number of citizens of the UK and then Ireland represent the largest percentage drop, followed by the US. China and Japan are the most obedient and slavish citizens.

With China and Japan transhumanists will be the easiest, there live the most obedient people, apparently, despise the free search for information and logical thinking👇

In the video, the Chinese line up for the vaccine. A few months ago, the WeF conducted a survey on vaccination in major countries around the world, and China showed the least doubts about vaccination👇

💉We're different: The Vaccination Centre in Spain and the Vaccination Center in China👇

💉Millions are being secretly tracked after being given the vaccine. 

A Government spokesman said: "All the datasets used in this study are outlined by the chief policy correspondent in the document, which clearly shows that MILLIONS of Britons are "unwittingly tracked" using their GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)..."

▪️ Three researchers from the China Institute of Virology in Wuhan fell ill in November 2019 and sought help at a hospital, according to a previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report. This could add weight to growing calls for a more complete study of laboratory origin #COVID19.

▪️ a federal judge is investigating the leak of grand jury material in connection with the death of George Floyd.

▪️ ⚠️ Presenter Matt Gaetz announced at the "America First" conference that he was going to advance a law banning vaccination.

▪️ ⚠️ CDC caught red-handed: Fauci's office changes testing thresholds to virtually eliminate new COVID cases among vaccinated people, while old rules continue to increase the number of cases among unvaccinated.

▪️ an FBI agent in Kansas City is accused of illegally seizing many national security documents found at her home. "The breadth and depth of classified national security information that the defendant has owned for more than a decade is astounding," said Alan E. Kohler, a junior assistant director of the FBI's counterintelligence department.

▪️ Rats are trapped. Fauci now says he is "not sure" that COVID-19 originated naturally and is calling for an open investigation into the origin of the coronavirus.

💉 #COVID19

Alleged health experts like Liana Wen, the former head of Planned Parenthood, who is co-founded by the pope of the planet's chief maniac Gates, say they want children who have not been injected with the experimental COVID-19 vaccine to continue to wear tissue on their mouth that allows them to multiply and breathe pneumococcer and anything like that.

"Don't buy and sell without the label of the beast" - has already become a reality in South Tyrol, where while the label of the beast plays mask and zr code with your vaccine status, showing which you yourself agree with the disclosure of your personal honey. Information

Thailand 🇹🇭 🖕The guy decided to show all the sur what happens with masks, which, as multiple studies prove, will not help you protect yourself from the carpet, and following the example of women taking off their underwear and putting it on the face, put on a face sneaker to show how stupid and stupid everything is happening.

Couidosis tests are probably only 2 percent accurate, so now they're going to hire a dog-snooping dog to test for a #COVID19. 

"Dogs are 94% accurate in detecting a cooid -- much better than express tests, and can be deployed at airports, workplaces and at public events to find people who don't realize they're infected"

🐏"... to find people who do not understand that they are infected" - now the Swabians openly say that they consider people for idiots and complete nerds, since already in the media write such, and in the headline. And the right to write such about people freaks gave themselves the same people who are so lazy and stupid that take the vaccine, absolutely not weighing neither "for" nor "against" nor the moment that it is "experimental", and stupidly follow the herd and what they will be told from the box. 

We live in a really clown world, friends, who have done so ourselves, giving the opportunity to manage what we have chosen.

💉🤡Minister 🖕 of Health of Belgium has made a false vaccination against couidiosis. 😂

💉In an article apparently published as part of a scare campaign that Norman Swan said was needed to get More Injections for Australians, it is reported that they will all die if other Australians do not have vaccines.

The level of surrealism and stupidity of the community to which this article is directed is enchanting. If your vaccine works, why vaccinated against a coid should be afraid of someone who hasn't given an injection from this very coyid, coef. survival to the same which is on off. CDC data over 99.9%? 

💉☠️'COVID19 Another lethal "act of love"

"Vaccination is an act of love for one's neighbor. If you have a chance, get vaccinated. For you, for yours

family and friends, for all. Congrats to the police hospital!" wrote Uruguayan Interior Minister Jorge Larraniaga on May 18. 

