Murzilka 58.

Murzilka 58.

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 🎸'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

Getting to know the 57th part of 👇Hronology is very important.

               Murzilka 58 . 

         Abstract to the material . 

1989. Rockefeller's "The Loxtep Novel":

Phase 1: Common cold/gripp. The most-light symptoms. The media endorse mass paranoia and use a defective testing system that captures any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result, a mass of cases, through death certificates, double counting and classification of all deaths, including other and natural causes, like Covid-19. The blocking will force us to live by the laws of Dragonia, prevent protests and suppress public resistance.

Stage 2 of Phase 1... lack of food, social distancing, masks and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation further attacks the immune system... This will also be dumped on the Covid-19. All of this will happen before the vaccination is ready for it, and an even more powerful blockage will follow until everyone likes the vaccine.

Phase 3 If most people resist the vaccine, the ATPICIN pneumonia/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people are going to die. It will be the survival of the fittest. It will also be the last push for everyone to be vaccinated to get back to normal. Those who have taken the vaccine will fight those who do not have it, it will be anarchy on all sides.

"In the right hand of the Snickers

In the left hand "Mars"

My PR manager is Klaus Schwab and 

Karl Marx

The posters of my photo exhibition "Accusing the USSR of Experiments on People" so excited the authorities of Khabarovsk that both the head of the KGB department of the region and prosecutors of all ranks, not to mention the party bosses, attended the opening. The officials in attendance gritted their teeth, but could not do anything - the cameramen of the Japanese NHK were in the hall, headed by one of the directors of this powerful television company, a friend of mine.

 The regional prosecutor general Valentin Stepankov added fuel to the fire. Jumping up in a black Volga, he picked up a microphone and ... officially opened the exhibition.

 Taking advantage of the moment, I asked the head of the KGB, Lieutenant General Piroznyak, to inquire about the Butugychag camps.

 The answer came surprisingly quickly. The very next day, a man in civilian clothes appeared at the exhibition and said that the archives were in the information and computing center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB in Magadan, but they had not been dismantled.

 To my request on the phone to work with the archives, the head of the KGB of Magadan, laughing, replied:

 - Well, what are you! The archive is huge. You will disassemble it, Seryozha, well ... for seven years ...

Among the descriptions of cruel torments, suddenly, as if by itself, comes the memory of a cheerful, joyful - albeit extremely rare in the Butugychag hell. The soul, immersed in painful memories, seems to repulse them and even among them finds goodness and warmth - two tomatoes of Hans. Oh, how good they were! But the taste and rarity of such exquisite food is not at all in the first place here. In the first place - Good, miraculously saved in the soul of a person. If there is even a drop of Good, then there is also Hope.

 (A. Zhigulin)

 On my third and last visit to Butugychag, my main goal was to film a special cemetery.

 I go around dug graves, looking for a whole box. Here is the corner of the board peeking out from under the stones. I rake the rubble so that it doesn't fall into the coffin. The board is rotten, you have to lift it with caution.

 Under the arm, leaning its forehead against the side wall, a large male skull gnaws with teeth. The upper part of it is cut straight. It fell off like the lid of an eerie box, revealing the sticky residue of a once stolen brain. The bones of the skull are yellow, which did not see the sun, the hair on the eye sockets and cheekbones - lifted the scalp over the face. This is how the trepanation process goes ...

 I carry into the coffin all the skulls I have picked up on the field.

 "Sleep well" - can you say so in this cemetery?

 I am already far from the graves, and the yellow skull - here it is, next to me. I see him lying in his coffin box. How were you killed, wretch? Is it not that terrible death, for the "purity of the experiment"? And was it not for you that a detached BUR was built a hundred meters from the exploded laboratory?

 And why on its walls are the words: "Kill me ..."; "Doctor"?

 Who are you, prisoner, what is your name? Isn't your mother still waiting for you?

 From the author's archive:

 "I am writing from a distant land ... I am still looking forward to meeting my son. It happened so. 1942. Husband and son were drafted into the army. I received a funeral for my husband, but there is nothing for my son so far. could ... And in 1943 I received a letter. It is not known who the author. He writes this: your son, Mikhail Chalkov, did not return from work, we were together in the Magadan camp in the Omchug valley, there will be an opportunity - I will tell you. And that's it!

