Polio is a life-threatening disease caused by poliovirus. The virus is transmitted from person to person and can infect the human spinal cord, causing paralysis (when a person cannot move parts of the body).

The issue of the Nazi past of CDC personnel becomes important in connection with the stunning racist-fascist action.


What do the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), Nazi criminals, the CIA, and human experiments have in common? The answer is a lot. And this is not a theory, but facts. 

The History of the CDC: Nazi Doctors, the CIA, and Human Experiments.

Operation Paperclip was a secret operation (program) of the Office of Strategic Services of the United States to recruit scientists from the Third Reich to work in the United States after World War II (1939–1945).

The CDC was created in 1946, shortly after the end of the war. It was then that "outstanding Nazi scientists - doctors" filled all its laboratories. However, this event also coincides with the program of the US government "Operation Paperclip". It was operated by the OSS Office of Strategic Services (later the CIA).

After the end of World War II, the U.S. Army employed 1600 former Nazi scientists and doctors. And some of them were close associates of Hitler. These people were responsible for the murders and experiments on people. Some were still convicted of war crimes. However, most were protected from a criminal past by the U.S. government. Court records were classified to protect the shameful past of "important American scientists."

It was the cold-blooded murder of black men in Alabama. During the experiment, they were denied treatment for syphilis (although the drug was available). THE CDC medical staff simply watched as they slowly died from the monstrous complications of syphilis. 

This "thing" is completely contrary to the public perception of the CDC as an organization that cares about people and their safety. If you look deeper, it becomes clear that the CDC is still hiding, the Tuskegee experiment. 

Even at that time, such horrors were obvious to any moral person. However, the CDC not only continued the study after ethical questions were raised, but also confirmed it in 1969. In addition, he enlisted the support of local medical groups, where it was conducted, so that men did not receive treatment anywhere.

CDC: Pandemics, Vaccines, Unjustified Measures 

If you start to understand, it turns out that the CDC is lying on many issues related to vaccines and pandemics.

After September 11 and a series of anthrax killings, the CDC passed pandemic laws. 

Anthrax spore letters, also known as Amerithrax (America and anthrax), are letters containing anthrax spores that were mailed to several media offices and two Democratic senators in the weeks beginning on September 18, 2001, a week after the September 11 attacks. Infected 22 people, of whom five people died. The case was investigated by the FBI. According to the FBI, this investigation was "one of the largest and most complex in the history of law enforcement"[1].

In the early years of the investigations, the first suspect was biological weapons expert microbiologist Stephen Hatfill, who was eventually released from liability. Another suspect, Bruce Edwards Ivins, was the subject of an investigation that began on April 4, 2005. Ivins was a scientist who worked in government laboratories in Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland. On April 11, 2007, Ivins was placed under periodic surveillance, and the FBI document contained a statement that "Bruce Edwards Ivins is an extremely important suspect in the anthrax controversy case." On July 29, 2008, Ivins committed suicide after causing an overdose of paracetamol.[2]

On August 6, 2008, based on DNA data that was on anthrax ampoule in Ivins' lab, federal prosecutors declared Ivins the only guilty of the crime.[3] Two days later, Senator Charles Grassley and Congressman Rush Holt called on the Justice Department and the FBI to review the investigation.[4][5] On February 19, 2010, the FBI announced the official closure of the case they were investigating.[6]

In 2008, the FBI requested a review of the scientific methods used in a study by the National Academy of Sciences published in 2011.[7] The report questions the U.S. government's conclusion that Ivins was a criminal. The report said that while the type of anthrax used in the letters was correctly identified as the Ames strain, there was not enough scientific evidence to hold the FBI that the strain was from Ivins' lab. The lawsuit of the widow of the first anthrax victim, Robert Stevens, was settled by the government for $ 2.5 million. According to the statement, in the settlement agreement, a settlement was reached solely for the purpose of "avoiding the costs and risks of further litigation"[8].

