Murzilka 57.

Murzilka 57.

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Please do not view this material if you are an easily excitable person with any form of mental illness, if you are pregnant or under the age of 18. 

Bacteriological and chemical experiments on humans have been conducted since about the beginning of the study of bacteria.

In 1932, more than 200 children were artificially infected with syphilis to "research" the course of the disease.

In 1935, several million African-Americans died of pellagra (insufficiency of nicotinic acid), although the drug had been in place for as long as 20 years.

In 1940, 400 inmates were infected with malaria in a Chicago prison to test treatments.

In 1947, the CIA conducted experiments on the effects of LSD on military and civilians.

In 1950, a bacteriological cloud was sprayed over San Francisco, leaving many locals with pneumonia.

In 1956, mosquitoes, vectors of the yellow fever virus, were brought to several cities in Georgia and Florida. Later, military medics (disguised as civil health workers) were sent there to test the infected.

In 1965, inmates at Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia were experimented with dioxin. Later this substance will be used in the Vietnam War.

In 1990, more than 1,500 6-month-old children in Los Angeles were vaccinated against measles with an "experimental" vaccine. Their parents were not informed about it.

In 1995, the U.S. Administration officially acknowledged that it had used the services of Japanese war criminals who conducted experiments on American prisoners of war during World War II. In exchange for bioweapons research, they were promised high salaries and immunity from prosecution.

In 1995, evidence was published on the use of biomatter used during the Gulf War, which was produced in Texas and Florida and then tested on inmates in Texas prisons.

A year later (1996), the Pentagon officially acknowledged that U.S. troops had been exposed to chemical poisons during Operation Desert Storm.

At various times people were tested with radium, plutonium, poison gases, installations, drugs, dropped bombs, sprayed chemicals, pathogens. Often experiments put on newborns and pregnant women.

People were erased by their identity, with the help of shock, drugs. For example, men were made women, etc., transplanted, seized and replaced organs.

Of course, this is not a complete list of so-called "experimental honey studies" that continue to this day. Surely you've heard of others, probably even participating/participating yourself without realizing.

The status of these people did not cause ethical debate. They were objects, not patients, clinical material, not people!

No one is protected - we have to admit it. Thomas told you about the inhuman experiments he was subjected to (without asking for consent), but many of you were afraid to accept such truth, for it can destroy the fragile illusion of security (which does not exist) and make you think that something like this could happen to you.

Look around.

Do you see how WHO cares about you? You deserve it!

If you want to know more, Google "forbidden experiments on people." 

We will offer our version: 

Prohibited experiments on humans in the U.S.

We used to think that cruel and inhuman experiments on people were conducted only in concentration camps of Nazi Germany and the Gulag of the USSR. Unfortunately, the truth is much more terrible - such experiments began to be carried out in the 19th century, and - in the United States.

Here is some of them …


 Since 1840, American physician James Marion Sims, considered the "founder of modern gynecology", has conducted a variety of surgical research. As experimental mice for his experiments, he used African slaves, over whom he performed surgical operations WITHOUT anesthesia. One of the women was operated on in this way 30 times! Slaves often died - but this did not stop the "scientist". Even Dr. Sims was studying the causes of spasms of the chewing muscles in children - so he experimented on the children of black slaves, performing operations on their jaws with the help of ... a boot awl.


 Another "pioneer" of American medicine, Dr. Arthur Wentworth, was engaged in injecting 29 children into the spinal cord with a metal wire (the so-called "lumbar puncture") to check how harmful it was. Moreover, the parents of the children did not even know what experiments the "doctor" was conducting on their children.

 From 1913 to 1951, the chief surgeon of the California prison of San Quentin, Dr. Leo Stanley, conducted hundreds of experiments on prisoners. Stanley transplanted to criminals generative organs taken from executed criminals, wild boars and rams, conducted forced sterilization operations and other "scientific" experiments.

 In the mid-1880s, a Californian doctor working at a leper hospital in Hawaii "for scientific purposes" infected six teenage girls with the syphilis virus. Not far from him left the New York pediatrician Henry Hayman, who specially infected two mentally retarded boys with gonorrhea. In the scientific literature of the 19-20 century, about 40 experiments of this kind are described - when doctors deliberately infected children with sexually transmitted diseases.

 But sexually transmitted diseases seem like flowers when you remember the story of how American military doctors infected five Filipino prisoners with the bubonic plague. And in 1906, Harvard University professor Richard Strong infected 24 Filipino prisoners with cholera (13 of them died).

 In 1908, three doctors from Philadelphia infected several dozen orphans with tuberculosis, causing some of them to go blind. In the published results of their research, these "doctors" called the children they crippled "Material used."

 There are many cases of deliberate infection of prisoners, mentally retarded patients and orphans. American "doctors" infected people with syphilis, molluscum contagiosum, malaria, herpes, hepatitis, transplanted cancer cells into them, etc.


 Military doctors also managed to excel in the field of conducting experiments on their own kind. In 1950, a large amount of powder containing the bacteria Serratia marcescens was sprayed over San Francisco from two aircraft to simulate the situation of bacteriological warfare. As a result, many residents of the city fell ill with pneumonia and died. Experiments with the bacterium Serratia marcescens continued until 1969.