 I still cannot understand why my son did not write a single letter and how did he get there?

 Forgive my concern, but if you have children, you will believe how hard it is for parents. I devoted all my youth to waiting, left alone with four children ...

 Describe that camp. I'm still waiting, maybe he's there ... "

 Karaganda region, Kazakh SSR,

 Chalkova A. L.

 In the death camp "Butugychag" died:

 01. Maglich Foma Savvich - Captain 1st Rank, Chairman of the Commission for Acceptance of Ships in Komsomolsk on the Amur;

 02. Petr Mikhailovich Sleptsov - Colonel who served with Rokossovsky;

 03. Kazakov Vasily Markovich - foreman lieutenant from the army of General Dovator;

 04. Nazim Grigory Vladimirovich - chairman of a collective farm from the Chernigov region;

 05. Morozov Ivan Ivanovich - sailor of the Baltic Fleet;

 06. Bondarenko Alexander Nikolaevich - factory locksmith from Nikopol;

 07. Rudenko Alexander Petrovich - senior lieutenant of aviation;

 08. Belousov Yuri Afanasevich - "penalty box" from the battalion on Malaya Zemlya;

 09. Reshetov Mikhail Fedorovich - tanker;

 10. Yankovsky - secretary of the Odessa regional committee of the Komsomol;

 11. Ratkevich Vasily Bogdanovich - Belarusian teacher;

 12. Zvezdny Pavel Trofimovich - senior lieutenant, tanker;

 13. Ryabokon Nikolay Fedorovich - auditor from the Zhytomyr region;


 330000. ...

 330001. ...


 I described the camp to you.

 Forgive me mother.

 Sergey Melnikoff

 Magadan region, 1989-90

🇩🇪 30 January 2021 Hamburg Neugraben.

Now crime in Germany has moved to the luge track, but the "valiant" police always follow the heels of intruders.

💉 Incomplete list of post-vaccination deaths and undesirables reported by the world press, that is, the tip of the iceberg.

10/26/20, South Korea - Singapore stops using flu vaccine after 48 deaths in South Korea

01/01/21, Israel - 4 people died and 240 received COVID19 in Israel after injection of experimental MRNA vaccine Pfizer

01/04/21, Iceland - 3 deaths after receiving Covid19 vaccine in Iceland

01/04/21, Portugal - "Perfectly healthy" 41-year-old resident pediatrician dies suddenly after injecting experimental Pfizer vaccine

01/05/21, Israel - Israeli woman diagnosed with facial paralysis after receiving vaccine against Covid 19

01/05/21, Canada - A 27-year-old Canadian nurse faints and suffers multiple seizures after receiving the experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine

01/05/21, USA - Hundreds sent to emergency room after receiving COVID-19 vaccine

01/05/21, Mexico - 32-year-old Mexican doctor suffers convulsions and is paralyzed after receiving experimental Pfizer vaccine

01/06/21, Norway - Norway investigates the deaths of two people who received a vaccine against Pfizer

01/07/2011, USA - "Very healthy 56-year-old" obstetrician from Miami dies after injecting experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine

01/07/2011, USA - At least 21 Americans suffered a life-threatening allergic reaction to the Pfizer vaccine

01.08.2011, Norway - An 82-year-old resident of the Sola nursing home dies a day after being vaccinated against COVID-19.

01/10/21, Israel - A young man develops "rare life-threatening syndrome" after being vaccinated against Covid-19.

01/10/21, Germany - 10 deaths in Germany within 4 days of Covid-19 vaccination; investigation.

