Deploy Mirror Bot - Heroku

Deploy Mirror Bot - Heroku


In this guide, we will deploy our mirror bot on heroku using github action. keep this thing in mind that deploying mirror bot on heroku may result in suspension of the heroku account.

If you starting fresh, then this guide will easily take your 1-2 hours.

Ok then lets start.


  • Telegram Account.
  • Heroku Account.
  • Github Account.
  • Install Python on Windows.
  • Google Drive Account.

Repo Link: Here

# Step 1: Fork And Download The Repo

  • First thing first, goto bot repo Click Here and fork the bot repo.
  • Now download that repo.
  • The downloaded repo will be in zip file, so extract it.

# Step 2: Create credentials.json

Click Here

# Step 3: Create token.pickle

Click Here

# Step 4: Hosting token.pickle

Click Here

# Step 5: Create config.env

Click Here

# Step 6: Set Up Secrets For Github Action

Click Here

# Step 7: Deploy Bot

Click Here


  • To use service account follow the sa branch or just Click Here
  • If you want to update your bot then just do /restart or you can also turn dynos off and on from your heroku app.
  • If you want to update config.env then goto your config.env gist > edit > save > then /restart the bot.
  • If you want to redeploy the bot then just goto heroku website then delete the app you deployed and follow the step 7 and start the workflow again.
  • To know more about all the optional configs then read the file of the bot repo.
  • To set bot commands, then you can use @BotFather using /setcommands. All the commands are listed in the file of the bot repo.
  • Want to ask something els? Join Mirror Society


  • Anasty for the mirror bot repo

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