Commentary: Alfred Kinsey: one of USA’s Most Famous and Celebrated Advocates of Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and Baby-Rape

Commentary: Alfred Kinsey: one of USA’s Most Famous and Celebrated Advocates of Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and Baby-Rape

Updated: 2022-07-25
  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Summary: The Kinsey Reports came from a guy who took his cues from baby-rapers.
  • Tags: child abuse, trans-cult, apa, johns hopkins university, kinsey institute, alfred kinsey, kinsey reports, dsm

Kinsey (1948, p. 176) reports that it is hard to rape 2- 3- and 4-month-old babies into an orgasm. The author (p. 175) further reports that it may be easier to rape, to orgasm, babies 5-months-old to 1-year-old than to rape 2-year-old and 3-year-old babies into orgasm–but that the ease of raping to orgasm seems to resume for raped children 4-years-old and up.

At the time of that report, Kinsey (1948) claimed that the basis of the report was his faith in the self-reporting of nine baby-rapists’ accounts of how the raped babies responded to being raped (p. 176). However, Reisman et al. (1990), among others, later established that pro-rape degenerate Kinsey’s report on raping babies to supposed orgasm relied on the self-reporting of only a single baby-raper.

Moreover, Kinsey never disclosed whether his baby-raping research participant ever reported having murdered any of the babies whom he raped, and, if so, how many. However, the life and pseudo-research of child-torturing fraud John Money suggests that baby-rapists may be disproportionately involved in killing their rape-victims, an act covered in a term Money coined: erotophonophilia. (Money also coined the term “sexual orientation,“ founding the modern trans-cult, based on his fraudulent research at Johns Hopkins University, where Money sexually tortured, among others, two kids–the Reimer twins–both of whom went on to kill themselves [Colapinto, 2000]. Kinsey was also instrumental in conjuring USA’s modern trans-cult [Reisman & McAlister, 2016].)

Kinsey’s fraudulent research paved the way for countless sexual degenerates to pretend that sexual degeneracy is normal–or at least common.

Hollywood's pseudo-Jewish atheist homosexuals and child-rapists have made several worshipful films about Kinsey. Degenerates at Time Magazine celebrated degenerate Kinsey on the magazine’s cover in 1953. For decades, the Kinsey Institute operated openly at Indiana University (but in 2016 went relatively underground at the university to avoid detection). Also, the American Psychiatric Association (APA)–which is infested and run by homosexuals, trannies, child-rapists, child-murderers, and atheists–declares in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (APA, 2013) that seeking to be sexually tortured is only a problem if a clinician decides that a seeker feels bad about it (p. 694); and that seeking to sexually torture is only a problem if a clinician decides that the seeker either (a) feels bad about it, or (b) has sexually tortured a “nonconsenting person“ (p. 695).

And if you think that's bad–just wait until you hear about the U.S. government passing laws for decades to conspire with millions of women to murder children for convenience with prenatal medical-lynchings.



APA. (2013). DSM 5: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Association.

Colapinto, J. (2000). As nature made him: The boy who was raised as a girl. HarperCollins.

Kinsey, A. C. (1948). Sexual behavior in the human male. W.B. Saunders Co.

Reisman, J. A., Eichel, E. W., Muir, J. G., & Court, J. H. (1990). Kinsey, sex, and fraud: The indoctrination of a people: An investigation into the human sexuality research of Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin, and Paul H. Gebhard. Huntington House Publishers.

Reisman, J. A., & McAlister, M. E. (2016). The Origins of the Transgender Phenomenon: The Challenge and Opportunity for Training Lawyers, Judges and Policy Makers in the Historicity of Alfred Kinsey’s Pansexual Worldview. Liberty University School of Law, 1–59.

–Dr. Floyd

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