Wide Hips Mature

Wide Hips Mature


Wide Hips Mature
Home 2019 March 18 Wide hips – is it a blessing or a curse?
“I realize everybody wants what they don’t have. But at the end of the day, what is on the inside is much more beautiful than what is on the outside.” Selena Gomez. Women with wide hips are envied by many. The likes of Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, and Jennifer Lopez have taken the wide hips craze to another level. Girls want to be them if not like them.
However, before you rush to do whatever you have to do to become a wide hipped girl, maybe you need to stop and think that the grass may not be entirely greener on the other side. It may seem a little obvious but to set the record straight, let us look at the meaning of wide hips.
How to tell if you have wide hips What do wide hips mean?
If you are wondering how to know if you have wide hips, there is a way. Measuring your hip to waist ratio will determine if you fall in the category of girls with wide hips or not.
Here are the steps to find out your hip size: First, on your outside hip, feel the part that is bony.
Place your tape measure around it and determine the measurement. This measurement is known as the hip girth.
Next, measure your waist area where the belly button lies. Divide the waist size by the hip girth.
The waist-to-hip ratio should be at most 0.85 for a woman. Otherwise, you are a woman with wide hips.
Do guys like wide hips? You bet they do. If you have extra wide hips, you are aware of all the attention that comes with them. Guys trip when they are trying to get a good glimpse of your wide hips from behind (with or without your knowledge.)
A lot of tension occurs when wide hipped babes are shaking their assets when walking past men who are in the company of their wives or girlfriends, then the man suddenly shifts all his attention to the wide hipped girls. Research has proven that a wide pelvis female is luckier when it comes to men compared to a girl with small hips.
The good, the bad and the ugly of wide hips You may be surprised that while most women love their big hips, others do not. I will give you both sides and let you take your stand on wide hips. Are big hips good? Why you should be proud of your wide hips
1. Girls with big hips are more intelligent According to research by the University of Oxford, omega 3 fats store up on hips and thighs, and these help in brain development making wider women smarter than their not so hippy counterparts.
2. Brace yourself up for intelligent children According to the same research, wide hipped women give birth to intelligent kids because the omega 3 fats are passed on to the baby.
3. A smooth ride in the maternity ward The strength of your hips will come in handy when you are ready to pop.
4. Effortless dancing With wide hips, you need not put any effort on the dance floor yet you will still attract most of the attention.
Out of 10, rate Senator Millicent Omanga's dancing pic.twitter.com/OWkJAHdm1m
5. Men will follow you like bees If you enjoy attention from the brothers, then your hips will do all the work for you.
6. Your hips create space for you You do not have to tell anyone to move over or get out of your space because they can already see that there is no space for them anyway.
7. You can do just anything with your hips, and it is convenient You can do a lot with wide hips. Close the fridge door, push people over, book two seats.
There are times, however, when you wish you could trade your wide hips even for a day. We must not undermine these struggles that a wide hipped girl faces:
1. The fashion industry does not seem to remember you exist There are limitless clothes for all other body shapes but finding something for you is an uphill task. Jeans do not fit, you rarely get an online order for clothes right, and nothing ever fits well. There are a few options on what to wear.
2. Sitting issues Plastic chairs are a nightmare as you will most often than not break them. You freak out when you get to a class or to the film theatre late and you have to take a middle seat, yet you know you will not fit well.
3. Sweating like crazy Your hips and thighs are always rubbing on each other, causing you to sweat and if you were wearing a short dress or mini skirt, it would be a challenge to want to walk where people are.
4. Too much attention and gossiping Whenever you pass on the streets, people stop and stare, and sometimes talk mean. Even male attention is tiring at times when you need some ‘you’ time.
5. Losing weight is an uphill task Many women with wide hips can testify that it is not easy to lose some of those hips when you want to.
Why do I have wide hips? The question: ‘why are my hips so wide?’ could be considered an unlikely question from a woman who society deems to have the ideal body. As we have seen, wide hips can be a blessing and a curse in equal measure. So, what causes wide hips? There are many reasons why your hips may be so full. So, why do females have wide hips?