01/11/21, USA - Nurse develops facial paralysis after Covid-19 vaccination

01/11/21, India - 44-year-old Indian dies after vaccination

01/12/21, USA, New York-24 couid deaths in New York nursing home after vaccination

01/12/21, Germany - 55-year-old died 10 days after vaccination

01/12/21, Israel - a co-ord after vaccination

01/13/21, Israel - 75-year-old Israeli woman found lifeless a few hours after second dose of Covid-19 vaccine

01/13/21, Germany - 89-year-old man dies about an hour after receiving crown vaccine

14.01, USA, Louisiana - Woman suffers uncontrollable seizures after receiving experimental Pfizer vaccine

01/14/21, USA - victim of Moderns, convulsions all over the body

14.01.2011, USA - A woman suffers full-body cramps after receiving the experimental Moderna vaccine

14.01, Germany - Ten people die after vaccination against Covid-a

01/15/21, Germany - Paul Ehrlich Institute: as of 01/10/2021, 7 people have died as a leading person due to vaccination. So far, 51 serious reactions to vaccination.

15.01.2011, France - Severe adverse reactions in 30 cases after vaccination Covid-19.

15.01.2011, France - Man dies two hours after vaccination

01/15/21, Israel - 4,500 coe-infected after vaccination

15.01.2011, France, Nice - 50 dead at home after vaccination

15,011, 2011, USA - Public Health Agency confirms 29 dangerous reactions to vaccine

16.01.2011, Israel - 13 Israelis suffer facial paralysis after receiving Pfizer Covid vaccine

01/16/21, Germany - Bavaria: Crown outbreak in nursing home after vaccination campaign

16.01.2011: Belgium - 82-year-old man dies after vaccination

01/16/21, Germany - Two elderly pensioners die on the same day after vaccination

01/16/21, France - Man living in nursing home dies 2 hours after Covid vaccination

16.01.2011, Norway - Scandal in Norwegian nursing homes: 23 deaths after vaccination against Covid

17.01, USA - 55 people died after receiving the coVID-19 vaccine and 1388 in emergency departments.

And that's just what's in the media.

That's about it, Friends, a meal of couididiotes looks like.

Paedophile with the habits of a child continues to warn about the coming, playing soldiers and holding a ball in the form of a virus👇

Don't be like that)

💱🌎The world's largest Sovereign Wealth Funds. Total assets of the world's largest public investment funds (billions of U.S. dollars)

🔹Norwege State Pension Fund 1222.1

🔹Sitaly Investment Cooperation 1 045.7

🔹 Abu Dhabi Investment Authority 579. 6

🔹 Investment Portfolio of Hong Kong Monetary Authority 576. 0

🔹Kueit Investment Management 533. 7

🔹GIC Private Limited 453. 2

🔹Temasek Holdings 417. 4

🔹National Social Security Fund 372. 1

As of January 2021

The speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives explained why the congressmen 😷 masks 

Picture: (s) Gage Skidmore

Reps. Residents who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19 should wear masks in the Capitol building to protect their colleagues who have already been vaccinated, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters on May 20.

at Google News

Asked by a reporter if all congressmen should be vaccinated, Pelosi said, "Yes, we have to wait for them to be vaccinated. Because they are a threat to other people, including staff, in their selfishness." Because the unvaccinated are clearly opposed to "other people," these other people are vaccinated.

Pelosi went even further and suggested the idea that non-vaccinated congressmen should not be allowed into the courtroom - let them vote from the gallery.

Thus, according to one of the leaders of the Democrats, vaccines do not adequately protect against coronavirus, and masks are needed. At the same time, she calls this approach scientific.

On May 19, the House of Representatives voted 218-210 along party lines, preventing the repeal of the requirement to wear masks in the House of Representatives, contrary to the CDC's newly issued guidelines.

A number of Republican congressmen were fined this week for appearing at a meeting without a mask. At the same time, Pelosi and other Democrats are filmed without masks hugging and shaking hands in a very densely packed room at the White House on May 20.

Recall, about the same approach voiced and the press secretary of the U.S. President Jen Psaki. On May 17, she declared, "If you are vaccinated, you take two doses; you have two weeks after taking the dose - you no longer need to wear a mask. If this is not the case, you should still wear a mask to protect others as well as protect yourself. The recommendations also make it clear that children should still wear masks."

