The Other Face of Afghanistan: The Latest in Military Industrial Marketing.

The Other Face of Afghanistan: The Latest in Military Industrial Marketing.

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In installment 1 2 3, substantial elements were analyzed to understand the "exit" and the supposed "defeat" of the United States in Afghanistan. However, after what happened, the Pentagon reported that a considerable amount of weapons fell into the hands of the Taliban.

Taliban in a Humvee of American origin, it is estimated that there are about 4 thousand of these in the hands of the fundamentalists.

With the arrival of Biden to the presidency, he presented a strategic report that was published in March 2021, there he pointed out the importance of revitalizing the diplomatic and institutional issue at the international level, as well as the need to put an end to the eternal wars but, in line with National Security and, previously consulted with allies and partners; In other words, the decision to leave Afghanistan transcends the immediate borders and interests of the United States and becomes a common tactic with the rest of the interested parties (Here it is good to emphasize the words of the current head of the Pentagon when he declared in May 2021 that the War would be taken to very different levels).

It is no secret to anyone that the United States is in a structural crisis as a power, where Manifest Destiny is questioned by its own population and its values ​​stained with innocent blood, so few nations are in favor of direct interventionism in this country; The idea is not really to end the eternal wars, on the contrary, it is to wash our hands in front of the world of the future recrudescence of Terrorism created by themselves; assume and let radical groups germinate globally (that they create) and then arrive as the hero that society needs to bring order.

To carry it out, the narrative of direct invasion applied by the United States must be officially stopped before the world and the media, since without this it is impossible or more difficult to advance in selling itself as the promoting and defending Nation of "Democracy and Liberty ". ”That is, they must adjust the subjective with the objective.

In a presidential address in April 2021 from the Roosevelt Treaty Room in the White House, he expanded to see the tactics to be executed; In synthesis mode and paraphrasing, he pointed out several important elements within the discourse; 1- the need to "clean" the face of the United States before the world 2- stop using the US military as a direct invader, (you could say, use the full spectrum of in-depth outsourcing from now on) 3 - the redefinition of the national strategy 4- extending the fight against terrorism beyond Afghanistan (the ISIS attack on Kabul may be an indicator) 5- and the absolute preparation for the next pandemic, because "there will be another pandemic" according to the president.

That is why Biden assumes the catastrophe and the so-called "defeat" in Afghanistan, most of the media report it this way and, it seems that the fundamentalist group is now seen as a hero of "National Liberation" (which would be a misreading) ignoring that the Taliban was armed, supplied and trained by their "enemy", well, it is what they wanted to sell and likewise it was, the psychological operation has given and is giving the effects with the desired results.

An early Christmas gift?

Jim Banks Member of the United States House of Representatives since 2017 who was in charge of sales of military equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan reported that at least 600,000 weapons, 75,000 vehicles, more than 200 aircraft and biometric data (the eye of Osiris) that contains the fingerprint, retina and biographical information of the US collaborators plus all the citizens who entered and left the country, that is, all the data collected by the army during these 20 years have "fallen" in the hands of the Taliban.

Now, according to a report for 2019, Afghanistan had more than 200 aircraft that included 45 UH-60s, 10 AC-208s, 25 A-29 Super Tucanos, 45 Mi-17s and 49 MD-530 light attack helicopters, among others, later it was known that a month before the withdrawal another 35 Black Hawks and three Super Tocano arrived; well, some will say that it is coincidence, coincidence or incompetence of the United States that it did not know how to measure what was coming or has it all measured? According to this Republican representative, now the "enemy forces" have access to 85% more of the world's nations with Black Hawk helicopters, that is, they are the third largest fleet in the world after Colombia and Mexico.

Round business?

The issue does not really lie in all the teams that are in the hands of this group, we will have to ask ourselves who are the ones who are going to sell them the spare parts or, the training on how to fly a helicopter that is still the one that is active in combat operations In the US missions, despite this, there are hundreds of CMPs (Private Military Security Companies) like Blackwater (who found a lucrative job asking $ 6,500 per head to evacuate civilians from Afghanistan) that could offer them in the market black everything necessary to the Taliban, it would be juicy profits for the military companies, warlords and the business now that those who took power need spare parts for vehicles, ammunition for weapons, learn to pilot the Black Hawk and, improve military equipment for militiamen.

M16 rifles of American origin, sources indicate that at least 80 thousand "fell" into the hands of the Fundamentalist group.

In the end, business is opened on the black market for both public and private contractors because officially the US is not going to sell these spare parts or ammunition to the Taliban and there would have to be a middleman who sells everything they need at a higher.

By way of opening...

How can we understand, unveiling and through unveiling understand what the tragic spectacle that we see in Afghanistan today implies? Is it just a defeat of imperialism that apparently is increasingly reigning less in the world? Was it really a victory for the Afghan people over the invader? They are the basic questions that should be on the table.

In the middle of the theater of US withdrawal from Afghanistan, we see how behind the scenes there are struggles of the military industrial apparatus to obtain the endowment contract for the next 40 years of the American forces in what involves rotary wing transports ( the utilitarian tactical air transport system (Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System, in English) of the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk so spread by the homonymous film, it has already expired as a commodity, it has given all the possible profits, but before the advent of new systems such as the coaxial helicopter SB-1 Defiant of Sikorsky and Boeing that competes to capture the immense financing of the pentagon with Bell's V-280 Valor tilting engine proposal, which, beyond names, brands and technologies, hides an old dialectic of the capitalist system, leaving the "Yanquee retreat in Afghanistan" like just another little burlesque circus, but definitely and sadly efficient.