Laws provide for forced vaccination, no vaccine testing, no liability for any harm or death from vaccines. 

Does Ebola kill 90%?

Currently, the CDC claims that Ebola kills 90% of cases (which is a lie), maximizing fear and the possibility of an Ebola pandemic (as was the case with the swine flu "pandemic"). However, other organizations adhere to the level of 25% (an average of 50%). 

CDC Lies About Swine and Seasonal Flu

CDC swine flu data used to impose an untested vaccine on the public was inflated by 80 to 98 percent. However, immediately after CBS released the real data and showed that there was no threat, an emergency was declared.

Everyone knows the story of the fake pandemic of 1976 in the United States. 40 million were vaccinated!, which could be read on the WHO page ("Swine flu of 1976: lessons from the past"). However, this article was later erased from the site, as confirmed by Wikipedia.

The CDC has regularly intimidated the public with lies about the flu, which can kill in huge numbers. The CDC has announced that pregnant women should be first in line for the vaccine because swine flu poses a threat to their unborn babies.

There was no evidence of this, and J. S. Williams. Anthony Morris, a vaccinologist scientist at the FDA tasked with studying the swine flu vaccine, said:

"The results of the study showed that some of the component influenza vaccines "may pose a serious threat of fetal damage to women who may become pregnant."

Dr. Morris also said the swine flu vaccine can cause serious allergic and neurological reactions. It has very low efficiency and is completely unnecessary, since the virus was a common pig virus, and not a highly pathogenic one. "It became extinct within two weeks of its discovery in February and was never seen anywhere else."

"There is no evidence that any of the flu vaccines developed to date are effective in preventing or mitigating any flu attack. The manufacturers of these vaccines know they are useless, but they still continue to sell them." 

Meanwhile, a false fear created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by lying about swine flu has led millions of people to get swine flu shots. The CDC even instructed doctors to recommend the swine flu vaccine to their pregnant patients. The vaccine was as harmful to the fetus as Dr. Morris had warned. According to some reports, it caused a 700% increase in fetal mortality and miscarriages. 

The CDC also encourages parents to choose a vaccine in the form of a nasal spray for children 2 to 8 years old. However, the CDC does not say that fluMist nasal spray contains a live virus. There is no flu shot.


In 1987, congressmen published information that some CDC employees were going to Langley, Virginia, to study at the CIA and returning from there with the stamp "top secret". That means they can access data that isn't available to much of the federal government.

"The CIA has a warm relationship with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which allows it to dictate what to report and even what data to provide to the researchers requesting them. That is, the CDC keeps several different "books" on morbidity and mortality to supply them to different "consumers."

The lies of the first persons of the United States 🇺🇸 under oath.

A German analyst talks about Biden's vaccination. We don't take an unscored German translation. This video is without comment by the 👇

WASHINGTON, December 29 (S.C.) Vice President Kamala Harris vaccinated her for a vaccine against coronavirus live and urged all Americans to follow suit.

"I'm now vaccinated... I want to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. It's relatively painless, it's really fast, it's safe... My husband will do it today. I'm waiting to get the second part of the vaccine. It's literally about saving lives. I trust scientists," she said after the minute-long procedure.

She said she was vaccinated with Moderna.

The minute-long procedure of Kamal's injection when reviewing and analyzing the video by professionals, turned out to be a tough divorce or a banal deception of fake 👇

Pelosi tweeted about vaccination. 

The Speaker of the House said she did so with confidence in science.

"Today, with confidence in science and under the guidance of a doctor, I received the vaccine from COVID-19. As long as the vaccine spreads, we must all continue to wear masks, social distancing and other evidence-based measures to save lives and suppress the virus." 👇

If we are not blinded by 👀 we see a cap on the needle where the needle is usually located 💉. That's what Pelosi's shot was.

French medical workers are burning their diplomas in response to the tyranny of doctors.

Biological terrorist Bill is planning the next "pandemic." And happily announces the construction of large factories in the homeland of Kamala Harris in India for the production of mRNA vaccines.


