Documentary Tale of 'MadNess' Chapter 3. 

Documentary Tale of 'MadNess' Chapter 3. 

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

If Castle, located four miles from Marseille.

"... the most merciful thing a big family can do to your child is to kill him." "Woman and the New Race" (New York, 1928) by Margaret Sanger

Jacques Attali's Open Conspiracy Is Being Implemented."A new form of totalitarian society is created by medicine"

Fact check: Donald Trump made 115 false statements in the last two weeks of February

 US President Donald Trump made 115 false statements in the last two weeks of February, during which he faced the growing coronavirus crisis, visited India, held four campaign rallies and spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

 Trump made 67 false statements February 17-23; it was the 11th highest total in 34 weeks we checked on CNN. He added 48 false statements from February 24 to March 1; ranked 25th out of 34 this week. As usual, many of the false statements were those he made earlier.

 Trump made 55 of 115 complete false statements at four rallies: 19 in Las Vegas, 17 in Phoenix, 10 in Colorado Springs, and nine in North Charleston, South Carolina. He added 13 false statements in his CPAC speech, nine at his press conference in New Delhi, and six each at three events, one of which was the coronavirus press conference.

 In terms of the possible economic impact of the virus, Trump made 27 false statements about the economy. He did 16 On Health Care, 15 On Trade, 14 On China.

 Trump is now down to 1,990 false claims since July 8th when we started our count on CNN. It averages about 59 false claims per week.

 Most egregious false statement: "Russia if you are listening"

 Trump was at a press conference at his Doral resort in Florida in 2016 when he made his "Russia If You're Listening" request for help getting Hillary Clinton's emails. The journalists in the audience were silent as he spoke.

 The fact that there are notorious videotapes showing all of this hasn't stopped Trump from coming up with an alternate history. He told the total on February 29 that he stated that "Russia, if you listen" as a "joke" in front of "25,000 people," and he "laughs" then along with others in the crowd, but the media cut off the clip "so quickly at the end "so people couldn't hear that laugh.

 As we explained earlier, Trump's version of this story is fictional.

 Most revealing false statement: Flu death rate

 Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, told USA Today on February 17 that seasonal flu deaths are "about 0.1%, at most 0.2%."

 On February 26, he appeared alongside Trump at a press conference at the White House. There, another doctor, CNN's chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta, told Trump that the death rate from the flu is 0.1%. Trump said, "That's right." But then, a few moments later, Trump said, "and the flu is higher than that. The flu is much higher than that."

 Is not. Trump, however, chose to own the spotlight himself during the coronavirus crisis, often providing inaccurate or incomplete information, rather than giving up airtime to experts who could convey accurate information.

 Most absurd false statement: Ronald Reagan crowds

 Trump has to exaggerate the size of his crowd and compare himself favorably with previous presidents combined to produce this cool false statement made during the Las Vegas rally on February 21 about Ronald Reagan: “I thought he was a great man, a great president , I don't like his trade policy, that's okay ... but if he came to Las Vegas, you know, they would have a ballroom. They would have 500, maybe a thousand people. "

 It took one Google search to find out that approximately 7,000 people attended the Reagan rally at the Las Vegas Convention Center in 1982.

 Here is a complete list of 115 false claims, starting with the ones we didn't include in one of these rounds earlier:


 Ebola Awareness 2014

 Comparing the coronavirus outbreak to the Ebola situation in 2014, Trump said, “Nobody ever even heard of Ebola at the time.” February 25 press conference in New Delhi, India

 - Nobody knew anything about it. No one has ever heard of anything like it - February 26 coronavirus press conference

 The facts First, some Americans certainly didn't know everything about Ebola until 2014, but claims that “no one” had ever even heard of Ebola and that “no one” knew anything about it, are absurd. Ebola was discovered in 1976. Over the next three decades, this issue was widely reported in the media, not to mention scientific research.

 Ebola deaths

 On two occasions, Trump compared the death rate from the coronavirus to the death rate from the Ebola outbreak in 2014-2016, saying, “in another case (Ebola) it was actually one hundred percent” and that “with Ebola - we talked about it before - you broke up . If you caught Ebola, then you did. "

 The facts First: while the 2014-16 Ebola outbreak certainly had a much higher death rate than the coronavirus, the Ebola rate has never been “near 100%”; for the entire epidemic, it was about 40% overall in the three African countries at the center of the situation. He was taller in the early stages of the outbreak, but it was never true that every infected person "disintegrated."

 Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia reported 28,616 "suspected, probable and confirmed cases" and 11,310 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

 As of mid-September 2014, researchers at the World Health Organization (WHO) reported an estimated case fatality rate of 70.8%. But that rate "fell later in the epidemic with lessons learned in better treatment," said Julie Fisher, assistant research professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Georgetown University and program director for Elizabeth R. Griffin. Yet, even at 70.8%, death was never guaranteed for infected people, as Trump suggested when he said, "If you got Ebola, it was."

 "It was never 100%. It's just plainly untrue," Fischer said.

 Flu mortality rate

 Gupta, CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent, told Trump at a press conference, "Mr. President, you talked about the flu and then the coronavirus. The flu case fatality rate is around 0.1%." Trump said, "That's right. But Trump later challenged this figure, stating, “and the flu is above that. The flu is much higher than that - February 26 coronavirus press conference

 The facts First: even if Trump meant that the flu has a "much higher" death rate than 0.1% - instead of meaning that the death rate from influenza is "much higher" than new coronavirus, he was wrong. Seasonal flu deaths are "about 0.1%, 0.2% at best," Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health ... who trumped up at this same press conference, said in the US Today in mid-February, echoing comments from other experts and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data from 2010.

