Book-Smart and Internet-Scholarly: Social and Academic Downsides of Academicians' Failure to Go Outside

Book-Smart and Internet-Scholarly: Social and Academic Downsides of Academicians' Failure to Go Outside

  • Updated: 2022-08-20
  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Status: Draft
  • Summary: none yet, summary suggestions welcomed and appreciated
  • Tags: none yet, tag suggestions welcomed and appreciated


  • Explication of what should be a poplar admission of impotence by imposters–but forgone, to validate the government-education-industrial-complex (GEIC), e.g., by the myth of imposter syndrome, where a closed system ordains countless imposters, many of whom gradually bleat awareness of their impostering – only to have their imposterhood amplified, even idolized and politically weaponized (example)
  • Mentions of an education-industrial-complex (e.g. book, article), yet a failure to fully analyze the education-industrial-complex, notably its downsides, as well as a failure to notice GEIC, i.e., a failure to fully factor government as a cause–and effect–of the education-industrial-complex's downsides.


  • all theory, no substance (e.g. PsyD to add practicality to the traditional PhD that routinely had left psychologists with much theoretical knowledge yet few practical skills)
  • silly and unrealistic (Shielded from traditional disdain, by a culture that now tolerates silliness–indeed, rewards and celebrates silliness. Thus, silly and unrealistic academicians hardly stand out as especially silly and unrealistic–and if they do, almost always that standing out is a positive benefit)


  • lack of breadth
  • lack of practicality
  • lack of proportionality
  • David Irving's +1 scholarship
  • echo-chambers (focus on quantity over quality; focus on validation over falsification)
  • rampant "convenience samples" (during an overall crisis of [lack of] replicability – even in the hard sciences, thus how much more in the soft-sciences, much less the pseudo-sciences )

–Dr. Floyd

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