data /1.

data /1.


And this is just the beginning, without screens and photos. 

You know, Friends, that many knowledgeable people, including your humble servant, have reported that elites are panicking because there are more names involved in pedophilia and other perversions. Here are some names from Maxwell's files, a list of names from Epstein's flight logs.

Huma Abedin

Laura Silsby

Rachel Chandler

Jeffrey Epstein

Gisele Maxwell

John Podesta

Michael Podesta

James Alefantis

Anthony Spoone

Leslie Wexner (Chairman of The Board of Directors of Limited Inc.)

Herbert Strauss

Isidore Strauss

Martin A. Novak

Steven Spielberg

Edgar Bronfman-Senior (Chairman of Seagram)

Charles Bronfman (Seagram Co)

Michael Steinhardt (former hedge fund manager)

Sarah Bronfman

Claire Bronfman

Niles Lehman (Professor, Portland State University)

Seth Roger

Ruth Ginsberg

Alison Mack

Robert Maxwell

Wendy Murdoch

Jonathan Cheban

Naomi Campbell

Maximiliam Chau

Val Kilmer

Marina Abramovic


Steven Spielberg

Michael Jackson

Kevin Spacey

Alison Mack

Mark Collins (Founder of Den)

Chad Shackley

Brock Pierce

David Geffen

Tom Hanks

Dustin Hoffman

Andrew Kreisberg (American television editor, producer)

Bryan Singer

Harvey Weinstein

Bob Weinstein

Polanski's novel

Danger Ruma

Charlie Sheen


Kethy Peri

Miley Cyrus

Errol Flynn

Billy Graham

Walt Disney

Michael Laney (former Vice President of Walt Disney)

James Gunn (Disney)


Heidi Fleiss

Jeffrey Epstein


Alison Mack

Stormy Daniels

Rachel Chandler

Gisele Maxwell


Gisele Maxwell

Chris Tucker

Larry Summers

Lisa Summers

Bill Murray

Bill Hammond

Ehud Barak

Andres Pastrana (former President of Colombia 1998-2002)

Jean-Luc Brunel

Doug's Group

Ron Burkle

Woody Allen

Sarah Kellen

Ray Barzanne

Sandy Burger

Andrea Mitrovic

Peter Marino

Shelley Lewis

Pavel Halali

Richardo Legoretta

Tom Pritzker

Kelly Spamm

Tiffany Gramsa

Claire Hazel

Paula Epstein

Mark Epstein

Ralph Alison

Sophie Biddle

Audrey Reimbo

Shelley Harrison

Melinda Luntz

Gwendolyn Beck

Albert Pinto

Linda Pinto

Gary Roxburgh

Mandy Alison

Jean Michel Gati 

Virginia Roberts

Kristy Rogers (Kristina Real Rodgers)

Greg Holbert

Alice Rogers

Juliet Bryant

Heather Mann

Ed Tuttle

Glen Dubin

Ellen Spencer

Chris Wagner

Casey Wasserman

Laura Wasserman

Paul Mellon

Oliver Sacks

Henry Rozowski

Lynn Forester (de Rothschild)

Joe Pagano

Naomi Campbell

Nicole Junckermann

Rodney Slater

Magali Blajon (Deperier)

Svetlana Gryaznova

Emmy Tyler

Larry Iesoschi

Juan (Pablo) Molina

Freya Villemos 

Adam Perry Lang

Fleur Perry Lang

Karen Casey

Hank Koller

Cindy Lopez

Mark Lloyd

Alan Dershowitz

Seth Greene

James Gunn

Steven Spielberg

Tom Hanks

Stephen Colbert

Jimmy Kimmel

Barack Obama

Kevin Spacey

Kathy Griffin

Oprah Winfrey

Sean Carter

Beyonce Knowles

Anthony Kiedis

John Legend

Chrissy Tibern

Jim Carrey

Steven Tyler

Ben Affleck

Stephen Collins

Will Ferrell

Thiam (Akon)