 Apple and China 🇨🇳

 “And if you've read, Apple’s Tim Cook said that they are now fully operational in China again. And:“ You probably saw this - as I mentioned, Tim just came out and he said that Apple returns to normal production in terms of production at their factories in China. They have made great progress - February 29 coronavirus press conference

 The Facts First: Trump exaggerated what Cook told Fox Business. Cook did not say that Apple's production in China is “back to normal” or that factories in China are “fully operational.” “Rather, he said plants in China are“ returning to normal. ”

 “When you look at the parts that are being made in China, we reopened the factories, so the factories were able to work through the conditions to reopen. They reopen. They are also on the ramp, and so I think of it as the third phase of the return to normal life. And we're in the third phase of ramp mode, "Cook said.


 Who pays for the border wall

 Trump argued that Mexico was paying for his border wall, saying without explanation, “yes, they really are. You know what I mean, don’t you know what I mean? They are paying for it.” And he added, “and they’re in okay with that because they understand it's fair. "

 The Facts First: American taxpayers pay for the border wall.

 Bernie Sanders and the deportation

 "Bernie said he would never do the deportation. Right? Remember what he said? I'd better keep these things. Maybe he won't get a nomination. - February 29 speech at the Conference of Conservative Political Action

 The facts First: Sanders did not say that he would “never do a deportation.” He is calling for a temporary deportation freeze, not a permanent ban. While he also proposes a permanent end to the deportation of illegal immigrants who have been in the United States for five years or more, this is just one fraction of the undocumented population.

 Sanders' immigration plan calls for a "moratorium on deportations until a thorough review of past practices and policies is completed. (His campaign leader said in late February that the moratorium would not apply to" violent criminals. " that he will use the executive branch to allow illegal immigrants who have lived in the United States for five years or more to remain free from the threat of deportation. "

 Crowds and rallies

 Trump Rally Las Vegas Time

 Trump bragged about the size of the crowd at his Las Vegas rally and said, "You know, it had to be for this evening, and they said, 'Let me get back to Washington, do it early, so we gave you little or no notice." - February 21 at a campaign rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

 The Facts First: It is not true that people were given "almost no notice" about the time or date of Trump's rally at noon Las Vegas time on Friday, February 21st. Noon was in the meantime when the campaign indicated when it announced the rally - six days before the event was held.

 2015 Trump Rally in Phoenix

Trump said of Phoenix, “We won this state, and this was my first - my first speech as a candidate, you remember, at the convention center, and it was a huge success. So we ... I love this state. .. Well, we came and we had 15,000 people, and he held a lot less ... And this was actually my first speech as a potential candidate. So it was something special. - 19 February interview with Fox 10 phoenix

 Fact One: Even though the big rally at the Phoenix Convention Center in July 2015 was a bargaining chip, it was not his first speech as a presidential candidate or potential candidate; he started his campaign almost a month before with a speech at the Trump Tower in Manhattan and then held a rally in New Hampshire. And the crowd in Phoenix was less than "15,000"; The Phoenix Fire Department cut attendance by 4.169, a spokesman told PolitiFact in 2015. (There is no evidence for Trump's 2015 claim that the convention center "violated the fire code by allowing 12-15,000 people in 4,000 code halls.")

 Trump was unclear about what he meant by "We had 15,000 people"; he may have been referring to his campaign announcement that 15,000 tickets were distributed. In the past, however, he made it clear that he was talking about the size of the crowd present. (Media reports say hundreds of Trump supporters were outside the venue, but there is no evidence that 11,000 were outside.)

 Crowds of people of President Ronald Reagan in Las Vegas

 - It never happened. You know, Ronald Reagan was great. I thought he was a great guy, a great president, didn't like his trade politics, that's okay ... but if he came to Las Vegas, you know, they'd have a ballroom. They would have 500, maybe a thousand people .-- February 21 rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

 The Facts First: About 7,000 people attended the Reagan rally at the Las Vegas Convention Center in 1982, according to a news report at the time.

 Russia, Russian investigation and criminal justice

 "Russia if you listen" and the media

 - Do you remember this phrase: "Russia, if you are listening"? Remember, it was a big event — in front of 25,000 people. - If you are from Russia ... - All this was said as a joke. They cut it right off at the end, so you don't see laughter, joke then. And they said: "he asked. He asked for help. - So what? - Russia, if you listen to me ... - Very famous - they cut this thing out so quickly at the end, because they did not want to hear laughter in this place and my laughter. It was just boom. '"- February 29 speech at the Conference of Conservative Political Action

 Facts First: Trump's story was completely inaccurate. Trump did not make his famous 2016 Russia If You're Listening request - for help retrieving Hillary Clinton's deleted emails - at the 25,000-person event, and he didn't laugh after he said it; he made the comment at a press conference in July 2016, with a straight face and no laughter could be heard in the room. News channels did not deceptively edit the footage.