At the beginning of the "pandemic" the authorities assured that masks are necessary in order not to infect other people, referring to science. Then, with reference to science, everyone was offered to be vaccinated to avoid infection. And now with reference to the same science they say that unvaccinated need to wear masks to protect against infection... Vaccinated. That is, according to the logic of Pelosi and her ilk, the vaccine does not protect them.

We do not Google news and words do not intend to pick up , in our territory in neutral waters we are the self censors Nancy and Psaki . You need to seriously and soberly study all the materials of Murzilka 57, especially in the part of the Nuremberg Process. We believe that for your abilities it will last for 30 days with assistants and lawyers. This is not a joke, it is quite serious and quite reasoned documents prepared by the Editorial Board. 

💉🤡This mental illness, Friends. Branding yourself as a man to brand cattle, the trademark of big pharmaceutical corporation BigPharma, is definitely a mental illness.

Although mental illness is the right way to look at this shit, one must assume that this cult behavior is more than just a mental illness. In fact, it is a cult where mental deviations play a dominant role.

In this regard, it is interesting, the person on the right at the top, who as on cattle impaled on the yoke as cattle in the form of the entire vaccine card, bearing in mind that BigPharma says that every three months will need a booster injection, will continue to make the yoke/map further and further to update the data?

Covididiotism, covidbarania is a new kind of disease where cowid hysteria literally became a human personality, because some asshole who considers himself a journalist, a doctor and other on TV told them that it should be.

On Tuesday, New Mexico bet that cash could convince people to get vaccinated against #COVID19, offering the biggest cash prize among a growing number of states conducting lotteries to promote vaccinations and, accordingly, covididiotism and covidbaration.

Vaccinated against the new ARVI with coef. Those who sign up for "Vax 2 the Max" in New Mexico can win $10 million in pool prizes, including a top prize of $5 million. This was announced by Michel Luhan Grisham.

Ohio and California are not yet embroiled in hysteria and doubters are also offering lotteries. California offered the largest single prize of $1.5 million from a total lottery pool of $116 million. 

Since we see Joe you know Nancy on the movie 🍿 2014, we ask you to personally follow Nancy's study of the Materials of the Nuremberg Process and this is also quite a serious request, because the prerogative of U.S. national security in your direct duties Joe Biden.

We only give materials and write texts, while not forgetting to fish in the neutral waters of the ocean 🌊. We're only responsible for ourselves, unlike you Joe. 

And here's the first official protance about castes in Joe's future. 

"The human beings who come to study now do not belong to the same species as you. They are Homo Sapiens Sapiens Dot Net, - academy. Administrator, 16th and current President of Arizona State University Michael Crowe.

In our DNA there is the name of God - "The fingerprint of God." I mean YHWH. mRNA changes DNA. That is, it literally changes the Creation of God. Thus, technically anyone who takes experimental gene therapy mRNA CV19 (eGT), is GMO and as the creation of human hands belongs to man.

Meanwhile, Yuval Hariri, in a speech at Ted in 2015, talked about the possibility of "... division of humanity into different biological castes, when the rich turn into virtual gods, and the poor degrade to the level of useless people..."🐏

Let's be frank with you Joe, your girl from the movie 🍿 2024 exactly repeats the words of the elderly non-philosopher, this neo-Marx, playing in the galactic ruler and dressed in the robe a la Darth Vader Schwab and his friend the king of paedophile Epstein Gates, who has even conducted teachings to a new pandemic.

Confirmed the coming pandemic and henchman global kagal in WHO hamit terrorist from Ethiopia Gebreisus. Such a persistent silence of your administration and its unanimity in the 😷 idiocy we can not but bother Joe, if it were not for the personalities of unanimous idiots, we would have been raising the economy long ago and did not do incomprehensible what👇

In addition to the Nuremberg Code, the Geneva Convention and the Helsinki Declaration would also need to be awarded: Bioethics for the introduction of the experimental COVID-19 vaccine. It's time to stop and see what happens.

