Admin and User referral systems in @MenuBuilderBot

Admin and User referral systems in @MenuBuilderBot

Admin Referral System is one more New Unique Mode in @MenuBuilderBot for tracking advertisment results from various sources! Now you can generate different Admin Referral Links, place them in different Advertisment Posts on different platforms and monitor how many new users will come from every Advertisment place! You can track which platforms and places are really good to post your advert and which are not.

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How Admin Referral System works?

It's very easy. :) Go to the Admin menu and open Referal System:

There will be link report (1, empty now) and management menu (2):

Press Add link.

The system will generate first link for you. Your link now will be presented in report (1). You will also have the link button to set up the link (2):

Referrals... Yes, this is it. How many users joined via that link.

Number in the list corresponds the number on the button:

Add more link and see how it's going:

Formally, now you are ready. Post this link and see which Advertisment place gives better results.

The remaining is the tuning for the links usability. You can press the Link button and set Header and Comment for the link, or delete thie link if you do not need it any more.

Header will be shown on the Link button and in the New user notification.

You can turn On and Off the notification on new users come via Admin Referral links by pressing New user via Referral link:

User Referral System

User Referral System is a base part of the traditional referral systems, that is presented in many other bots. Other bots had such system, now your bots also have it.

Today functions are simple: user can get its referral link, post it anywhere and the bt will count how many referrals came via this link. To show the referral information, in your meny create the message that contain %reflink% and %refcount% macros. Like this:

When this message will be shown to the user he will see his link and the number of referrals:

Additionally, when user will write you via Q&A mode , you will also see the number of referrals, invited by this user:

Of course, this is only the base part. The User Referral System will grow up and will have much more functions in future releases. Stay tuned. :)

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