vitamin c iv frequency

vitamin c iv frequency

vitamin c iv for sale

Vitamin C Iv Frequency


By giving nutrients through an IV your digestive system is bypassed, thus allowing for higher levels of nutrients to be delivered to your cells via the bloodstream.  This is especially helpful for people suffering from cancer, malabsorption and digestive concerns or when the therapeutic dose is simply too high to take orally such as cancer. IV therapy has shown great benefit from reducing the severity of common cold and flu symptoms to the treatment of chronic conditions such as cancer.  Some of the conditions that can be helped with IV therapy include: fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, infection, asthma, chest pain, congestive heart failure, palpitations, heart disease, migraines, pms, respiratory problems, seasonal allergies, hives, hyperthyroidism and acute muscle spasms to name a few.  A Myers cocktail can even help athletes recover faster and our very own Toronto Argonauts have an ND on staff and receive IV treatments following games. IV therapy uses high dose vitamins, minerals, and natural substances intravenously or intramuscularly.

It is primarily used for chronic or debilitating conditions that require additional support in the healing process and for the chelation of heavy metals. IV therapy allows for high concentrated nutrients to enter cells more easily in order to heal and repair cellular damage caused by chronic diseases or heavy metals and environmental toxins. Many doctors are now treating with intravenous vitamin C.   Vitamin C has the ability to enhance host resistance to different diseases, increase the functioning of the immune system to fight and kill bacterial and fungal infections as well as killing cancer cells and limiting the spread of cancer. IV therapy provides a route of administration that bypasses the digestive system and liver filtration thereby guaranteeing a greater concentration of nutrients into the cells. This helps the cells function better, which usually leads to the patient feeling better. Normally, nutrients taken orally enter the cell through active transport; this process requires cell energy, and the cell’s ability to transport the nutrients from outside the cell into the cell.

Diseased cells lack the energy required and the ability to absorb nutrients effectively, thus decreasing the amount of nutrients that reach the cell. With IV therapy, nutrients enter the cell without using the cell’s active transport Colds or Flu (Immune) Immunocompromised states: Lupus, Arthritis, MS, Epstein Barr virus Acute infection – bacterial / viral , Hepatitis Wound healing, Sport s Injury Pre / Post surgical support Restorative health / anti-aging IV Therapy is based on the individual and their health condition(s). A typical treatment regimen can range between 4 to 12 visits to over 12 if being used for cancer support. The frequency of visits will be discussed during the initial IV therapy consultation. For cancer patients, we recommend a series of 12 to begin, and then re-evaluate, but quite often it is recommended that the patient continues the IVs for a year after the cancer is gone, in order to  support the immune system in killing any cancer cells that may be formed.

IV therapy can be administered two ways: Is IV therapy safe? IV therapy has an excellent safety record. Your Naturopathic Doctor will have taken a complete health history and performed lab work in order to avoid any difficulties that may arise. Sensitivities and allergic reactions are possible though rare. Some other risks include infection, clotting and loss of the vein, leakage of fluid into the surrounding tissues, bruising and occasional pain-these are extremely rare and every measure is taken to prevent them from occurring. All naturopathic doctors that practice IV Therapy in our clinic are board certified and regulated. IV therapy is contraindicated in the following conditions:  acute critical illness; unmanaged hypertension,diabetes, seizure disorders, severe kidney and liver diseases. What is the cost of IV therapy? IV therapy visits cost about $79 plus the cost of the injectable ($20-$150) and applicable taxes. The number and frequency of appointments required will be discussed with your naturopathic doctor.

Add 1 level tablespoon ascorbic acid (about $20 for a pound) to 1/2 cup distilled water. Blend for 1 minute in a blender. Add 3 level tablespoons of non-GMO soy lecithin or sunflower lecithin (about 1 dollar per ounce) to 1 cup distilled water. Lecithin may be granular or liquid. Pour both solutions into ultrasonic cleaner (about $35) for 6 minutes, stirring frequently with wooden spoon. An ultrasonic cleaner vibrates liquid with high frequency sound (25 kHz – 150 kHz). The high frequency vibrations encapsulates, or coats vitamin C particles in a layer of lipid material (liposomes) allowing for easy absorption through cell walls. The encapsulation also protects the ascorbic acid from being destroyed by stomach acid. 1,000 mg (1 gram) vitamin C tablet or capsule: Absorption 20% = 200 mg into blood stream 1,000 mg Liposomal Vitamin C (1 tbsp Liposomal Encapsulated C): Absorption 80% + = 800 mg + into blood stream In other words, 1 gram of liposomal encapsulated vitamin C (LEC) is equal to 4 grams + worth of regular vitamin C pills.

LEC is even more effective than ascorbic acid injections for absorption into cells. There is no toxic dose of vitamin C. Both FDA and Health Canada recommend 60 mg of vitamin C per day, which is about the content of 1 orange. However, Dr. Linus Pauling, vitamin C guru and the only guy in history to earn two unshared Nobel Prizes determined that the daily dose of vitamin C for optimal health was 18 times that much; Following his own advice, Pauling lived to be 92. He did not eat 17 oranges a day, he took regular vitamin C (ascorbic acid) supplements. Note that taking 1080 mg of regular vitamin C tablets or capsules would result in absorption of only 216 mg. To absorb 216 mg of vitamin C, you would only need to take about a half teaspoon of LEC. Since high doses of vitamin C can cause digestive problems, note that LE is an efficient and safe way to take high doses of vitamin C. You can spend $30 to $60 for 2 ounces of ready made LEC if you want, or you can make it yourself for in minutes for pennies.

Mega-dosing on vitamin C has been known to cure many ailments. It is worth researching the wonders of vitamin C. LEC and Vitamin C Links: Vitamin C Mega-Dosing Continues to Unleash Healing Miracles Around the World: Living Proof Vitamin C Miracle Cure – 60 Minutes: Vitamin C Featured Articles from Natural News: LIPOSOMAL ENCAPSULATED VITAMIN C – As Effective As IV – DIY for Pennies: Brooks Bradley’s simple test to gauge LET efficiency of a liposomal Vitamin C solution: 1) Pour 4 ounces (8 tablespoons) of the finished LET Vitamin C into a 12oz glass. 2) Add 1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to 1 oz of distilled water, stirring for 3 to 5 seconds. 3) Pour the sodium bicarbonate solution into the LET Vitamin C mixture, stirring. If the resulting foam reaction line from this mixture is half an inch, you will have approximately a 50% encapsulation rate. If the foam is 3/8″ or less you will have approximately 60% encapsulation.

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