Communism, so that would know the Chief Paramedic of the United States 🇺🇸, despite all his humanistic lies 

slogans, absolutely soulless and cruel ideology and the Constitution, and you bastards 

do not appreciate people's lives at all and we clearly see it now. The whole inhuman essence of your communism

the words of China's "great helmsman" Mao Zedong best convey: if 

as a result of the world war, a third of humanity will die, but in the world there will be 

a communist system has been established - these sacrifices will be justified. In other words, 👴's grandfather, the leader and spiritual teacher of your narrow-eyed Chinese Communist friends, was ready to destroy hundreds of millions of innocent people in order to improve the lives of others and you followed in his footsteps as a freak. And this was said by a communist who all his life condemned you capitalists for making you rich.

at the expense of other people! However, there is nothing surprising here, because you Communists have always acted on the principle of bandits - to select and divide, and the former owners of property to kill with poison, put in a camp Gulag or FEMA or attach to forced labor. This is 

the most important thesis of your terrible, smelly lies of communist ideology and your main driving force in the gangster economy. There are no other ways you have a red infection and you know another way of life 

don't want to. It is because of such as you old uebishche and your totalitarian approaches to building a New World, a new totalitarian way of life and development. 

And your bald friend neo Marx ideologue Klaus Schwab Rothschild, we are the peoples of the world standing up with a concrete wall on your bloody path and are giving a professional and tough rebuff in the majority. 


In Western countries, where there were long traditions of democracy, even uneducated people 

they understand perfectly well what you are leading the world 🗺, communism does not bring freedom, but universal slavery. 

Therefore, the Communists could not come to power before neither in the United States nor in Europe 🇺🇸 and you will never enslave the United States 🇺🇸 - NEVER! 

The complete collapse of your red-brown special operation corona 👑. We have deciphered you as children of degenerates, aborted fucking scams in expensive suits and dresses. 

You cannot justify your crimes of communist ideology and the criminal regime of the 2021 Cabinet. 

We will not allow your mad madion anymore! We will legally ban you and the communist ideology spreading ideas 

Marxism-Leninism with a ridiculous picture of the world : propa-

It is forbidden to gand fascist ideas, and it is possible to spread the doctrine, thanks to New technologies for the destruction of billions of people? Therefore, grandfather and all your drain tanks of the toilet 🚽 from the TV 📺 remember once and for all that in the future the horrors of your crime and communist burps of the fascist regime in the form of an injection and some ridiculous fascist passport documents will never be repeated again ...

What kind of Josef are you? You are a paramedic collective farm, in our adult business you are a child of 👶 awkward ...

Marx and Engels were wrong when they claimed that socialism 

this is the next stage of development of society, which will inevitably come to

a change to capitalism. The events of recent decades have convincingly proved

reverse: socialism is an unsuccessful attempt to build an ideal society,

a mistaken path that will sooner or later lead to a dead end. Proof 

this is served at least by the fact that most of the countries that in the past

tried to build socialism, now they are returning to capitalism. Ommu-

They claim that this is a temporary phenomenon and socialism will still win.

However, such a development is unlikely: after the collapse of the Soviet Union. 

No country has embarked on the path of the Union and the Warsaw Pact. 

socialist development, and those who had the misfortune to get acquainted with the fruit-

The communist system is now confidently walking the road of "neprogres-sive and decaying" capitalism.

However, the biggest mistake of the founders of communism was the assertion

on the need for revolutionary changes in society to improve life 

Workers. They believed that only by seizing power in their own hands, establishing 

the dictatorship of the proletariat, having destroyed the division into classes and taking away from the bourgeois-

Their capital, it is possible to create decent living conditions for work-

It's not a 10.m. 