Jeffrey Jones

Victor Salva

Mark Collins Rector

Charlie Sheen

Tyler Grasham

Madonna Ciccone

Kathryn Hudson

Gwen Stefani

Stephanie Germanotta

James Franco

Will Smith

Justin Roland

John Cusack

Anderson Cooper

Demi Moore

Brian Affleck

Meryl Streep

Wanda Sykes

Chelsea Handler

Michelle Wolff

David Jaroveschi

Pharrell Williams

quentin tarantino

Courtney Love

Alec Baldwin

Robert Downey Jr.

Disney Corporation (children's "submarine" complex on Epstein Island).

Bill Clinton boarded a helicopter with Maxwell and Epstein

Sberbank announced preparations for the purchase of the largest-ever software package from Microsoft - $6.4 billion. Information about the technical task is classified. What is known is that the work is being carried out in the field of artificial intelligence with the use of 80 cloud services. Robots capable of operating autonomously with large databases will be used. 

Sberbank's small and medium-sized business customers already use Office 365 cloud services and applications to automate the business processes of small service companies. Now the hands have reached the creation of large integrated systems. 

Formally developed cloud services based on Microsoft Azure will recognize the faces and emotions of 1.4 million Sberbank customers to assess their satisfaction with the service. It is also intended to use software to protect information in mobile applications and local networks. However, given the risk of data leaks that already happen in Sberbank, the situation with Microsoft software looks different.

Government agencies have never purchased foreign software in such volumes. Microsoft is a Pentagon contractor and sponsor of the U.S. Democratic Party. Even if you don't respond to conspiracy theories about Bill Gates' interests, the ability to book tab in Microsoft software is higher than in Huawei products, which in the U.S. declared war precisely because of a security threat. How is the threat of leaking large databases from Sberbank clients to the US intelligence agencies combined? 

The practice of purchasing Microsoft software by State Corporations of the Russian Federation has existed for a long time. The leaders were Rosatom, Rossetti and Transneft, but the volume of purchases was smaller, and additional purchases of Rosatom did not take place at all. Sberbank has consistently sought a monopoly in THE field of AI and the ownership of large databases on the Russian population, but the use of it is not domestic software, and the product of Microsoft looks politically engaged. 

Formal explanations are clear - customer care and quality of domestic software, but, firstly, our software can be brought to the right conditions, and secondly, it does not meet the requirements of ensuring russia's national security. Especially considering the presence of foreign shareholders in Sberbank and Gref's negative position on the bank's work in Crimea, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. And in general, how necessary for a commercial bank database, more comparable to the resources of special services ?

John Forbes Curry is an American politician. President Joe Biden's special climate spokesman from January 20, 2021. Since the first day of the inauguration 

⚠️ There that you didn't appreciate, but what you realized in the days that it's dear to you, Friends, won't come back. 

A World Economic Forum summit called "The Great Reset" is scheduled for January 2021.


🔹 "Great Reset" is an obligation to jointly and urgently lay the foundations of our economic and social system for a more just, sustainable and viable future.

🔹It requires a new social contract based on human dignity, social justice and where social progress does not lag behind economic development.

🔹Global health crisis has exposed long-standing gaps in our economies and societies and created a social crisis that urgently demands decent, meaningful jobs.

🔹Sammit Twin will be both personal and virtual, bringing together key global government and business leaders in Davos with a global network of many stakeholders in 400 cities around the world for a future-oriented dialogue led by the younger generation.

"Normality didn't work"

"The crisis was normal; "We shouldn't think about it in terms of pressing a button and going back to the way things were. We are far from returning to any normal state. Responsibility will lie with the governments and the "great organizer. The forces and pressures that have pushed us into crisis because of the social contract are now getting worse. The world is falling apart, dangerous, in terms of global institutions and leadership. What we've never done is an adequate solution to a social contract, a franchise of people all over the world, so they can participate in things they can see with their smartphones everywhere but can't participate."

