Media is Calling the F-to-M Trans School Shooter a Female

Media is Calling the F-to-M Trans School Shooter a Female

Storm Crawler

Andrew Anglin Mar 27 2023

A school in Nashville just got shot up by a female-to-male trans. The bitch killed 3 teachers and 3 little 9-year-old kids.

It was a Christian school, the Covenant in Nashville. The police chief just said it’s a trans and it might have been targeting Christianity. It’s looking very much like a faggot hate crime against normal people. The police are referring to it as a “targeted attack.”

The shooter had a manifesto, apparently. It’s not clear if that will be released, but it would certainly be anti-Christian hate. Tennessee had recently banned some of the trans stuff.

The old black police chief answered questions about her trans identity in a way that implied it was a male-to-female trans, but it is the reverse. I don’t know if he was confused, or actively trying to defuse accusations of misgendering. He seemed like an alright guy, so it was probably just confusion.

It is a female that referred to herself as “he/him.” Her name was Audrey Hale.

The media is totally “misgendering” the shooter, calling her “her” despite the fact that this is against their entire belief system. We are called evil and banned from everything for misgendering, but all of a sudden when it’s an Anti-Christ mass shooter killing kids, it’s a woman again.

They are sort of trying to say “the shooter was a female,” which I think you’re allowed to say about f-to-m trannies, but then they use the female pronouns.

There is a 100% chance the bitch was on testosterone. This happened once before, with the only other female mass shooter, which was a trans on testosterone. I am the single most anti-woman person you’re going to find, but I will tell you, of the bad things that women do, shooting random people is not one of those things. This is 100% a result of testosterone.

I’m really surprised all the women who get put on this don’t do mass murder. Women don’t have the ability to regulate their emotions, and can only barely regulate their actions. What’s more, the doses you’re going to give a female to become a man are totally unclear, and I’ve seen data showing that at least some of them get an insane amount, much larger than what a male bodybuilder would take.

In a fair world, you would charge the entire psychiatrist and medical team responsible for turning this girl into a trans as accessories to murder.

Instead, they blame the guns.

We need tranny control, frankly. These lunatics are a plague on the land.

This story is going to get buried, immediately. No one will apologize for pushing this misgendering confusion. They will just move on. There will be some other big story tomorrow or the next day and they will just totally flush this – after spending more than 10 years now talking about Sandy Hook, this new kiddie killer event will disappear forever in a matter of hours.

It’s really amazing what is happening in this country right now. It’s hard to even process. These people on TV are calling for gun control, in between misgendering this bitch. The fact that they can do this – totally flip their own narrative, then push some psycho gun confiscation agenda for murders that they are responsible for – proves they can do anything and nothing will happen. No one will push back against the media or the Democrats.

We are a doomed nation, abandoned by God due to the decision the boomers made to embrace homosexuality in the 1990s. Since then, it has all gone straight to hell, and now we are in hell, a world where everything is a lie.

It can’t end soon enough.

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