vitamin c iv immune system

vitamin c iv immune system

vitamin c iv frequency

Vitamin C Iv Immune System


Stegall’s treatments are customized and personalized. He is caring and concerned about all the issues going on with your body.Quality careI have never, in my life, received this quality of care anywhere!Wonderful careI have received the most wonderful care from Dr. Stegall!Such care and respectI’ve never been to an office where the patients are treated with such care and respect by both the staff and doctor.Stegall provides outstanding support on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.The most caring physicianDr. Stegall is the most caring physician.One on one careThe IPT therapy is very individualized and patients receive one on one care during each session.Would highly recommend Dr. StegallI am very pleased with my experience and would highly recommend Dr. Stegall to anyone looking for an integrative oncologist.Second to noneThe staff here is second to none. They have become my family!Highly recommendedI highly recommend this center for your cancer treatment.Stegall is very knowledgeable and careful with treatments.

Caring and compassionateThe staff is very caring and compassionate.Has given me hopeNot only have I received wonderful care, but I’ve been educated on how to take care of myself, which has given me hope. I truly believe I will beat this!Stegall and his staff calmed my fears and encouraged me each day.This is the place to beIf you have cancer, this is the place to be. municates wellThe entire staff communicates well together and with patients regarding treatment.Stegall and his staff are awesome.I saw patients getting better and betterAs the days went by, I saw patients getting better and better, and at the end of their treatment they looked like completely healthy patients.Intravenous Therapy or IV Therapy can ensure that the body obtains an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals to enable proper functioning of cells. While a proper diet can provide sufficient vitamins and minerals, various metabolic disorders prevent the cells from obtaining the nutrition they require. This can lead to weakened and damaged cells that require supplemental nutrition to heal.

In IV therapy, the nutrients are injected directly into the veins, allowing for easy absorption into the cells. The nutrients most commonly injected using IV Therapy are a mix of calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, and C, folic acid, glutathione, and biotin.IV therapy is used to treat many medical conditions ranging from arthritis, allergies, infections, and hepatitis. IV therapy may be used to treat a vast amount of medical conditions. The most common of these are: Chelation therapy is used to remove heavy metals from the blood stream reducing free radical damage that can cause arteriosclerosis. For this, ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA, an amino acid) is administered intravenously. The acid binds with heavy metals such as iron, lead, and calcium, and flushes them out of the blood via urine. Chelation therapy reduces the occurrence of arteriosclerosis and, therefore, is effective in preventing heart attacks, strokes, senility, and cancers.

Intravenous high dose Vitamin C has proven to effectively treat many conditions including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. IV Vitamin C has a much greater effect on immune enhancement than the conventional oral Vitamin C administration. In addition, high levels of Vitamin C in the blood cause production of hydrogen peroxide, a known toxin to cancer cells. Administered intravenously, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) attaches itself to free radicals and, therefore, is an effective defense against cancer. It increases levels of Vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10, and glutathione. Alpha Lipoic Acid improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar, helping diabetics by treating damaged nerves and arteries. ALA can also be administered to people suffering from Hepatitis B or C and other liver diseases. The intravenous introduction of hydrogen peroxide in the body leads to the release of single oxygen molecules in the cells and bloodstream. The single oxygen molecule can destroy anaerobic viruses and bacteria, kill cancer cells, or oxidize toxins and make them easier for the liver and kidneys to process.

Glutathione is an amino acid that is available from fresh fruits and vegetables. However, either a poor diet or certain stressful conditions can reduce its levels, leading to various symptoms of aging. Since glutathione is poorly absorbed when administered orally, IV administration is the preferred route. Myers' Cocktail is a mix of vitamins and minerals, developed by John Myers, and is used to enhance your immune system, treat fatigue, help with allergies, and reduce the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Asthma. The cocktail is administered intravenously, thus bypassing problems with digestion and providing a temporary energy production boost in your body. For more information or to make an appointment for initial consultation call (212) 262-2412 or fill out our quick online form.NIHA offers on-site a number of specialty procedures including IV therapies and collects specimens for a wide variety of traditional and national specialty laboratories. Functional lab testing helps your physician to identify the underlying cause of symptoms in order to diagnose and treat you more effectively.

Routine testing may include blood counts and chemistries while specialty labs make kits available that can provide more complex analysis with genetic markers, chronic illnesses and cellular functions. Testing may also include saliva, hair, or urinalysis specimens. Health recovery requires a strong immune system and a body cleared of pollutants and infections. Many intravenous, or IV treatments available on-site are your physician's option to boost the immune system, detoxify harmful metals and chemicals from the body and replenish essential nutrients for the body. These services are provided in a comfortable and nurturing environment so you can rest as you receive your treatments. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) What is Intravenous Therapy (IV) and why is it used? Intravenous therapy (IV) involves giving a nutritional or therapeutic substance directly into a vein in an arm that will quickly enter the circulatory system. Intravenous administration provides a quick, direct and effective method for the body to absorb and utilize therapeutic substances.

