How Q&A Chat works in @MenuBuilderBot

How Q&A Chat works in @MenuBuilderBot

Q&A Chat is a New Unique Mode in @MenuBuilderBot for communication between bot Admin and Users! No need in creating a second "Support bot" any longer! Now Admin, by himself, can define how long he likes to chat with user! We (and presumably you) have never seen such thing in Telegram.

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How Q&A Chat works?

Inside the @MenuBuilderBot menu structure Admin can create Questions for users. After user fill the form, Admins got user answers in the bot. Now this answer contains two buttons: "Notify User" and "Ask User"

Admin can press one of these buttons, write a message...

...and it will be sent directly to the chat between user and bot!

"Ask User" or "Notify User"

The "Ask User" button is a two ways communication. This mode lets user to respond to Admin with one message. The message received by user will contain "Reply to admin" button.

User can press it and send one message back to Admin: Admin will receive it in his bot chat:

Admin can continue dialogue if he wants using the correspondent buttons in this message or in the original form.

The "Notify User" button is a one way communication. In this mode user will receive message without "Reply" button and will not be able to answer:

Admin can use this button to notify user or to finish the dialogue.

Lifehacks :)

Both form answers and Q&A Chat messages contains two #hashtags:

1. Hashtag #answer (in forms) and #msg (in Q&A chat messages) allows Admin to search for forms and messages respectively:

2. Hashtag #uXXXXX both in forms and Q&A chat messages allows Admin to search for all other data (forms and messages) from this user.

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