Dr. Robert W. Malone is a world-renowned scientist (virology, immunology, molecular biology) and is known as one of the first inventors of mRNA vaccination:

"I provide this short essay for the TrialSite community because you are involved or at least interested in clinical research in humans. As a backstory, please understand that I am a vaccine specialist and advocate, and I am the inventor of the technology of the basic platform mRNA vaccine (and DNA vaccines). But I have also received extensive bioethicy training at the University of Maryland, the Walter Reed Army Research Institute and Harvard Medical School, and advanced clinical development and regulatory issues are key areas of expertise for me.

Before I explore the bioethical foundations of current policies and practices that underpin the experimental introduction of the vaccine #COVID19 in many Western countries, let me begin by sharing some of the evidence from the "real world" first-hand.

Last week, I called a Canadian therapist. He told the story of six (in his opinion) highly unusual clinical cases of post-vaccination side effects, which he personally observed in his practice of vaccinating his patients with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Keep in mind that Canadian doctors - acting of their own accord - have filed FOIA to gain access to the IND Pfizer vaccine.

What most bothered me was that my primary clinical practice fellow told me that each of these cases had been reported through appropriate channels in Canada, and each had been definitively identified by the authorities as unrelated to the vaccine without a significant investigation. He also told me that any practitioner in Canada who has publicly raised concerns about vaccine safety has been subjected to a barrage of ridicule from academic doctors and potential dismissal (state-controlled socialized medicine) and the loss of a practice license.

This is one of the manifestations of censorship in the time of the Kovida. 

But what are official public health executives afraid of? 

Why should the discussion and full disclosure of information regarding the re-actogenity of mRNA and security risks be stopped? 

Let's carefully analyze the data on the side effects associated with vaccines. Is it possible to find information or patterns, such as the recent detection of cardiomyopathy signals or signals of latent virus reactivation? We need to bring in the best experts in biostatistics and machine learning to study this data, and the results should be made available to the public immediately. Please follow the instructions and take the time to join me in exploring the basic bioethics of this situation.

I believe that adult citizens should be given agency and freedom of choice. This is especially true in the case of clinical trials. These mRNAs and recombinant adenovirus vaccine products are currently being experimental. 

In addition, we must engage in rigorous science and evidence-based medicine. Unless a thorough and transparent assessment of vaccine reactogenity and post-vaccination side effects is carried out, we (public health, clinical research and vaccine development communities) will play on the hand of anti-vaccinating memes and confirm many of their arguments. The suppression of information, discussion and direct censorship of these current kovid vaccines, based on gene therapy technologies, cast a bad light on the entire vaccine industry.

I believe that the adult public can process information and open discussions. In addition, we must fully disclose any risks associated with these experimental research products.

In this context, adults are mostly subjects of research that are not required to sign informed consent because of the euA's refusal. But this does not mean that they do not deserve the full disclosure of the risks that is usually required in the informed consent document for clinical research. And now some national authorities are calling for the introduction of EUA vaccines among adolescents and young adults who by definition cannot directly provide informed consent to participate in clinical trials - written or otherwise.

The key point here is that what is done by suppressing open disclosure and debate about the profile of side effects associated with these vaccines violates the fundamental bioethical principles of clinical research. This goes back to the Geneva Convention and the Helsinki Declaration. For human experiments, there must be informed consent. People - you, me and the citizens of these countries - should be informed of the risks. As a community, we have already had a discussion and made a decision - we cannot compel prisoners, recruits or any other population to participate in a clinical trial. 

A quote from The Belmont Report:

"Informed consent. "Respect for people requires that subjects, to the extent that they were able, be able to choose what should or should not happen to them. This opportunity is provided when the relevant standards of informed consent are observed.

While the importance of informed consent is not questioned, disagreements prevail over the nature and possibility of informed consent. Nevertheless, it is widely believed that the consent process can be analysed as containing three elements: information, understanding and volunteerism."

Information, understanding and volunteering. In my opinion, it seems that in many regions public health leadership has crossed the line and now violates the fundamental principles underlying the ethics of clinical research. I think it should stop. We must ensure transparent public disclosure of the risks - broadly speaking - of these experimental vaccines. Either that or we have to rethink the whole modern bioethical structure that supports human research.

