Criminalizing Wanted Drugs, and Forcing Unwanted Drugs (Thomas Szasz)

Criminalizing Wanted Drugs, and Forcing Unwanted Drugs (Thomas Szasz)

  • Updated: 2022-08-14
  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Summary: none yet, summary suggestions welcomed and appreciated
  • Tags: none yet, tag suggestions welcomed and appreciated

Szasz: "The average person does not know how to resist mental-health help. Look how much of it is directed to the three helpless groups: children, old people, prisoners. Prisoners are full of psychiatric drugs now. Right?"

Interviewer: "They go to jail for now."

Szasz: "They go to jail for drugs, and then when they are in jail, they are forced to take the drugs that they do not want to take. That, in some ways, characterizes the American drug scene today: the drugs people want to take are illegal, and the drugs that they do not want to take–psychiatry forces onto them. And the mental-health profession does not complain about this–on the contrary: it supports this."

Select Books By Thomas Szasz

1974, The myth of mental illness: Foundations of a theory of personal conduct

1984, The therapeutic state: Psychiatry in the mirror of current events.

1994, Cruel compassion: Psychiatric control of society’s unwanted

1997, The manufacture of madness: A comparative study of the inquisition and the mental health movement

1998, Psychiatric slavery

2002, Liberation by oppression: A comparative study of slavery and psychiatry

2003, Pharmacracy: Medicine and politics in America

2008, Psychiatry: The science of lies

–Dr. Floyd

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