Yoni Massage Orgasm

Yoni Massage Orgasm


Yoni Massage Orgasm
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Lustful and relaxing : With a yoni massage, the focus is on the female intimate area. That Tantra ritual is a special way of Orgasm training : The massage should pamper the vagina and rekindle the desire of the woman.
We answer all questions about the yoni massage :
The term “yoni” comes from Tantra , an ancient Indian theory of touch. Yoni represents the female sexual organs. The yoni, tell them vagina According to the tantric understanding, it has a receptive character. It is believed that women absorbing both positive and negative experiences through your yoni and your body save what affects our sense of pleasure and well-being.
Tantra teachings consider the vagina sacred why it should be treated with love and respect.
You can find more information about Tantra here:
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One Yoni massage it is one Full body massage . Only at the end of the ritual are the sexual organs massaged from the inside and outside according to the rules of Tantra.
For a yoni massage if you go to a quiet room, candlelit and relaxing music ensure the right atmosphere. You lie down naked on a soft surface and the tantric masseuse covers you with a cloth. First, the front and back of your body are gently kneaded according to the rules of Tantra, before the yoni, the vagina it’s your turn.
The masseuse wears latex gloves, which she rubs with lubricant. Stimulate your vagina inside and out. The tantra teacher massages the lips, thighs, and clitoris with tapping and circular motions. . Because each woman experiences pleasure differently, the yoni masseuse talks to you during the ritual to find out which pleasure points she needs to stimulate.
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The female body has about 8,000 pleasure points. the Yoni massage helps you to know and experience these erogenous zones. The goal is to increase your sex drive. Who is in a intimate tantric massage get involved, learn to let go and open up what is yours love life Benefits.
In tantra one uses the yoni massage also one for the female body to heal and relieve cramps.
The sexual pleasure is in the background with the intimate massage. TO orgasm it’s a good side effect but not the goal of the ritual. The focus is on sensual relaxation .
For a yoni massage better find one Tantra massage studio near you. The ritual lasts depending on the extension about 30 to 90 minutes . The price is between 100 and 250 euros .
As an alternative to a treatment in the massage studio, you can do it with your partner Tantra seminar visit. Here you will learn about massage techniques and will be able to pamper yourself in your own four walls without outside help.
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Sensual, Tantric-Inspired Erotic Bodywork for Women in New York.
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Female Sexual Arousal, Orgasm, G-Spot Yoni Massage, Sensual Erotic Bodywork for Women, Squirting and More.
"Female Hysteria," Victorian Era Doctors & the Vibrator.
Developed by an American physician, George Taylor, M.D., it was a large, cumbersome, steam-powered apparatus. Taylor recommended it for treatment of an illness known at the time as "female hysteria." Hysteria, from the Greek for "suffering uterus," involved anxiety, irritability, sexual fantasies, "pelvic heaviness" and "excessive" vaginal lubrication -- in other words, sexual arousal.
However, since it was the Victorian era, women were not considered to be at all sexual and it was therefore deemed a disease. Physicians of that era treated hysteria by massaging sufferers' vulvas until they experienced dramatic relief through "paroxysm" (orgasm). Unfortunately, hysteria was a recurrent condition and repeated treatment was often necessary. Taylor touted his steam-driven massage device as speeding treatment while reducing physician fatigue.
The Technology of Orgasm and the Vibrator
Debut of the first vibrator in 1869.
When female patients suffered "hysterical" or "neurasthenic" symptoms, doctors saw wonderful results from "pelvic massage," culminating in orgasm. The patient was pleased enough to guarantee her habitual patronage.
Electricity has given so much comfort to womankind, such surcease to her life of drudgery. It gave her the vacuum cleaner, the pop-up toaster and the automatic ice dispenser. And perhaps above all, it gave her the vibrator. In the annals of Victorian medicine, a time of "Goetze's device for producing dimples" and "Merrell's strengthening cordial, liver invigorator and purifier of the blood," the debut of the electromechanical vibrator in the early 1880s was one medical event that truly worked wonders -- safely, reliably, repeatedly.
As historian Rachel Maines describes in her exhaustively researched if decidedly offbeat work, "The Technology of Orgasm: 'Hysteria,' the Vibrator, and Women's Sexual Satisfaction" (Johns Hopkins Press, 1999), the vibrator was developed to perfect and automate a function that doctors had long performed for their female patients: the relief of physical, emotional and sexual tension through external pelvic massage, culminating in orgasm. For doctors, the routine had usually been tedious, with about as much erotic content as a Kenneth Starr document. "Most of them did it because they felt it was their duty," Dr. Maines said in an interview. "It wasn't sexual at all."
The vibrator, she argues, made that job easy, quick and clean. With a vibrator in the office, a doctor could complete in seconds or minutes what had taken up to an hour through manual means. With a vibrator, a female patient suffering from any number of symptoms labeled "hysterical" or "neurasthenic" could be given relief -- or at least be pleased enough to guarantee her habitual patronage.
