Commentary: Police-State Intensifies Cop Scolded for Casually Attempting to Murder a Pregnant Mother (While More and More LEOs Drop Dead)

Commentary: Police-State Intensifies Cop Scolded for Casually Attempting to Murder a Pregnant Mother (While More and More LEOs Drop Dead)

  • Updated: 2022-07-25
  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Summary: Critique of USA's current police-state, wherein, for example, a cop recently attempted to murder a pregnant mother because she supposedly failed to obey the cop quickly enough.
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Video Title: Cop Flips Pregnant Mom’s Car for Not Pulling Over Fast Enough



*Legal Note About the Officer's Attempted Murder. In law, people are presumed to intend the natural and logical consequences of their actions. Thus, as a matter of law: in performing a PIT maneuver against the pregnant mother, which is predictably deadly at freeway speeds, it can be said that the officer intended to kill the pregnant mother–or else, at a minimum, that the officer acted with reckless disregard for the pregnant mother's life. This is why, as a matter of police use-of-force protocol, a PIT at freeway speeds arises only where necessary to stop an imminent threat to life. (This protocol was the basis of the cop being scolded by his department for failure to follow use-of-force protocols.) Therefore, yes: as a matter of law, the officer attempted to murder the pregnant mother, because the officer used deadly force–a PIT maneuver on the freeway–where no imminent threat to life existed. Therefore, the homicide would have been intentional and unjustified–i.e. murder–if the deadly force had caused its natural and logical consequence: death. Therefore, the PIT maneuver on the freeway was attempted murder.

*Social Note About Corrupt Cops. By definition, corrupt cops are cowards: they systematically hide and misrepresent the truth of their acts–in order to avoid consequences, rather than manning up and admitting the truth of their behavior. This explains why, for example, the murderous corrupt cop in this video badgered and abused his victim after the fact: an attempt to gaslight the victim, in order for the murderous corrupt cop to set up a false narrative against the pregnant mother whom the corrupt cop had just attempted to murder.

Context, according to Inside Edition (the report from this video): “An Arkansas woman is suing a state trooper, claiming he negligently caused her car to flip on the interstate. Nicole Harper, who was pregnant at the time of the incident, told the trooper from the overturned vehicle that she had her flashers on and was looking for a safe place to pull over. The trooper said Harper was speeding and didn’t pull over fast enough. After the trooper rammed the car’s rear bumper, it spun out of control across the highway, hit a wall and flipped over.”

Consequences, according to ABC news (elsewhere): “State Police said that Dunn had been disciplined after an internal review found that he failed to comply with the agency's use of force policy in performing the maneuver.”

Corrupt Cops Earn Misery and Death

For something like this attempted murder, the stakes are far too high for the consequences to be so low as “Dunn disciplined. Done.” Moreover, this kind of injustice and pro-cop bias explains a lot about how and why so many LEOs (law enforcement officers) end up miserable, and even suicidal. Some wrongly think that the “stress of such a heroic and dangerous job” causes the rampant misery and self-murder among LEOs. Maybe a little. But most of the misery and suicide will arise by the kind of lawlessness as seen here, in the lawless official response to the cop's attempted murder of a pregnant mom. And these kinds of lawless official responses lead to USA's current epidemic of misery and death among LEOs, because, by these lawless responses, LEOs routinely avoid the learning-experience of appropriate consequences–until, for them, it is too late: the rest of their life has fallen apart, because the LEO has become accustomed to a kind of casually narrow-minded ruthlessness that may benefit them, here and there, with the most hostile people, and may be systematically under-punished by their superiors–but it is a casually narrow-minded ruthlessness than only destroys the LEO's ability to function effectively in any other aspect of life and society.

One of my research interests is “resilience”: how and why people increase or decrease their ability to manage stress, overcome crisis, weather trauma, resist suicidality, and so forth. From that general interest in resilience, among my specific research interests is the epidemic of dangerously low resilience (DLR) among many LEOs. Some examples of how DLR manifests in those LEOs are the high rates of misery manifested as variously PTSD, addiction, divorce, and even self-murder. Again, the learned lawlessness by which so many LEOs operate: this lawlessness–i.e., the self-righteous mindset and lack of consequences that give rise to the lawlessness–is a lawlessness that gradually alienates a given LEO from all other parts of society and the rest of his* life. Therefore, as a matter of statistical fact: letting lawless LEOs “get away with” their lawlessness: this only backfires in the end, whereby a lawless LEO ends up far more miserable than they otherwise would have been–if they had simply suffered consequences, along the way, for their bad behavior.

*Side Note on All LEOs Being Male. I say “his,” when referring to LEOs–because all legitimate LEOs are men. Female LEOs are not really LEOs: they are political quotas, the vast majority of whom are completely and utterly incompetent at law enforcement. Women do not belong in law enforcement. Ever. Plenty data bear this out, for example the consistent showing that female pseudo-LEOs cannot even nearly pull their own weight–indeed, most cannot even reliably do even the easiest LEO assignments. (Glamorized exceptions only prove the rule.) Moreover, those ideologues obsessed with the fiction that women can be effective LEOs–and the more general fiction that men and women are identical: the ideologues are perfectly happy to tolerate (and even hide evidence of) women failing and falling apart at astronomical rates–in policing, military, and beyond. The ideologues tolerate this rampant misery and failure among women in order to normalize the dangerous and unscientific fiction that men and women are identical–and, thus, that women can be safely crammed into men’s roles (especially to allow for more and more women to take over men’s civilian jobs–so that social-engineers of the military-industrial-complex can quietly and systematically force more and more men into the military, in order to facilitate USA’s perpetual warring). One proof that the men-and-women-are-identical fiction is false arises in the data showing an epidemic of DLR (dangerously low resilience) among women whom social-engineers seek to cram into male roles–for example, in medicine, lawyering, law enforcement, and military. In these professions, women fail and fall apart at rates massively higher than the rates of men. (Moreover, the real rates of the female failure in these professions are far worse than the reported rates–because the patriarchs of these professions, and their feminist minions, systematically shield women from the full range of responsibilities, in order to fake the success of the incompetent female failures.) And by failure, I mean that the data conclude consistently that women crammed into men’s roles are exponentially more likely to bend, break, fall apart, kill themselves, etc. Those politicized gender ideologues addicted to pretending that men and women are identical, and thus who would hate and shame the above data: they can go yell at a spreadsheet.

–Dr. Floyd

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