And on May 23, Jorge Larranaga was gone. He reportedly "unexpectedly died of a heart attack" this Saturday at the age of 64. 

💉PFIZER: Stay away from the vaccinated. #COVID19

Here's what's said in this small part of this Pfizer document:

1. If a man who has not been vaccinated touches a vaccinated woman or inhales the air she breathes (in other words, passes her in the office) and then has sex with his wife, his wife may have unpleasant consequences, events, and she should avoid children.

2. If a woman who has never been vaccinated comes into contact with a vaccinated woman:

A: miscarriage,

B: spontaneous abortion,

C. poisoning a child with breast milk.

D: Having children who have health problems. Professional impact

"Professional exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with the subject of the vaccine, which may or may not lead to an adverse event. These people may include health care providers, family members, and others who are close to the test participant.

When such an impact occurs, the researcher must report it to Pfizer saftey within 24 hours after he has known when it occurred, regardless of whether there is a secondary side-effect or not. This should be reported using the form of the report on the secondary side effects of the vaccine..."

That is, the participants in the vaccine study become super spreaders of something they don't call, but that causes secondary side effects in people who have never taken the vaccine when they come into contact with people who have had the vaccine. The vaccine causes spontaneous abortions and reproductive problems when unvaccinated people come into contact with vaccinated people, and that the breast milk of a vaccinated mother can harm the infant. 

💉Hamit Gebreyesus, following the seventh Of Gates, predicts a more dangerous pandemic: The new pandemic that humanity will face will be more dangerous than the pandemic #COVID19

Speaking at the opening of the 74th World Health Assembly, Ethiopian unequivocally warned: "This is not the last time the world is facing the threat of a pandemic. There will be another virus that will be more contagious and deadly than this one."

They always warn, as the world warned about the covid before the cowid. Hamit and the Semitic- dangerous for the welfare of the World bunch .

The WHO Director of Communications previously served as Head of Communications at the Bill and Mellinda Gates Foundation. 

If someone didn't know...

🇺🇸 Governor of Pennsylvania gives an interview to one of the American TV channels. At the same time, the guy gave the second camera to his wife, apparently not understanding how it could end for him🤦🏻 😂

The WEF neo-Marx Schwab shows a manic interest in the covid for the economic platform. This time, on the site of the community, consisting for the most part (no joke) of perverts, the WEF has an article about super masks - "This reusable face mask can filter and destroy COVID-19"

🔹Mas can be reused by charging the battery it is powered by.

🔹New mask, the first of its kind, to actively destroy viruses with a heating element.

🔹Heathing is created by passing an electric current through a copper mesh 0.1 millimeter thick.

🔹In the mask will also use an insulation element to keep the heating element safe from users.

SBORING THE DNA by the British Government

Just keep this in mind, Friends, while the UK government is "testing" children at school with the help of the British Army, the same government is filling the DNA database with children's data (bbc government website).

🌎Subscribe of banks owned by the Rothschild family.

167 central banks, including the Fed, are owned by the same family, the Rothschilds. They have been active for more than 230 years, infiltrating every country on the planet and taking control of threats, manipulations and violence. There is not a single white spot on the world map, a country without the Central Bank, owned by the Rothschilds.

Everyone remembers the laws on the creation of electronic DNA database in the U.S., Britain and other. 

We just want you to understand and know that the SARS-COV-2 PCR test is used specifically for DNA tests. That is, collected now from people, that is, from you, samples, in theory, could become the basis for the Russian electronic national gene database, which, you can't help but cause pride. 

"9.3 device settings for PCR tests. 

Note: a universal real-time PCR profile can also be used for DNA testing.

The failed great heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, insists on the need for a "global shift" (i.e. a "global reboot"), because, in his words, the world is "literally in the last hour" before the climate apocalypse hits humanity with all its might😂

Police break into the house to check the social distance. That was many months ago, during the First Lock. Since the second lock is already here with us or is coming in many countries, it's just a reminder, Friends, how it's going to be now. 🤦🏻 😂

Bloomberg L. P. The office is located in Moscow and is located at Romanov Lane, 4. The activities of this organization include the following types: Information agencies, manufacturing enterprises.

