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咁乜嘢先為之 Corrupt Practice

法理上嘅 Corrupt Practice 同我哋一直受教育薰淘而了解嘅係一啲都唔同,後者我哋精確啲理解應該係受賄,只係貪污行為嘅一種,亦係廉記能夠有效行使職能嘅範圍。


喺上訴庭 Hall 一案中,法官判詞第 15 段提到

15. For myself I see no reason to restrict "corrupt practices" in any way by reference to offences in particular ordinances ....

佢唔同意原審庭對 Corrupt Practice 嘅理解,即係認為 Corrupt Practice 唔應該限於任何條例。

即係條例中嘅 Corrupt Practice 只係一種指標,貪污行為可以理解為 包括唔係刑事責任嘅行為

喺第 16 段中

16. ... But I am confident that all will exhibit in some way or other a tendency to undermine integrity. To my mind that is the common denominator of all forms of corruption ...

法官認為,所有嘅 Corrupt Practice 都係基於 Undermine Integrity¹。

Lack of Integrity 可唔可以係 Corrupt Practice

喺判決書中係冇觸及到喱個問題,故此我哋可以理解為係冇 if and only if 嘅關係。

用例子說明避免抽象:單數 ( 1,3,5 ... ) 係數字,但數字唔係單數;數字可以由單數以外嘅組成。

咁就意味住 Corrupt Practice 有共同要素係 Lack of Integrity ,但 Lack of Integrity 唔能夠自動地指向 Corrupt Practice

¹ 何謂「Integrity」

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