Commentary: Poisonous Myth of Altruism: Pretended Kindness of Christians, Communists, and Beyond—as a Tool for Real Misery and Tyranny

Commentary: Poisonous Myth of Altruism: Pretended Kindness of Christians, Communists, and Beyond—as a Tool for Real Misery and Tyranny

  • Updated: 2022-07-25
  • By: Dr. Floyd
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Duty directs Christians. Communists crave power. Altruism is a myth. It animates no one—Christian, Communist or otherwise.

For Christians, no sacrifice is altruism—only duty. Even the books about Jesus say he begged to avoid suffering, yet resigning himself to duty: "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." Matthew 26:39. For centuries, satanic Christian cults have ignored Jesus's begging (and his immense rewards) to fetishize Jesus's duty as martyrdom: altruism.

For Communists, the pretense of altruism arises only in the most abstract theory or calculated propaganda. Factually, no communist slows his frantic sprint toward power—not for anything, and clearly not for something so destructive and delusional as kindness for its own sake. Instead, communists only pretend a sheen of altruism as a political (and mental) defense-mechanism, for the communist to avoid seeming (and feeling) to be what he is: a slithering coward and an absolute fraud. Otherwise, he would simply stay with his truth thesis: "the world is only war; the only real tool is power; and I will cage, castrate, or kill you the instant that it is convenient to do so."

Once upon a time, Thomas Jefferson took a break from having sex with his slaves to philosophize that "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." This cycle applies also to the self-worship of cafeteria-Christians, hypocrite communists, and beyond—all of whose mental and political knots eventually come to naught.

As original principles resurface in less distracted minds, long gone are many myths—including the myth of altruism.

–Dr. Floyd

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