Office Rothschild Moscow, Romanov Lane 4👇

Rothschild and CO C.I.V., consulting company.

People like to see something. Romanov Lane, 4 p.m. 5th floor. Arbat District, Moscow, 125009.

🌎The Rothschild Family Company Global Advisory has been present in Russia for more than a decade and provides expert consulting and executive services to large and medium-sized corporations, private equity firms, families and entrepreneurs. 

The Moscow team offers local clients a full range of consulting services and has a deep understanding of local and regional dynamics, as well as, as it is, on the Rothschild website, unprecedented access at a high level and state level with the support of our senior advisers. The expansion of regional coverage is supported by a long-standing partnership in Ukraine. The Moscow office is located in Romanov, 4, Moscow.

Rothschild Co, which includes Moscow-based Global Advisory, is a global family-run group that provides mergers and acquisitions, strategy and financing solutions, as well as investment and wealth management solutions to large institutions, families, individuals and governments around the world.

Rothschild Group is a large international consulting company with three main areas - Global Financial Advisory, Wealth Management and Trust, Merchant Banking and Institutional Asset Management. Rothschild Global Financial Advisory, located in the Novinsky Passage business center in Moscow, is based in Russia. The company's main focus is advising the largest Russian companies in the field of transactions, as well as helping to attract investors in the exit of companies at the IPO. 

For example, Rothschild Group has been involved as a consultant and investor in such well-known transactions as rusal's IPO, the deal of Russian truck manufacturer Kamaz and German daimler, as well as the sale of a portion of Sakhalin Energy's shares to the American company Royal Dutch Shell by Gazprom. 

Central office:

AO consulting company Rothschild Corporation Finance: website and phone

Address: Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 31; And the sector; 8th floor; TDC Novinsky Passage

Telephone: 7 495 775 XX XX show

Section/type of place: Yurus meadows / Consulting / Expertise / Banks :: Financial consulting


Nearest metro stations: Barricade 

District: Presnensky

🇺🇸All remembers the mayor of Chicago, who appeared at a news conference on the city's new draconian Halloween lockout rules, in what she called the "Cowida Destroyer" costume. 

This time the woman decided or decided not to use this suit, but from the theatricalization of her next appeal to the plebs about the couid and the locks introduced in Chicago, she or he could not or could not.

After the intriguing beginning of the video Laurie Lightfoot, apparently, picked up the trend Artem Dzyuba (jerks) , imitates the wrong act of masturbation, not that orgasm, after the appearance of a strange-looking nurse, who with a strange nervous smile, not inherent in this topic , declares something about the covid and washing hands, because of what the plot and the message in the der became somewhat similar to the beginning of some German 😂

Meeting your aging parents, Mom/Dad/Grandma/Grandpa in the new normality will look something like this, Friends.

Are mental perverts and those involved in genocide on the basis of age who are all comfortable with recycling our mothers, fathers and old people across Europe and America in nursing homes, who have given WHO statistics 70% to 90% of the victims of the kovid, Friends, and those who support this agenda in the media and TV, hushing up the massacre, this quiet medical "Holocaust" all over the world, decide, of course, you, but we have given ourselves an answer to it long ago. 🤦🏻 🤬

🇺🇸 A woman called an American nurse said that their nursing home, which has between 60 and 80% of all cases in the U.S., was allegedly poisoned by a covid and deliberately infected old people. 👇

⚠️ Photo A medical worker vaccinates a student while visiting a community clinic in Los Angeles on August 12, 2020. 

A new D.C. law would give 11-year-olds the right to vaccinate decisions, excluding parents. 

🇺🇸 Gates' accomplice for disposing of the population, CDC head Fauci says there is an "independent spirit" in the U.S., but now is the time to "do what you're told." 

What exactly "spirits" Fauci meant, where you can meet them and whether this conman spoke about the spirits of malice in heaven or something else we do not know, Friends

We're going to go through Chihuahua, I know there's a haze in the fence 😂

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈

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