 Roger Stone and the Trump campaign

 - Roger Stone, just so you know, never worked - he didn't work for my campaign. There may have been a time - much earlier, long before I announced - when he was somehow a little involved. But he did not participate in our campaign at all .-- February 18, exchange of reporters before the departure of BBC-1

 "Roger never ran for Trump's presidency. He has nothing to do with it. I think that earlier, long before I announced, he may have done a little consulting work or something, but he did not was involved when I ran for president. And he is a man who, again, knows a lot of people related to politics. His whole life is politics. That is who he is. "

 The Facts First: Stone was officially working for the Trump campaign until August 2015, about a month and a half after Trump announced his candidacy when the campaign announced he was fired. (Stone said he resigned. However, he would not have been kicked out if he hadn't been in the campaign at all.) Stone remained an informal advisor after that - and spoke to senior Trump campaign officials in 2016 about WikiLeaks activities, according to testimony and telephone records presented at Stone's trial. Stone also spoke to Trump himself in 2016.

 You can read a longer fact check here.

 Juror in the Roger Stone case

 Trump has accused the jury in the Roger Stone case of bias. "And do you know how they caught her?" When he was convicted and then a statement was made, she started jumping up and down, shouting, "Yes, yes." - February 21 rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

 The Facts First: while Stone's legal team also accused the prefect of bias - Judge Amy Berman Jackson held a hearing at Stone's request for a new trial and will adjudicate - it is not true that the prefect jumped up and down screaming Stone's conviction or at any other point in the proceedings.

 Stone's legal team challenged the jury in a tweet they posted showing hearts, fists, and a link to a Facebook message no longer available hours before the jury announced their conviction on November 15, 2019. The sergeant major said during interrogation: "I do not know what this referred to," and that she "absolutely did not celebrate" the forthcoming verdict. Whatever she meant, however, the tweet is not the same as a jury jumping up and down, screaming in court, as Trump suggested.

 Seafarer Christian Saucie

 Trump recounted the story of naval sailor Christian Sausier, who pleaded guilty in 2016 to one count of unauthorized possession and storage of national defense information after he photographed secret areas of a nuclear attack submarine he was working on in 2009. (Trump pardoned Sousier in 2018.) Trump claimed, “and they had these photos and they put him in jail. He sent them to his mother and his friend.” Trump initially said the photos were “considered classified,” but later said in his comments that "what he did was confidential." Confidential "is a much lower class than" confidential. "

 The Facts First: Trump has minimized the severity of the cocky act by falsely claiming that "confidential" is "a much lower class than classified." In fact, "confidential" material is classified; "confidential" is a level of classification, not a separate , the smaller thing. ("Confidential" is a lower level of classification than "secret" and "top secret", but prosecutors said it was "the highest level of classification of nuclear equipment found aboard a nuclear submarine. In addition, Sausier was not accused of he sent photographs to his mother.The photographs were found on a cell phone that he threw away in 2012 at a landfill in Connecticut; prosecutors said they later found out that Saucier showed them to someone he served with and a woman with whom he lived and that his (ex) wife also saw them.

 This was not a one-off disclaimer about how grading levels work. Trump also told Fox News' Sean Hannity in 2019: "I remember he had sensitive information that is a much, much lower standard than classified information."

 FBI and "go find him"

 Trump appears to be citing a 2019 report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz about Comey's behavior in releasing information from his notes of conversations he had with Trump in 2017. Trump said: "And if you read the report written about the Komi 78-page murder, with the reference 'Go and fetch him. - They did say,' Go and fetch him. '' - Hope's February 20 speech to the prisoners graduation ceremony

 The facts First: There is no mention in this 2019 report of anyone saying the words "go and get it." Nor does it appear in the 2018 Horowitz report on the actions taken by the FBI and the Justice Department ahead of the 2016 elections, or in the 2019 Horowitz report on aspects of the FBI investigation into Trump's and Russia campaign.

 Trump was unclear here about what he meant when he called out the phrase “Go and get it.” But the best clue comes from a 2019 interview in which Trump stated that former FBI official Peter Strzok meant “we're going to make it "- Go Trump - when Strzok wrote to colleague Lisa's page in 2016 about the" insurance policy "for what Strzok saw as the unlikely event that Trump wins the election against Hillary Clinton.

Strzok and Page testified that the "insurance policy" meant they needed to investigate Trump and his team over their relationship with Russia so that if something wicked happened and Trump did become president, the country could be protected. Trump and his allies argue that Strzok meant something more biased. Even so, there is no evidence that he said, "Go and take it."


Bloomberg Sponsors and Campaign Finance Act

"What Mini Mike does is nothing more than a large-scale illegal contribution to the campaign. He "distributes" money around the world, only to have the recipients of his cash payments, many former opponents, happy to join or support his campaign. Isn't that called payback? Mini illegally buys the Democratic nomination.- February 18 Twitter

"Will the corrupt Bloomberg News say that pathetic mini Mike debate that he disrespects our great farmers, or that he broke the campaign finance law at the highest and most ominous level with "payments" around the world?-- February 19 Twitter

"And there are a lot of irregularities in the financing of the election campaign. There's no way you can do what he does. You know, you go to town, you give someone a contribution, two days later a guy comes in, "I'd like to support Mini Mike Bloomberg.- There's something weird about this whole story.- February 29 speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference

Facts First: There is no evidence that former Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg broke the campaign finance law either with his heavy campaign expenses, or having previously donated to political campaigns or speaking out in support of people who have now supported him. (We don't know of a single case where someone backed Bloomberg this year "two days" after receiving any input from it.) There are no legal restrictions on how much someone can spend on their own presidential campaign. It is also not illegal for someone who in the past has benefited from political or charitable contributions from someone to later support that person for office.

"As long as we're talking about campaign contributions within the statutory limits made without explicit promise to do or not do something, there's nothing illegal," said Richard Hasen, a law and political science professor at the University of California, Irvine and an expert on electoral law.