Explaining that the United States is currently "locked out," Kerry said: "This is an important moment. The World Economic Forum - the Director General of the Forum - will indeed have to play a major, forward-cutting and central role in refining the Great Reset to deal with climate change and inequality, which is revealed as a consequence of COVID-19."

Inside the Democrats' "Plan to Save America" is a $3.5 billion give to eugenic billionaire Bill Gates. While tens of millions of Americans face job loss and eviction...

Ex-head of the Nobel Committee admitted that he lied about the fact that Gates and Epstein had never been to his residence. 

December 2019: Berit Reiss-Andersen, chairman of the Nobel Committee, asked committee members whether any of them had ever contacted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Former committee chairman Thorbjorn Jagland, who is now a permanent member of the committee, was among those who responded negatively. 

However, on Friday DNMagasinet published a shocking report, which reported that former Nobel Committee chairman Thorbjorn Jagland denied meeting Jeffrey Epstein when asked about it, now admitted to having entertained paedophile Epstein and his friend infamous Bill Gates at his residence in Strasbourg in 2013. 

According to the Norwegian newspaper, after several requests last week for new information about the meeting, Jagland confirmed that Gates and Epstein attended an official meeting at his residence in March 2013. He said the notorious Gates and his paedophile friend Epstein had arrived together.

On March 27, 2013, Jagland hosted a small but exclusive group of very famous people, where Bill Gates was a member of the International Peace Institute (IPI) think tank, which in the same year became a partner of the Gates Foundation in the fight against polio, the Gates vaccinations from which WHO of. recognized the cause of the polio epidemic in Africa, as well as Bill's friend paedophile and financier Epstein. 

Epstein, who had known Gates for a long time, was the man who introduced and brought Bill to the IPI. It was a meeting at which IPI presented Gates with a polio eradication project. 

"They came to my residence with their delegations. Bill Gates and Epstein arrived together, followed by the others. I introduced a European drug control system. After that, the conversation moved on, Jagland writes in an email, explaining that Epstein was not the most active participant in the meeting, Bill Gates asked for a meeting when he visited Strasbourg. He was interested in the work of the Council of Europe to ensure the drug safety of medicines for all. 

There's clearly something more to this story, and maybe even something very coe- in it.

This will be especially good with lolita express boarding passes.

Extremely interesting reading especially for the Western everyman not shining intelligence deep knowledge.

Rothschild's patent for the Covid-19 Methods and Testing Systems was back in 2015, although Sars-Cov2 was not discovered until 2019.

If paragraph 11 of patents says: "The use of REcombinant SARS COV-2 proteins as part of the ATEST system for IFA-testa with the determination of IGM, IGG, IGA serum levels of COVID-19 patients. (Kostin Nikita - 2020-07-01)" then in paragraph 12 of "System for COVID - 19", where the owner of the patent is listed Rothschild Richard, in the graph "prioritatsdatumn" (priority date/receiving) for some reason is the date of September 12, 2015, when no one has heard anything about the covid.

The Soviet laser pistol was a prototype of an energy weapon in the form of a pistol designed for use by astronauts in conditions that make conventional firearms ineffective. The weapon was supplied by the store and used to project the beam with flash pyrotechnic technology.

These weapons were intended either to disable optical sensors on enemy spacecraft, or to blind enemy astronauts during orbital combat on board or off the spacecraft. His energy was enough to damage the optical instruments and cause eye injuries.

Camila comes from a family of slave owners

WikiLeaks published 137 documents on Kamala Harris, this is essentially such a small dirt on the vice president of the United States. In particular, there is a hit theme of her origin, as it is known her mother line flows from India, her mother migrated to the U.S. from there. But more interesting is the father's line from Jamaica, the fact that Kamala Harris claimed that her ancestors were slaves from Africa, enslaved by the Jamaican authorities.