"I'm sure the women felt much better afterwards, slept better, smiled more," said Dr. Maines. Besides, she added, hysteria, as it was traditionally defined, was an incurable, chronic disease. "The patient had to go to the doctor regularly," Dr. Maines said. "She didn't die. She was a cash cow."
Nowadays, it is hard to fathom doctors giving their patients what Dr. Maines calls regular "vulvular" massage, either manually or electromechanically. But the 1899 edition of the Merck Manual, a reference guide for physicians, lists massage as a treatment for hysteria (as well as sulfuric acid for nymphomania). And in a 1903 commentary on treatments for hysterical patients, Dr. Samuel Howard Monell wrote that "pelvic massage (in gynecology) has its brilliant advocates and they report wonderful results."
But he noted that many doctors had difficulty treating patients "with their own fingers," and hailed the vibrator as a godsend: "Special applicators (motor driven) give practical value and office convenience to what otherwise is impractical."
Small wonder that by the turn of the 20th century, about 20 years after Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville patented the first electromechanical vibrator, there were at least two dozen models available to the medical profession. There were musical vibrators, counterweighted vibrators, vibratory forks, undulating wire coils called vibratiles, vibrators that hung from the ceiling, vibrators attached to tables, floor models on rollers and portable devices that fit in the palm of the hand.
A text from 1883 called "Health For Women" recommended the new vibrators for treating "pelvic hyperemia," or congestion of the genitalia. Vibrators were also marketed directly to women, as home appliances. In fact, the vibrator was only the fifth household device to be electrified, after the sewing machine, fan, tea kettle and toaster, and preceding by about a decade the vacuum cleaner and electric iron -- perhaps, Dr. Maines suggests, "reflecting consumer priorities."
Advertised in such respectable periodicals as Needlecraft, Woman's Home Companion, Modern Priscilla and the Sears, Roebuck catalog, vibrators were pitched as "aids that every woman appreciates," with the delicious promise that "all the pleasures of youth ... will throb within you."
Significantly, the vibrators and their accoutrements almost never took the form of the dildo, for the simple reason that vibrators were meant to be used externally. As a result, medically indicated massage therapy could be pitched as upstanding and asexual -- and less risque than the gynecologist's speculum, which came under heavy ethical fire when it was first introduced in the late 19th century.
Dr. Maines's investigations led her to conclude that doctors became the keepers of the female orgasm for several related reasons. To begin with, women have been presumed since Hippocrates' day, if not earlier, to suffer from some sort of "womb furie" -- the word "hysteria," after all, derives from uterus. The result was thought to be a spectacular assortment of symptoms, including lassitude, irritability, depression, confusion, palpitations of the heart, headaches, forgetfulness, insomnia, muscle spasms, stomach upsets, writing cramps, ticklishness and weepiness.
Who better to treat the wayward female than a physician, and where better to address his ministrations than toward the general area of her rebellious female parts?
Dr. Maines also proposes that women historically have suffered from a lack of sexual satisfaction -- that they needed somebody's help to have the orgasms they were not having in the bedroom. By the tenets of what she calls the "androcentric" model of sex, women were supposed to be satisfied by the motions of heterosexual intercourse -- the missionary position and its close proxies.
Yet as many studies have shown, at least two-thirds of women fail to reach orgasm through coitus alone, Dr. Maines said. As a result, she said, many women historically may have spent their lives in an orgasm deficit, without necessarily identifying it as such. At the same time, religious edicts against masturbation discouraged women from self-exploration. "In effect," she writes, "doctors inherited the task of producing orgasm in women because it was a job nobody else wanted."
Vibrators are still widely available, of course -- unless you happen to live in Alabama, Georgia and Texas, where state legislatures have banned the sale of vibrators and other "sex toys." The American Civil Liberties Union is now vigorously challenging the Alabama statute. If Alabama permits the prescribing of the anti-impotence drug Viagra, the ACLU argues, how dare it tell women that they can't have their own electromechanical prescription for joy?
I hope this article, brought to you by Her Private Pleasures -- bodywork with a sensual touch for women in New York -- has helped you learn a little bit more about the history of the vibrating massager and female orgasm. Please drop me a line if you have questions or would like to share your experiences.
In the History of Gynecology, a Surprising Chapter
Bodywork with a Sensual Touch for Women in New York
The standard textbook description of female excitation and orgasm goes like this. A prolonged period of arousal, a plateau, orgasm proper, and resolution. The same can be identified in men.
Major studies which are still often quoted are those of Kinsey and of Masters and Johnson who tackled the sensitive topic of female sexuality in what was effectively the dark ages of the post-war 20th century.
In the excitement phase, often induced by thought alone, involves the following set of processes:
The nipples typically become erect and the clitoris also becomes turgid and it expands a little (though not much), and this may result in it becoming a bit more visible in some women with medium to large ones. Clitoral erection, more properly called tumescence, is due to increased arterial blood flow to the clitoris and reduced venous drainage and so is essentially identical to the process of penile erection but the degree of expansion is much less and involves little change in length, though the change in thickness and turgidity of the long clitoral shaft is very easily appreciated.