These political- 

Scammers and adventurers could come to power only in one way -

by means of armed insurrection, relying on the broad masses of the oppressed and the un-

literate people. This is exactly what the Bolsheviks acted in Ros-

These are: having frozen the heads of ordinary people with sweet promises of a bright future-

About freedom, equality and fraternity, they have established in the country a cruel to-

a taliban regime that killed millions of innocent people, and all

he turned the rest into silent slaves. The same thing happened in everyone.

countries where the Communists seized power: in China, North Korea, in the Viet-

The communist system everywhere and everywhere was built on the che-

bones and suffering. All the positive things that have ever happened

created by this power, seems pathetic and insignificant in comparison with that

evil that the representatives of the totalitarian regime did. 

That is why today it is necessary to give a decisive rebuff to all attempts. 

rehabilitate communist ideology and whitewash the deeds of adepts 

this inhumane teaching. It is necessary to condemn not only stalin's regime, 

Mao Zedong, Honecker and Ceausescu, but also all Marxism-Leninism, equating 

its fascist ideology and forbidden to propagate it in any way 

As. Communists are very fond of bragging about their victory over fascism in 

World War II, but the irony is that the Communists 

and fascists are one field of berries! "Red plague" is no better than "cinnamon-

how." If you follow the history of these movements, you can see that the fa-

Schist appeared much later than the Bolsheviks and borrowed a lot 

they have. Similarly, the German National Socialists did not invent anything. 

new, but only copied the actions of the Communists of Soviet Russia. Very 

those who consider Hitler a follower of Mussolini and his fascist are mistaken.

It's not a part of the party. In fact, Hitler was inspired by Lenin and Stalin with their ruthless-

treating humans as obedient and submissive biomass.

On this basis, it is necessary to assess the events of the Second World War differently.

This war was not at all a struggle between Good and Evil, as some claim.

"clever". So it is possible to estimate, perhaps, the war on the Western Front, where

against the Germans fought the British and Americans - representatives of the Democras-

It's not a part of the world. Meanwhile, the war between Hitler's Germany and the Soviet-

The Union was a struggle of obvious Evil against hidden Evil. And it's pretty hard.

to say which of these two was a big evil to the rest of the world. Therefore 

that both sought to dominate the world and committed terrible things. 

crimes against humanity. The fact that today they are trying to revive again

Celebrate May 9 in the best Soviet traditions with pathetic epithets-

Like "The Great Victory", "Holy War", it's just a disgrace and a mockery.

and the memory of the millions who died in this war. For war has no

what greatness and has nothing sacred. War is always death, blood 

and human suffering on both sides. And make some celebrations out of it. 

and festive events can only be deeply immoral and cynical.

dee. Moreover, it is the Soviet Communists on a par with the German -

Cysts are the initiators of the Second World War. After all, it is the Council-

The Alliance concluded a peace treaty with Hitler's Germany (the Ribben Pact).

the trail and Molotov), which contained a secret agreement on the division of the East-

exact Europe; it was the Soviet Union that supplied Germany in 1939-1941.

dakh food and various raw materials for industry, so

the Nazis managed to capture half of Europe. After that, only morons and sloughs

The Soviet Union may regard the Soviet Union as the victor of fascism, for the Soviet Union is the victor of fascism.

The Communists were the real fascists themselves...

Today, it is quite clear to every normal person that communism -

it is a great utopia that will never become a reality. Not in any country

not a world where they tried to realize the painful fantasies of the founders

Marxism-Leninism, failed to build either a developed economy or a spra-

Vedlyvygo society. This is a historical fact that cannot be refuted.

even the most fanatical supporters of communism.