However, the WikiLeaks document shows otherwise, its ancestor Irishman Hamilton Brown, one of the largest planters of Jamaica, named after him the city and he had 200 slaves.

Hamilton Brown was not only a slave owner, but also the author of mass Irish migration to Jamaica after the British Empire abolished slavery in 1834.

A Jamaican family search recorded:

"Hamilton Brown owned several plantations from 1817 to 1845. According to the 1818 almanac, which can be found on this site (Jamaican Family Search), he was the owner of Minard (128 slaves), which he was to be acquired from his previous owner (John Bailey) in 1815 or later. Another register (86 slaves) cannot be attributed to any estate, although in the following years it is listed in the Almanacs as the owner of several (Antrim, Grier Park, Colliston, Little River, Pensioner and Valley of Unity).

Of course, Kamala is not responsible for what her ancestors did; she had nothing to do with it. 

But she made a deception, claiming that her ancestors were slaves in Jamaica.

Kamala Harris roofed paedophiles in Catholic schools in San Francisco

San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris pretended not to notice the paedophilia of Catholic clergy, moreover, she is the only U.S. district attorney who has not brought any charges against paedophiles in the church

Several other victims told the news site that Harris' office refused to meet with them and refused to publish files about abuse by the clergy. Dominique De Lucca, a California resident who said he was raped by a local priest when he was 12, said Harris would not meet with him or distribute the files. He said: 

"I remember Kamala Harris. She didn't want to date. She wanted the public to think that this was a problem that happened many years ago, that it was no longer happening. Let's just move on. The Roman Catholic Church is very strong, and I think they didn't want to step on anything, especially in San Francisco."

Peter Schweitzer, author of "Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite and President of the Institute for Government Accountability," reveals even more facts. He discussed with host Alex Marlowe of Breitbart News Daily Sirius XM saying that Sen. Kamala Harris (D.C.) and San Francisco County District Attorney (DA) had refused to open criminal charges of sexual abuse of priests.

Harris was the only district attorney in the 50 major cities to not bring charges against clergy of sexual harassment, Schweitzer said, reflecting on Harris's tenure as San Francisco district attorney from 2004 to 2011.

Among the paedophile schools is Saint Ignatius Prep, the alma mater of former California Gov. Jerry Brown, who attended the Getty family's children and all defended paedophiles, as prosecutor Harris defended.

Schweitzer said:

"The numbers are amazing. From 2004 to 2011, Kamala Harris was the San Francisco District Attorney in charge of all prosecutions and the prosecution team in the San Francisco area. Between 2004 and 2011, she did not file a single case of sexual abuse of priests - period.

To present this in the context of how stunning it is, if you look at the 50 largest U.S. metropolises at the time, all 50 were doing at least one thing, the only exception was Kamala Harris from San Francisco." 

Moreover, after being elected san Francisco district attorney, Harris dropped her predecessor's plans to publicly release files about clergy violence with the names of priests accused of sexual assault. Terence Hallinan, a former San Francisco district attorney, planned to publish the files against the wishes of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. 

Schweitzer described Harris' suppression of the above-mentioned documents as staggering:

"The Archdiocese of San Francisco was not very happy to share the hundreds of pages of complaints that were filed against priests in the area and, according to Hallinan's report, there were at least 40 current and former priests accused of molesting people in the diocese.

Terence Hallinan said he was going to prosecute him. He also wanted groups of victims to edit names and then he wanted to publish the records to the public, which was done in many other areas. Well, he lost the 2003 election to Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris entered; she delved into those documents. In fact, she closed it so it would never be made public."

Back in January 2020, the book Profiles in Corruption. Abuse of Power by America's progressive elite, written by American journalist and investigative reporter Peter Schweitzer, began selling on and immediately became a bestseller. , by Peter Schweizer. Harper Collins Publishers, 2020).