Increasing heart rate and blood pressure, and increasing genital blood flow also result in gradual expansion of the inner and outer labia and vaginal lubrication. Vaginal lubrication results mostly from a process called transudation that is, the increased blood flow (vasocongestion) of the vaginal wall causes blood and lymphatic fluids to be forced through the tissue into the vagina where it appears as a lot of tiny sweat-like drops on the vaginal walls. Additional vaginal lubrication comes from the cervix which is well-supplied with mucous glands. The amount and thickness of a woman¹s vaginal lubrication may well depend on her stage in the menstrual cycle primarily because of the changes in the cervical mucus.
There is also lubrication of the inner lips resulting from glandular secretions from the mucous membranes and possibly from the Skene¹s glands (paraurethral glands) that open at two small, sometimes quite visible, pores, one on either side of the urethral opening (at 5 and 7 o'clock if the genitals are arranged with clitoris at 12 o'clock).
As the arousal continues, the swelling of the labia causes the inner lips to part and spread outwards thus making the opening of the vagina more obvious. The increased blood flow causes the woman¹s genitals to change colour, from flesh tones to at least pinkish, but in women who have had children (it isn¹t clear if pregnancy alone causes this or childbirth is important) the colour change can be more extreme and her genitals can become almost a deep wine red.
The colour of the vaginal walls also changes in the same way, and internally the vaginal cavity expands and the inner two thirds can form a rather large space; evolutionarily this is probably to produce a cavity in which sperm will be kept in close proximity to the cervix and not simply run out after the male has shed his load. On the other hand, the outer third of the vagina becomes tighter due to the increased blood flow to the region. Internally the positions of the uterus moves causing the vagina to elongate, and the position of the cervix changes collectively these changes in the internal vaginal arrangement are often referred to as "tenting." Late in the excitement phase the breasts are reported to swell, though it is hard to find detailed measurements.
The plateau is the final phase of excitement when basically all excitement parameters are at max and she is waiting to get herself over the edge, usually focusing her thoughts very much on her genitals or other arousing things. At this time spontaneous contractions of the anal sphincter, and muscles in the upper legs and pelvic region are common, and increased semi-involuntary movements of the hips usually indicates the imminence of orgasm.
The orgasm is a pulsatile event with strong feelings of pleasure centered around the genitalia and a demanding pushing feeling. In women this is usually indicated visibly a series of contractions in the vaginal-anal area which occur at about once every 0.8 seconds approx. and by a "sex flush" which is a rapid change in skin colour of the chest (breasts and area between them up to the neck and face) resulting from an increase in cutaneous blood flow. The rate of perineal contractions may vary from woman to woman, and certainly not all contractions in an orgasmic series are evenly spaced, the first usually being relatively long.
Internally, a lot more is going on, and videos of the inside of the vagina during orgasm show the cervix is very active and with each contraction it pushes down and "drinks" up semen from the puddle that would be there after a normal copulation so evolutionarily it only makes sense for the woman to come after the man has and only to do so if she wants to get pregnant by him! There are also waves of contractions of the uterus which are stimulated by the orgasmic surge in the hormone oxytosin. During orgasm the woman's blood pressure and heart rate increase considerably and she often does staccato breathing and may vocalise though this may be both voluntary and involuntary depending on the individual. Some hold their breath. Many also show spastic contractions of muscles in the hands and feet causing curling of toes.
Much of the literature about female orgasm reports that during orgasm the clitoris retracts under the clitoral hood. This obviously comes from the studies of Kinsey and others. However, none of the hundreds of videos of real orgasm shown here is this visible. Also, given that the clitoris is composed of spongiform tissue without skeletal muscle, it is hard to see how this could be achieved mechanically as it certainly does not detumesce during orgasm.
The Bartholin's glands (greater vestibular glands) which open just outside the vaginal opening produce a small amount of mucus (just a few drops) and this seems to be secreted just before orgasm. It may be involved in making the chemistry of the vagina less hostile to sperm.
After orgasm many women cannot bear continued direct stimulation of the clitoris and/or vulva (and even the breasts in some) and so pass into a resolution phase, but if the stimulation is maintained at a low level until the sensitivity subsides, avoiding direct clitoral contact, quite a lot of women can have a second or even numerous extra orgasms after the first one, separated by a minute or so. After a few orgasms it seems that clitoral sensitivity subsides and continued stimulation is possible. Possibly multi-orgasmicity is not universal in women, though it is likely that the painful, post-orgasmic sensitivity of the clitoris puts many off trying. In men it is possible but is exceedingly rare.
In early resolution there may be one or more infrequent contractions of the perineal muscles and anal sphincter that feel pleasurable (often referred top as aftershocks), but basically this is a time when the swelling of the breast and genitals slowly subsides over a period of many minutes (often about 20 mins). Failure to reach orgasm after reaching plateau can be very uncomfortable for some women because there has been no trigger to start the vascular decongestion of the genitals.
Sensual Genital Yoni Massage for Women
Bodywork with a Sensual Touch for Women in New York
Sensual genital massage employs many of the same techniques as traditional massage, but takes things a step further. Usually given between consensual sexual partners, sensual massage involves stimulation of the genitals and often ends with an orgasmic response.
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