Communism, so that would know the Chief Paramedic of the United States 🇺🇸, despite all his humanistic lies 

slogans, absolutely soulless and cruel ideology and the Constitution, and you bastards 

do not appreciate people's lives at all and we clearly see it now. The whole inhuman essence of your communism

the words of China's "great helmsman" Mao Zedong best convey: if 

as a result of the world war, a third of humanity will die, but in the world there will be 

a communist system has been established - these sacrifices will be justified. In other words, 👴's grandfather, the leader and spiritual teacher of your narrow-eyed Chinese Communist friends, was ready to destroy hundreds of millions of innocent people in order to improve the lives of others and you followed in his footsteps as a freak. And this was said by a communist who all his life condemned you capitalists for making you rich.

at the expense of other people! However, there is nothing surprising here, because you Communists have always acted on the principle of bandits - to select and divide, and the former owners of property to kill with poison, put in a camp Gulag or FEMA or attach to forced labor. This is 

the most important thesis of your terrible, smelly lies of communist ideology and your main driving force in the gangster economy. There are no other ways you have a red infection and you know another way of life 

don't want to. It is because of such as you old uebishche and your totalitarian approaches to building a New World, a new totalitarian way of life and development. 

And your bald friend neo Marx ideologue Klaus Schwab Rothschild, we are the peoples of the world standing up with a concrete wall on your bloody path and are giving a professional and tough rebuff in the majority. 


In Western countries, where there were long traditions of democracy, even uneducated people 

they understand perfectly well what you are leading the world 🗺, communism does not bring freedom, but universal slavery. 

Therefore, the Communists could not come to power before neither in the United States nor in Europe 🇺🇸 and you will never enslave the United States 🇺🇸 - NEVER!

The complete collapse of your red-brown special operation corona 👑. We have deciphered you as children of degenerates, aborted fucking scams in expensive suits and dresses. 

You cannot justify your crimes of communist ideology and the criminal regime of the 2021 Cabinet.

What kind of Josef are you? You are a paramedic collective farm, in our adult business you are a child of 👶 awkward ...

Promised to you, Friends, a few hours ago). 

Fucking Communist fascist menstruation 🩸 part of which we know remotely personally, we even know the bitches of all your communist fascist cycles of the moment of the beginning of the special operation corona 👑 in China 🇨🇳 with the Chinese folk theater in the form of falling and lying dead actors. This is how fear was launched into the population of the nation-states of the world as a whole. And then began the national menstruation of the 🩸 in the form of a climax of the brain of the media, which spread over a year and a half confidently around the world of 🗺 and turned with the help of criminal administrations of the world of conspiracy participants into a red brown plague of the 21st century. 

We guarantee the quality of our work and will make every effort, and if circumstances require it, we will give our lives for the sake of preserving the population of the planet earth 🌎 of the world, but we will put you all on the bench of the international tribunal in The Hague. If suddenly we see serious delays in resolving the legal issue within the framework of national investigators and courts, military tribunals, as well as delays in the international tribunal in the future. Then we reserve the right to use the options for the physical destruction of biological terrorists by any available military means of the US Army 🇺🇸 and other military units of the world, except for the use of weapons of mass destruction. We, the people of nation-states and armed army units loyal to the oath and national Constitutions, will punish you with all the resources at our disposal. We will punish harshly, we will punish you in wartime, we will punish you for your cunning and brazen sortie, we will punish you for your extremely criminal, sinister information and biological attack on the population of nation-states and PEACE! We will turn you into a red blood stain of history on the asphalt, lawn, in the sorit. Where we'll get caught there and soak up the fucking communist red prostitutes. 


Marx and Engels were wrong when they claimed that socialism 

this is the next stage of development of society, which will inevitably come to

a change to capitalism. The events of recent decades have convincingly proved

reverse: socialism is an unsuccessful attempt to build an ideal society,

a mistaken path that will sooner or later lead to a dead end. Proof 

this is served at least by the fact that most of the countries that in the past

tried to build socialism, now they are returning to capitalism. Ommu-

They claim that this is a temporary phenomenon and socialism will still win.

However, such a development is unlikely: after the collapse of the Soviet Union. 

No country has embarked on the path of the Union and the Warsaw Pact. 

socialist development, and those who had the misfortune to get acquainted with the fruit-

The communist system is now confidently walking the road of "neprogres-

sive and decaying" capitalism.