 In 1955, "researchers" from the CIA sprayed pertussis bacteria in the Florida area of ​​Tampa Bay, which immediately caused a massive epidemic of the disease. At least 12 people have died.

 In 1956 and 1957, in Georgia and Florida, the US military released millions of mosquitoes infected with yellow fever and dengue fever. In the midst of the outbreak, the Pentagon fighters, disguised as civilian doctors, traveled to infected cities and photographed sick people for their reports.

 American "researchers" did not shy away from conducting experiments on their own army. Thus, from 1963 to 1969, within the framework of the Ship Vulnerability and Defense (SHAD) project, several types of bacteriological and chemical weapons were dropped on US Navy ships at once. Moreover, the crews of the ships did not suspect anything when the "native Pentagon" began to water them with sarin, VX gas and cadmium salts.

 In the late 1960s, the US military launched hay bacteria into the New York and Chicago subways. The experiment was proudly called "Study of the vulnerability of metro passengers to covert biological attacks."


 In 1949, Operation Green Run was carried out in Washington State, in which an area of ​​2000 square kilometers was contaminated with radioactive isotopes of iodine and xenon. There were three small towns on the territory at once, but this did not stop the military.

 In 1953, the American Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) at the University of Iowa conducted experiments on pregnant women. They were exposed to radioactive iodine-131 to induce an induced abortion. In another experiment, AEC staff fed 25 newborns with radioactive iodine, and in another, 65 infants.

 In 1946-1947, "researchers" at the University of Rochester gave six subjects small doses of uranium-234 and uranium-235 to find out how much radiation their kidneys could withstand.

 From 1945 to 1947, as part of the Manhattan Project, 16 people received injections of plutonium-238 and plutonium-239. One of them was Albert Stevens, who was specially given a false diagnosis of stomach cancer and began to "treat" with plutonium injections (of course, the patient was not told anything about plutonium). The ashes left after Albert's cremation are stored in several research institutes - they are still radioactive.

 To see how radioactive materials penetrate the maternal placenta, in the mid-40s, "researchers" from Vanderbilt University gave 829 (!) Pregnant women to drink a solution of radioactive iron salts. At the same time, the women were told that it was a “vitamin drink”. Some newborns, like their mothers, developed cancer and died.

 From 1948 to 1954, "scientists" at Johns Hopkins Hospital, as part of a government program, inserted radium rods into the noses of Baltimore schoolchildren. A total of 582 schoolchildren underwent this "adenoid treatment" procedure.

 In 1954, as part of the Bravo project, the Americans dropped a nuclear bomb on the Marshall Islands, as a result of which 236 local residents were deliberately exposed to radiation. One of them died, the rest fell ill with radiation sickness.

 In 1957, the military detonated another nuclear bomb in Nevada. According to some estimates, this entailed between 1,000 and 20,000 deaths of ordinary Americans, who were hit by the radioactive cloud.


 From 1942 to 1944, American military chemists tested the action of mustard gas on American soldiers, a poisonous substance of skin blistering action. "Researchers" worked to improve the quality of gas masks - the health of the recruits choking from mustard gas did not interest them.

 In 1950, soldiers sprayed toxic compounds (including cadmium salts) over six American and Canadian cities at once.

 Many have heard of Agent Orange, which the US military used in Vietnam. The main active ingredient "Orange" is the strongest carcinogen dioxin. Orange was produced by Dow Chemicals. To prove to the military that they are buying "what they need," the Dow Chemicals conducted a study in which dioxin was administered to 70 American black prisoners.


 In 1957, as part of the famous CIA project "MK-Ultra", Dr. Evan Cameron began to study the method of brainwashing on mentally ill people. He immersed patients in an insulin coma, which could last up to 88 days, and then erase their memory with an electric shock. One of the patients of this "researcher" received a total of 360 electric shocks. Cameron's task was to develop a method for completely erasing a person's personality. He locked one of his charges in a ward and turned on a tape recording of a suggestive phrase like "you are a good wife and mother, and people like to be in your company ...". The poor fellow listened to this tape continuously for 100 days in a row.

 Within the framework of the same MK-Ultra, at the end of the 60s, Professors Kligman and Kopelan were engaged in feeding 320 prisoners of the Holmsburg prison with psychotropic substances in order to find out for each of the substances a dose sufficient to neutralize 50% of the enemy's personnel.

 From 1940 to 1953, Laretta Bender, a very respected specialist in child psychiatry in the United States, was engaged in the fact that in one of the New York hospitals she tested the effect of electroshock on hundreds of children. For some children with schizophrenia, Larette gave two electric shocks a day for three weeks.

From the CIA's report on the detention and interrogation program, which was soon christened a "torture report," the world community learned many interesting facts about the principles of U.S. intelligence in the so-called "post-election period." 

September 11


A wide-ranging programme to study "special" interrogation techniques began in 2002, with James Mitchell and Bruce Lessen, the main experts developing the techniques, who based the phenomenon 

acquired helplessness.

