Commentary: Order Now: Guy with Degrees in Public Affairs, and Finance Can Help You With the Brain Disease of Not Being Limp and Docile Enough

Commentary: Order Now: Guy with Degrees in Public Affairs, and Finance Can Help You With the Brain Disease of Not Being Limp and Docile Enough

  • Updated: 2022-07-25
  • By: Dr. Floyd
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Video Title: ADHD: Can You Accept That Willpower Is Not Enough?


Analysis (sent to the video's author):

Hi Jeff,

What is your favorite biological or otherwise objective basis for an ADHD diagnosis? (I ask because there are no biological nor otherwise objective bases for an ADHD diagnosis, despite decades of businessmen such as yourself selling ADHD, and its various treatments, based on precisely nothing but unscientific testimonials from people who neurotically pathologize normal people – especially normal children – as "having" ADHD.)

But setting aside biology and objectivity – i.e., setting aside science in the matter – what is the theoretical framework by which you promote ADHD as legitimate, i.e., existent? Is there anything more to your chosen profession than that your education – a bachelor's degree in Public Affairs and master's in Finance – led you to notice that joining with the ADHD industry is a stable financial investment, because the ADHD diagnosis is, almost without exception, inflicted on a captive audience, especially children? More simply put: are you just addicted to earning dirty money by echoing the false ADHD narratives of, as psychiatrist Thomas Szaz put it, The Pharmacracy? Is there anything more than this that serves as a foundation for your allegiance to the ADHD industry?

In any case, the title of this video is downright cultish, approximating: "Can You Be Mature Enough to Realize That, Without Tactics and Treatments From the ADHD Industry, You are Incomplete?" By these kinds of crazy phrases, you are definitely presenting yourself to be a symptom of the real problem: hysterical, power-hungry, pseudo-scientific people.

Jeff's Reply

Thanks for posting.

That said, I am not and do not represent myself as a mental health professional. I do not diagnose ADHD or any other condition.

I'm a trained life coach. I graduated from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and The ADD Coach Academy. Both are recognized by the International Coach Federation in which I'm certified as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC). I studied and passes several oral coaching session demonstrating my ability to coach according to their defined competencies.

I coach people to help them achieve what they are capable of. Due to my dyslexia I have struggled trough out my life compiling with society definition of how i should do things. My success has manifest when i have departed and done things that work for me. I found a home working with those who are out side the norm. My sweet spot are those who are say two standard deviations from the means... those who struggle more than others.

Financially I made substantially more money in other careers.

In the end I meet people where they are and help them figure out what works for the as a life coach. Nothing more, nothing less. I do focus on those who seem to struggle more than the norm and have found success. I'm clear when i start with people. I don't and coach people to try harder and i don't and won't coach them to do something in a certain way. All i do is help them figure out what works for them in the most natural way.

Jeff Copper
Train life coach

My Response

You mentioned that due to your dyslexia, you have struggled throughout your life to comply with society's definition of how you should do things. Well, then today is your day: dyslexia – and ADHD – are unscientific frauds, as briefly described in a text that I put together for you and people like you.

The text is entitled "Dyslexia and ADHD are Myth and Fraud (Note to Jeff)." I put a video version of the text on my channel just now. The description of that video has a link to the entire text (about 2,000 words, but YouTube descriptions allow only 5,000 characters).

The thesis is simple: so-called dyslexia (like ADHD) is a fraud. The fraud diagnosis of dyslexia is modern, unscientific, and abusive.

So if you are interested in a brief explanation of the systematic abuse that you received as a child by those who labeled you with the fraud diagnosis of "dyslexia," then give the text a read (or the video a watch). The video also lays out, in more detail, the thesis of my original comment: ADHD is a fraud.

–Dr. Floyd

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