Livegram Help
The Livegram Bot TeamPlease read our Terms of Service before using.
General Questions
- What is Livegram Bot?
- How do I create my own bot?
- How do I add bot to a group?
- Is it possible to add my own commands for my bot?
Features and How-to
- How can I reply to users?
- How can I edit a welcome message?
- How can I set up an auto-reply message?
- How can I ban/unban users?
- How can I allow other users to reply through my bot?
- Which message types are supported?
- How do I add other languages to my bot?
- How do I view bot usage statistics?
- How can I broadcast to my bot users?
- How do I change bot profile photo?
- How do I add bot about text?
- Why my connected bot stopped working?
- How do I transfer bot ownership?
- How to disconnect my bot?
Deeper Questions
Сontact us via @LivegramSupportBot if you have not find the answer to your question.