 The book's abstract, available on, states that Schweitzer offers the reader an in-depth investigation into the private finances of some top American political leaders. It is noted that the author will not disappoint the reader, as always - the book contains information that has never been published before, revealing abuse of power and corruption, and is documented.

 The "heroes" of the story are the Biden family, another of the Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders, as well as Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garchetti, Atlantic City Mayor Frank Gilliam, and a number of "progressive" Democratic Party figures, including. ... ... and Kamala Harris.

 Entering politics through triple salary

 According to Schweitzer, Kamala Harris came to politics in 1994, having met with William Brown - the speaker of the lower house of the California legislature, the second most important politician in the state after the governor. In his elective office, Brown had a legal business through which he received money from those who needed his legislative help.

 Although 60-year-old Brown was married, he began an affair with 29-year-old Kamala. Kamala's mother did not blame her daughter for choosing a lover, who first got her a job in the legal department of the state administration, where she received $ 114,000 a year, and then also to the Health Commission, where she was paid $ 99,000 a year. Both positions did not require a permanent presence in the offices, so Kamala did not leave her permanent job, where she received another 100 thousand per annum. Brown gave his beloved a brand new Beemer. But the main thing he did for her was to introduce her to the circle of political activists and donors.

 In 1995, Brown was elected mayor of San Francisco. When he gathered supporters to celebrate the victory, not his legal wife was next to him, but Kamala. But after the victory, he surprised many and parted ways with her.

 Corrupt money for elections to prosecutors

 Famous TV presenter Montel Williams became the new lover of Kamala Harris, and at the same time she got a job in the office of San Francisco District Attorney Terence Halinan.

 Halinan had previously investigated several cases of corruption in Brown's inner circle. To shield himself from the danger of new investigations, Brown advised his former lover to run for Halinan. Kamala quit her job at the district attorney, got a job in the city and announced that she intends to be elected to the post of district attorney.

 Before the campaign began, Harris and Khalinan voluntarily made a public commitment not to spend more than $ 211,000 on their elections. Both signed it. But when the money of Mayor Brown's friends poured into the account of Kamala's campaign, she forgot about her obligation.

 When her campaign raised $ 621,000, the city electoral commission fined her $ 34,000 for breach of contract. After the elections, it became clear that the rallies in support of Kamala Harris were organized by mobilizing workers from the city's communal services department, who were supposed to portray massive support for the candidate.

 Three candidates were in the race for the post of district attorney. Kamala came second and, since none of the candidates received a majority, a second round was announced, in which Kamala won.

 Protector of pedophiles

 One of the most unsightly pages of Harris' professional biography is her attitude towards child molestation cases against the Catholic Church.

 After serving as District Attorney for 15 years, Harris has not prosecuted a single case against pedophile priests. Moreover, her office hid sensitive information from community groups of victims of pedophile priests.

 Harris' predecessor, Terence Halinan, identified massive cases of pedophilia in the San Francisco diocese. He then demanded that the diocese release documents on its internal investigations. The prosecutor's office was supported by social activists who sought to punish the guilty.

 But the election of Harris changed the situation. Her political committee was flooded with donations from Catholic institutions in California and lawyers who represented the interests of the church and priests accused of pedophilia.

 Harris' victory over Halinan for the San Francisco district attorney's position saved the Catholic Church and strengthened Harris's own financial position. She banned the publication of the data of the diocesan investigations, giving this an official explanation - the prosecutor's office did not want to reveal the names of the victims of the molested priests. The paradox of the situation was that the victims of molestation, seeking justice, had already announced their names long ago.

 The campaign to protect pedophile priests runs counter to Harris's many public statements that she is an active advocate for children.

 I wonder what happened to the documents, which threatened with scandalous revelations. In 2010, Harris' office refused to provide them to a journalist for a California newspaper, and in 2019, the San Francisco district attorney's office informed the author of the book, Peter Schweitzer, that the whereabouts of these documents were unknown.

