Transcult's Misanthropy Intensifies: Escalation of Normalcy-Shaming Against "Detransitioners" (De-Mutilators) by Hateful, Suicidal Surgeons and Psychiatrists

Transcult's Misanthropy Intensifies: Escalation of Normalcy-Shaming Against "Detransitioners" (De-Mutilators) by Hateful, Suicidal Surgeons and Psychiatrists

  • Updated: 2022-08-14
  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Summary: Recent research showcases the entirely unsurprising fact that the transcult's sexual mutilators hate those who seek to escape and disavow the transcult.
  • Tags: none yet, tag suggestions welcomed and appreciated

The "transcult" refers to the deadly cult of transhumanism. The transcult operates by misanthropy, i.e., hatred of humanity. Transcultists believe that to perfect themselves and the world requires a violent end to most human life.

Originally, the transcult masked its misanthropy as eugenics: promoting not hatred toward people but rather an aim to create the best people possible–by promoting procreation among people designated as essential, and promoting the sterilization and death of people designated as nonessential. This was the preferred hatred by transcultists for thousands of years, going at least as far back as famous rectum-addicted transcultist Plato, whose magna opera variously promoted rectum-worship, pedophilia, and the destruction of family through collectivist child-rearing.

But in recent generations, the transcult has openly declared its anti-life aims–now openly warring against those deemed nonessential. One example of the transcult's open declaration of anti-life aims was when the transcult stole the livelihoods and lives of countless people whom the transcult designated as nonessential during the covid power-grab tyranny of wealth-redistribution and controlled societal collapse. Another, ongoing example of the transcult's open declaration of anti-life aims is the sexual destruction of those children designated as transgender.

"Transitioning" (Mutilation) of Self-Designated Transgender Children

More and more parents have now joined the transcult–each becoming a deadbeat. A child, desperate to survive and struggling toward peace of mind, will crave validation from the child's parents–even if the child's parents are transcult deadbeats. The trusting child does not know the difference. Then, when a child's parents are deadbeats of the transcult: the deadbeat parents predictably abuse the child into believing that the best way–and maybe the only way–to be validated by the parent is by the child declaring allegiance to the parent's god: the transcult.

This accounts for every self-designated so-called transgender child: they are simply trying to gain the approval of their deadbeat transcultist parent (or guardian or clique). This dynamic is rampant among, for example, male children exposed to child-rearing by to two man-hating women who choose to mimic procreation with each other: routinely the abused male child will self-mutilate, through surgery or fashion, to show obedience to the man-hating (the misandry) of his "two moms": the deadbeat whores of the transcult.

"Detransitioning" (Healing) of Self-Designated Transgender Children

Eventually, every mutilated child (and adult) regrets their "transition" (mutilation). Some choose to stubbornly persist in pretended celebration of their mutilation. These stubborn pretenders comprise 100% of suicides by so-called "transgender" people.

Others choose to man-up or woman-up, acknowledge the foolish mistake of their self-mutilation, and try to recover–but, in any case, spend the rest of their life endlessly raising alarm against the transcult's mutilation industry. These prodigal people–their lived experiences–are fatal to the fantasy that sexual self-destruction is just a helpful thing that caring cultists do because they love their victims.

Recent research by MacKinnon et al.[1] reaffirmed the obvious: that the transcult's social weaponry includes the systematic abuse of those who seek to escape and disavow the transcult. Specifically, the researchers found that the deadbeat surgeons and psychiatrists who were so kind and helpful when a victim sought self-mutilation: these same deadbeat surgeons and psychiatrists were nothing but vicious toward those victims who sought to be de-mutilated. Meanwhile, even once a given victim seeks to escape and disavow the transcult–still, the transcult will refer to the victims by the transcult's anti-reality euphemisms:

"Transgender people who medically detransition — those who stop or switch gender-affirming hormone therapy or who undergo a reversal of a surgical reconstruction — report feeling stigmatized by clinicians and receiving inadequate professional support, researchers have found."[2]

And as always: the manifest evil of these deadbeat surgeons and psychiatrists perfectly accounts for the massive rates of suicidality among such deadbeats.


  1. MacKinnon, K. R., Kia, H., Salway, T., Ashley, F., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Abramovich, A., Enxuga, G., & Ross, L. E. (2022). Health care experiences of patients discontinuing or reversing prior gender-affirming treatments. JAMA Network Open, 5(7), e2224717.
  2. Ault, A. (2022, July 26). Detransitioners lament inadequate clinical support (para. 1). Medscape.

–Dr. Floyd

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