A Brief History of the Swastika and Its Crowning Cases 100 Years Before Our Crowned Days NWO 19🤴 21

A Brief History of the Swastika and Its Crowning Cases 100 Years Before Our Crowned Days NWO 19🤴 21

Tribule X.

Swastika in the Red Army: what units and why wore this symbol

In November 1919, the commander of the South-Eastern Front of the Red Army, V. I. Shorin, issued Order No. 213, which approved the distinctive arm badge of the Kalmyk formations using a swastika. The swastika in the order is indicated by the word "lyungtn", that is, the Buddhist "Lungta", meaning " vortex", "vital energy".

Order to the Troops of the South-Eastern Front #213

Mountains. Saratov 3 November 1919

The distinctive arm badge of the Kalmyk formations is approved, according to the attached drawing and description.

The right to wear is assigned to all command staff and Red Army soldiers of existing and formed Kalmyk units, according to the instructions of the order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic of this year for # 116.

Commander of the Shorin Front

Member of the Revolutionary Military Council Trifonov

Wrid. Chief of Staff of the General Staff Pugachev

Appendix to the Order to the Troops of the South-Eastern Front of the S. G. #213


A diamond measuring 15 x 11 centimeters of red cloth. In the upper corner there is a five-pointed star, in the center there is a wreath, in the middle of which "lyngtn" with the inscription "R. S. F. S. R." The diameter of the star is 15 mm, the wreath is 6 cm, the size of the "lyngtn" is 27 mm, the letter is 6 mm.

The badge for the command and administrative staff is embroidered with gold and silver and for the Red Army stencil.

The star, "lyngtn" and the ribbon of the wreath are embroidered with gold (for the Red Army soldiers - yellow paint), the wreath it is the same and the inscription - in silver (for the Red Army soldiers - with white paint).

In Russia, the swastika first appeared in official symbols in 1917 - it was then, on April 24, that the Provisional Government issued a decree on the issue of new banknotes in denominations of 250 and 1000 rubles.1 The peculiarity of these banknotes was that they had the image of a swastika. Here is a description of the front side of the 1000-ruble banknote, given in paragraph No. 128 of the Senate decree of June 6, 1917: "The main drawing of the grid consists of two large oval guilloche sockets - right and left ... In the center of each of the two large rosettes is a geometric ornament formed by cross-intersecting wide stripes bent at right angles, at one end to the right, and on the other to the left. The intermediate background between the two large rosettes is filled with a guilloche pattern, and the center of this background is occupied by a geometric ornament of the same pattern as in both rosettes, but of a larger size."2 Unlike the 1000-ruble bill, on the 250-ruble banknote there was only one swastika - in the center behind the eagle.

From the banknotes of the Provisional Government, the swastika migrated to the first Soviet banknotes. True, in this case it was caused by production necessity, and not by ideological considerations: the Bolsheviks, who were concerned in 1918 with the issue of their own money, simply took ready-made, created by order of the Provisional Government, clichés of new banknotes (5,000 and 10,000 rubles), which were being prepared for release in 1918. Kerensky and his comrades could not print these banknotes, due to well-known circumstances, but the clichés were useful to the leadership of the RSFSR. Thus, on soviet banknotes in denominations of 5,000 and 10,000 rubles, swastikas were present. These banknotes were in circulation until 1922.

Armband badge of kalmyk formations of the Red Army. Approved in Saratov on November 3, 1919. Komfront Shorin.

On the left - the commander's badge (gold and silver embroidery), on the right - an ordinary Red Army soldier (simple screen printing)

All by order

We will not go around and around: scarlet sleeve patches with a golden swastika were introduced in the troops of the Red Army of the South-Eastern Front, which fought against Denikin's units. But, firstly, they existed for a very short time - from November 1919 to 1920, and secondly, they were not intended for everyone, but only and exclusively for the fighters of the Kalmyk division - as a distinctive sign.

And this figure is called in the order from the statement not at all a swastika, but with the sign "lyngtn". Although, however, what am I crucifying - read the order yourself...))

"Order to the troops of the South-Eastern Front No. 213 

Mountains. Saratov 3 November 1919

The distinctive arm badge of the Kalmyk formations is approved, according to the attached drawing and description.

The right to wear is assigned to all command staff and Red Army soldiers of existing and formed Kalmyk units, according to the instructions of the order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic of this year for No. 116. 

Commander of the Shorin Front

Member of the Revolutionary Military Council Trifonov

Wrid. Chief of Staff of the General Staff Pugachev"

Appendix to the Order to the Troops of the South-Eastern Front of the S. G. No. 213


A diamond measuring 15 x 11 centimeters of red cloth. In the upper corner there is a five-pointed star, in the center there is a wreath, in the middle of which "lyngtn" with the inscription "R. S. F. S. R." The diameter of the star is 15 mm, the wreath is 6 cm, the size of the "lyngtn" is 27 mm, the letter is 6 mm.

The badge for the command and administrative staff is embroidered with gold and silver and for the Red Army stencil.

The star, the "lyngtn" and the ribbon of the wreath are embroidered with gold (for the Red Army soldiers - with yellow paint), the wreath it it is in silver (for the Red Army soldiers - with white paint)."

Armband badge of kalmyk formations of the Red Army. Approved in Saratov on November 3, 1919. Komfront Shorin.