1. Nature For one, you may have naturally wide hips because of the make of your pelvis.
2. Genetics Wide hips can be genetic. In such a case, there is nothing much you can do to change that (if you want to.) On the other hand, other not so pleasant factors may cause you to have wide hips. You can ‘create’ your wide hips by how you live and what you eat.
3. Intake of high-calorie foods Did you know that most of the fat that we accumulate as women collects on the hips? Now you know. If you are a love of sugary junk foods such as ice cream, cakes, and cookies, starchy foods, greasy foods such as fries, and a die-hard for bacon, burgers, and the like which contain unprocessed meat, then brace yourself for wider hips and thighs.
4. Lack of or inadequate physical activity If your work or routine forces you to spend most of your time seated, then you will accumulate a lot of weight. Again, if you are always on the couch all day watching ‘Shrek’ while munching on packets and packets of popcorn, then you are doomed to have an unhealthy build-up of fats in your body. In this case picking up hobbies such as walking, jogging, swimming, or dancing will help you lose calories and keep your body in check.
5. Age As you age, you lose muscle. Muscle uses the energy stored up in fat cells even when you are resting. Less muscle means more fat accumulation. When you are much older, it is more difficult to lose weight when you gain it.
6. Menopause When you reach menopause, your body undergoes hormonal changes that cause you to gain weight around your hips and belly.
7. Low water intake To many, it sounds like a myth, but water intake does determine how much weight you accumulate. When you take less water, waste products are not eliminated from the body, resulting in weight gain and accumulation of fats. Sufficient water intake removes toxins and reduces fat mass and extra wide hips.
8. When your thyroid system fails The thyroid hormone from the thyroid regulates the rate of fat breakdown. Metabolism rate slows when the thyroid is not functioning correctly, leading to fat accumulation. In this case, visit a doctor.
9. Medical conditions You may be bedridden, have a fractured bone or limb that ties you to a chair all day limiting your ability to work out. In this case, you can choose to eat healthy and do minor hand and leg exercises while at it.
So, you fall into any of the 7 categories that could explain your wide hips, and you want to lose them. How do you go about it? Here is how: 1. Avoid spot treatment and use natural ways to lose fat It is tempting to get a quick fix such as the use of herbs to get to the shape you want, but in the long run, you will regain all the weight you had lost and more—faster. Instead, opt for natural means of weight loss that have much lasting effects.
These include: Restricting calorie intake You can lose 1-2 pounds weekly if you reduce calorie intake and exercise. Eat healthy Fruits, vegetables and legumes should be the best friend of wide hips women. They are low-calorie, and they keep you feeling full longer. Eat small portions every 1-2 hours instead of eating all the food at a go.
Liquid calories are your worst enemy Every time you are thirsty, you are tempted to grab any drink available, oblivious of what it could do to your hips. Tea, coffee, alcohol, sodas, and fruit juices are not the savior you think they are.
Exercise Strength training for specific body parts, squats and lounges are perfect exercises for women with large hips. Combine these with some running, swimming, jogging or cycling for your cardiovascular benefit. Spare at least an hour a day to exercise.
Yoga is also good for weight loss around specific body areas, so take those yoga classes if you can.
2. Apply extra virgin coconut oil Coconut has medium chain fatty acids that are easily absorbed in the cells and converted into energy for quick use. Cooking using coconut oil lowers your appetite which is healthy for you.
3. Intake of apple cider vinegar Vinegar has essential minerals such as calcium and potassium which get rid of wastes. Vinegar also breaks down fats and prevents their accumulation. Wide hips are not as bad as they may seem to some. They come with immense benefits.
If you have them, love them. For women with big hips who are uncomfortable, lose them if you can. Eventually, what matters is what make you happy, comfortable, and content. Disclaimer: All the information contained in this article is not implied or intended to be a substitute for any professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content including text, images, graphics, and information contained on or available through this page is for general information purposes only.