Experimental study of this condition was carried out on the basis of the classical condition of Pavlov - that is, only on dogs. But the specialists had a contract, the purpose of which was to develop methods of extracting information from people, so they began to experiment on people, not thinking much about the legality or moral and ethical side of such activity ...

But it was hardly the only known U.S. program to conduct human experiments.

Unfortunately, whoever talks about American experiments on the person around him is perceived as a crazy conspiracy theorist, inventing unproven nonsense, and to break this stereotype, the guys from Vice decided to collect the most high-profile programs of such experiments.

In the best traditions of the Cold War, U.S. military structures liked to test different strategies on their own people. Military research often requires the initiation of a "managed" attack, and it is for this purpose that the experimenters once subjected to

 thousands of U.S. soldiers exposed to mustard gas, and Navy personnel, for example, studied the effects of nerve gas on the human body - a substance 

just sprayed

 deck and inside the ventilation system without the consent of the ship's crew.

The long-publicized operation was THE LAC (Large area coverage), a series of tests between 1957 and 1958 that involved spraying large quantities of cadmium sulfide and zinc sulfide over some U.S. regions from aircraft and water transport. Without warning residents of spray-sprayed cities and states, of course.

Some of the regions over which the experimental composition was sprayed had a high density of population. Later, when the information was declassified, the frightened scientists decided to re-read the results of the operation and


that the tests were "completely non-dangerous."

In 1950, the same innovators from the U.S. military-industrial complex decided to test the "effectiveness" of the bacterium Serratia marcescens, 

spraying it

 over San Francisco. A little later, one of the residents of the city - Edward Nevin - died of an infectious heart injury caused by Serratia marcescens.

Ten years later, American scientists 

decided to check

 the effect of Haystick on passengers of the Chicago and New York subway systems by spraying the bacterium into ventilation systems. As it turned out, such "biological weapons" turned out to be completely harmless. But it is unlikely that the military would test something, knowing that this "something" is completely harmless. And the very fact of violation of ethical norms...

However, the results of Operation Whitecoat were no longer so modest. During the Korean War, those who did not want to serve and were simply pacifists were often recruited by military doctors, and since 1953 they were given the opportunity to become medical guinea pigs and, by giving these volunteers the nickname "white robes", they were fed with experimental vaccines and bacteria. None of them died during the study itself at Fort Detrick Laboratory, but ten years after the study was phased out, a long-term effect followed: many of the subjects were now experiencing severe migraines and suffering from persistent asthma. And this, not to mention the fact that only one-fourth of the primary number of "white robes" survived.

📹 Ft. Detrick Biological Warfare Program 1950s Maryland US Army 

The second terrible part of Project Manhattan - in addition to apparently destroying two populated cities - was that its implementation prompted further research into the effects of radiation on the human body.

In addition to sending infantrymen closer to the "nuclear fungi," the researchers were not shy about adding small portions of radioactive substances directly to the human body: some private and public research laboratories either simply pricked volunteers with "nuclear energy" or fed milk and beef, which in turn were the product of livestock on a "radioactive diet." 

U.S. Congressional Report

 1986, titled "American Guineas: Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on U.S. Citizens," cites the names of radioactive elements such as plutonium, polonium, radium and thorium.

In 1956 and 1958, the statute, most likely from experiments with radiation, the U.S. chemical, biological and radiation defense decided to release over the states of Florida and Georgia 

millions of mosquitoes

to analyze the approximate rate of amaryl fever spread. It is worth noting that even then in these regions there was a presence of fever, so scientists only needed to increase the number of vectors of the disease - the insects themselves were not infected.

Between the 1940s and the 1970s, the CIA killed more than a hundred people, and even more were made mentally unwell in an attempt to figure out how drugs (especially LSD) could be used to control human consciousness.

Here we studied in great detail, 

 How the CIA tested on its LSD citizens

Check 🧾 

According to the slags of the Second World War, Nazi doctors 🥼 executed by hanging and received other sentences at the end of Nuremberg for their inhuman experiments. But in the U.S. about their Doctors-Nazis try not to remember and moreover in 2020-2021 we learned new names of such doctors, one of them a private guest of various talk shows 🎤 a covid and even a welcome guest in the white house. 

Aluminium in the vaccine 💉. We go through the chronology of research without emotions.

Part 1.

Aluminium in the vaccine 💉. We go through the chronology of research without emotions. The end.

And this is you personally pigeons of the world and lovers of other people's health to study 👇 grab for a month, with your abilities. Before and after reading the delivery of alcoholic 🥃🥃 test in the laboratory 🧫 so that 

did not drink and perceived what they had read and seen.

🇺🇸South can't accommodate once again a drunken old Pelosi, who is experiencing right during her speech what in some countries is called dry.



A fake vacancy under the TV cameras in Speaker Pelosi's left hand. On the needle we see a plastic cap. 


Criminals of all times and peoples in white coats all recorded in COVID-19, using falsifications and direct killings in hospitals. In the definition of COVID -19 used old fake tests, they were purchased by different countries of the world back in 2017. It was under specific codes that the tests were passed by customs 🛃 countries. Any goods passing customs leaves traces of 👣 in the form of a contract, customs declarations and the code of goods. We will raise the payment of taxes and find specific companies operator of imported goods. Let's get cancer all. Be afraid of the.