In addition, since these vaccines are not yet allowed to be marketed (not licensed), forcing people to participate in medical experiments is strictly prohibited. Consequently, public health policies that meet generally accepted criteria for coercion to participate in clinical trials are prohibited.

For example, if I proposed a clinical trial involving children and involve those who wish to participate, any institutional human safety council (IRB) in the United States would reject this protocol. 

If I had proposed a protocol for a clinical study in which the population of the geographical region would have lost their personal freedom, if 70% of the population had not participated in my study, again, this protocol would have been rejected by any U.S. agency on the basis of coercion to participate. 

Forcing to participate in the study is not allowed. 

In human clinical trials in most countries of the world, this is considered a bright trait that cannot be crossed. 

So now we are told to abandon this requirement without even allowing an open public discussion?

In conclusion, I hope you will join me; 

stop to take a moment and ponder for yourself what's going on. The logic seems clear to me.

1) An unlicensed medical product deployed in accordance with the Emergency Use Permit (EUA) remains an experimental product in the clinical trial phase. 

2) THE EUA, authorized by national authorities, basically grants the short-term right to introduce a research product to people without written informed consent. 

3) The Geneva Convention, the Helsinki Declaration and the entire structure supporting the ethical research of people as subjects require that the subjects of the study be fully informed of the risks and consent to participate without coercion. 

Has this line been crossed? If so, what action should be taken? I look forward to learning the lessons." 

World Economic Forum and the Great Reboot.

Jeremy Juergens, Managing Director of the WEF: "I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It's going to be faster than what we've seen with #COVID19. The impact will be greater and, as a result, the economic and social impact will be even greater."

Nedofilosov, a fan of dress-up a la Darth Vader, fascist neomarx Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the WEF: "We all know, but we still pay enough attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyberattack, which can lead to a complete shutdown of electricity, transport, hospital services, our society as a whole. The couidosis crisis will be seen in this regard as a small event compared to this major cyberattack." 

Is Neo Marx Schwab and weF planning a series of cyberattacks?

"Cybersecurity vulnerability has become a systemic problem," said Algirde Pipikaite, head of cyber strategy at the World Economic Forum's Cyber Strategy Center, "If cybersecurity measures are not implemented during the technology development phase, we are likely to see more frequent attacks on industrial systems such as oil and gas pipelines or water treatment plants."

What is Cyberpolygon? Cyber Polygon is a unique cybersecurity event that combines the world's largest technical training for corporate teams and an online conference with high-level officials from international organizations and leading corporations.

As the U.S. administration and people may not see the obvious, and call everything that because of their ignorance does not fall into their heads, "conspiracy theory" that now debunks and becomes a reality one by one, despite the fact that they are openly told about everything, and that no one only hides nothing, but even brags about the plans publicly.

"Control the oil and you control the nation; control the food, and you control the people." (c)Henry Kissinger

🔹 Leading U.S. fuel pipeline operator is shutting down the network after the cyberattack.

🔹This the world's largest meat supplier pauses after a cyber attack by their ransomware systems. 

🔹A.S. beef production is destroyed.

🇮🇷 Powerful fire at 🖕an oil refinery in Tehran.

🇮🇷 A major fire at 🖕an Iranian oil refinery in southern Tehran comes just hours after the country's largest naval vessel also caught fire and sank in the Gulf of Oman.

🌎💉 Fauci is known to support the study of bat coronaviruses in China. However, while Fauci tried to distance himself from any information about his EcoHealth Alliance projects, including those of Dr. Peter Dashak, the organization's president, Dashak's emails simply showered the conman Fauci with praise for his refutation of the theory of leakage from the lab.

Dashak sent an email to the head of the CDC on April 18, 2020, just six weeks after what was called a "flash" of the coyde, thanking him for his comments refuting the theory of laboratory leaks.

"Since the ROI grant was publicly pursued by Fox News reporters at a presidential press briefing last night, I just wanted to say a personal "thank you" on behalf of our employees for speaking publicly and saying that scientific evidence confirms the natural origin of the kovid #COVID19 as a result of bat-to-human transmission of the virus, not a laboratory leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

From my point of view, your bold comments coming from your trusted voice will help dispel the myths that revolve around the origin of the virus. When the pandemic is over, I look forward to personally thanking you and reporting how important your comments are to all of us."