Chuck Schumer and Trump's Deal with China

Trump has claimed on three occasions that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer falsely claimed that Trump's "phase one" trade deal with China is linked to Trump removing tariffs.

Facts First: Trump's deal with China reduces, but does not cancel, some of the U.S. tariffs on imported Chinese products. Schumer accurately described the tariff changes in a January letter in which he argued that Trump had given up leverage "with a temporary deal of some reduced tariffs in exchange for U.S. goods and vague promises of reform."

After Trump made the previous version of the accusation on January 15, Schumer responded the same day: "I know it's in the deal. I'm not sure the president knows. If he knows what's going on in the deal- he should throw it away and bring China back to the negotiating table. I'll encourage him if he does."

Biden's statement on gun debate

Joe Biden also said guns killed 150 million Americans last year... - March 1 Twitter

Facts First: Biden did make a mistake - but Trump inaccurately described what Biden inaccurately said. Biden said at a Democratic debate in Charleston, South Carolina, that 150 million people have been killed by guns since 2007, not that many people were killed "last year." (The Biden campaign said it wanted to say 150,000, which is roughly true.)

Hunter Biden

 Trump claimed that Hunter Biden, Biden's son, "did not have a job until his father became vice president. - February 21 rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

 The Facts First: Hunter Biden had several jobs before Joe Biden became vice president in 2009. Hunter Biden, a lawyer who graduated from Yale Law School, became a partner in a law and lobbying firm in 2001. (He stopped lobbying at the end of the 2008 campaign. Prior to that, he worked for financial services company MBNA, rising to senior vice president, and in the US Department of Commerce. President George W. Bush appointed him to the board of directors of Amtrak. )

 When Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of directors of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings in 2014, he was a lawyer at Boies Schiller Flexner, an adjunct professor of Georgetown University's foreign service program, chairman of the board of directors of the United States World Food Program, and chief CEO and Chairman of Rosemont Seneca Advisors, an investment advisory firm. He also served on other boards.

 None of this suggests that Hunter Biden's name was not a factor in his career advancement. He admitted that he "probably would not have been asked to be on the Burisma board of directors if he were not Biden. But Trump's re-portrayal of an unemployed person is inaccurate.

 Tom Steyer performing in New Hampshire

 Trump ridiculed now former Democratic presidential candidate Tom Styer for his poor performance in Iowa and New Hampshire after spending heavily on his own campaign, saying, “He got one-third of 1% in Iowa. He was doing much better in Hampshire, earning less than 3% .-- February 19 rally in Phoenix, Arizona

 The Facts First: Trump was right about the Iowa Styer show, but the New Hampshire Styer understated show. Styer received 3.6% of the vote in the New Hampshire primary, no less than 3%. "

 Mark Kelly

 Trump said of Mark Kelly, the Arizona Democratic Senate nominee: “He wants to raise your taxes, open your borders, give free medical care to illegal immigrants, and he wants to destroy your Second Amendment.” Feb.19 rally in Phoenix. state of arizona

 The Facts First: Trump misrepresented Kelly's immigration positions.

 While Kelly opposes Trump's tax cuts for rich people, he does not support "open borders": "I am not for open borders. I think we need border security. We also need to treat people fairly," Kelly said in response to Trump's comments at this rally. Kelly also opposes free medical care for illegal immigrants, saying in 2019 that it is difficult enough to provide medical care for Americans in the United States.

 The claim that Kelly will "destroy" the Second Amendment is vague, but Kelly says he owns several guns and supports the Second Amendment, although he wants changes in "common sense" policies to keep people safe.

 Kelly, a former astronaut and Navy pilot, is married to former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot and seriously injured in 2011. Kelly became a prominent proponent of universal background checks for gun buyers. He also supports several other gun control measures, such as the "red flag" laws, which allow the temporary removal of weapons from people deemed dangerous to others or themselves.

 Media coverage of Trump donating his salary

 Trump talked about donating his presidential salary and then said, “I never had a story - I don't think I had a story that I give. But I guarantee that if I ever get late- because it comes quarterly - if I am ever late it will be front page story ... - Feb 27 remarks at a meeting with black leaders

 The facts First: it's not even close to the truth that there has never been a story about Trump donating his salary. You can read some of CNN's stories of Trump's quarterly donations here, here, and here.

 California Water Regulations

 "Now that they are distributing water to the people, they say you will get it, very soon - I heard the governor say you will get 50 gallons. Fifty gallons is okay. People tell me that it looks like nothing. By the time you shower and your hands and your tissues and everything else, 50 gallons is very, very small Can you imagine the normalized state where you have millions and millions and millions of gallons being poured to the Pacific Ocean that you could have? And you will have more water than you can afford. This is crazy. Crazy. Crazy. Feb 19 comments to rural stakeholders on water availability in California

 The Facts First: California does not ration water for humans. Trump misjudged the state's new laws that set targets for water utilities but do not impose any restrictions on individuals or businesses.

 In 2030 - 10 years from now, but not immediately - the target for water utilities will be 50 gallons per capita of domestic water consumption for their customers. Water suppliers can be fined if they do not meet the target, but no individual, household or company will face fines or blackouts for using too much water. (The target system will go into effect in 2023 with a target of 55 gallons and become more stringent thereafter.)