Nuremberg Code (1947)

Described here is just the tip of the iceberg. It's just that really massive and horrible experiments are classified. Not for nothing in 1947, the Atomic Energy Commission, which we mentioned, released a document entitled "Medical Experiments in Humans", in which black ink on a white sheet wrote: "It is desirable that during experiments in public no documents were drawn up that could cause a negative reaction of the public ... Documents containing such information should be secreted."

To this day, no American official has been convicted of inhumane experiments on his own citizens. Many victims of these experiments have not yet received not only any compensation, but even any complete information about the poisons and diseases they have experienced.


Let's remember again 

CIA 'sickening' report

 and how they were used 

Musical compositions for torture of prisoners. 

And here's another: 

U.S.Army Skull Hunters


Radical Girls and American Radio Corporation

📹 US secretly infected Guatemalan mental patients with syphilis and gonorrhea from 1946 .

📹 Ft. Detrick Biological Warfare Program 1950s Maryland US Army 

Experiments on people in the USSR

Death Valley. The Soviet Union's accusation of human experience. 

"Death Valley" is a documentary about special uranium camps in Magadan region. Doctors of this top-secret zone conducted criminal experiments on the brains of prisoners. 

By accusing Nazi Germany of genocide, the Soviet government, in deep secrecy, at the state level, implemented an equally monstrous program. It was in such camps, under the contract with the WCSPB, that Hitler's special brigades were trained and gained experience in the mid-1930s. 

The results of this investigation have been widely covered by many of the world's media. Alexander Solzhenicin (on the phone) participated in the special TV show, which was broadcast live by NHK Japan. 

"Valley of Death" is a rare testimony that captured the true face of the Soviet government and its advanced detachment: the HHC-NKVD-MGB-KGB. 

Please do not view this page if you are an easily excitable person with any form of mental illness, if you are pregnant or under the age of 18. 

If you line up all the people who "at the call of the party" looked at the sky through the prison bars of the Gulag, then this live tape will stretch to the moon. 

I've seen a lot of concentration camps. Both old and new. In one of them he spent several years. Then he studied the history of the camps of the Soviet Union on archival documents, but in the most terrible got a year before the kgb forced me to flee the country. This camp was called "Butugychag" which means "Valley of Death" in the language of the Russian northern peoples.

Butugychag, where not buried, and dumped from the cliff. There were digging screws. Oksana went there when she was freestyle (to see). What should be there to surprise a man who has served 10 years! I saw an old man there: I was going to the area, crying. He's served 15 years, he doesn't come home, he walks around, he gets it. He said: this is your future. 

(Nina Gagen-Thorn)

The place got its name when hunters and nomadic tribes of reindeer herds from the genus Yegorov, Diachkov and Krokhalev, roaming the river Detrin, came across a huge field, dotted with human skulls and bones, and when the deer in the herd began to suffer from a strange disease - they fell first wool on their feet, and then the animals lay down and could not stand. Mechanically, this name passed to the remnants of the Beriev camps of the 14th branch of the Gulag. 

The area is huge. It took me many hours to cross it from end to end. Buildings or their remains were visible everywhere: on the main gorge, where there are buildings of the processing plant; In many lateral mountain branches; behind the adjacent hills, thickly cut scars of search shurfs and holes of stolin. In the village of Ust-Omchug near the area, I was warned that it is not safe to walk on the local hills - at any moment you can fall into the old gallery. 

The road ended in front of a uranium processing plant, gaping with black window failures. There's nothing around. Radiation killed all life. Only moss grows on black stones. The poet Anatoly Jigulin, who was sitting in the camp, said that at the furnaces, where the metal trays evaporated water from uranium concentrate after washing, the prisoners worked for one or two weeks, then died, and they were replaced by new slaves. That was the level of radiation. 

My Geiger counter came to life long before the factory approach. In the building itself, he cracked without interruption. And when I approached the 23 metal barrels with concentrate that were left at the outer wall, the danger signal became unbearably loud. Active construction here took place in the early 40's, when the question arose: who will be the first owner of atomic weapons. 

380,000 people died in Butugychag. This is more than the modern population of the entire Magadan region. It was here that highly classified experiments were conducted on the brains of prisoners. 

April 22, 1937. 

From the wooden gate, with handles to glitter polished palms of zeks, I turn to the cemetery. Rare sticks stuck between boulders, with plaques. However, the inscriptions are no longer read. Bleached, erased their time and wind. 

Further on the kosogor began to come across the remnants of gas masks. Looking at them, I remembered a newspaper article that drew attention to itself by its unusualness and complete senselessness. 

"The other day, two operations were carried out in the Magadan hospital, during a conditional "gas attack". Doctors who helped them medical staff and patients put on gas masks. Surgeons Pulleritz and Sveshnikov, nurse Antonova, nurses Karpenyuk and Terekhina took part in the operation. The first operation was performed by one of the soldiers of the border squad, who had the extension of the veins of the seed rope. The patient K. had his appendicitis removed. Both operations, together with preparation, took 65 minutes. Kolyma's first experience of surgeons in gas masks was quite successful."