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Kim Kardashian Looking sexy in a Black High Waist Thong Bikini
Just Love Kim Kardashian in a String Bikini
Kim Kardashian in a One Piece Thong Monokini – Wow
Mariah Carey Bikini Perfect at Age 50
Mariah Carey Rocks Her Bikini Curves
Katie Green Bandeau Bikini -Stunning
Lexi-Placourakis looks sensational in this sexy black sheer bikini
Iskra Lawrence | High Waist Thong Bikini
Kim Kardashian | High Waist Cheeky Bikini
Ashley relaxing in a Purple String Bikini
Ashley Strolling Down the Beach Looking Stunning
Ashley Graham String Thong Bikini “Perfect”
Ashley Graham at Her Curvaceous Best
Ashley Graham Showing Off her Knockout Figure in the Surf
Ashley G. Wearing a Sizzling String Print Bikini
Ashley Graham One of The Sexiest Women on Earth
Tabria Majors showing off her beautiful feminine curves, so sexy in this Brazilian bikini style
Catherine Li could stop time in this sexy plus Colombian bikini
Ashley Graham, what can we say except breathtaking
Iskra Lawrence looks sensational in this side tie Brazilian scoop bikini
Iskra Lawrence loves her Colombian bikinis, this is a perfect cut for Iskra, simply gorgeous
Here again is Iskra Lawrence showing off her perfect curves
Carmen Fozzard Looking HOT in this sexy scoop Colombian style bikini
Ashley Graham looks sensational in this red thong swimsuit
Ashley Graham in a red Baywatch inspired one piece thong swimsuit
Stephanie Viada looks sensational in this sexy thong bikini
Stephanie Viada in a string thong bikini
Ashley Graham looks so sexy in this white sheer one piece thong swimsuit
Ashley Graham in a white one piece high thigh thong swimsuit
Tabria Majors a bikini bombshell for sure
You have to love the beauty of Stephanie Viada in this orange sport thong
Stephanie Viada Black thong bikini.
Iskra Lawrence Looks Sensational in the this two piece cheeky plus size thong bikini
Iskra Lawrence looks great in this Cheeky Pink High Waist Mid Thigh Bikini
Ashley Graham rocks in this Full Coverage, High Waist, Low Cut Bikini
Stephanie Viada wearing a high waist, high cut bikini looking oh so sexy
This sexy sheer G-string bikini has a whole new […]
Wraparound High Fashion Hot Pink Thong Bikini […]
This ultra sexy high cut bikini with a sizzling […]
The following questions will be answered in this post
What Bikinis look best on women with wide hips?
What style of bikini looks best with thick thighs?
So, you are lucky enough to have some hips and thighs. Well you are the woman that the bikini was originally designed for so consider yourself lucky because if you make a quick visit to your local gym women are literally working on increasing the size of their hips and thighs through extreme weight lifting using specialized exercises that are designed to increase the size of both their hips and thighs. Believe it or not, success on these workout routines is based on the amount of size they can add to their booty, hips and thighs.
Full disclosure, we were on a photo shoot in Mexico last fall “Oct. 2019” doing our shoots for swim 2020. We were sitting at a huge table having lunch and this extremely nice woman came over and asked if she could join us. During our conversation, she asked this exact question, Look at my hips and thighs. What kind of bikini would work for me? She was visibly frustrated and discouraged. I laughed and said we can fix you up. We invited her to spend the afternoon with us, let her try a couple of designs and took some photos for her to take home. She left with a whole new outlook and confidence.
Before we get into details, keep in mind, many major models are making millions of dollars a year showing off their sexy wide hips and curvaceous thighs in teeny tiny swimsuits. Take a look at Kim Kardashian! Kim brings to the table a beautiful curved bikini body and there is no shortage of hips on this girl, she has thick thighs and booty and is in high demand for photo shoots at the age of 40 all because of her thighs, booty and hips.
Or how about Iskra Lawrence who is a size 14 super model from Worcester, England. Iskra has earned herself international fame from her swimwear and lingerie modelling career with Instagram followers in the millions. Iskra doesn’t hide a thing and she has a rule that when she models her photos are not allowed to be touched up or modified in any way. This is the real girl, and she has the hips and thighs to prove it
Here is another celebrity that is not afraid to show off her beautiful curves. Mariah Carey loves the beach and her bikinis. Let’s also keep in mind she is 50 years old and loves to show off those stunning hips and thighs.
Well Katie Green is another plus sized model who has made it her life to set examples of body image for women. She was told by her modelling agency she had to lose weight if she wanted to continue working with Wonder Bra. She refused saying “I like myself exactly how I am”…Nobody can say that Katie is less than breathtaking.