When Kazem Soleimani was killed

 “So, we destroyed al-Baghdadi, and then, just two weeks ago, we destroyed the world's top terrorist Qasem Soleimani from Iran and his evil kingdom of terror forever. - February 21 rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

 The facts First: Soleimani was assassinated on January 3, seven weeks before Trump spoke here. We could have let it go if it was a one-off slip, but, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Trump used to move the dates of his accomplishments much closer to now.

 Labor dispute in 2016

 "Last time I had a strike in my building during the election. The only reason is we would have won this state. For example, brilliantly, to save three cents. I could have dealt with the strike before the election. I wanted to save two dollars." It was a brilliant move ... But we almost won the state, even though I had a big hit .-- February 21 Las Vegas, Nevada rally

 The facts First: there was a dispute between Trump and labor unions in Las Vegas during the 2016 elections and workers picketed his hotel, but there was no strike; workers did not leave their jobs, and Trump's company did not recognize the union in the first place.

 The controversy centered around efforts by Trump's company, The Trump Organization, to tackle hotel workers' union efforts; the company refused to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement, despite workers voting to unionize. Although the workers protested, they did not stop working.

 Trump's company settled the dispute after his election by agreeing to a four-year contract.

 Benefits for military athletes

 Trump announced his decision to give athletes from American military academies who have the opportunity to play professional sports the right to apply for a waiver, allowing them to defer their military service. He said, "They were after the rejection ... I made that rule and we got it through Congress and you don't have to serve. You go straight to the big leagues, the NFL, and you serve your time after you leave." And we did it. They've been trying to get it for so many years .-- February 20 rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado

 The facts First: the policy of refusal was not achieved "through Congress"; it was created with a note from Defense Secretary Mark Esper. And it is not true that people have tried to get rejections allowed "for so many years"; a similar policy was introduced by the Obama administration in 2016, but Trump's first Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, overturned it in 2017.

 Muslim population of India

 Trump said of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi: "And as for Muslims, as he told me, I think they are ... 200 million Muslims in India. And most recently they had 14 million. - February 25 press -conference in New Delhi, India

 The Facts First: we may not know what Modi might have said to Trump privately, but it is not true that there were 14 million Muslims in India at any given moment, which can reasonably be considered "quite a short time ago." India in 1947, which resulted in the creation of the modern States of India and Pakistan, the Muslim population remaining in India was about 35 million people, said Muktedar Khan, professor in the Department of Islam and Global Affairs at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Delaware. When asked about Trump's statement, Christophe Jeffrelot, professor of Indian politics and sociology at the Royal Indian Institute at King's College London, said it was "really funny!"

 Trump's 200 million figure is roughly correct for the current Muslim population.

 Ratings of The Apprentice

 Trump claimed that the "student", his reality show, steadily climbed in the ratings to the very top: "and then the show goes - it started at 10, went to eight, went to seven, went to five, went to four, went to two , it went to one. I had the number one show on all television. Number One - February 21 Las Vegas, Nevada campaign rally

 The Facts First: Trump had it back: "Apprentice" ranked best in its first season and then steadily declined. Trump has a long history of falsely claiming that "The Apprentice" was the highest rated show on television. (When he made this "celebrity apprentice" statement at a TV critics event in January 2015, he was ridiculed by critics on Twitter and greeted with laughter in the room - ultimately claiming that he just "heard" it was number one. )

 Chicago Tribune culture journalist Steve Johnson wrote in 2016: "The pupil was a genuine hit this season, finishing seventh most watched TV show in a year, averaging nearly 21 million viewers per week," but "his ratings have been steadily declining each year. thereafter, at 11th overall in his second season, then 15th, then 38th.When, after his sixth season in 2007, he was ranked 75th among the most viewed shows (average 7, 5 million viewers), NBC decided to ditch real people as members and bring in celebrities ... his candidacy, and NBC replaced him with Arnold Schwarzenegger. "

 There are various ways to slice TV ratings, so Trump can point to a particular night, time slot, show category, or viewing group in which "student" was number one. But it certainly wasn't the highest-rated show in all of television, as he has long suggested.


 Here are the repeated false statements that we previously included in one of these rounds:


 Inheritance tax

 Trump has said four times that he has eliminated the property tax.

 The facts First: Trump did not eliminate federal property taxes. Its 2017 tax law raised the threshold at which tax must be paid from $ 5.5 million to $ 11.2 million for an individual, but did not get rid of the tax entirely.

 Apple and factories

 Trump said of Apple: "... they're building factories. I just left one - they just opened one in Texas; I just left it. And they're building another, and a lot of things are going on."

 The facts First: Trump did not visit Apple's recently opened Texas plant; The facility he visited in Texas in November 2019 is owned by Flex Ltd. and has been making Mac Pro computers from Apple since 2013. And there is no public indication that Apple is "building another one" in the United States.

 It is possible that Trump was indeed embarrassed that he visited the Texas facility, even though he had made that statement before. Apple announced Trump's visit on the same day that it had begun work on a new $ 1 billion campus in Austin. Trump definitely made a link to this campus on his Twitter account the morning after his visit.

 Steel industry

 Trump claimed that before him, "the steel industry was dead. Absolutely dead in the United States."

 The facts First: While some American steel companies fought before Trump took office and before he imposed his tariffs on steel imports in 2018, others have thrived. And Trump regularly overestimated how well American steel companies handled his tariffs; stock prices of major steel companies including Nucor, Steel Dynamics and US Steel have dropped significantly since then.

 Energy production

 Trump claimed to have "ended the war on American energy" and then said, "The US is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world, by far."

