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Sperm XL Formula




I bought this awhile ago but I wanted it to give it some time to work before I actually reviewed it. My husband and I are TTC and it hasnt been as easy for us as it is for others . Although my husbands numbers are not low, they are borderline average (there are also some issues on my side). We decided to buy these to give it a shot and help our chances. He took them religiously for about 3 months (which is the amount of time they say it takes to work bc sperm regenerates every 3 months). We noticed that not only did his numbers increase, but also the motility improved (his sperm was monitored monthly thru IUIs). I did fall pregnant within those 3 months but the pregnancy did not stick. We kind of lost hope after our loss and he stopped taking the pills. In April I had an IUI and we noticed that since he stopped taking the pills, his numbers dropped dramatically. He started taking them immediately after we realized this. Well, we just had an IUI last week and his numbers QUADRUPLED! He did absolutely nothing different other than taking these pills and he had 1 acupuncture session. That was it; his diet did not change and he rarely works out. We are still waiting for the results of this IUI but we are still amazed that the pills helped him so quickly and so radically in just 1 month of taking them again. Highly recommend.
SpermXL has been scientifically developed to assist in the natural improvement of sperm count and mobility.
Ingredients in the SpermXL's proprietary formulation may enhance overall male healthy function.
Key markers are the enhancement and restoration of healthy sperm count per ejaculate and improved sperm mobility guided to the desired target.*
SpermXL has been scientifically developed to assist in the natural improvement of sperm count and mobility.
Ingredients in the SpermXL's proprietary formulation may enhance overall male healthy function.
Key markers are the enhancement and restoration of healthy sperm count per ejaculate and improved sperm mobility guided to the desired target.*
SpermXL is a revolutionary supplement and may naturally
contribute to enhanced sperm count. click here
Click on the links below to learn about how each ingredient in Sperm XL
is beneficial to male fertility, both sperm health and improved libido.
Click on the links below to learn about how each ingredient in Sperm XL
is beneficial to male fertility, both sperm health and improved libido.
Sperm XL addresses the #1 cause of infertility in men. Many people choosing to start a family run into fertility issues. Up to 15 percent of couples are infertile. This means they aren't able to conceive a child, even though they've had frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer. In over a third of these couples, male infertility plays a role.
Male infertility is due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices and other factors can play a role in causing male infertility.
Sperm XL addresses the #1 cause of infertility in men. Many people choosing to start a family run into fertility issues. Up to 15 percent of couples are infertile. This means they aren't able to conceive a child, even though they've had frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer. In over a third of these couples, male infertility plays a role.
Male infertility is due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices and other factors can play a role in causing male infertility.
Sperm Count –Sperm count can be important if you’re trying to conceive a child. An abnormal sperm count may also indicate an underlying health condition.
A normal sperm count ranges from 15 million sperm to more than 200 million sperm per milliliter (mL) of semen. Anything less than 15 million sperm per milliliter, or 39 million sperm per ejaculate, is considered low. A low sperm count is often referred to as oligospermia. A high, or above average, sperm count is over 200 million sperm per millimeter.
Motility - Sperm motility refers to the movement and swimming of sperm. Poor sperm motility means that the sperm do not swim properly, which can lead to male infertility. Poor sperm motility is also known as asthenozoospermia.
Morphology - sperm morphology, in the context of a semen analysis, refers to the size and shape of the sperm in a given semen sample. You want at least 4% of sperm to be a normal shape. Otherwise, you could have fertility problems because of abnormal sperm morphology.
My husband and I had trouble conceiving our first child and it took us 16 months. During that time we found out my husband has low sperm motility. After trying to conceive our second child for 11 months, we decided to try Sperm XL. After our first full cycle of him taking it we were able to conceive. My husband and I would highly recommend this to anyone having difficulty conceiving due to sperm count/motility.
2. Sperm count, motility and morphology way up!
This supplement is great. It was recommended by my doctor and we were pregnant within two months of my husband starting it.
4. I think Sperm XL helped me get my wife pregnant
I was skeptical about this product so I start reading the comments and reviews thought I'd give it a try me and my wife been trying over 2 years to conceive and no luck. We went to a facility to help us out with infertility to find out that she's pregnant I really believe this product help us conceive
OMG thank you for this supplement. We have been ttc for 5 years. Recently had all the infertility tests found out it I was fine and it was on his end MFI He wasnt infertile but sub-fertile. I already had him on the basic multivitamin but two months after I put him on Sperm XL I got a BFP on his birthday. Thank you so much for this product, It works. Next month we had agreed if I didnt get a bfp he would go back for a repeat SA to see if his sperm improved. Didnt need to schedule that appointment.
Tried to get pregnant for about 4 months and got impatient so I bought these magic pills, took them 3 times a day for about 2 weeks after my honeymoon I found out my wife was pregnant. Could be coincidence but I've read to many reviews that thought the same I just think these things give you super sperm!