 Prosecutor's "roof" for brothels

 Another page of Attorney Harris's activities is associated with the activities of two San Francisco strip clubs - Market Street Theater and New Century Theater. After dancing at the pole, visitors could invite the dancer to a separate room. Strip clubs were common brothels.

 Several police raids have confirmed that prostitution is rampant in the clubs. Nine women and their manager were arrested. The police had overwhelming evidence of the club owners' guilt, but Kamala Haris dropped the case.

 Perhaps the explanation is that both strip clubs were owned by Mayor Bill Brown's longtime friend and client, Sam Conti.

 Even during the campaign for the post of district attorney, Terence Hallinan warned that if Kamala Harris gets his post, it will untie the hands of Billy Brown and his corrupt friends. And so it happened.

 Closing cases on corrupt real estate transactions

 Among the appointees to important positions in the Billy Brown administration was real estate lawyer Hector Chinchilla. Brown gave him the post of head of the city planning committee and the authority to approve all city building projects. For several years in this position, Chinchilla received more than $ 180,000 from local builders. In 2002, Hallinan indicted him on eight counts, but incumbent prosecutor Kamala Harris dropped the Chinchilla case.

 Among the main contractors for the Brown administration was Pacific Sement owner Ricardo Ramirez, who became famous for the scandal over the use of second-rate materials in the execution of city orders. Ramirez was threatened with jail, but Kamala Harris's office did not even initiate a criminal case against him, but agreed with the fraudster about a year's house arrest and a fine. Ramirez was a generous donor to Mayor Brown's political committee.

 Assistant to the bandits

 One of Haris' most famous prosecutorial projects was the Back on Track program. She allowed those arrested on drug charges for the first time to close their case and eliminate his record. To do this, it was necessary for the client of the program to fulfill a number of requirements and return to normal life. In 2009, when she was elected to the post of attorney general of California, Kamala Harris said that the program was a tremendous success.

 One of the participants in the program was the illegal Alexander Izaguirre. How he got on her is unclear, since his arrest for the cocaine trade was not the first. Prior to that, he was arrested for a street robbery. While still on this program, Izaguirre snatched a bag from a certain Amanda Kefer on the street, then jumped into a nearby car and hit a girl in this car and ran over her. She suffered a severe head injury and miraculously survived.

 When Amanda Kefer's lawyers tried to find out in Kamala Harris's office how the culprit had ended up on her program, she replied that her job was not to oversee compliance with federal immigration laws.

 Prosecutor's assistance to her husband's clients

 In 2014, Kamala Harris married renowned Los Angeles lawyer Douglas Ehmhoff.

 Ehmhoff defended corporations accused of violating their business rules. The cases of some of his clients lay on the prosecutor's desk of his wife. Among them were the manufacturers of food additives - Supplements. They were accused of advertising significantly exaggerating their medicinal properties and misleading the consumer.

 In 2015, attorneys general of 14 states, including New York, began a large-scale investigation of the activities of this type of company. The reason was that a number of ingredients declared on the labels were missing from their composition, and some of the drugs posed a health risk. These companies included General Nutrition Corporation - GNC, Herbalife, Vitamine Shoppe, Wallgreens and others.

 Kamala Harris' office declined to participate in the lawsuit, although in California alone she received more than 700 complaints about Herbalife products alone. In July, the Federal Trade Commission won a case against Herbalife, receiving a compensation of $ 200 million from him. California got nothing. But this did not upset the Californian lawyer of these firms - Kamala's husband - Douglas Emhoff.

 For the same reason, Kamala Harris's office never enforced court orders against Herbalife and her husband's other clients.

 In gratitude, Herbalife began to donate her to the political committee. In February 2015, Podesta Group's consulting and lobbying company, representing Herbalife, organized a fundraiser for Kamala Harris at its Washington office.

 In 2015, Kamala Harris's prosecutors in San Diego sent her a letter about the need to investigate Herbalife's activities and gave appropriate arguments. Harris dropped the investigation without explaining her decision.