If even during the experiment the patient was also wearing a gas mask, what did the experimenters do with the hole open in the abdomen? 

So, moving from the building to the building, from the ruins of incomprehensible to me complexes, concentrated at the bottom of the gorge, I rise to the top of the ridge, to a secluded, whole camp. A piercingly cold wind drives low clouds. Alaskan latitude. Summer is here, by strength, two months of the year. And in winter, the frost is such that if you pour water from the second floor, the ice falls on the ground. 

Near the soldier's tower, rusty cans rumbled under their feet. I picked up one. There is also an inscription in English. It's a stew. From America to Red Army soldiers at the front. And for the Soviet "internal troops." Did Roosevelt know who he was feeding? 

I go to one of the barracks, closely filled with bunk bunks. Only they're very small. Even if you're huddled, you can't fit on them. Maybe they're for women? It's not much size for women. But here, the eye caught a rubber galosh. She was lonely under the corner bunks. Oh, my God! Kalosha fits completely on my palm. So it's bunks for kids! So I went to the other side of the ridge. Here, just behind the Butugychago, was located a large women's camp "Bacchanka" that operated at the same time.

Remains are everywhere. Here and there come across the wreckage, the joints of the tibia bones.

In the burnt-out ruins I came across a chest bone. Among the ribs my attention attracted a porcelain crucible - I worked with such in the biological laboratories of the university. With nothing comparable, cloying smell of human decay oozes from under the stones ...

"I am a geologist, and I know that the former zone is located in the area of a powerful polymetallic ore node. Here, in between the river Detrin and Tenky, stocks of gold, silver, cassiterite are concentrated. But Butugychag is also known for the manifestation of radioactive rocks, in particular uranium-containing. By the nature of my work I have not once had to visit these places. The enormous power of the radioactive background is pernicious here for all living things. This is the reason for the stunning death in the zone. Radiation on Butygychag is uneven. Somewhere it reaches a very high, extremely life-threatening level, but there are also places where the background is quite acceptable."

A. Rudnev. 1989 

(This letter Rudnev published in the village newspaper Ust-Omchuga "Lenin Banner" in order to prevent the conduct of excursions of schoolchildren to the area "Butugychaga")

The day of research was over. It was necessary to hurry down, where in the house of a modern power plant, at its caretaker, I found refuge for these days. 

Victor, the owner of the house, was sitting on the porch when I walked up tiredly and sank beside me.

"Where was he, what did you see?" He asked me monosyllabicly.

I told you about the uranium factory, the children's camp, the mines.

"Yes, you don't eat berries here and don't drink water from rivers," Victor interrupted, and nodded at the barrel of imported water, which was on car wheels.

"What are you looking for?"

I squinted, looked at the young owner of the house.

- Mine, under the "C" liter...

You won't. Previously, they knew where it was, and after the war, as the camps were closed, all blew up, and from the geological management disappeared all plans of "Butugychaga." Only the stories that the "C" letter is beaten to the top of the corpses of the executed, and remained.

He paused. "It's not in the mines, and it's not in the children's camps, the secret of "Butugychaga." There's their secret," Victor showed his hand in front of him. "Across the river, you see. There was a lab complex there. Heavily guarded.

What did they do in it?

"And you go to the upper cemetery tomorrow. Take a look... 

But before going to the mysterious cemetery, Victor and I examined the "laboratory complex." 

The area is tiny. It was based on several houses. All of them are diligently destroyed. Blown to the ground. There was only one strong end wall left. Strange: out of the huge number of buildings in "Butugychag", only the "infirmary" was destroyed - it was burned to the ground, but this zone. 

The first thing I saw were the remnants of a powerful ventilation system with characteristic trumpets. Such systems are equipped with exhaust cabinets in all chemical and biological laboratories. Around the foundations of the former buildings stretched the perimeter of barbed wire in four rows. In some places it is still preserved. Inside the perimeter there are pillars with electric insulators. It seems that a high voltage current was also used to protect the object. 

As I made my way among the ruins, I remembered the story of Sergei Nikolaev from the village of Ust-Omchug: 

"Before the entrance to Butugychag there was "Object No.14." We didn't know what they were doing. But this area was protected especially carefully. We worked as civilian- - bombers in the mines, and had a pass for passage throughout the territory of "Butygychaga." But in order to get to the object number 14, you needed another - a special pass and with it it was necessary to pass nine checkpoints. There are sentinels with dogs everywhere. On the hills around - machine gunners: the mouse will not jump. "Object No.14" was a specially built airfield."

Indeed, a top-secret object. 

Yes, the bombers knew their stuff. There's not much left. However, the nearby prison building, or as it is called in the documents of the Gulag, -BUR - the barracks of the reinforced regime has survived. It is made of roughly sungous stone boulders covered from inside the building with a thick layer of plaster. On the remains of plaster in two chambers, we found inscriptions scratched with a nail: "30.XI.1954. Evening," "Kill Me" and the latin inscription, in one word: "Doctor." 