This product really does work. We was trying for 4 years. We've done had 2 ivf and 6 iui which all failed. We tried this pill but believe me when the doctor said we will not be able to get pregnant on our own. Not even a full month on tpre product and we are now pregnant with our first child. We didn't even used the entire bottle before we found out.
My wife and I tried to conceive for 13 months and nothing. She was so heartbroken. She thought that she was infertile but in the back of mind I thought it was me. We were even looking into to IVF. A close friend recommended Sperm XL. I started taking this and 3 months later we found out she was pregnant. We are going to the hospital on Dec 3rd and I will finally get to meet my son! Give it a shot, eat healthy (a lot of leafy greens, salmon and mixed nuts) and exercise.
Me and my wife were trying for over a year, maybe closer to two. We tried Preseed, as well as other products seeing if anything would help. My wife also has PCOS which complicated things, making it even more difficult. In addition to her taking Clomid for multiple months, I decided to give this a shot. I kid you not, after about the first week of using this supplement, we got pregnant. She's now currently working on 30 weeks and is due in October. I was skeptical and ready to try anything and everything. This supplement really helped us.
2.5 years of trying. I started taking this regularly about three months ago and finally had success. I truly feel that these were a major factor in making it happen! Thank you Sperm XL!!
So, for our first child, at ages 25 and 26, after 7 months of trying we decided to try these pills as i was already taking all sorts of things and nothing had worked. After 2 months, i was pregnant, and had a perfect baby who is now almost 3. Second time around, we had been trying for 15 months!!! After 14 months we went to a fertility specialist, who did every test on me and found nothing wrong, but found that my husband has extremely bad sperm... 4million/mL, 30% motility, 0% good morphology.... Now, this was only a month after he had had a bad fever for about 10 days, so that certainly might have made the situation worse, but no way the fever brought a normal sperm count down this low (i've done a lot of research on this)... so clearly the problem all along has been him. The doc said we needed IVF with ICSI to conceive. I got him taking these pills ASAP to give the IVF the best chance, along with omega3s and vitamin C. He also gave up coffee. ONE MONTH LATER, i got pregnant naturally!! I am now 5.5 weeks and all looks good. The doc knew nothing about these pills. You've just got to believe they had a big part in getting pregnant (twice!) after so many months of trying.
We tried for 7 cycles with no luck, my husband took these and 6 weeks later we were pregnant!
14. Thought these were a hoax but it worked!
Wow.. This stuff actually works. We tried to conceive for almost a year, went to a fertility specialist and ended up having to do in vitro because of male infertility (low motility and form). Our fertility doc mentioned that he has seen some results with spermxl, but I didn't really beleive him. We had twins with in vitro. They are almost two now. We started using spermxl about 4 or 5 months ago combined with a diet heavy in vegetables and fruit and some au natural personal care items (i.e. deoderant without aluminum, shampoo and body wash without laurel sulfate, etc.). I am now pregnant, by some miracle- aka spermxl, with no help and no in vitro. Crazy that it actually worked. We just saved so much money by not having to do in vitro and I will not have to go through in vitro- so grateful!!!
After my husband was told he had a low sperm count we were very concerned that getting pregnant would be a long road for us. After 9 months of trying I ordered SpermXL hoping it would boost his count. Two months later we were pregnant. Our little girl is now two weeks old. There is no way of knowing how much this supplement helped but I won't hesitate to order it again when we start trying for our second.
Me and my husband have been trying to get pregnant over 2 years now!! I went to the dr and everything was fine with me!! Hubby went and had a semen analysis done Oct 2,2015 and was diagnosed with severe low sperm count and also morphology!! I was heartbroken!! I decided to look up stuff to help with his issues and came across this product!! I read the reviews and saw it worked for a lot of ppl!! So we decided to give it a try!! My husband started taking sperm xl, count boost and motility boost on Oct 14,2015!! I am due to ovulate in the next week or two so I'm really praying this product is helping his count and we get our bfp soon!!
17. Not sure if this is help or placebo effect...
not sure if this actually help or was placebo but after I took Sperm XL we are now expecting.
18. It Worked! Preggo with Baby Boy!
I would like to say we bought this product about 6 months ago. And I wanted to wait to "see what happens" before I left a review. Sperm XL worked just like the majority of the other reviewers said. We were TTC for over 8 months, and I figured it couldn't hurt to try something before we move on the "doctors". We bought this product and my husband used it for only 2 weeks before my ovulation date, and I got pregnant. I am now 24 weeks pregnant with a boy! I don't have any "scientific" research to back up what happened or why it happened. It could have been just a coincidence. But I will definitely be ordering this product when we try again next, not going to wait the eight months. Good luck to all of you!
We got pregnant the first month with our first child. However, we've been trying for 16 MONTHS to get pregnant with a second child! I ordered these and my husband started taking them this month. We just found out last week that I'm pregnant! I think these made the difference!
Thanks for the fast delivery. Praying it works. I'll do an update review if it does
Purchase the product for my husband March 29 and today I'm sitting here 7 weeks pregnant 💖 🌸 he thought he could never have kids but here we are
The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
SpermXL is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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