The disturbing nature of this email is that Dashak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance, has a long association with WHO and Facebook fact-checkers, was one of WHO's leading researchers on the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and also funded a study to enhance the functionality of bat coronaviruses in Wuhan in the EcoHealth Alliance. Dashak's influence in this case was evident throughout the investigation, up to the spread of misinformation to remove the EcoHealth Alliance, associated with the leak theory, away from responsibility. 

Dr Fauci replied: "Peter: Thank you so much for your kind note. Best wishes, Tony"

💉🇨🇳🌎🇺🇸The warm friendship between the head of China's "Ministry of Health" and the CDC: Fauci told the director of the CDC of China that they "will go through this together." 

Fauci corresponded with a Chinese health official at the start of the pandemic, acknowledging "the crazy people in this world" and promising "to go through this together.""

On March 28, 2020, the U.S. chief national infectious disease expert received an email from George Gao, director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in which Gao apologized for saying that the U.S. and other countries were making a "big mistake" by not encouraging people to wear masks.

"How could I say such a "big mistake" about others? It was journalistic language. I hope you understand," Gao Fauci wrote. "Let's work together to get the virus out." 

Fauci replied: "I totally understand. No problem. We're going to get through this together."

When Fauci faced criticism for his fight against the pandemic, Gao reached out again.

"I've seen some news (hopefully it's fake) that some people are being attacked by some people. I hope you feel good in such an irrational situation," Gao wrote on April 8, 2020.

Three days later, Fauci thanked his longtime friend for "a good note." 

It follows that it is not the United States that goes hand in hand with China, but that the globalist forces within the United States, the so-called global kagal, which, among other things, represents Fauci, a friend of the leading WHO through the Ethiopian globalist Eugenit Gates, work hand in hand with the CPC.

Israel Sees ‘Probable Link’ Between Pfizer Vaccine And Small Number Of Heart Inflammation Cases

Fauci's response shows that they are "you" and that the two are clearly familiar and clearly familiar for a long time. As this story continues to evolve, it becomes clear that something big is happening here. 

"A woman, 35 years old, dies of a blood clot in the brain caused by vaccination Astra'eneca" - People: please conduct an individual risk/benefit analysis before doing an injection. Remember that if you are young and healthy, the risk of dying from a cooid is almost zero."

The tweet was retweeted by Luigi Warren, the inventor of mRNA technology used in modern #COVID19 gene vaccines such as moderna vaccines, confirming that "if you are young and healthy, the risk of dying from a kovid is virtually zero."

"I call for a life sentence or harsher punishment," reads the tweet, which also retweeted Warren, essentially acknowledging the conman's destructive role in the fight against the kovid.


Next time someone asks you to wear a mask, give him a copy of Fauci's letter, which in the global kagal hierarchy stands well above the head of WHO Ethiopian Hebreisus:


The masks are really designed for infected people to prevent their infection from spreading among people who

not infected, not to protect uninfected people from infection. The typical mask you buy at the pharmacy is not really effective for protecting against a virus that is small enough to get through the material. However, this can give some small benefit in keeping a gross drop if someone coughs or sneezes at you. 

I don't recommend you wear a mask, especially because you're going to a low-risk location. 

Your instincts are correct, money is best spent on medical countermeasures such as diagnosis and vaccines.

happily. Best wishes


Canadian family doctor says local health authorities have been punished for expressing concern about side effects he has seen in some of those who received a vaccine injection of the infamous Moderna #COVID19.

"I'm no longer allowed to work in the emergency room," said Dr. Charles Hoff of British Columbia, quoted by True North News, noting that his suspension from the emergency room occurred in late April after his local health authority "suspended" his clinical privileges "for a crime caused by "indecision about the vaccine" for talking about patients affected by vaccination."

