Commentary: How Real Men Fight Feminism

Commentary: How Real Men Fight Feminism

  • Updated: 2022-07-25
  • By: Dr. Floyd
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Real men are sensitive and brave enough to mock, shame, and reject the men who tolerate and enable ridiculous women – men who leverage vain, cowardly, stupefied women as social landmines and political pawns.

This often arises with feminism, where many men miss the point by focusing primarily on the snarling, man-hating, kid-killing female footsoldiers of feminism. Of course a man-hating woman deserves to be mocked, embarrassed, and disciplined by men; and of course a woman who kills a child deserve to be tried, convicted, and hung alongside all her accomplices.

However, women do no more or less than precisely what men let women do. So the real, foundational problem with feminism is not any individual snarling, man-hating, kid-killing feminist: the real, foundational problem is those slithering effeminate patriarchs who create feminism–who fund and foster feminism to leverage vain, cowardly, stupefied women against the patriarchs' male competitors.

One example where this comes up is the rampant chemical-lobotomies daily committed against schoolchildren, especially boys. In the USA, the vast majority of public-school teachers are women; thus, unsurprisingly, women are the vast majority of incompetent cultists who instigate a chemical-lobotomy against schoolchildren for disobedience. Then, many parents want to smack the individual woman who instigated a chemical-lobotomy against that parents' child. This is a reasonable reaction and quite a light punishment for the woman, considering her crime.

However, the root problem is the bad men who deputize these weak and stupid women with the satanic authority of instigating a chemical-lobotomy against children for disobedience. And a more foundational problem than that is the bad men who allow government to monopolize socialization through public education. Thus, in a well-run society, good men will give those bad men a trial, conviction, and noose – and then simply put the women back in the home, where women belong. This is how real men fight feminism.

–Dr. Floyd

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