However, the biggest mistake of the founders of communism was the assertion

on the need for revolutionary changes in society to improve life 

Workers. They believed that only by seizing power in their own hands, establishing 

the dictatorship of the proletariat, having destroyed the division into classes and taking away from the bourgeois-

Their capital, it is possible to create decent living conditions for work-

It's not a 10.m. 

These political- 

Scammers and adventurers could come to power only in one way -

by means of armed insurrection, relying on the broad masses of the oppressed and the un-

literate people. This is exactly what the Bolsheviks acted in Ros-

These are: having frozen the heads of ordinary people with sweet promises of a bright future-

About freedom, equality and fraternity, they have established in the country a cruel to-

a taliban regime that killed millions of innocent people, and all

he turned the rest into silent slaves. The same thing happened in everyone.

countries where the Communists seized power: in China, North Korea, in the Viet-

The communist system everywhere and everywhere was built on the che-

bones and suffering. All the positive things that have ever happened

created by this power, seems pathetic and insignificant in comparison with that

evil that the representatives of the totalitarian regime did. 

That is why today it is necessary to give a decisive rebuff to all attempts. 

rehabilitate communist ideology and whitewash the deeds of adepts 

this inhumane teaching. It is necessary to condemn not only stalin's regime, 

Mao Zedong, Honecker and Ceausescu, but also all Marxism-Leninism, equating 

its fascist ideology and forbidden to propagate it in any way 

As. Communists are very fond of bragging about their victory over fascism in 

World War II, but the irony is that the Communists 

and fascists are one field of berries! "Red plague" is no better than "cinnamon-

how." If you follow the history of these movements, you can see that the fa-

Schist appeared much later than the Bolsheviks and borrowed a lot 

they have. Similarly, the German National Socialists did not invent anything. 

new, but only copied the actions of the Communists of Soviet Russia. Very 

those who consider Hitler a follower of Mussolini and his fascist are mistaken.

It's not a part of the party. In fact, Hitler was inspired by Lenin and Stalin with their ruthless-

treating humans as obedient and submissive biomass.

On this basis, it is necessary to assess the events of the Second World War differently.

This war was not at all a struggle between Good and Evil, as some claim.

"clever". So it is possible to estimate, perhaps, the war on the Western Front, where

against the Germans fought the British and Americans - representatives of the Democras-

It's not a part of the world. Meanwhile, the war between Hitler's Germany and the Soviet-

The Union was a struggle of obvious Evil against hidden Evil. And it's pretty hard.

to say which of these two was a big evil to the rest of the world. Therefore 

that both sought to dominate the world and committed terrible things. 

crimes against humanity. The fact that today they are trying to revive again

Celebrate May 9 in the best Soviet traditions with pathetic epithets-

Like "The Great Victory", "Holy War", it's just a disgrace and a mockery.

and the memory of the millions who died in this war. For war has no

what greatness and has nothing sacred. War is always death, blood 

and human suffering on both sides. And make some celebrations out of it. 

and festive events can only be deeply immoral and cynical.

dee. Moreover, it is the Soviet Communists on a par with the German -

Cysts are the initiators of the Second World War. After all, it is the Council-

The Alliance concluded a peace treaty with Hitler's Germany (the Ribben Pact).

the trail and Molotov), which contained a secret agreement on the division of the East-

exact Europe; it was the Soviet Union that supplied Germany in 1939-1941.

dakh food and various raw materials for industry, so

the Nazis managed to capture half of Europe. After that, only morons and sloughs

The Soviet Union may regard the Soviet Union as the victor of fascism, for the Soviet Union is the victor of fascism.

The Communists were the real fascists themselves...

Today, it is quite clear to every normal person that communism -

it is a great utopia that will never become a reality. Not in any country

not a world where they tried to realize the painful fantasies of the founders

Marxism-Leninism, failed to build either a developed economy or a spra-

Vedlyvygo society. This is a historical fact that cannot be refuted.

even the most fanatical supporters of communism.


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