Commentary: Temptation to Ignorantly Shame Fat, Starving People

Commentary: Temptation to Ignorantly Shame Fat, Starving People

  • Updated: 2022-07-25
  • By: Dr. Floyd
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Video Title: The Girls Got Offended After Tommy Said She’s FAT



I recognize that, nowadays, simplistically blaming people for being fat is a tempting form of social masturbation. However, fun medical fact: The majority of obese people in the USA are malnourished. Cause: modern processing of many common foods will tend to deplete the micronutrient content of those foods – causing the food to be not really food in a meaningful sense. Thus, a person can feel hungry, then eat, and then still feel like they are starving – because they are literally, physically starving. That is what malnourishment is: starvation.

When this eating-yet-starvation occurs, some people (in fact, many millions of people) will continue to eat and eat – desperately trying to feel full. But no amount of nutrient-poor food can ever nourish a person – so a starving person who binges on nutrient-poor food will never feel full: they will just have to give up trying (run out of money, time, etc.).

Btw: the above facts are absolutely common-knowledge among nutritionists as well as any Master of Public Health (MPH) with an emphasis on nutrition. (I learned the information while studying for my own MPH.) It is absolutely standard, elementary, textbook material. Nutrition experts try to warn about this information whenever they can – but those warnings are typically and easily swallowed by the tidal wave of loud and seductive advertisements from the various multibillion-dollar companies that profit from selling nutrient-poor food in America and beyond – for example, "Be like Mike: drink gatorade" (a literal quote from the 80s and 90s), and "be like Lebron: drink Sprite," etc. etc. etc.

–Dr. Floyd

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