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Unearthing the Subtext of Slavery in Zola’s Germinal

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French Studies , Volume 75, Issue 4, October 2021, Pages 449–467,

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Montaigne, penser en temps de guerres de Religion. Sous la direction d’Emiliano Ferrari, Thierry Gontier et Nicola Panichi

Michaël Ferrier, un écrivain du corail. Sous la direction de Fabien Arribert-Narce

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The Quotable Voltaire. Edited by Garry Apgar and Edward M. Langille

Senegalese Stagecraft: Decolonizing Theater-Making in Francophone Africa. By Brian Valente-Quinn

Online ISSN 1468-2931 Print ISSN 0016-1128 Copyright © 2022 Society for French Studies

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Doyle Calhoun, Unearthing the Subtext of Slavery in Zola’s Germinal , French Studies , Volume 75, Issue 4, October 2021, Pages 449–467,
Le malheur du pauvre ne peut jamais être assez affreux pour ressembler au malheur d’un esclave.
Émile Zola’s Germinal (1885) teems with labouring ‘black’ bodies. Caked in coal, and deep beneath the earth in the pays noir of France’s mining districts, the miners of Monstou form ‘une armée noire’ toiling away like ‘bétail humain’. 2 As the corporeal motors fuelling France’s sucreries , or (beet-)sugar refineries, Zola’s dehumanized miners are ‘les esclaves de la société capitaliste’. 3 In the mines, they become a faceless, sexless mass: entirely naked ‘comme des bêtes […] si noirs, si encrassés de sueur et de charbon que leur nudité ne […] gênait pas’. 4 The miners emerge each afternoon from their ‘bagne souterrain’ with their skin blackened beyond recognition. 5 By the light of day, they move about ‘comme une bande de nègres culbutés dans la vase’, their bodies darkened and...

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