Deputy Sheriff Jason DiPrima Arrested in Florida for Failing to Record His Sex with a Prostitute

Deputy Sheriff Jason DiPrima Arrested in Florida for Failing to Record His Sex with a Prostitute

  • Updated: 2022-09-13
  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Summary: none yet, summary suggestions welcomed and appreciated
  • Tags: none yet, tag suggestions welcomed and appreciated

Video Title: Busted: Deputy police chief shows up at Florida prostitution sting with White Claws, says Grady Judd



Yet again: Sheriff Judd awkwardly pretending to enforce morality in Florida. Meanwhile, following are a few fun legal facts for Florida.

In Florida, if that deputy sheriff intended to record sex with a prostitute, and had the prostitute sign a model-release form – then that would be pornography, which is perfectly legal in Florida. Thus, the deputy sheriff is a "criminal" simply because he did not easily structure the intended prostitution in a way that would have turned it into legal prostitution: pornography.

Also. In Florida, if that deputy sheriff impregnated the woman during the legal prostitution (pornography) – then she would have the legal right to murder the child for her convenience: abortion is perfectly legal in Florida.

So murder is legal in Florida – as long as the victim is young enough. And prostitution is legal in Florida – as long as you record it. Meanwhile, the Polk County sheriff is pretending that Jason DiPrima is a criminal – because DiPrima did not intend to record his sex with a prostitute. Yet again: Sheriff Judd awkwardly pretending to enforce morality in Florida. Always goofy. Always hypocritical.

–Dr. Floyd

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