MGT related press stories

MGT related press stories

MGT specific

WA mining veteran and former Rio Tinto executive Mal Randall believes WA’s iron ore sector could be set for a shake-out because of China’s growing demand for high-quality ore and diminishing grades across the State’s remaining deposits.

Just as there are clean, sweet crude oils and dirty, sulphurous, polluting crude oils, there are high quality, low emission iron ores and low quality, difficult to process, high emission iron ores.

Given this, Criterion’s shell-likes pricked up when Gordon Toll explained his plans to build the world’s fifth-biggest iron ore producer — and the biggest magnetite miner with mooted output of 100 million tonnes — in South Australia.

Global Growth

The return of the super-cycle-Chinese demand for minerals is on the rise, again.

Goldman Sachs on why commodity prices could stay higher for longer

NEOM -Saudi prince’s bold plan for a $640b futuristic megacity

China steel firms plan $4.5-B plants in Philippines

How China's Belt And Road Sparked A Renaissance Of Transportation Innovation

Trains Are The New Pandas: The Real Impact That The New China-UK Rail Line Will Have

Why The Ambiguity Of China's Belt And Road Initiative Is Perhaps Its Biggest Strength

The unprecedented expansion of the global middle class

Indian Steel Capacity Set to More Than Double on Demand Boom

India could require up to one billion tonnes of steel a year by 2035 — more than China now produces

A Commodity Superpower Asks What If India Really Is Next China?

India & China in Asia’s ‘Great Game’ More growth, More Iron Ore, More High Grade needed

China to the world: iron ore producers to benefit from One Belt One Road

BHP tips steel demand to surge under China's 'Belt and Road Initiative'

China's Challenges Abroad: Why The Belt & Road Initiative Will Succeed

The Infrastructure Mega-project - Currently some 900 projects are planned or under way benefiting more than 80 countries

Urbanisation in emerging markets will be the dominant force of global growth in coming decades. By 2050, some 5.2bn people – most of the world population – will live in emerging-country cities, with just 440 of these urban centres accounting for half of global GDP growth.  

World Cities, Home to Most People, to Add 2.5 Billion More by 2050

India’s stance wavering on Belt and Road initiative, says China

China invests in Asean

The five port project creates float all boats scenario for the BRI in Europe

China's Latin America ambitions highlight 'silver way' strategy

Dry bulk shipping charter rates will recover from the second quarter of 2018 on the back of strengthening Asian iron ore demand

Indian Steel demand is only going one way - Up

We will fuel India's growth with full unwavering commitment: World Bank CEO

What One Belt One Road means for Bangladesh

A Missing Piece of the Global Growth Is Starting to Fall Into Place

Everyone's a Metals Bull as Global Economic Engine Fires Up

A New Asia-to-Europe Railway Route Is Opening Up

Indian economy is on the threshold of expanding at 8% per annum at the least for many years as it enters the promising phase - Railways alone would invest $150 billion in the next five years

How does Modi's mega road push compare with marquee US, Chinese projects? A look at India's ambitious infrastructure projects and how they compare with the rest of the world.

There are currently 39 rail lines which directly link 15 cities in Europe with upwards of 20 cities in China - What I Learned From Two Years Travelling China's Belt And Road

What is Bharatmala project? PM Narendra Modi’s most ambitious highway development plan

The Largest Special Economic Zone With an Area Five Times of Hong Kong in Laos

Why China Just Added The Belt And Road Initiative To Its Constitution

India and Japan have already made plans for the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) in response to the OBOR (One Belt One Road)

India, which is tipped to topple Japan and emerge as the second largest global steel producer after China 

China’s steel consumption has been drastically underestimated

Here's Why India Is About to Become the World's Most Important Economy

India is poised to emerge as an economic superpower

Australia’s mining and engineering contractors are on the cusp of a sustained upwards surge reminiscent of that seen during the last mining boom.

Four road projects together worth more than $3.3bn have been added to the vast suite of infrastructure schemes coming under the $62bn China–Pakistan economic corridor 

China's Huge 'One Belt, One Road' Initiative Is Sweeping Central Asia

China’s US$1.4 trillion ‘One Belt, One Road’ set to make bigger impact than US’ Marshall Plan to rebuild post-war Europe

China will invest around 4.7 trillion yuan ($724 billion) in transport infrastructure projects over the next three years

One Belt, One Road may be the most significant global economic initiative in the world today.

It's all about High Grade & Low Impurity

A crackdown on pollution in China has prompted authorities to shut vast chunks of China’s steel industry. That has led the remaining mills to prioritise high-grade iron ores to maximise output, spurring a wider discount.

China is serious about cracking down on polluting steel mills and this could mean the wider discount on iron ore sticks around for longer, according to Chris Ellison.

This creates the incentive for importing higher grade iron ore to operate at the remaining operating plants, and for boosting productivity when restrictions are lifted during the seven or so months outside winter.

So long as the sun is shining in Beijing, the world's best-quality iron ore will feel its glow.

The Environmental Case for High-Grade Ore

A new “quality” paradigm is emerging amongst blast furnace (BF) steel makers"

Dry Bulk Market: Chinese Government to Cancel Domestic Iron Ore Mining Rights, as it Focuses On Higher-Quality Iron Ore Imports

BHP Sees Iron Ore Flight to Quality

Demand for quality metals amplifying – ARM

Rio Tinto will prioritise higher iron ore grades over lower costs as it responds to what it believes could be a “structural” shift in the way iron ore is priced.

“China’s getting rid of the older-style mills and going to the super mills,” said Lennox. “They’re taking high-quality iron ore and they’re taking the same quantities -- the actual appetite for iron ore has not changed.”

The looming season of weaker iron ore demand from China will only further entrench the wide discount between high-grade and low-grade materials, Rio Tinto iron ore chief executive Chris Salisbury has said.

“Demand for higher-grade ore will continue as long as the steel margins support their purchase of higher grade,”

The quality issue will not change quickly, and might even become critical for some miners, because the Chinese government is enforcing stricter pollution laws and that means steel mills must use high-quality feedstock to limit production runs for the required amount of steel.

"It is tough to get a market for the low grade ore.The steel manufacturing mills are focusing more on the higher grade ore to increase productivity," said mine owner and industry expert Haresh Melvani.

"The only way you can reduce the coke is by having less impurities going into the blast furnace, so in other words, high grade,"

China's steel mills hunt for high-grade iron ore to boost output


65 Things You Might Not Know About Steel

Advanced High-Strength Steel is the new vehicle light-weighting material

This is how iron ore is turned into steel

Steel products and applications help other industries to reduce their environmental footprint

Steel Is Back in Style with Car Makers

Inside China’s incredible high-speed rail network

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