 The Facts First: The US isn't just "now" the world's leading energy producer: it came in first in 2012, according to the US government's Energy Information Administration - under the Obama administration itself, Trump has accused of waging a "war" on industry.

 Wage growth

 Trump said wages are rising "for the first time in 21 years."

 The facts First: Wages have been growing since 2014 using one common indicator.

 Median regular weekly alerts rose from $ 330 per week in the second quarter of 2014 to $ 349 per week in the fourth quarter of 2016.

 Dow's starting point under Trump

 Trump touted the rise of the Dow Jones Industrial Average during his presidency, saying "and we started at 16,000 ..."

 Facts First: Doe did not start the Trump era at 16,000 locations - whether you look at his level on Trump's first day in office, or whether you return the day after he was elected, as he sometimes claims we should ... The Dow Jones Opens and Closes Above 19,700 on Trump's Inauguration Day in January 2017; The Dow Jones Index opened above 18,300 the day after Trump was elected in November 2016.

 Female unemployment

 Trump has stated three times that the female unemployment rate is the lowest in "71 years."

 The facts First: a little over 66 years have elapsed, not 71, as the unemployment rate for women was as low as in January 2020 at 3.5 percent; he reached this level at the end of 1953. It was also 3.5% or 3.4% in the previous months of Trump's presidency, but we will ignore them for the sake of fairness to Trump.

 Unemployment rate

 Trump has said three times that the unemployment rate is at its lowest in "over 51 years."

 The facts first: this was a very small exaggeration, but an exaggeration nonetheless. (Trump usually exaggerates even legitimate gains.) The January 2020 unemployment rate, 3.6%, was the lowest since December 1969, aside from the previous months under Trump of 3.5%. That is, 50 years and one month before that, and not "51 years". "

 Ivanka Trump and jobs

 Trump has said twice that Ivanka Trump is responsible for "15 million jobs" or more through the promise of America's work initiative.

 The facts First: Ivanka Trump apparently hasn't created more than 15 million jobs; at the time, roughly 7 million jobs were created throughout the Trump presidency. As of March 2, 2020, the collateral website said companies have pledged to create 15.7 million opportunities - but many of those opportunities are internal training programs, not new jobs. In addition, as CNN previously reported, many of the companies were already planning these opportunities before Ivanka Trump launched the initiative.

 United States of America waters and puddles

 Trump argued about the Obama-era waters under the United States: "They took their rights. If you had a puddle in the middle of your farm, they would say it was a lake, it was a river, it was ... I mean, they actually said it was the ocean, right? You had no right, you couldn't even get close to it. "

 The facts First: the puddles were not swept by the Obama-era waters of the United States' environmental regulation; the rule directly states that puddles do not qualify as one of the waters in question.

 Wealth of Venezuela

 Trump said: "Here is a case where the country was rich 15 years ago and very rich 20 years ago. A very, very rich man. The richest in all of Latin America, South America. The richest and ... definitely. Not even a competition."

 The facts First: Venezuela was not the richest country in Latin America or South America 15 or 20 years ago.

 "Venezuela was one of the richest countries in the world 60 years ago. The richest in Latin America 40 years ago. But not 20 years ago," said Ricardo Hausmann, a former Venezuelan planning minister and board member of the Central Bank, in response to a previous version this statement by Trump. Houseman, now a professor at Harvard University, was chief economist at the Inter-American Development Bank from 1994 to 2000.

 Venezuela's gross domestic product per capita in 2005 ($ 5,420) was lower than Mexico ($ 8,189) and Chile ($ 7,600), according to the International Monetary Fund since 2019. Venezuela's gross domestic product per capita in 2000 ($ 4,824) was lower than Argentina ($ 8,387), Mexico ($ 7,016), Uruguay ($ 6,817) and Chile ($ 5,072).

 Trade and China

 Who pays for Trump's tariffs on China 🇨🇳

 Trump has said three times that the revenue from his tariffs on Chinese imports "came from China."

 The Facts First: Study after study has shown that Americans bear the vast majority of the cost of tariffs. And it is the Americans who make the actual tariff payments.

 Trade deficit with China 🇨🇳

 On two separate occasions, Trump has argued that the US used to have a trade deficit with China of $ 500 billion, or "more than $ 500 billion."

 The Facts First: The US has never had a $ 500 billion trade deficit with China 🇨🇳

 Peak agricultural spending in China

 Trump has said three times that China 🇨🇳 has never spent more than $ 16 billion on US agricultural products in a year.

 The Facts First: China spent $ 25.9 billion in 2012, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

 The size of Trump's trade agreement with China 🇨🇳

 Trump claimed that his trade deal with China was "the biggest trade deal ever struck."

 Facts first: it is not. Alan Dirdorf, a professor of international economics at the University of Michigan who specializes in trade, said the Chinese deal is smaller, in terms of volume of trade covered, than the Obama administration's Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Uruguay Round that created the World Trade Organization. You can read a longer fact check here.

 US record in the World Trade Organization

 Trump touted the recent US victory in the World Trade Organization case over illegal European subsidies to aerospace company Airbus, and then said that before he made it clear that he would leave the WTO if the US was not treated more fairly, “we won nothing .- He added, "All of a sudden we're winning all these cases."

 The Facts First: The US has long won cases in the World Trade Organization, and there is no evidence that WTO judges suddenly changed their behavior. Trump's own Council of Economic Advisers said in a February 2018 report that the US has won 86% of the cases it has brought in since 1995. The global average was 84%. A Bloomberg legislative review in March 2019 found that the U.S. success rate in the cases it brings to the WTO has grown very modestly since Trump took office, from 84.8% in 2016 to 85.4%.

