Commentary: Bummer: Musical Bum Bummed by Non-Musical Bum

Commentary: Bummer: Musical Bum Bummed by Non-Musical Bum

  • Updated: 2022-07-25
  • By: Dr. Floyd
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Video Title: Aggressive bums are a nightmare. Watch this guy almost get violent when I refuse to give him coins!



Bum: verb, "get by asking or begging."

According to the video's description, this area has banned "busking" (using music to bum for money). It is nice to learn that the government has adopted a music-neutral policy to bumming: no longer privileging musical bums above non-musical bums.

The video's description also mentions the extensive faded musical-stamp-collection of the musical bum in the video, while then highlighting all the justifications the bum has created for his musical bumming–and the bum's anger at being prevented from profiting off other people's intellectual property: "most of my videos are instantly copyrighted and auto monetized by record labels because they are COVERS."

The description then showcases the musical bum's callous perspective towards non-musical bums: "I'm surrounded by addicts, drunks, and people who should be in mental homes." Logically, this musical bum deserves the same callousness that he shows toward his non-musical bumming colleagues. So hopefully he falls harder – hard enough to recover his soul.

–Dr. Floyd

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