If you go online and read 95% of the posts about bikini styles for wide hips, they are going to show you some resemblance to the bikini to the left, it typically has a high waist line, low cut thighs full lining and worst of all, the fitted seams around both the waist line and thigh openings are typically elastic not fitted elastic. Really…….REALLY, being a woman, this offends me. At this point I say STOP. STOP RIGHT HERE. LET’S BACK THIS TRUCK UP!
Now if this sort of bikini suits your style, all good, but I myself am a thicker woman and I personally do not want to wear this style of bikini. I need more. This is why we chose to start this article with a few examples of women wearing different options to this style of swimsuit.
I know if you follow our blog you have heard this line a thousand times but we are going to say it again “ITS ABOUT BALANCE” you need to take an honest look at your body and decide is your upper torso meaning your bust area wider or larger than your hips, are your hips wider than your bust region or are you thicker in the middle.
Now if you have read to this point, you are probably wondering why we put all of these celebrities in here as examples, yes they are curvy; yes they have hips, thicker thighs and booty. I think we can all agree they are all beautiful women all wearing bikinis on the beach. Now the one thing we wanted you to notice which you probably did not was the fact they are all wearing different styles of bikinis. Some are in thongs, high waist bottoms while others prefer triangle string bikinis or even a banded waist.
We bet you did not even notice and that was our point. So now let’s get down to the detail of all these different styles and why the work.
Our first example was Kim Kardashian wearing a high waist black thong bikini. with a string top. In this case Kim’s bust matches her hips so everything is in balance. This style of bikini bottom offers a number of positive attributes.
This style is super sexy on all figure types, sizes and shapes but is especially sexy on women with wider hips, thicker thighs and a tummy. It works with a woman’s curves not against them. The added bonus is that the waist band can be folded down to suit any figure for a perfect fit.
Below are photos of Iskra Lawrence and Kim Kardashian respectively wearing a high waist thong bikini.
Above can be seen Kim Kardashian, Mariah Carey and Lexi Placourakis, all wearing string bikinis. In all three examples we see stunning women all with thicker body types but different attributes looking simply sensational.
The string bikini is in a category all on its own. Yes, the string bikini is tiny but do not, and we stress do not underestimate the slimming capabilities of this bikini. Depending on where you wear the strings on your hips, this tiny two piece swimsuit can be to say the least mystifying.
Again here is a tiny swimsuit overlooked by so many women yet really should be their go to bikini.
In this case we think that Ashley Graham is probably the best example of how a string bikini works with a woman’s curves not against them. Notice she wears her strings high on her hips which smooths and balances things out. In the nine photos below of Ashley, you can get an idea of what a string bikini can look like.
Thought we would share one more photo of Ashley, but this time she is wearing her string bikini ties horizontal to her hip line instead of on top of her hips. This is a perfect example of the difference that changing something as simple as a bikini string can change the perception of a body part. In this photo, her hips look exceptionally wider than any of the photos above. Now with this said, still breathtaking but a different look.
Here we have another option that again offers a completely different appearance but just as sexy. The Brazilian or Colombian bikini styles sit high on the hips, typically has a scoop front, in some cases a deep scoop or even a “V” shape. It also typically offers full coverage of the buttock region. Many styles also offer a scrunch back feature that is also quite appealing. This bikini again will elongate the thighs, lengthen your torso, smooth out your tummy and give a slender look to your central section. It’s a real game changer for many women, and I we can assure you 99% of women’s partners that have thicker thighs, wider hips and buttocks will approve.
Ah yes the thong bikini. The thong bikini has caused more controversy then the original release of the two piece bikini decades ago. For the plus woman with wider hips and thicker thighs, why not? It’s the perfect design that really embraces a woman’s beauty. The days of the thin woman wearing a bikini and being the desired body type are long gone. The problem is that there are still pockets or we prefer to call them potholes of society that have not caught up. Take for example the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. This magazine is one of the most sought after magazine issues and has not only embraced the plus size woman but encourages it. Sports Illustrated has featured models in the plus category for years for example Tara Lynn,
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