I wore this patch on my left sleeve, at shoulder level.

In addition, a special award badge was established for the soldiers of the same division - also with a swastika. That is, I'm sorry, with "lyngtn".

Swastika in the Red Army: what units and why wore this symbol

Mysterious sign of Lyngtn

For many years, amateur heraldists believed that "lyngtn" is some kind of abbreviation, which means that it can be deciphered. In fact, everything is both simpler and more complicated at the same time.

A more convenient version of this name for the Russian ear is "lungta". This is a symbol characteristic of the entire Buddhist East, meaning the rotation of vital energy, a vortex that brings changes. The Kalmyks are just Buddhists, and in its meaning "lungta" was quite consistent with the spirit of the revolutionary time - "we will destroy the whole world by violence..."

The swastika in the military symbols of the United States was used in the First World War: it was applied to the fuselages of the aircraft of the famous American squadron "Lafayette".

The swastika was also depicted on the P-12 Boeings, which were in service with the US Air Force from 1929 to 1941. The emblem of the squadron was the head of an Indian painted on the fuselage. In America, the swastika has long been perceived as a typical Indian symbol.

In addition, the swastika was depicted on the chevron of the 45th Infantry Division of the US Army, which it wore from 1923 to 1939.

Finland in the context of our narrative is interesting because today it is perhaps the only state in the EU, in the official symbols of which there is a swastika. For the first time it appeared there in 1918, the year the Swedish Baron von Rosen presented the Finnish White Guard with a Morane-Saulnier Type D aircraft, which, in fact, marked the beginning of the existence of the Finnish Air Force.9 The aircraft depicted a blue swastika - the baron's coat of arms. Therefore, it became the symbol of the new military aviation. The swastika on the flag of the Finnish Air Force is present to this day.


In the Polish Army, the swastika was used in the emblem on the collars of the Podhalyan Riflemen (21st and 22nd Mountain Rifle Divisions).

In Latvia, the swastika, which in local tradition was called the "fiery cross", was the emblem of the air force from 1919 to 1940.

What do you think this van is? This photograph was taken in 1940 in Dublin. On it you see an electric van of the company "Swastika Laundry".

The Swastika Laundry was founded in 1912 and is located in the suburban area of Dublin - Belsbridge. The company used for daily delivery of linen around the city minibuses painted red with a black swastika on a white background.

In 1939, the laundromat changed its name to "Swastika Laundromat (1912)" in order to make a clear distinction between the use of the name and symbol, and the recent adoption of the symbol by the Nazi (National Socialist) Party in Germany.

The company ceased to exist in the late 1960s, after it was bought out by a rival company.

However, even after the laundry closed in the late 1960s and at least until the early 1980s, the laundry chimney was decorated with a large white swastika that could be seen from the surrounding areas of Dublin, including Meyrion Road, the main road south of Dublin.

The new owners of the company sold the building for reconstruction at the beginning of the 21st century, and an oval-shaped business center was built on the site of the laundry. The last reminder of the Swastika laundry was a brick fireplace and a chimney surrounded by the oval of the new building.

The use of the swastika as the logo and name of this company was chosen in honor of the ancient symbol of good luck in India. The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit "svastika".

The future Nobel Prize winner, the German writer Heinrich Böll, who lived in the west of Ireland for about a year in the 1950s, once recorded in his memoirs such a funny incident: ... being once in Dublin, before leaving for Mayo County, he ...

"was almost knocked down by the hood of a bright red truck decorated with a large swastika. Did someone purchase a Vülkischer Beobachter minibus, or did Völkischer Beobachter open a branch here? The driver crossed himself and let me pass with a smile. Looking closer, I saw that it was just a Swastika laundry room. This incident, however, I will remember for a long time."

"To hell with Hitler, this is our sign since 1922" was the advertisement for the Swastika Drug Co pharmacy in Ontario.

Advertising of lids for canning. 1915, Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Company.


Advertising Of Coca-Cola on a swastika keychain. The year is 1925. (then the swastika was considered a lucky symbol)

Coins of Fortune – Talismans, USA 1933

Kipling has used the swastika as one of his ex-libris since the last decades of the nineteenth century for nearly forty years.

Old carlsberg brewery logos

Christmas card

Fruit Company Emblem

The old logo of the Qingdao Brewing Company, which was founded in 1903 in China.

Old whiskey bottles, Denver

Postcard by publisher E. Philips Company. The year is 1907.

More postcard

Patch of the French 45th Infantry Division during World War I.

Logo on a 1913 car from KRIT from Detroit.

Logo on the Swedish Train, built in 1913.

Advertising of American flakes

Advertising of American cakes

Until 1933, the swastika was the official logo of the Italian company ASEA.

An advertisement in a November 1911 American magazine for carpenters and construction workers.

Daniel Andrews calls the unvaccinated a bunch of and says they should drink from separate fountains of water.

Victorian Prime Minister Daniel Andrews says people who didn't get

the latest products #COVID19 Pfizer are a bunch of. He then made a gesture, turning his head away from the cameras in disgust and spitting on the ground.

His previous claims that he wanted to "track them all down" were widely criticized by civil rights groups. Today's comments, proposing a new segregation policy under which the unvaccinated will have to drink from individual fountains for the foreseeable future, have drawn similar criticism.




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