In some cases when the digestive tract is not properly absorbing nutrients, an IV solution will deliver the needed nutrients, and nutrients can be tolerated at levels thought by the integrative medical community to have therapeutic effects. These therapies can be formulated for specific health challenges, mobilize nutrients into cells by means of a high concentration gradient, and deliver higher doses than by mouth without intestinal irritation or limited absorption due to gastrointestinal disorders. What conditions may benefit from IV Therapy? Infectious and viral diseases Low energy and fatigue Lyme Disease, where appropriate Are these treatments safe? Are there side effects? Practitioners have been using many of these treatments for many years; your safety is an priority and every effort will be made to ensure your safety. Like any treatment, nutritional and other therapeutic IV's carry some risk.*  Your physician will help you consider the risks and benefits of therapy.

It is important to inform your physician of any possible allergies you may have prior to your treatment. Being well hydrated and having a stable glucose level will definitely make the treatment more comfortable. Side effects remain infrequent. All patients are continuously monitored by the Lab staff while getting treatments to provide a safe and comfortable experience. Nutritional and some of the other therapeutic IVs listed here are not widely practiced as part of conventional medicine, but have become a fairly widespread practice among physicians who practice integrative medicine.  Integrative physicians, who incorporate functional, complementary or alternative medical (CAM) approaches into practice, have found that many patients respond well to these IVs. This view is supported by a substantial body of clinical literature and many of these therapies are routinely taught in continuing medical education courses for integrative physicians. The body of evidence for some of these therapies, however, may not be considered sufficiently rigorous by mainstream medical institutions to support the widespread adoption of these practices.

Nutritional IVs use vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are administered directly into the vein. The IV use of nutrients bypasses the gastrointestinal tract (GI) to avoid GI side effects and gain quick absorption. Certain medical conditions, lab work results and patient needs may benefit from practitioners ordering IVs designed to help fight infections, remove toxins or boost the immune system. The hallmark of an integrative approach to health care is the determination to identify root causes of illness and seek treatments that go beyond symptom relief.  This requires a sophisticated array of tests for blood, urine and other sampling that can provide the diagnostic capacity to "drill down" and evaluate multiple factors simultaneously. NIHA makes a wide array of national lab testing available, and provide numerous specialty blood, urine and other kits, with skilled phlebotomists available to draw, prepare and ship specimens to the numerous labs our practitioners utilize.

Additionally, NIHA offers its patients the convenience of having a LabCorp in-house blood draw station. Are foods making you sick, tired or fatigued? Allergy tests can identify your sensitivities to foods and additives that may trigger potentially harmful immune reactions. Cortisol, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are some of the key hormones that regulate our physiology and behavior. Specialty labs can identify specific levels of hormones using both blood and saliva. NIHA works with many different laboratories to identify metabolic imbalances that may contribute to underlying chronic conditions. Testing may include core nutrients, antioxidants, B vitamins, digestive support, essential fatty acids, amino acids and minerals. Numerous tests are also available for celiac and gluten sensitivities. NIHA works with laboratories that perform state-of-the-art clinical and research testing for Lyme Disease and co-infections or associated tick-borne diseases, among other infectious agents.

We can become sick after acute or chronic exposure to toxins in our food, homes, outdoors and/or in the personal products we use. Mold, heavy metals (such as mercury) and air pollution are but a few toxins that can make us sick, or prevent us from healing. NIHA physicians offer blood testing to identify a multitude of possible toxins. NIHA works with specialty cancer laboratories that perform some of the newest testing for cancer markers (monitoring) along with cancer diagnostic testing. These genetic tests identify changes in chromosomes, genes or proteins. NIHA offers specialty kits from national labs that will confirm or rule out suspected genetic conditions and risk factors. Examples of these tests include MTHFR (methylation pathways), BRAC 1/BRAC2 (breast cancer), and Pharmacogenetic Testing (PGx), for your unique genetic response to medication. PHARMACOGENETIC TESTING (PGx) FOR RESPONSE TO MEDICATIONS We highly recommend for all patients a genetic test that analyzes how your genetic makeup affects your response to medication.

This test is called Pharmacogenetics, or PGx. This test is an important step toward personalized medicine. It will determine your medication sensitivity and reduce the chance of a possible adverse drug reaction. Statistics show Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are the 4th leading cause of death ahead of pulmonary disease, diabetes, AIDS, pneumonia, accidents and automobile deaths. Why we are testing? In many patients, certain drugs/medications don't work as well as expected, while in other patients they cause toxic effects, even at a lower dosage. The reason may be genetic. How well your body metabolizes medication is an important consideration in prescribing medication and the chances of a positive outcome. With PGx testing, you will know which ones you may have a sensitivity to, and the practitioner will be able to determine the right medication for you, and the right dose. Read more and watch video: Why our doctors think the Pharmacogenetic Test is so important. Alpha-1 is a cause of COPD.

This is a simple finger stick blood test for the gene. Talk to your doctor if you have: Genetic testing to identify the risk or genetic susceptibility for cardiac disease. MTHFR enzyme(methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) blood test is used to detect two relatively common mutations in the MTHFR gene that are associated with elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood. Those with the mutation may have trouble with methylation and eliminating toxins from the body. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment in which a patient breathes 100% oxygen in a total body chamber. These soft chambers provide low atmosphere, hyperbaric pressure. While the use for HBOT for wound healing, certain tissue infections, burns and other conditions is well-recognized, integrative medicine views HBOT as useful to promote  healing in the brain or tissue, improve cognitive function or as adjunctive therapy for stroke or many other conditions. IV Therapy and Specialty Lab Services are available Monday-Friday from 8:30AM-5:30 PM

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