In a letter dated April 5, Hoffe wrote to British Columbia Health Officer Bonnie Henry, that he was "very concerned about the high level of serious side effects from this new treatment" with moderna injections made to 900 Indigenous patients in Lytton, British Columbia, and that he had observed the death of one patient, "numerous" allergic reactions, and three people who had a "disabling" neurological deficit, supplemented by chronic pain that persisted "more than 10 weeks after their first vaccine."

"In short, in our small town of Lytton, British Columbia, one person has died and three people look as if they will forever become disabled after the first dose of the Moderna vaccine. The age of the victims ranges from 38 to 82 years," Hoffe wrote.

"While I am still allowed to visit patients as part of my private practice, that is not the responsibility of the Home Office," Hoffe said, also saying that the loss of the opportunity to work in the emergency department had led to his income being halved, which he said was "a payment to protect the safety of my patients."

In a recent statement, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (CPSBC) and the Office of Indigenous Health (FNHA) stated that they were aware of "public statements by physicians that are contrary to public health regulations and recommendations that are confusing and potentially dangerous to patients."

CPSBC registrar and CEO Dr Heidi Otter has threatened to take action against doctors who oppose the government's version, saying those who "put the public at risk of misinformation could face a college investigation."

Hoffa was one of ten doctors who made a video calling for an end to the "ethically unjustified" COVID-19 isolation cells. 

In the video, Hoffe stated that "children are not the main spreaders of this disease" and urged people not to "risk ruining their lives with this experimental vaccine to protect them from a disease that really poses no risk to them."

"So, "If someone tells you that your child needs to be vaccinated against a cooid to protect you, his teacher, grandparents or anyone else, it makes absolutely no sense," Hoffe said, also referring to the side effects that his patients suffer from after such vaccination, including "constant pain, headaches, muscle weakness and dizziness," "These were three previously life-threatening people whose lives are ruined.

"A nurse prepares medicines for a patient with avian influenza at a hospital in Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province in central China: Possible 1st human case of H10N3 avian influenza reported in China."

In addition to scrapping supply chains and scrapping production facilities, as happened in the U.S., it's likely that a resuscitated history of avian flu could be a good reason to slaughter cattle- global kagal needs hunger.

Swabov's "Great Reboot" requires a lot of propaganda and rejection of logic and rationality. 

"As more and more people cannot and do not want to use logic and rationality, these qualities lose their importance, and you have to give them up, because... they don't serve you. They're useless" (c) John Rappaport

If you are the type of people who need such micromanagement with their personal affairs, and if you are the type of people who like the idea of having unelected, to the ugliness of the dirty-rich European idiosyncrasies of WHO, THE IMF, WEF, OECD, World Bank and everything else that dictates your life, then the new norm is right down your alley Friends.

However, if you are like me and don't think you were born on this planet to serve as slaves to a breakaway class of insanely rich idiots who think of themselves as an obvious madness, then you need to make sure that you take appropriate countermeasures to protect the sovereignty of your mind and not to fall prey to propaganda. 


In February 2021, we recorded a interruption of supply chains, which caused the shipment of containers to increase by 9 times. Later we had the Suez Canal and Evergreen, and also had a wagon 🚛 the same company. 

To understand, we resize some of the paragraphs from Rockefeller's 1989 novel "Lockstep":

Phase 1 : Common cold/flu. The most-light symptoms. The media endorse mass paranoia and use a defective testing system that captures any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result, a mass of cases, through death certificates, double counting and classification of all deaths, including other and natural causes, like Covid-19. The blocking will force us to live by the laws of Dragonia, prevent protests and suppress public resistance.

Stage 2 of Phase 1... lack of food, social distancing, masks and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation further attacks the immune system... This will also be dumped on the Covid-19. All of this will happen before the vaccination is ready for it, and an even more powerful blockage will follow until everyone likes the vaccine.

Phase 3 If most people resist the vaccine, the ATPICIN pneumonia/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people are going to die. It will be the survival of the fittest. It will also be the last push for everyone to be vaccinated to get back to normal. Those who have taken the vaccine will fight those who do not have it, it will be anarchy on all sides.

Musical 🎶 pause at the end 

"In the right hand of the Snickers

In the left hand "Mars"

My PR manager - Klaus Schwab/

Karl Marx. 

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