Commentary: Mental Illness is Neo-Liberal, Pseudo-Medical, Unscientific Fraud

Commentary: Mental Illness is Neo-Liberal, Pseudo-Medical, Unscientific Fraud

  • Updated: 2022-07-25
  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Summary: Brief reminder that the big-pharma cult is an pseudo-scientific fraud.
  • Tags: Thomas Szasz, pharmacray, myth of mental illness

The diagnosis of legitimate illness involves objective, measurable criteria; the diagnosis of mental illness does not.

The diagnosis of mental illness relies entirely on someone's subjective interpretations, feelings, and preferences; the diagnosis of legitimate illness does not.

For generations, frauds have infested psychiatry, transforming psychiatry into precisely nothing beyond a tool to cause three things: the evil enrichment of pharmacology; the evil empowerment of government; and the evil abuse of patients.

Mental Illness is Neo-Liberal, Pseudo-Medical, Unscientific Fraud

If you are a good person, if you value truth, if you oppose waste, fraud, and abuse, then every supporter of the mental-illness myth is your opponent: either by their accidental ignorance, or else by their deliberate fraud.

–Dr. Floyd

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