 History of tariffs for Chinese products

 Trump argued that prior to his tariffs on China, "we didn't get 10 cents forever from China."

 The Facts First: Again, Americans, not China, pay most of the cost of Trump's tariffs. In addition, it is not true that the Treasury has never received "10 cents" from tariffs on China. reports that the US generated "an average of $ 12.3 billion in customs duties per year from 2007 to 2016, according to the US International Trade Commission."

 China's economic performance

 Trump said China had its worst economic year "in 67 years."

 The facts First: China's officially announced growth rate for 2019, 6.1%, was the lowest since 1990, 29 years ago. While China's official figures are unreliable, there is no basis for the claim of "67 years"; Trump has usually exaggerated how long it has been since China's growth was as slow as it was in 2019, constantly inflating THIS figure over time.

 Health care

 Pre-existing conditions

 Trump has said four times that he will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions.

 Facts First: we usually don't check promises with facts, but this has already proven to be wrong. The Trump administration and Republicans in Congress have repeatedly pushed bills and filed lawsuits that would weaken Obamacare's protection for people with pre-existing conditions.

 Obamacare website

 Trump has said twice that Obamacare's website,, was so problem-tortured that it cost "$ 5 billion."

 The facts First, the site did have serious problems when it opened in 2013, but "$ 5 billion" is an exaggeration. In May 2014, the Obama administration said the site was worth $ 834 million.In September 2014, an analysis by the government news service Bloomberg, which reviewed contracts associated with the website, put the total at $ 2.1 billion.

 The right to try

 Trump has claimed on two separate occasions that before he signed the right to try Bill in 2018, others tried to do so "for 44 years" and "for 51 years."

 The Facts First: There hasn't been a 44-year effort to get federal power to judge a law that aims to make it easier for terminally ill patients to access drugs that have not been given final approval. Trump signed the bill in 2018; similar laws have only been passed at the state level since 2014, after the Goldwater Institute, a libertarian think tank, began to promote them.

Ukraine and impeachment

 Whistleblower Precision

 Trump has twice claimed that the whistleblower who filed a complaint about his relationship with Ukraine was "fake," stating both times that the whistleblower's account of his July call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was shown to be highly inaccurate when he released the (crude) transcript of the call.

 The Facts First: The whistleblower's account of the call has been largely proven. In fact, a crude transcript posted by Trump showed that the whistleblower's three main statements about the call were correct or very close to being correct. You can read the full fact check here.

 Second Whistleblower

 Trump argued that there "should have been a second whistleblower," but "as soon as I released the transcripts, the second whistleblower disappeared."

 The facts First: The existence of a second whistleblower linked to Trump's relationship with Ukraine was revealed after, not before, Trump released a rough transcript of his July call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy; it is not true that this person disappeared after he “dropped the call.” In addition, the second whistleblower's lawyers have always said that the person never planned to file a separate whistleblower complaint, simply to offer corroborating information privately.

 Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman and Rough Transcript

 Trump claimed the transcript of Zelenskiy's call "is now 100% accurate, even according to Lieutenant Colonel Windman."

 The facts First: Windman testified that the two "significant" changes he proposed in the draft transcript were not made, although he also said, "I did not see that this is heinous" and did not see that "this is a big deal. - You can read a longer fact check here.

 Popularity and achievements

 Trump's endorsement with Republicans

 Trump said he has a "95% GOP approval rating, a record."

 The Facts First: While his approval rating with Republicans in some polls has crept to about 95% - he was 93% with Republicans in the last Gallup poll, 94% in the Gallup poll before that is not a record. George W. Bush received 99% of the votes in the Gallup poll following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and his father, George W. Bush, received 97% at the end of the 1991 Gulf War.

 Trump crowd in New Jersey

 Trump claimed there were "tens of thousands of people" outside of his January rally in Wildwood, New Jersey.

 The facts First: Trump was exaggerating. Ben Rose, director of marketing and public affairs for the Greater Wildwoods Tourism Improvement and Development Authority, told CNN that the FDA estimated that there were between 3,000 and 3,500 people in the parking lot at the Trump rally site, and between 2,000 in the park across the street. up to 2500 people. Trump was overpriced during the rally from spokesman Jeff Van Drew, but it was wrong nonetheless.

 Free place

 Trump said in two rallies that there has never been an empty seat at one of his events since he launched his campaign in 2015.

 Facts First: There were empty seats at various Trump rallies, including the October 2019 rally in Minneapolis, the July 2019 rally in Greenville, North Carolina, the October 2018 rally in Houston, and the April 2017 rally in Harrisburg, PA , according to journalists on stage.

 Presidents and handshakes

 Trump told the story of how he shook hands with every alumnus in the Air Force Academy class he gave his opening remarks in 2019 - all “1,156 cadets.” He said he was told by the general that other presidents did not shake hands - only 30, 40 or 50, or "top 10 of the class."

 The facts First: there were 989 alumni in the class Trump spoke to, not 1,156. And while we don't know what the general might or might not have told Trump, previous presidents also shook every hand at Service academy graduations; contemporary news reports about Barack Obama and George W. Bush, for example, noted that they shook every hand on the broadcasts they attended.

 Veterans' Choice

 Trump claimed to have been the recipient of the veterans' choice health care program five times.