A very short article by Marx collected in his posthumous text; Theories of capital gains, under the title "Apologetic conception of the productivity of all professions" gives us a genius to which it is inevitable to refer to the impudence that the situation in Afghanistan offers us, where appearances hide the essence of reality and stripping appearances opens the doors to freedom, a text that we will go through minimally to illustrate some elements that are too valuable to pass up.

This one opens with a brief explanation of what each profession produces within the capitalist system and that it could say is the intrinsic surplus value to the profession;

The philosopher produces ideas, the poet poems, the priest sermons, the teacher summaries, etc. The offender produces crimes. Let us look a little more closely at the connection that exists between this last branch of production and the whole of society and this will help us to overcome many prejudices. The offender does not only produce crimes: he also produces: criminal law and, with it, at the same time, the professor in charge of holding courses on this subject and, furthermore, the inevitable compendium in which this same professor launches his lessons as a "commodity." (Machiavellian bold letters of ours)

Likewise, it is worth wondering what the terrorist produces, what the politicians and legislators achieve who in the arena of the alienating and disinformation media come out with twin towers destroyed in the background, to point out the new scapegoat that replaces the old and exhausted communism as the origin of all existing evils. Obviously the terrorist produces fear, but even more valuable is the need to protect against this "terrorist threat", mainly when weapons systems fall into the hands of these terrorists that into "enemy" hands (Iran, China and Russia) represent a violation of the American power.

And it is that the depth of such a short text is invaluable and by its own arguments it has such force that it is a “crime” not to leave it complete to the readers;

“The offender also produces all the police and the administration of criminal justice: henchmen, judges, executioners, juries, etc., and, in turn, all these different branches of industry that represent as many categories of the social division of the job; they develop different capacities of the human spirit, create new needs and new ways of satisfying them. Only torture has given rise to the most ingenious mechanical inventions and employs, in the production of its instruments, a great number of honest craftsmen. "

“The offender produces an impression, sometimes moral, other times tragic, depending on the case, thereby rendering a "service" to the movement of the moral and aesthetic feelings of the public. He not only produces manuals on criminal law, penal codes, and therefore legislators dealing with crimes and penalties; he also produces art, literature, novels and even tragedies, as evidenced by not only Müllner's Guilt or Schiller's Bandits, but even [Sophocles'] Oedipus and [Shakespeare's] Richard III! The criminal breaks the monotony and the daily poise of bourgeois life. He thus preserves her from stagnation and causes that tension and unease without which even the spur of the competition would be blunted. In doing so, he drives the productive forces. Crime relieves the labor market of a part of the surplus overpopulation, thus reducing competition among workers and, to some extent, curbing lower wages, and, at the same time, the fight against crime absorbs another part of it. the same population. For all these reasons, the offender acts as one of those natural "compensations" that help to reestablish the proper balance and open up a whole perspective of "useful" branches of work ”. (The bold ones are malevolently ours)

It would only be enough to change the word "criminal" for terrorist and the description would be fully valid from September 11, 2001 to date, with a few thousand victims believing that the fight against terrorism was really what they were sold, victims today somewhat disappointed and back on track like sheep to efforts "against evil" after recent events.

Thus, the Taliban war booty with hundreds of vehicles and thousands of personal weapons, come to oxygenate the global security market, mainly for the dependent consumers of Yankee technology; Colombia, Mexico, Chile and a long list of sheep, since following the words of Marx, after each action of a criminal (apparently enemy of the exploitation regime) is followed by a new technology that guarantees greater consumer safety.

"We don't have a complete picture, obviously, of where each item of defense material has gone, but certainly a good amount has fallen into the hands of the Taliban," said White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan,

So we have these dozens of blackhawk helicopters in the hands of some Taliban who can hardly turn them on to take a few laps around the runway and the official spokesmen of the American industrial apparatus already show their "justified" concern that their technology falls into "enemy" hands. Like Russia or China, coincidentally, not only the public, but also the investors and the Pentagon come spontaneously to the conclusion of the need to move to new technologies and weapons systems in order to guarantee the security of the nation and its troops in the face of the terrorist threat, the irony, sarcastic and tragic of all this is that despite these lyrics, the text of marx, many will doubt and even applaud these obvious circuses.

There is a need to illustrate more, the drama of all this is that this does not escape even the so-called leftists that instrumentalize crimes such as Bukele in El Salvador with the maras, or the already extensive and lucrative US relations with drug trafficking in Colombia and the same Afghanistan or the very complex role of criminal gangs in Venezuela in relation to politics, level 905 or the confrontation between the Aragua Train and the FARC dissidents in the binational plains.

Ultimately, unveiling these obvious "conspiracies" only makes sense thanks to the sum of the individual choices of those who refuse to accept a digested reality and have the ability to see how the "time" factor defines our conception of reality, we believe very selfishly that time is defined relative to whoever observes it, which gives us the illusion that we are important in the equation, but if we look at the kaleidoscope of our reality through the other little hole we will see that it is time that defines us, recognize As the collective sum of our individual actions and decisions acquire value only when we accept our microscopic existence in terms of time, everything changes, the important thing is not only to get rid of these illusions individually, our existence in the best of cases arrives at 100 years, but what is valuable is in preserving it, acquiring this knowledge, this awakening and spreading it until it is done common sense, until it becomes so contagious that these elaborate and complex manipulations have no impact on our collective reality, beyond our selfish individual existence, only knowledge makes us free, real security only comes in knowledge.

To be continue...

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