An interesting find was horse skulls. I counted 11. A few five or six lay inside the foundation of one of the blown-up buildings.

It is unlikely that horses were used here as a draft force. The same opinion is held by those who have passed the Kolyma camps. 

From the author's archive: 

"I personally visited many enterprises in those years and I know that even for the removal of the forest from the hills, for all cases, not to mention the mountain, one type of labor was used - manual labor of prisoners ..."From the answer of the former z/ka F. Bezbabichev to the question of whether

how horses were used in the farms of the camps. 

Well, at the dawn of the nuclear age, they might well have tried to get an anti-radiation serum. And it was the horses that have served the cause of this, since the days of Louis Pasteur. 

How long ago was that? After all, the complex "Butugychag" has survived well. The bulk of the camps on Kolyma were closed after the "exposure" and execution of their godfather - Lawrence Beria. In the cabin of the weather station, which is above the children's camp, I managed to find a log of observations. The last date set in it is May 1956. 

Why are these ruins called a laboratory? I asked Victor.

"Once a car with three passengers came up," he began to say, clearing another horse skull in the storm, among the broken tile. "There was one woman with them. And although the guests are rare here, they did not call themselves. We got out of the car outside my house, looked around, and then, a woman, pointing to the ruins, says: "Here was a laboratory. And there's the airport..."

They did not stay for long, they could not ask about anything. But all three in years, well-dressed ... 

A woman doctor saved my life when I was imprisoned at one of the most terrible mines in Kolyma - Butugychag. Her name was Maria Antonovna, her last name was unknown to us... 

(From the memoirs of Fyodor Bezbabichev)

The Berlag camps were highly secret and it is any wonder that no official data on their prisoners can be obtained. But there are archives. KGB, Interior Ministry, partarkhiva - somewhere the lists of prisoners are stored. In the meantime, only stingy, sketchy data lead to a carefully erased trail. 

The writer Asir Sandler, the author of the Soviet Union's "Udukov for Memory," told me that one of his readers was a prisoner of a mysterious sash, a scientific institution where prisoners worked. It was somewhere in the vicinity of Magadan... 

The secret of the Butugychag complex was revealed the next day, when, with difficulty navigating the intricacies of ridges, we climbed the mountain saddle. It was this secluded place that the camp administration chose for one of the cemeteries. Two others: "officer's" - for the camp staff and, possibly, for civilians, as well as a large "prisoner", are located below. The first is not far from the processing plant. The belonging of his deceased to the administration is given by wooden pedestals with stars. The second begins just outside the walls of the burnt hospital, which is understandable. Why drag the dead over the mountains ... And here, from the central part, at least a mile. And even up.

 Slightly noticeable hillocks. They can be mistaken for natural relief, if they were not numbered. Barely sprinkled with gravel of the deceased, they stuck a stick next to it with a number punched on the lid of a can of stew. But where did the convicts get canned food? Two-digit numbers with an alphabet letter: Г45; B27; A50 ...

 At first glance, the number of graves here is not that great. Ten and a half rows of crooked sticks with numbers. There are 50-60 graves in each row. This means that only about a thousand people have found their last refuge here.

 But, closer to the edge of the saddle, I find marks of a different type. There are no separate mounds here. On a level surface, the posts stand densely, like the teeth of a comb. Ordinary short sticks are branches of chopped off trees. Already without tin covers and numbers. They only mark the place.

 Two swollen mounds indicate the pits where the dead were piled in a heap. Most likely, this "ritual" was carried out in winter, when it was not possible to bury each one individually, in the ground, frozen and strong as concrete. The pits, in this case, were harvested from the summer.

 And here is what Victor was talking about. Under a dwarf bush, in a grave torn apart by animals or people, lies a half of a human skull. The top of the fornix, half an inch above the brow ridges, is trimmed straight and neatly. Obviously a surgical cut.

 I go further - I pick up a fragment of the frontal bone. The same with traces of trepanation. Next to number B24, on the edge of an open grave, are scattered bones of several skulls at once.

 Among them are many other bones of the skeleton, but my attention is drawn to the upper cut off part of the skull with a bullet hole in the back of the head. This is a very important finding, because it indicates that an open skull is not a medical examination to establish the cause of death. Who first shoots a bullet in the back of the head and then performs an anatomical autopsy to find out the cause of death?

 “We need to open one of the graves,” I tell my fellow traveler. - You need to make sure that this is not the "work" of today's vandals. Viktor himself told about the raids on the camp cemeteries of the village punks: they take out the skulls and make lamps out of them.

 We select the grave under the number "G47". I didn't have to dig. Literally five centimeters across the ground thawed over the summer, a sapper's shovel hit something.

 - Caution! Don't hurt the bone.

 - Yes, there is a coffin, - said the assistant.

 - Coffin ?! I was amazed. A coffin for a convict is as unseen as if we stumbled upon the remains of an alien. This is truly an amazing cemetery.

 Never, nowhere in the vast expanses of the Gulag, convicts were buried in coffins. They threw them into tunnels, buried them in the ground, and in winter they simply drowned them in the snow, drowned them in the sea, but so that coffins could be made for them?! .. Yes, it looks like this is a "sharashka" cemetery. Then the presence of coffins is understandable. After all, the convicts were buried by the convicts themselves. And they were not supposed to see the opened heads.