 Shortly thereafter, the law firm Venable LLP promoted its employee, Douglas Emhoff, to the position of head of department overseeing its offices on the West Coast of the United States.

 Prosecutorial involvement in commercial wars

 Another interesting story is connected with the activities of the California charity organization The Daughters of Charity. It was founded in Paris in 1633 to provide medical care to the poor. In California, she had six clinics for low-income Californians. Having found themselves in debt, the organization was faced with the need to sell the clinics, but with the condition that the new owner had to guarantee the preservation of jobs and pensions for their employees.

 There were many buyers, but Daughters of Charity chose the nonprofit Prime Healthcare Services (PHS), which agreed to pay $ 845 million, pay off debts and pay pensions to 17,000 former and current clinic workers. In the 15 years prior, PHS had acquired 35 bankrupt hospitals in various states and successfully revived them. The Daughters of Philanthropy accepted PHS's offer, and two large state organizations - the California Women's Organization and the California Colored Progress Association - supported the deal too.

 To complete the deal, the consent of the California Attorney General, Kamala Harris, was needed. But the deal was opposed by the Service Employees International UNION (SEIU), which funded Kamala Harris's company to be elected to the US Senate. The union donated $ 204,000 to her company's fund and pledged multi-million dollar support through its other organizations. The named union was at war with PHS.

 Public hearings were held on the sale of six clinics, in which the overwhelming majority supported the PHS deal with Daughters of Charity.

 The union then bluntly told the prospective buyer that the deal would not go through if the buyer did not allow the union to represent all of its nurses. "Daughters of Charity" sued the union, accusing it of extortion.

 Under pressure from public opinion, Harris, nevertheless, approved the deal, but at the same time put forward a list of 300 non-negotiable conditions that were completely unacceptable for the buyer. California attorneys general have never used their powers in such a way in such transactions.

 In July 2014, union chief Dive Reagan told PHS chief Dr. Prem Redi that until she agreed to work with the union, she would not be able to make any deals in California, nor with these six clinics, nor with any nor was it different. Reagan allegedly told Redy that they had Harris in their pocket and would do as she was told.

 Harris then chose another company to acquire the six clinics, Blue Mountain Capital, while allowing it to stop providing services that PHS was willing to keep.

 Blue Mountain Capital had another important asset - its CEOs Andrew Feldstein and his wife Jane Vernon donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democratic Party.


 A study of Schweitzer's book suggests that Biden made the right choice - no one else will close his corruption cases if he won the election better than Kamala Harris.

U.S. Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris: Corruption, Protection of Paedophiles and Brothels.

Jim Stone on adrenochrome and children:

There are secret detention centres set up within various corporations where children under the age of 3 are tortured and mass-assembled to obtain adrenochrome. They are called "investigative detention facilities" so they can be disguised as juvenile detention centres in the public eye. Killing children just to collect this stuff is unproductive, instead they're obviously tortured multiple times and then collected while they live. Average age is 9-10 years. Obviously, they probably kill children for satanic services, but on an industrial scale it's impractical.

These images are taken from the original 44-megabyte PDF file, they are stored 👇. 

The informant published this, and it's obviously 100 percent legal.

Images 1-12 - the names, age and location of children, as well as how long they hold on.

Links to 👆post about adrenochrome:

🇩🇪Pays for doctors/monitors/nurses for covid testing in Germany.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, in recent weeks we have been in close contact with the Ministry of Bavarian Testing Strategy. The aim was to agree on a billing procedure and, in particular, to reward the lower medical profession for testing asymptomatic individuals.

1. Increased remuneration for asymptomatic face tests (Bavarian test offer) retrospectively, starting from 01.07.2020

A. The cost of smearing

(depending on where the smear is taken)

🔹in the doctor'€ office € 25

🔹 when you visit home, it'€ 45

🔹re a joint visit of 35...😉


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