 The Facts First: The Veterans Choice Bill, a bipartisan initiative led by Senators Bernie Sanders and the late John McCain, was signed into law by Barack Obama in 2014. In 2018, Trump signed the VA Mission Act that expanded and modified the program.

 Prescription drug prices

 Trump has said twice that "last year was the first year in 51 years that prescription drug prices have dropped."

 The facts First: The decline — shown in the CPI but not in some other indicators — occurred in 2018, not “last year.” And Trump exaggerated how long it has been since the 2018 fall; it was 46 years old, not 51. You can read a longer fact check here.

 Electoral votes in 2016

 Trump claimed to have defeated Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College by a margin of "306 to 223."

 The facts First: Clinton received 232 electoral votes in 2016, not 223. This was not a one-off blunder; Trump used to say 223.

 Overdose death

 At three rallies, Trump said overdose deaths fell "for the first time in nearly 31 years," "for the first time in nearly 32 years," and "for the first time in 34 years."

 Facts first: This was another slight exaggeration of Trump. The decline in overdose deaths in 2018 was the first since 1990, 28 years ago.

 People cry

 Trump claimed that at an event he held in 2017 to sign an executive order rolling back the waters of the United States government, “I had a lot of people - a lot of farmers and construction workers and a lot of people behind me. And these are people who didn't cry. when they were children. They never cried in their lives, and they cried. "

 The Facts First: We checked the video of this 2017 event and no one in Trump's immediate vicinity cried.

 History of the president's donation of his salary

 Trump said that "they don't think any other president" has never donated his salary; he added that "as far as we know, we have not found another president who gave."

 Facts First: Trump does donate his salary, but the rest of his statement was inaccurate. He is not the only president to donate official salaries; both John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover did it.

 Average household income

 Trump claimed that during his presidency, the average household income doubled to $ 10,000. On one such occasion, he said it was "$ 10,000 a year."

 The Facts First: It's not true that there was $ 10,000 in median household income under Trump, let alone “$ 10,000 a year.” A firm called Sentier Research says real median household income, donated, was $ 65,666 in December. 2019, the last month Sentier has numbers - up from $ 61,496 a month when Trump opened, January 2017, a difference of $ 4,170. Trump is adding an extra $ 5,000-plus for reasons that don't make mathematical sense, and $ 10,000 "a year" is just bullshit. You can read a longer fact check here.


 Democrats and borders

 Trump has said four times that Democrats support "open borders."

 The Facts First: Even 2020 Democratic presidential candidates who have advocated decriminalizing the act of illegal entry into the country, such as Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, do not support completely unrestricted migration, as Trump is suggesting.

 Mexican soldiers and border

 Trump has stated three times that Mexico has deployed "27,000 soldiers" along the US border.

 First, the facts: Mexico has deployed about 27,000 troops, but Trump exaggerated how many are near the US border in particular; Mexico's defense minister said in October that it was about 15,000 on the US border, about 12,000 on Mexico's own southern border.

 Deportations to Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico

 Trump argued that Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico used to refuse to accept back people whom the United States wanted to deport, but has now stopped doing so. (First, the facts: Trump confused two separate issues. While the Trump administration does have new agreements with all four countries, these agreements are about handling people who have come or are trying to come to the US as asylum seekers, not criminals, which the US seek to deport. In 2016, prior to Trump's presidency, none of the four countries were on the list of countries that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) considered "recalcitrant" (intractable) in accepting the return of their citizens from the US You can read the longer fact check here.)


 Hillary Clinton Campaign Spending

 Trump said Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign spent "at least three times what we did" and spent "about $ 2 billion on negative advertising."

 The Facts First: The Clinton campaign spent a total of about $ 563 million, not $ 2 billion on advertising alone, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a money watchdog group in politics. Adding to the expenses of outside groups supporting Clinton's candidacy, the total is still just under $ 770 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Clinton did beat Trump, but by less than two, not "at least three times."

 Obama and AIDS

 Trump said he "began" the process of ending America's AIDS epidemic and then said the Obama administration "did not start."

 The Facts First: It is not even close to true that the Obama administration did not try to stop HIV / AIDS in the United States, experts say and budget figures confirm. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, which closely monitors health spending, the Obama administration spends more than $ 5.5 billion annually on three major domestic HIV / AIDS programs. Obama also presented a comprehensive national strategy to combat HIV / AIDS. And experts point out that the Affordable Care Act has helped people with HIV get health insurance. You can read a longer fact check like this.

 Quote from Al Green Report

 Trump said Democratic spokesman Al Green said, "We can't beat him, so we have to impeach him."

 The facts First: Trump at least slightly exaggerated Green's comments. Green said the following in May: “I am concerned that if we do not impeach this president, he will be re-elected.” In September, when Trump previously claimed that Green said “We cannot” defeat Trump without impeachment, Green told CNN: "I never said that we cannot defeat the president."

 CNN channel


Trumpists stormed the Capitol!

2021 with trumps go 🃏 ...

They know how to celebrate Orthodox Christmas in the Usa!

Noisy, with festivities, with shooting!

The intrigue of the American election is not so much who won, but that Trump was able to convince him.

Are you for Biden or for Trump?

"We're in line for popcorn 🍿

dogma "Church of Euthanasia" which opened in 1992 (USA.Boston)

"a society that cannot ensure the reproduction of generations is criminal" 

Valerie Giscard D'Estaing, French President

Mueller's interrogations and flights ✈️ in 💤's dream and his fourth season. 

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈 .

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