 In 1942, there was a stage to the Ten'kinsky district, where I ended up. The road to Tenka began to be built somewhere in 1939, when the commissar of the 2nd rank Pavlov became the head of Dalstroy, and Colonel Garanin became the head of USVITL. Fingerprints were taken from everyone who fell into the clutches of the NKVD. This was the beginning of the camp life of any person. This is how it ended. When a person died in a prison or camp, then he was already dead undergo exactly the same procedure. Fingerprints were taken from the deceased, they were compared with the original ones, and only after that he was buried, and the case was transferred

 to the archive.

 (From the memoirs of c / c Vadim Kozin)

 At the northern end of the cemetery, the ground is littered with bones. Clavicle, ribs, tibia, vertebrae. The halves of the skulls whiten across the field. Smoothly cut over the toothless jaws. Big, small, but equally restless, thrown out of the ground by an unkind hand, they lie under the piercing blue sky of the Kolyma. Is it possible that such a terrible fate dominated their owners that even the bones of these people are doomed to desecration? And it still lingers here with the stench of bloody years.

 Again, a series of questions: who needed the brain of these unfortunates? What years? By whose decree? Who the hell are these "scientists", with ease, like a hare, firing a bullet into a human head, and then with devilish meticulousness gutting still smoking brains? And where are the archives? How many masks do you need to rip off to judge the Soviet system for a crime called genocide?

 None of the well-known encyclopedias gives data on experiments on living human material, except perhaps to look in the materials of the Nuremberg trials. Only the following is obvious: it was in those years when the Butugychag functioned that the effect of radioactivity on the human body was intensively studied. There can be no talk of any autopsies of the deceased in the camps for a medical report on the causes of death. They did not do this in any camp. Human life in Soviet Russia was extremely cheap.

 Trepanation of the skulls could not be carried out on the initiative of local authorities. Lavrenty Beria and Igor Kurchatov were personally responsible for the nuclear weapons program and everything connected with it.

 It remains to assume that there is a successfully implemented state program, sanctioned at the level of the government of the USSR. For similar crimes against humanity, "Nazis" are still being driven across Latin America. But only in relation to domestic executioners and misanthropists, their native department shows enviable deafness and blindness. Is it because today the sons of the executioners are sitting in warm armchairs?

 A little touch. Histological examinations are performed on the brain removed no more than a few minutes after death. Ideally, on a living organism. Any method of killing gives a "not clean" picture, since a whole complex of enzymes and other substances that are released during pain and psychological shock appear in the brain tissues.

 Moreover, the euthanasia of the experimental animal or the introduction of psychotropic drugs into it violates the purity of the experiment. The only method used in biological laboratory practice for such experiments is decapitation - almost instantaneous cutting off of the animal's head from the body.

 I took with me two fragments from different skulls for examination. Fortunately, there was a familiar prosecutor in the Khabarovsk Territory - Valentin Stepankov (later - the Prosecutor General of Russia).

 “You understand what it smells like,” the regional prosecutor looked at me with the badge of a member of the USSR Supreme Soviet on the lapel of his jacket, dropping a sheet with my questions for the expert. - Yes, and by belonging, the Magadan prosecutor's office should be engaged in this case, not mine ...

 I was silent.

 - Okay, Stepankov nodded, - I also have a conscience. And pressed a button on the table.

 “Prepare a decree on the initiation of a criminal case,” he said to the newcomer. And again to me: - Otherwise, I cannot send the bones for examination.

 - What about the matter? the assistant asked.

 - Pass it on to the Magadan people ...

 ... I repeat, those responsible for the deaths of those prisoners who were sent under the numbers of the literal thousand "3-2" live in Magadan, of whom 36 people survived in one winter.

 (P. Martynov, prisoner of the Kolyma camps No. 3-2-989)

 I received the conclusion of the 221-FT examination a month later. Here is his abbreviated summary:

 "The right part of the skull presented for research belongs to the body of a young man, no more than 30 years old. The sutures of the skull between the bones are not overgrown. Anatomical and morphological features indicate that the bone of a part of the male skull with characteristic features of the Caucasian race belongs to the bone.

 The presence of multiple defects of the compact layer (multiple, deep cracks, areas of scarification), their complete fat-freeness, white color, fragility and fragility, indicate the prescription of the death of the man who owned the skull, 35 years or more from the moment of the study.

 Smooth upper edges of the frontal and temporal bones were formed from cutting them, as evidenced by traces of sliding - traces from the action of a sawing tool (for example, a saw). Considering the location of the cut on the bones and its direction, I believe that this cut could have formed during anatomical examination of the skull and brain.

 Skull part no. 2 more likely belonged to a young woman. The smooth upper edge on the frontal bone was formed from the cut of the sawing tool - the saw, as evidenced by the step-like traces of sliding - the tracks.

 Part of the skull No. 2, judging by the less altered bone tissue, was in the burial sites for a shorter time than part of the skull No. 1, taking into account that both parts were in the same conditions (climatic, soil, etc.) "

 Forensic expert V.A.Kuzmin.

