YouTube Channel "Protect the Innocent" Infantilizes Teenage Adults, While Ignoring Mass-Murder in Florida

YouTube Channel "Protect the Innocent" Infantilizes Teenage Adults, While Ignoring Mass-Murder in Florida

  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Summary: none yet, summary suggestions welcomed and appreciated
  • Tags: none yet, tag suggestions welcomed and appreciated

Video Title: Largo Florida Predator Caught | Jabril | Catch #21



Calling a 14-year-old adult a "child" and a "little boy" is not about "protecting the innocent": it is about not knowing Florida law. After all, under Florida law, as written by the men of Florida's government: a 14-year-old man or woman can choose to have sex: it is only that the men in Florida's government require that a man or woman under 16 may legally choose to have sex only with other adults under 16. Otherwise, the adult under 16 will be robbed of their sexual partner by the men in government—and the men in Florida's government will put the chosen partner in a cage.

Thus, this channel should change its from "protect the innocent" to "misrepresenting the sexual rules of the men in Florida's government."

Otherwise, if the channel wants to continue calling itself "protect the innocent" -- then the channel could go do the boring and common work of protesting the fact that the men in government who dictate who may have sex with whom: they also allow deadbeat moms to legally commit prenatal medical-lynchings. Thus, the real "little boys and girls" that the goofs on this channel should be protecting are not 14 year old men and women who choose sex with someone declared out of bounds by the men in Florida's (notoriously corrupt) government. Instead, the goofs of this channel should be seeking to protect the tens of thousands of actual little boys and girls whom deadbeat moms in Florida will seek to murder in the upcoming year, with the blessing and complicity of the men in Florida's government.

Enjoy your virtue-signaling, "Protect the Innocent." The hypocritical, dangerous, violent men in Florida's government approve.

–Dr. Floyd

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