 Khabarovsk regional bureau of forensic medical examination.

 November 13, 1989

 This was not the end of my search. I visited Butugychag two more times. More and more interesting materials fell into our hands. Witnesses appeared.

 From the author's archive:

 P. Martynov, a prisoner of the Kolyma camps under the number 3-2-989, points to the direct physical extermination of the Butugychag prisoners: “Their remains were buried at the Shaitan pass. cleared of the remains of the animals taken away by animals from the glacier on the pass, there today human bones are found on a huge area ... "

 Perhaps there is a need to look for an adit under the letter "C"?

 Interesting information was obtained from the editorial office of the Leninskoe Znamya newspaper in Ust-Omchug (now the newspaper is called Tenka), where a large mining and processing plant, the Ten'kinsky GOK, is located, to which Butugychag belonged.

 The journalists handed me a note from Semyon Gromov, the former deputy director of the GOK. The note touched on a topic of interest to me. But, perhaps, the price of this information was Gromov's life.

 Here is the text of this note:

 "The daily" retreat "in Tenlag was 300 convicts. The main reasons were hunger, illness, fights between prisoners and simply" firing a convoy. "An OP was organized at the Tymoshenko mine - a health center for those who had already" reached. " Of course, he did not heal anyone, but a professor worked there with the prisoners: he walked around and drew circles on the robes of prisoners with a pencil - these will die tomorrow. By the way, on the other side of the road, on a small plateau, there is a strange cemetery. buried there, the skulls were sawn off. Is this connected with the professorship? "

 Semyon Gromov wrote this down in the early 80s and soon died in a car accident.

 I got another document from the GOK - the results of radiological studies at the Butugychag object, as well as measurements of the radioactivity of objects. All these documents were strictly classified. When the US Department of War, at my request, requested a geological map of the area, even the CIA denied the presence of uranium mines in these places. And I visited six special facilities of the uranium GULAG of the Magadan region, and one of the camps is located at the very edge of the Arctic Ocean, not far from the polar city of Pevek.

 I found Khasan Niyazova already in 1989, when perestroika and glasnost took away the fear of many. The 73-year-old woman was not afraid to give an hour-long interview in front of a TV camera.

 From the interview with H. Niyazova:

 H.N. - In "Butugychag" I was not, God had mercy. We considered it a penalty camp.

 - How were the convicts buried?

 H.N. - No way. Sprinkled with earth or snow, if he died in winter, and that's it.

 - Were there coffins?

 H.N. - Never. What coffins are there!

 - Why are all convicts buried in coffins at one of the three cemeteries of "Butugychag" and all of them have their skulls sawn?

 H.N. - It was opened by the doctors ...

 - For what purpose?

 H.N. - We, among the prisoners, had a conversation: they were doing experiments. Learned something.

 - Was it done only in Butugychag, or somewhere else?

 H.N. - Not. Only in "Butugychag".

 - When did you find out about the experiments at Butugychag?

 H.N. - It was around 1948-49, conversations were passing by, but we were all frightened by this ...

 - Maybe it was sawed alive?

 H.N. - And who knows ... There was a very large medical unit. There were even professors ... "

 I interviewed Hasan Niyazov after my second visit to Butugychag. Listening to the courageous woman, I looked at her hands with the burnt out camp number.

 - It can't be! - Jak Sheahan will exclaim later, - the chief of the CBS News bureau, peering at the screen and not believing his eyes. - I always thought that it was only in the Nazi camps ...

 I was looking for the Shaitan pass. Remember, Martynov, prisoner no. 3-2-989, wrote that the corpses after the experiments were buried in a glacier at the pass. And the cemetery indicated by Victor was in a different place. There was no pass or glacier. Perhaps there were several special cemeteries. Nobody remembered where Shaitan was. The name was known, heard before, but there will be about two dozen passes in the "Butugychag" area.

 On one of them I came across an adit walled up with an ice cork. She would not have attracted any attention if it were not for the remnants of clothes frozen in the ice. These were prisoners' robes. I know them too well to be confused with anything else. All this meant only one thing: the entrance was specially walled up when the camp was still working.

 It was not difficult to find a crowbar and a pickaxe. They were scattered in great numbers around the adits.

 The final blow of the crowbar broke through the ice wall. Picking the hole open to allow the body to pass, I slid down the rope from the giant stalactite blocking the path. Flip the switch. The beam of the lantern began to play in a kind of gray, seemingly smoke-filled atmosphere. A sickly sweet smell tickled my throat. From the ceiling, a beam slid along the icy wall and ...

 I shuddered. Before me was the road to hell. From the very bottom to the middle, the passage was littered with half-decayed bodies of people. Rags of decayed clothing covered bare bones, skulls gleamed white under braids of hair ...

 Backing away, I left the lost place. No nerves are enough to spend a significant amount of time here. I only managed to note the presence of things. Knapsacks, duffel bags, collapsed suitcases. And more ... bags. It seems with female hair. Big, full, almost my height ...

Ending at Murzilka 58.

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